Part 15

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"where are they going?..."ragini muttered in kavita's ear.there were few bags placed in mid of hall and lucky was checking one of them.

"sir didn't told me anything..."kavita said sadly.

"why should he tell you anything?..."ragini asked with narrowed eyes.kavita shakes her head vigorously.

"thank God they came...ragini go bring things i had kept on bed."lucky said in busy tone.ragini crossed her arms over chest and looked at him with one lifted eye brow.

"please ....bhai is very punctual.....i don't want to hear his scoldings."lucky said in pleading voice.ragini smiles at his pleading and walked toward his room.others left to their respective partners look.

"here..."ragini said throwing it on couch.lucky throw daggers at her.

"now go and pack your own bags..."

"why should i pack my clothes...."ragini asked,putting hands on her waist.

"i am going so you have to come also..."lucky said shrugging his shoulder.ragini stares at his bent position.

"i am not coming..."ragini snapped at him.lucky put bag down and turn toward her completely.

"you are are my maid.if you will not come who will do my works there?"lucky said,pulling her cheek in funny way.

"you can't say NO...its your owner go otherwise i will go orphanage"lucky said smirking devilishly.

ragini looks at him angrily as wanted to burn him then and there.

"i know i am very handsome but stare me later"lucky said and again tried to pull her swollen cheeks but she jerks it and leaves.


"where are you  going?"kavita asked in snapping tone from sahil.

"we are going..."sahil corrects her.

"where are we going?...."kavita asked getting excited.

"we have a farmhouse out of city.....bhai had got few leaves so we thought to go there."sahil said then glares at her.

"instead of asking your stupid me."

kavita nodded and start giving him things which he was asking.


"bhai!!!!...."karan shouted but stopped seeing kavya standing at door,looking around with wide eyes.

"what are you doing?...'kavya asked in confused voice,not able to understand what was he trying to do.there was not a single cloth in bag but whole room was covered with his clothes.

"kavya please help karan in packing.."sanskar said,seeing her in his room and turned around quickly and left.karan checks his pockets,takes out gloves and wear them.

"you can't pack your bags..."kavya asked,picking dozen from floor and put it on bed.

"bhai always do this...i have no idea what things i should take."karan explained her,his bad condition.

"why he do all this....are you a baby?"kavya said in light mocking voice.

"i am not a baby!!!..."karan said in irritated voice.kavya chuckled,seeing him like that.

"alla baby don't cry..."kavya teases him.karan snatches clothes from her hand,their hand touched each other but karan was wearing gloves.

"don't you dare slap me...i am wearing these"karan said quickly before she can slap him.kavya didn't said anything and try to snatch clothes back.

"give me are wasting time."

"i will do need of your help.thank you very much."

" i can see how you were doing it."kavya said,snatched clothes and put it on bag and throw daggers at him.


"i will not come with you."swara said firmly,making sanskar look at her.

"you were fine in morning what happened to you now?"sanskar asked holding her from arms.swara tried to jerk his hands but sanskar holds her firmly.

"i want to go orphanage...."swara said through gritted teeth.sanskar stares at her face deeply.swara stares back at him with empty eyes.

"why you don't let people come close to you."sanskar asked in deep voice,still staring at her.swara turns her face away,not bothering to give him answer.

sanskar makes her look at him by keeping hand on her cheek.

"you can't hide yourself behind this emotionless face."sanskar said,looking in her eyes.while their faces were mere inches apart.

"i am like this.."swara said with full confidence.

"stop lying to others and to yourself....i had seen a caring girl last night"sanskar said with smile.

"i will not come..."swara said and jerks his hand down from her face and struggle to free her arms.sanskar holds her both hands and pull her close to his chest.

"you have no other choice....remember your dear orphanage is at stake."

swara looks at him angrily,cursing him in mind.

"you should avoid to look at him with this angry face....i feel to kiss you."sanskar whispered in her ear and plant a soft kiss on her cheek and leaves her.

"now go and pack your things quickly."sanskar said,seeing her freezed in her place.

swara clentched her fists,stamp her foot angrily and went toward her room,rubbing her cheek.sanskar chuckles at her antics.



Girls jump down from jeep and look at house.they were mesmerized seeing was medium size house and was covered with trees all was giving warming look.

"i am so tired...such a long journey."kavita said,yawning.they looked at each other and twitched their nose.they had not forgot the fight of night.ragini,swara and kavita stuck their tounge out at each other and they went inside the house.

"what's wrong with them?'kavya shakes her head.

"what the much bags.did we come here for life time?"lucky asked,seeing bags.

"kavita which one is your?"sahil asked in confused voice and turned back.

"where she went."sahil muttered to himself.

"how will we know which bag belonged to whom?"karan asked,scratching his head.

"these colorful bags is of swara."sanskar said,thinking about swara's painting.

"these pink must be of kavita...she loves every series there are two pink dresses"sahil said chuckling.

"i think this black one is of kavya..."karan said in confused tone.

"no one will pick their bags....they will pick themselves."lucky said in firm voice.all look at him then shake their heads,picks bags and left.

"my brothers have lost their brains in love...but i will not take this with me.she is already so arrogant."lucky said,shaking his head.


"you like blue color?"lucky asked,throwing her bag on couch and falls down on bed beside her.ragini looks at him with raised eyebrows.

"what are you doing here?...leave i am sleepy"

"there are only four rooms so we have to share it...."lucky said with closed eyes.

"what!!!!!...."ragini screamed,making lucky jerks up.he looks at her with scared eyes.

"i can't share room with you"ragini said shaking her head side to side.

"why?.."lucky asked,confusingly.

"because i don't trust you..."ragini said,shwoing him eyes.

"what you think of yourself..Miss India?....thousand girls like you revolves around me.i don't give a dam to you."lucky said and push her back from forehead.

ragini rubs her forehead,throwing daggers at him.

"i will sleep have problem go and sleep on couch"lucky said and again lay down on bed.

'you will sleep on couch..'ragini said and push him.lucky falls down from bed.

"this is my bed....madam"lucky shouted at her face,sitting on bed again.both start fighting,trying to make each other fall from bed.


kavita blinks at sahil several time then picks up pillows and keep them in mid of bed and lay down on bed facing other side.sahil looks at wall of pillow and sighed heavily,picks up empty jug and went out.

he was going toward kitchen when he saw karan sleeping on couch in hall.

"karan why are you sleeping here?"sahil asked worriedly.

"kavya is sleeping in room....she will feel uncomfortable therefore"karan said with sheepish smile.sahil shuffle his hair,laughing and went toward kitchen.kavya who had come there for work,turned back and leaves.


"you can sleep on bed...i have no problem"sanskar said hiding his smile,swara throw daggers at him then removes badsheet from bed.

She put badsheet on marble floor and lay down on it,keeping head on arm.

"good idea...we should not spend our lives with so much comfort"sanskar said lying down beside her on floor.swara's eyes widened.she tried to move back but sanskar holds her hand and pulls her above him.

"floor is too cold for her"sanskar just thought.

"go and sleep on bed."swara said and tried to come out from ironed grip.she was sick of his habit of pulling close.

"you arew such a chipku..."swara said throigh gritted teeth and keeps head on his chest.

"you like it..."sanskar said in chuckling voice.

"No i don't..."swara said.she pinched on his shoulder and raised her head to throw daggers at him

" like it when i hug you like this."sanskar said,sliding hair strand away from her face.swara opens her mouth to retort back but sanskar keep finger on her lips.

"Ssshhh! lie too much.but you are forgetting i am a police inspector and its my duty to catch lie"sanskar said.both shares long romantic eyelock.swara comes in her senses after a long time and keeps head on his chest and close eyes.trying to stop rubbish thoughts of her mind.

sanskar also put his head on floor and close his eyes.


Swara opens her eyes and blinks twice to recognise the place.she gets up and yawn,keeping hand on mouth.

"where is he?..."one thought came in her mind but she shruggs and walks toward terrace.she smiles seeing falling drops of rain.she forward her both hands and drops starts falls on her palms.

"Good morning..'sanskar whispered in her ear.swara jerks back and looks at him with sacred wide eyes.sanskar smiles seeing innocent scared eyes.

"nice morning...isn't it"sanskar said,looking out while taking sip from his black coffee.swara takes one step toward room but sanskar holds her hand.

"you were enjoying rain when i came here..what are you leaving now?"sanskar asked in annoyed tone.

"i don't like are mistaken"swara said,avoiding eyes,trying to hide vulunrebity from his.sanskar release a deep sigh,put cup on small round table near him and pulled swara back at her place.he back hugged her and extend her one hand with his down it.

everything happened in blink of seconds.swara looks at his face,so close to her then looks out.rain drops were making their hands wet.

swara giggled,feeling tiklish.swara throw water on sanskar face.he closed his eyes.swara laughed loudly.sanskar looks at her face and missed his many hearbeats seeing her laughing.

swara feels his heated stare and stops laighing at once and again looks out with red cheeks.

"if i didn't made you fall for me then my name is not sanskar"sanskar thoughts starring at her flawless face.

"Swara!!!!....come down.let's have a match"ragini shouted,jumping in rain.

"leave me..."swara whispered,not looking at his face.sanskar kiss on her cheek and steps back.

"you can't kiss me like this?..."swara said in irritated voice,rubbing her cheeks.

"your friends are calling you..."sanskar said laughing lightly.swara wanted to break his head but think to do that later.

she runs outside and girls start match.sanskar stands in terrace,looking down at their match.

"match without me.."lucky said and takes footable from ragini's hand.

kavita takes footable from his hand when he was teasing ragini.

"not a chance..."sahil pulled kavita's cheek and takes footable from.kavita pouts.kavya takes footable from his hand and laughed.karan pats on kavya's shoulder from back and takes footable and moves forward.karan looks back at her and swara takes ball from his hands.

kavya laughed loudly,seeing that and stuck out tongue at him.

"bhabhi..that's not fear"karan said while making face.

"everything is fair in war."swara said laughing but she stopped hearing loud sound of thud.lucky has fell on his back,because of slippery floor and had pulled ragini with him.All laughed loudly loud including boy.

"you jerk..why the hell you pulled me."ragini said and beats him with her both hands.

"lakshah that did awesome work...she do same thing with me"swara said laughing.ragini holds her hand and pulled her down.

"AAAAA!..'swara cried and again loud laughter reached to sky.then it started swara pulled kavya,she pulled kavita.kavita pulled sahil and karan sit beside sahil himself.


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