Part 22

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"happy now..."sanskar said while opening door of car for her.

"shut up okay...behaving as you did great favor on me."swara said slapping on his chest.

"God...girls never get happy.'sanskar said while rolling his eyes.she throw daggers at him.

"for your information....your brothers take my friends out everyday...learn something"

"for your information madam...sahil has his own company,he can leave from office any time,lucky is professional player he is only busy when tournaments are near otherwise he only do work out,karan is a lawyer and court time is only till four.....i have a government job...i can't leave from my work place with my own will."sanskar tried to knock some senses in her little head.

"i can understand.....responsibility of whole police station is do all works of ASP,constable,sub-constable and even the little boy who distribute tea to all....instead of him you do that"swara said in such way that,sanskar burst out laughing.swara slapped him on shoulder for laughing.sanskar looks at her hand.

"swara why do you wear only plain black bangles?"

"mom used to wear them....only plain was her favorite color"swara said caressing her bangles.

"what is your favorite color?..."sanskar asked,holding her hand.

"i like"

"i like....."his sentence was not completed when uvashi's voice cut him.

"coming home so late is not good."urvashi said while getting up from couch.

"what are you doing here?"swara asked in annoyed tone.

"i should ask this question from you..."

"she is my girlfriend...."sansakr said in calm tone.

"girlfriend?....seriously,from years you are keeping uttra on hope and now you are saying this.'urvashi said angrily.

"what???..."sanskar asked in shocked.swara looks at sanskar with disbelief.

"you know its not your mistake...snatching is habit of mother and daughter.just like her mother tried to snatch shekhar from me.she is snatching my daughter's love from her"urvashi said and holds swara's arm angrily.

Swara holds her wrist and frees her arm with jerk.

"let me make you remember mrs had snatched a husband from a woman who used to love her husband a lot and a father from a little girl."swara said piercng her nails on her wrist.

"so you are taking revenge from know your mother was nice woman.she bare all pain alone but never said are not her are shekhar's daughter.selfish who snatches others happiness."urvashi said,looking in her eyes directly.

Swara leaves her hand,runs toward her room and locks it.

"swara..."sanskar tried to stop but she left.

"let her go sanskar my daughter loves you a lot....she will keep you very happy."urvashi said in pleading voice.

"aunty i love swara....i will only marry her.didn't feel shame while laying to her.when did i give hope to uttra.she and me are only good friends."

"sanskar i....

"aunty please leave....'sanskar points at door.urvashi leaves from there fuming in anger.

'swara open the door...'sanskar beat the door.

"leave me cheater"swara said crying vigorously.

"your mother lied...their is nothing between me and uttra."sanskar said helplessly.

"she is not my mother...."swara shouted from inside.sanskar closed his eyes at that.swara opens the door and pushed him back in anger.

"you are lier are just like mr.gadodia....tell me to whom you will keep as slut and to whom you will marry...tell me?"swara said holding her collar.

"you still don't trust me..."sanskar said in hurt voice.swara leaves his collar and starts crying.

"you are repeating the past...exact same me,you and uttra."swara said between her cry.sasnakr cups her face and make her look at him.

" i thought i will heal your heart but i failed.....what's the need of this relationship when you don't trust are free,nothing will happen to orphanage"he wipes her tears with thumb and steps back and turns to other side.

"sanskar..."swara whispered with shrunk heart,new tears fell down from her eyes.

"just leave..."sanskar said in strict tone while one tear fell from his eye.

"you promised you will not break my heart but you broke it.."swara said with broken trust,turned and run outside.sanskar closed his eyes and two tear fell down.



"what...."kavya asked in whisper,not able to believe.

"kavya please don't take me wrong....i fell for you the first time i saw you."karan said,gulping hard seeing her expressions changes every second.

"you know what happened wi..."kavya stammered but karan cuts her.

"i know....that was not your mistake."he said getting up from chair.

"i really love you...i promise i will keep you very happy" kavya shakes her head vigrously while tears were rolling down from her cheeks.

"please forget whatever happened thinking it a bad dream..."karan said taking few steps toward her and stops in front of her.

"you don't deserve me.....not me."kaya said stepping back.

"that should me my decision....i know what is good for me or not"karan said holding her hand,restraining her to go back.

"don't touch will get dirty."kavya said freeing her hand.


"karan please i am joining hands in front you....whatever you are thinking this can't happen,find a pure girl and marry her."

"what the hell is this pure one is perfect in this world.i can't better girl than you"karan said shaking her by holding her from shoulders.

"you don't derserve derserve better...if you didn't leave then i..i will burn myself alive"kavya said,push him,picks up match stick and went to otherside of kitchen counter.

"kavya don't..."karan said in shocked voice

"don't come near me..'kavya said in warning.

"i...i am leaving....please don't"karan said taking steps back.he looks at her tears covered face then turns and leave.kavya slid down to ground starts crying badly.



"she is my mother...are you seeing her condition?"ragini said,pointing at jhaanvi who was sitting with a small doll.

"what happened to her?"lucky asked in serious tone.

"The great love about which you were talking...that love made her reach this condition."

"she also loved a man and left her parents for him.after a month of enjoyment he left and never showed his face.

"what will you do? after how many days you will leave...a month,two months.Then both daughter and mother will be on same bed"ragini asked cuping his face and giggles humorlessly.

"you are not one of those who becomes mad are one of those who makes other mad.'lucky said chuckling a little.

"you know, trust is something which takes time to form...take your time and when you feel you can trust me then give me a miss call...till then (pause) bye,take care of yourself"he said,kissed on her forehead,touches jhaanvi feet and leaves.

Ragini sits beside jhaanvi,hugged her and starts crying.

"i am sorry....i spoiled your life"jhaanvi also starts crying



Sahil entered inside the house,whisteling a romantic tone and saw his brothers sitting on couch silently with red eyes.he goes and sits beside them(extra large couch).trio turned their heads,looks at his beaming face and released a painful sigh.

"what happened...why you all sitting like this?"sahil asked in cheeful tone.

"this is devdas can't sit with us,go and sit there"lucky points at front couch.sahil shrugged and changes his seat.

"why are you so happy?.."karan asked sadly.

"i had told you...kavita is a sweetheart.just affect of bad company...'sahil said chuckling delightfully.

"thank god...anyone of us got his love."sanskar said and salute him.

"what do you mean by anyone of us....where is bhabhi,ragini and kavya?....i thought everything is getting settled between you all."

"she left...thanks to her mother,sorry to urvashi aunty"sanskar said and press cold glass to his was paining so much that he was feeling it will expload.

"i want to do a great meeting to his great father'lucky said,clenching the glass.

"she thinking...i don't deserve her...she is not pure.who is she to decide this"karan burst out in anger.No one said anything to him.

"sahil...'kavita voice,made them turn their heads.kavita sign him to come.

"excuse me please..."sahil said and walks toward kavita.lucky looks at them with narrowed eyes.sanskar turns his face.

"nazar lagani ha...'sanskar said,shaking his head.

"i was just seeing.."lucky said biting his tongue.

"sahil actually....swara is going Paris and everyone is going with her...they all are very sad and broken.i can't leave them in this condition."kavita said,looking here and there.

"take care of them..."sahil said,solving her problem.

"i am sorry...i love you."kavita hugged him.sahil hugged her and curse his faith badly.

he comes back after sometime with sad sad face.trio look at his face.

"welcome to devdas group.."karan said and trio point him to sit with them.sahil sit beside them and drop ring on table and ask them to make a drink for him.

"bhabhi is going paris and everyone is going with her....she don't want to live here.'sahil gives them information.



"ragini! don't need to come with us.what about your career"kavita said,keeping hand on her hand.ragini comes in her senses and looks at her.

"there are 6 months in matches....i will continue training there and will return before matches start."ragini said in low voice.

Kavita hear their annoucement and gets up.she looks at them and feels bad,seeing their condition.

'our names are getting annouced.."she said softly while shaking them.all gets up and start picking their bags.kavita mobile beeped with message.

"can you come out for a second."

"guys you go...i am coming in a second."kavita said and walks out.ragini and kavya walks away from there while swara goes after kavita.She gets sad seeing sahil outside,her eyes tried to find him but he didn't come.she blinks her tears,turns quickly and goes toward ragini and kavya.

"where is she?..'ragini asked.

"she is coming...sahil is outside"swara said and wiped tear from corner of eyes.ragini and kavya avoids eyes from each other.


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