Part 19

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Sanskar opens door of his room and saw swara crying vigorously while sitting on floor.sanskar's felt like someone holded his heart in tight fist.

he walks toward and sits in front of her.


"sanskar please leave me alone..."swara cut him in between.sanskar holds her arm and pull her in tight hug.

"leave me alone..'swara struggled to get out.

"shut up...'sanskar scolded her.swara starts crying in his arms.sanskar just pulled her more close to him.after crying for more then a hour.swara tried to pull herself apart but sanskar restrianed her to do so.

"stay still..."

"i am fine now..."swara said sniffying.

"hmm...'sanskar breaks hugs and cups her face and wipes her tears with thumb.

"if i ask something...will you give me answer honestly."

"ask..but not about what ragini said.'

"Are you afraid of letting someone come close to you?..."sanskar said,looking at her face deeply.

"i don't want to be dependant on anyone....they leave you when you need them.don't want to trust anyone.they break them"

Sanskar looks at her eyes.they were changig color every second.

"hmm...can you give me a chance to love you."sanskar said,pushing hair back from her face.

"huh...'swara said with wide eyes,so straight forward.

"and you have love me back also..."sanskar said after a pause.

"answe me and you can't say No..."sanskar said in order.

"No...i don't trust anyone."swara said in uncomforatble tone.

"one chance...please..please"sanskar started tickling her.

"i said No...hahahahah"swara was laughing and her face was red.

"i am asking for one chance only...such a cruel girl you are"sanskar said with cute pout face.he had stopped tickling her after seeing her red face.

"you don't look ACP from any angle."swara said still laughing.

"if you break my heart then i will do your encounter..tah..tah"swara said while keeping gun of her hand on his chest.sanskar acted to fall back,making swara laughed loudly.

"drama..too much drama"swara said laughing.

"you don't like drama then we do romance..."sanskar kissed her before she could have understand.


Kavita was sitting on bed,sniffying continously.Sahil was sitting in front of her on his knees.

"why should i go to them.....they left me in front of know why?"kavitya asked crying cutely.sahil hardly control himself from smiling.


"because i am girl....and she...she is saying i should go and meet.i don't even want to see their faces"

"i hate them..'kavita said and her tear's falling speed increased.

"why are you shedding tears for them..'sahil said while wiping her tears.

"if they had a boy instead of me then they would have never done this....'kavita said in hatred filled voice and jerks his hand.

"what is my mistake in this...'sahil asked in irritated voice,seeing her glaring at him.

"because you are a boy...'kavita snapped at him and tried to push him back but sahil holds her tiny hands.

"at least i came to know...reason behind your hatred."sahil said in thankful tone.kavita frees her hands and starts crying again.

"why are you crying now...'

"i wish i would have born in shape of boy then they had not left me like this..."

"No...don't say like this....if you had born a boy then there will be a huge problem for me..."sahil said quickly in scared tone.

"what problem?...i would have been with my family."

"you are just thinking about them, not thinking about people who love you now.....don't think about mother sofia,your friends,my brothers and...'

"and...."kavita blinked at him innocently.

"and i love you so are thinking about that family who left,don't think about family, you have now."sahil said, caressing her cheek.

"you love me?..."kavita asked with wide eyes.

"you don't know..."sahil asked,throwing daggers at her.kavta shakes her head side to side.

'madam..i love you alot from very long time and i am vety happy you are girl"sahil said,pulling her in tight hug.

'will you think all that again..'

"no..never"kavita said,hugged him back and closed her eyes.


Karan sits beside kavya and forward handkarchief to her.kavya looks at him with cloudly eyes and takes it from his hand.

kavya keeps her head on his shoulder and keeps on crying.karan was sitting silently,letting her ry.

"i had told maa about it and she said go back and don't tell anyone....everyone will make my life hell...she called him at home to take me back.i run away from there also and accidently met mother.she took me with her."kavya spoke in trance.

"i think whatever you was right"

"was it..."

"hmm.....our society don't let such girls live,peacefully and there are many others way to punish them...what the need to bring such matters in front of whole world"

"but...."kavya raise her head to look at his face.

"you know kavya....when you will bring this matter up then people will praise you for this bravery and may be you will punish them also but what after that......this society is dual faced.whenever you will front of you they will praise you but at your back they will talk after you......your mother advise was not wrong.she knows the world very well."

"i want to punish them but i don't this much courage...."kavya said helpessly.

"you are very brave....and in that case i can help you.they have many other illegal works also."karan said with smile.

"why you help me so much...."kavya said,looking in his eyes direct.

"umm...i..i consider you a very good friend of mine."karan said and cursed himself badly.

"when we became friends?.."kavya asked with raised eyebrows.

"will become just now..."karan said and forward his hand.kavya smiles and forward her hand to shake but karan pulls his hand back.

"one second..'karan said and wears his gloves and forward hand again.kavya giggles a little and shakes her hand with him.


'Hey bhawan!...what am i seeing.jangli bili is crying"lucky shouted.ragini looks at him with jerk.

"hey bhagwan!.."lucy shouted while looking up at sky,doing full drama.

"lucky please..stop it"ragini said during crying.

"okay.."lucky said obediently and sit in front of her on his toes.

"ragini..i want to tell you something?"lucky said in serious tone.


"you are looking like a witch"lucky in such serious tone as he was telling something very important.ragini didn't snapped at him,just looked down at her hand,placed in lap.

"someone is in serius tone.."lucky muttered and holded her hands.

"what are you looking in these hands.."

"i am so unlucky..."ragini said sadly

"lucky is sitting in front of you and you are calling yourself unlucky...very bad"lucky said in hurt voice.

"your jokes are old fashioned like you.."ragini said,looking at him dryly.

"no need to brothers laugh a lot on these jokes.your sense of humor is expired"lucky said, pointing finger at her.ragini smiled a little bit but it vanished next moment.

"why don't go to meet your mother?"lucky asked question,trying to be normal.

"i can't see her in that state but swara don't know its not her mistake, she had saw her mother dying and she thinks if she had took care care of her she had not she wants me to be with her always.but she don't understand my point'ragini burst out all of sudden.

lucky gets up,sits on bench and hugs her.ragini stares at far point,remembering something.


A dark room of small house is shwon in which jhaanvi is sitting on arm chair,drinking.A small girl of about 5 comes there and shakes her.

"maa...i am hungry."

"you are hungry ragini....your father must be hungry also.i didn't prepare anything.did your father came"jhaanvi gets up quickly and asks from her by holding her with both hands.

"maa...baba didn't come today also."ragini said sadly.

" are can this happen?....this is our house.he will not come here then where will he go?"she said,clenching her hair.

"i am not lying...he didn't come.he never came...why don't you understand"ragini said in angry irritated voice.

"shut up...just shut up....he..he loves me a lot.he had his parents for me.i had left my parents for him.he can't leave are sign of our love"she said caressing her hair.

"and people says...i am sign of your sin"ragini shouted and push her hands down.jhaanvi slapped her hard.ragini fell down on ground.jhaanvi regreted it instinctly.she tried to get up from chair but because of weakness,she staggered a bit but control herself and sits near ragini.

"don't say this ragu....we had married with all rituals.i know our parents were not there but we did was so beautiful tample.i still remember was decorated with flowers..i..i still remember it.don't say this again okay"jhaanvi said sweetly and makes her stand with her.

"you are hungry na...i will make you something to eat."jhaanvi said,taking her to kitchen.



' are my daughter.will you do something for me?'jhaanvi sid in very sweet voice.ragini looks at her with scared eyes.she was getting mad day by day.sweet one second and next moment she starts throwing things.

"g..g maa.'

"you know you are so beautiful.anyone's heart can melt for you....please go and bring your father back.when he will come to are his daughter then he will come back."jhaanvi said in pleading voice.

"maa...he is never going to come back.yesterday mishti aunty was also saying the same."ragini said and snatch bottle from her hand.

"stop drinking these...its not good for your health"

"i am telling you na...he will come back.he loves me a lot"jhaanvi shouted and grabbed her from shoulder.

"maa..."ragini starts crying.

"you will bring her back."she shouted again while shaking the little girl vigorously.that moment many ladies came there,hearing their lady freed ragini.other two holds jhaanvi from arms.

"you have to bring him back.."jhaanvi was shouting continuoulsy.

"where are they taking maa."ragini asked from lady.

"they are taking your mother to hospital..she is mad."

"Noo....don't take maa anywhere...she is not mad"ragini runs after ambulence.but it was gone.

"maa!!!..'ragini cried.that lady takes her to orphanage,makes her stand outside and goes inside the mother's office.ragini goes near the door and starts hearing them.

"she ran away from her house and both started leaving in that house.but after a month that man stopped coming back.....and she started she beats her daughter as it was that innocent child mistake.society people had send that woman mentle that girl don't have any place.i request please keep her here"

ragini goes inside the office quickly.

"i will not live mother is not mad.i want to live with her only.i will not live here"ragini said and run outside crying.

"mother ...please see the girl"

"yes mother...'she said and walks out and found ragini crying on bench.mother sits beside her and gives her chocolate.

"i want to live with my mother...she is not mad"ragini repeated again.

"she is not mad....she is just ill. when someone gets ill where he go?"

"to doctor.."

"yes...she has also went to doctor....and will be back when she will get fine then you two will stay together"

"saachi!..'ragini jumped down from bench happily.mother sofia nodded vigorusly.

"but there is problem..."

"what is it?.."

"you can't stay in alone house....there are so many wild cats in this world.who loves soft meat to eat.just likes yours.if you will stay alone then they will come for you"

Little girls heart shrunked in a second.

"i will stay here as long as maa don't get fine."

"that like a good girl.."mother sofia smiles and gives her chocolate again.ragini takes it this time.

"who are you?.."ragini asked,while licking chocolate like ice cream.

"i am mother sofia..."


"ragini..."lucky called her.

"haan.."ragini said,coming back in her senses,breaks hug and looks at him.

"you know...when i was born.i was really weak and i didn't walk for 4 mother also didn't like to see me like but she took care of me.when parents don't stop caring about us then why should we? future you will regret like bhabhi that you didn't take care of her"lucky said in calm tone.

"thank you..."ragini said after a minute.

"touch your guru feet..."lucky said and ragini pushed him back.

"what...i am serious."lucky said.

"you want this on your cheek?..."ragini asked,showing him her hand.

"no thank you..."

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