Part 5

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"kavita wake up we will miss the bus..."kavya said shaking her from shoulder.kavita keeps pillow on face.kavya shakes her again then looks at ragini,who had just came their after jogging.

"ragini you can only wake her up...i am going to get ready."kavya said and slap on kavita's shoulder and leaves.Ragini rubs her hands,walking toward kavita.she removes pillow from her face after picking jug full of water and throw water on her face.

"Ragini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......."kavita's shout reached shook whole orphanage.

"Rise and Shine....."ragini sings loudly,picks up her towel and walks out.kavita hits her fist on bed.At that time swara enters inside room,sit on stool and starts wearing bangles.

"I want to kill ragini......"kavita said in irritated voice while stepping down from bed.

"Very it fast then i don't have to share bed with her"swara said while making face.

At that time mothers calls them for breakfast. kavita hits her palm on forehead and runs outside.


"stop the bus.."girls shouted while running after moving bus.ragini runs fast and climbs on bus.

she starts breathing hard while standing on door.kavita's push her and stands on door.ragini stumbles and strikes with lucky.lucky holds her quickly.both looks at each other sharing a short sweet eye lock.ragini steps back quickly while throwing daggers at him.

Meanwhile swara pushed kavita and stands on door.kavita strikes with ragini and she again falls on lucky.trio falls down on seat.

"kavita move back.."ragini said, struggling to get up from lucky while lucky was staring at her face with smile on face.

"swara give hand..."kavya said,still running.swara looks at her and laughs.she gives her hand and pulls her on bus.ragini push kavita back and stands on her feet.lucky also gets up with teasing smile on face.

"what are you doing here?.."ragini said angrily.

"oh hello madam!.....anyone can travel in this bus and i hope you had hit our car.because of you me and my brother have to use local bus."lucky said,pointing at karan. ragini murmurs something and sits on free place.lucky smiles and sits beside her.ragini looks at him angrily and opens her mouth to say something but lucky cuts her.

"this is local bus...i can sit anywhere"lucky said,making her shut her mouth.

swara and kavita sits together while kavya sits beside karan in uncomfortable way and place her bag between them.Karan gets happy and looks at her face but she was looking forward.Everyone gets down from bus at their stops while lucky and karan steps down with their future partners.

"Excuse me miss kavya...i want to talk with you"karan said while stepping down from bus after.

kavya stops and looks at him with poker face.

"why you don't want me to take your case..."karan asked in serious tone.

"look Mr, i want a female lawyer to take my case...i have no personal grudges from you"kavya said in very calm tone.

"i have read your file and i really want to take this case...."karan said honestly.

"if anyone else took case and didn't win then what will happen to my future" karan thought worriedly in mind.

"i don't want you to take this case....end of conversation."kavya said angrily and leaves from there.karan slides his fingers from hair.


"why are you following me?"ragini said angrily,seeing lucky walking after her.

"don't give so much importance to yourself....i want to meet shurti,BEST PLAYER"lucky said putting force on last two words.ragini looks at him angrily and starts walking fast.lucky matches with her steps.

"and i wanted to warn you...stop troubling her i am warning you....she is such sweet girl"lucky said,trying to make her speak with him.

"she is witch and she creates troubles for me...don't know how to play then complains."ragini said with red face.

"enough not a word against yourself don't know how to play and blaming her"lucky said,making fun of her.ragini burned completely.

"I play better then you and your shruti....."ragini said with red face.lucky laughed which made her burn more.

"let's have a game...everyone will come to know who is better."ragini said in full confidence.


"if i won you will rub your nose on ground..."ragini said with devilish smile on face.

"and what if i won..."  lucky said with mysterious smile on face.

"i will do anything what will you say.."ragini said,crossing her arms over chest.

"think again....what if i asked for something precious.."lucky said,taking a step toward her.

"Neither you are going to win nor i am going to do anything..'ragini said turned and left.

"i didn't make you my girlfriend then my name is not lakshya maheswari.."lucky said with smile.


Swara was looking for some brushes for painting in a small shop.when there was sound of shooting in mall.swara bends down and looked at few men,which had came there with covered face with mask.One of them went toward counter and ordered him to take out money.while others start gathering people.

After a second there was sound of police siren and thief got alert.chops entered inside the shop and thief fired at them.swara hides behind a stall with covered mouth and pale face.

After about half an hour,chops took thieves with with them and people comes out from their hidden places.

Sanskar who talking with constable,saw swara sitting with rescued people.

"One go i will come"sanskar said to him and he touched his cap and left.sanskar walks toward swara and scan her.

"are you alright?.."sanskar asked after assuring,she was not hurt physically.swara raised her head and looked at him.

"i wonder.....what you had work in this unsafe area? this area is quite far from main city."sanskar said while sitting in front of her in his toes.

"materials from here is good..."swara unexpectedly give him answer.

"come i will drop you,its getting dark....."sanskar said getting up.

"i can go myself.....'swara said putting bag on her shoulder.

"swara its not safe to go alone at this time..."sanskar said in calm tone.

"whole world is not safe because of men.....but i know how to take care of myself"swara said in taunting tone and left.

"how she can be adharsh's sister....."sanskar whispered,seeing her walking away.


'"sir!!..these are new designs...."kavita said giving sahil a file.sahil smiles a little after hearing sir from her mouth.

"sit down miss kavita..."sahil said, seeing her standing.

"i am fine SIR..."kavita said with fake smile.

"call me sahil...sir sounds weird from your mouth."sahil said chuckling.

"you had ordered me to call you sir..."kavita snapped at him.

"i had lost my brain for a second..."sahil whispered in low voice but kavita hears it.

" don't have brain at all.this is not your mistake..."kavita said in mocking tone.

sahil gets up,walks around table and stands in front.kavita looks at him with narrowed eyes.

"do you behave like this with all men or i am special.."sahil keeping hands on table at her both sides.

"move back right now...'kavita said in angry and nervous tone.

"answer my question...."sahil said,looking straight in her eyes.

"i hate all men in this world you are not special..."kavita said,push him back and walks out from while wipes sweat from head.



kavita was sitting in front of mother while she was giving her oil message on head.swara and kavya was sitting beside mother on couch while keeping heads on her shoulder. while ragini was throwing daggers at kavita for sitting their from one hour.

"kavita turn."ragini said pushing her to side and sit in front of mother.

"i just came now..."kavita said angrily.

"from one hour you are saying this..."ragini said in same angry tone as her.

"no fighting..."mother scolded them.

"she started...'ragini and kavita said pointing at each other.kavya and swara giggled.

"now listen to me all of you very carefully...."mother said after giving kavita oil message.girls looks at her.

"all of you have their own job and your all are adult mother Eva wants to leave the orphanage and get your own house..."mother sofia said,caressing kavita's head which was placed in her lap.

"what!!!...."girls shouted in union.

"i am not going anywhere..."swara spoke first in firm tone.

"me also..."kavya said and hugged mother from side.

"i am not adult..when did i turned 18..."ragini said shaking her head side to side.

"i am younger than ragini..i am sweet 16."kavita said in last.

"No...No you are still in your mother's tummy...."ragini said and slapped on her head.

"someone plz ask from doctor when is delivery...."swara said and all laughed.

"mother see...they always make fun of me...."kavita said complaining to her.



"i am not free..."swara said shaking her head.ragini hit her with pillow.

"please...its just one match.i want to make him loose at any cost."ragini said firmly.

they looks at with raised eyebrow then shook their heads.

"it will finish in one hour...please have swear on your paintings."ragini said in pleading way.

"okay fine...."swara said in irritated voice.ragini looks at kavya and kavita.they smile and nodded their heads.

"yeah!!..."ragini exclaimed loudly.


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