Arrogant boss and innocent employee

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Chapter 04:

It was the time of morning, the weather was quite cold but the atmosphere of the Khanna enterprise was quite warm. In Neil's cabin, Neil was standing by holding Avni's arms and pinning her to the wall. Avni was looking at Neil with hurtful eyes and Neil was glaring at her. Avni looked down.

Neil: What do you think of yourself? Han?

No answer.

Neil shouted a bit: answer me?

Avni was looking down.

Neil shouted: what do you want to prove by doing it?

Avni flinched and closed her eyes.

Neil: answer me.

Avni was shivering because no one behaved to her like this.

Avni: I don't want to prove anything. I broke your expensive vase so, I thought, I should make it.

Neil felt that Avni is shivering badly. Neil closed his eyes to calm himself.

Neil: get your money and get out from her.

Neil left her arms and turned. Neil looked at Avni for a time and then he turned. Neil was going but he stopped to hear something.

Avni: It is not my money, it is the price of your expensive vase so now it is your money.

Neil turned and Avni was looking at him. She looked down.

Avni: I am sorry, sir but I don't like to keep someone's debt on my head.

Neil was angry but now he was surprised because the first time Avni is giving him a reply and why not she, it is a question of her self-respect. Neil frowned and Avni looked at Neil and then she goes from there but Neil's eyes were on Avni. Neil thinks. Neil ran his hand in his hair and caught them.

Neil: huff... this girl is getting on my nerves.

Neil looked at the door and sighed to calm him. Neil came to his chair and resumed his work but his eyes fell on the packet and he picked it up. Neil recalled Avni's words, "Hmm, I do not need to sell myself to pay back anything... No, self-respect."

Neil thinks and smiled: self-respect. Not bad.

Neil kept that money in the drawer and then he resumed his work. After that, Avni didn't go to his office as she was in a meeting with the accounts department.

Avni in mind: Thank God, they arranged this meeting. At least now, I don't have to face that boss today.

Avni focused on the meeting.

On the other side, Neil was sitting in his cabin and was checking his emails. Neil's phone rang and he looked at his phone. Neil smiled to see the caller I'd and he picked up the call.

Neil: hey, buddy.

On the other side, a boy was standing behind the chair by bending to it. His hairs were curly and he was tall and handsome.

Boy: buddy? Do you even know me?

Neil smiled.

Neil: sorry, bro, actually, I am busy because of some work.

Boy: yeah, yeah, I know, I know.

Neil was smiling.

Neil: come on, yaar Ali.

Yes, he is Ali. The cute and soft-hearted person.

Ali: what, come on. It has been more than one month since we met. At least, come café before going home. It is in your way.

Neil: Sorry, bro. ok, let's make a plan today. Today, I don't have much work.

Ali: yeah, when I called then you don't have much work and if would have not called you then you will not find the need to meet your friends.

Neil smiled.

Neil: ok, now stop behaving like my girlfriend.

Ali: girlfriend? No girl can stay with you for a week. Don't know, who will be that unlucky girl who will become your wife.

Neil looked up while smiling and he saw Avni passing from there. Neil felt strange and he frowned.

Ali: Neil?

Neil came out of his world.

Neil: ab, yeah, say.

Ali: what happened, did you get lost in the dreams of your bride?

Neil felt embarrassed but he composed himself.

Neil: did you call to taunt me?

Ali: of course.

Neil makes a face.

Ali: ok, now stop making faces and come to me in the evening. We will have dinner together also.

Neil: dinner in the café?

Ali: yes.

Neil smiled.

Neil: ok, I will come.

Ali: ok, bye.

Neil: bye.

Neil cut the call while smiling and he sighed but suddenly he remembered about Ali and wondered about it. Neil shrugged off his thoughts and sighed. He resumed his work.

It was the time of sunset and Neil and Ali hugged each other.

Ali: finally, you came.

Neil: yeah, sorry, bro, I went home then I came here. You know, mom...

Ali smiled.

Ali: it's ok. Come.

They go to sit on the chair.

Ali asked Neil while sitting: or bata, how is the family?

They sat on the chairs.

Neil: they are good and mom sent a special message for you that asks him to come home soon for a dinner.

They smiled. Someone came to them.

Person: good evening, sir.

Neil looked at the person and he was shocked to see it because it is none other than Avni. Avni also widens her eyes to see him.

Avni in mind: Neil sir?

Avni avoids eye contact, she looked at the notebook and acted like she is ready to write the order. Neil was looking at her.

Ali: yeah, Avni, send two glasses of water and ask Krishna to get that special order.

Avni nodded and she hurriedly goes from there. Neil was looking at her.

Neil: this girl?

Ali: aah, she is Avni.

Neil looked at Ali who also looked at him.

Ali: she is new here. It is her first month. This poor girl was in need of money.

Neil frowned.

Neil: money?

Ali: yeah, actually, she worked in a company and they gave her a good salary but her mother is not well.

Neil lowered his gaze and was listening to him. Neil remembered that the old man also told him the same.

Ali: she also does the work of freelancing but she was not able to meet the expenses so, I offered her a job here so that she can meet up the challenges of her life.

Neil in mind; then from where she arranged that money?

Ali: I asked her to give more time to her freelancing work but, she said that she worked in the office and she gets a salary from there every month but in freelancing, there is no guarantee of a job so she needs that job.

Neil felt bad for Avni and he looked in the direction where Avni goes. Neil thinks.

Ali: anyways, you say, how is business going?

Neil smiled.

Neil: good...

They talked. On the other side, Avni came to the counter and she kept the notebook and pen on the counter and stood by holding the counter. She was worried.

Avni: Neil sir saw me here now he will fire me.

Avni gulped. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

Avni: no, no, nothing will happen like this. Be positive.

Avni took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

Avni: and I am doing this work after office hours so what problem he would have with it?

Avni thinks. She was consoling herself but she was still worried.

Time passes and Neil was trying to see Avni from time to time but Avni didn't come there.

Neil: ok, I should leave now. Tomorrow is the office also so, I have to go now.

Ali: ok.

They got and Neil looked around but Avni was not there. They moved to each other and hugged.

On the other side, a man came to Avni.

Man: you can take food at home. Now, it is time to close the café.

Avni nodded.

Avni came out of the café and was walking while searching for something in her bag.

Neil also came out of the café as he saw Avni going. Neil turned and he saw Avni going. Avni stopped and she took out the parcel.

Avni: I am too hungry. Let's eat till you get an auto.

Avni opened the parcel and she was about to eat but she saw a boy of four, five years old looking at her. Avni looked at the sandwich and then she looked at the child. Neil was looking at them.

Avni: bhookh lagi hai?

The boy nodded. Avni thinks and she gave her sandwich to the boy. Neil was surprised. The boy ate it and Avni smiled to see him. The boy was eating it fastly. Neil was looking at both.

Avni: Aram se, aram se.

The boy goes from there and Avni smiled but she sighed by making a sad face.

Avni said while catching her stomach.

Avni: I am too hungry. If I did not eat anything now then I will surely faint.

Other staff members eat from the food but Avni never stole the food. She preferred to be hungry instead of eating the stolen food.

Avni: Let's check if I get something.

Avni searched in her bag and found a small bar of chocolate and got happy like a child.

Avni: chocolate.

Neil smiled with a frown to see her cute acts. Avni opened the wrapper and ate like a kid. Avni looked at the empty wrapper.

Avni: yeh to khatam ho gaya.

Avni caught her stomach and Neil understood that she is hungry. Neil looked at the side to hide and he hid behind the tree so that Avni cannot see him.

Avni: now, I am feeling more hungry. But, at least now, I will not faint.

Avni waited for the auto but no auto came. She saw the time on her watch and she caught her stomach. She took out a note of rupee and she looked at it but then she shook her head and she kept it in the bag. Neil was noticing her. Avni looked for the auto. She saw the time on her watch.

Avni: Chal, Avni, ab apni gayara (11) number the bus pakar aur ghar chal. Aaj auto nahi milne wala. Yahan khari rahi to kal subha jaldi kaise uthegi office ke liye.

She meant to go by walking. 11 number bus means her two legs.

Neil was looking at her. Avni started walking and Neil came out from behind the tree.

Neil: She will go by walking?

Neil was shocked and he didn't want her to go by walking. His heart asked him to stop her.

Neil: ab, Miss Mehta.

Avni flinched because of a sudden call from behind and she stopped. Avni turned and she saw Neil. Neil came to her and stood near her. Avni looked here and there.

Neil: ab? Aa? You work here also?

He knows that he asked a stupid question. Avni was looking at him with a are you serious look but she nodded by looking down.

Neil: but, why?

Avni looked at him.

Neil: I, I mean, you get a handsome salary then why?

Avni looked away.

Avni: I was in need of money.

Neil: you can ask me.

Avni looked at him, today, she found his behaviour weird.

Neil: I mean, you can ask it from the company?

Avni: then it would have been deducted from my salary that's why.

Neil looked at her and he nodded.

Neil: ok. So, are you going home?

Avni looked at him. She nodded by looking down.

Neil: ok. Is your home near here?

Avni: yeah, it is just at 15 minutes distance.

Neil: ok.

Avni: yes, sir. Now, I should go, good night, sir.

Avni turned and was going. Neil was looking at Avni and suddenly, Neil said something that shocks Avni.

Neil: I can drop you.

Avni was shocked and she stopped. Avni turned to him. Neil came to her.

Neil: come, I drop you.

Avni looked down. Neil was about to turn.

Avni: no, it's ok, sir. I can go myself. Thank you.

Avni was about to go.

Neil: I am not stalking you. I have some work with the accounts department, it's good that I got you here now you can give answers to me and you can brief me about the meeting and I will drop you also. I am not a stranger that you are hesitating to go with me. I will not come to your home, fine.

Avni smiled.

Avni: you are most welcome, sir and about hiding the address from you then all my bio-data is available in your office so, what should I do by hiding it? And about your that stranger thing then what I know about you, except your name, nothing.

Neil was surprised.

Neil: you don't trust me?

Avni looked down and then she looked away. The way, he behaved with her how he can expect from her to trust him. Neil was hurt. Neil nodded by looking down.

Neil: ok.

Avni: what do you want to know?

Neil: about the meeting.

Avni: but, it is sir Malik's work.

Neil: I know, but he will brief me tomorrow and I have to make some changes in the file so that's why I need someone who tells me about it.

Avni: oh.

Neil: soooo, can we?

Avni nodded. Neil smiled and he got happy but he composed himself.

Neil: ok, I am coming.

Avni nodded.

Neil goes to get his car hurriedly.

On the way, Avni was silent. Neil looked at Avni who was looking out from the window. Avni was confused why Neil is not asking her anything. Avni looked at Neil then she looked down and turned her face. The meeting was just an excuse, Neil wanted Avni to have dinner. So, he stopped the car at the restaurant. Avni was confused and she looked at Neil who sighed. Neil was opening his seatbelt.

Avni: sir?

Neil stopped and looked at Avni.

Avni: why do we come here?

Neil thinks.

Neil: ab, I told you, I want to discuss something that's why.

Avni frowned.

Neil: come.

Neil got down from the car and Avni looked down and thinks. Neil knocked on the window and Avni looked at Neil's side. Avni looked down then she got down.

Avni and Neil were sitting in the restaurant where the waiters were keeping the dishes, salad and other things and Avni was shockingly looking at that and the waiters. Neil looked at Avni's expression and hide his smile with the fist of his hand.

Waiter: have a good time, sir.

Neil smiled and nodded. Neil looked at Avni and cleared his throat and Avni looked at Neil. Neil was enjoying Avni's behaviour.

Neil: what happened, Miss Mehta?

Avni composed herself.

Avni: ab, sir, is someone else also coming?

Neil: no.

Avni was shocked and she looked at the table.

Avni: then these all dishes are for us two?

Neil: yeah.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: you didn't see this much food on the table?

Avni got hurt. She recalled how she was used to sitting at the large table with her parents and she threw tantrums.

Neil frowned to see Avni. Avni looked down. Neil was confused to see her.

Neil: ab, start.

Avni nodded. She had a little amount of food because she was feeling awkward and she thought about what Neil will think about her. Avni liked the food and she eats that fastly because she was very hungry. Neil was just stirring the spoon and eating one or two bits because he had done dinner. Neil looked at Avni and sighed to see her eating. He felt peace.

After that, they discussed the file and then Neil dropped Avni home.

Neil stopped the car.

Neil: your destination.

Avni smiled and looked at Neil.

Avni: thank you, sir.

Neil smiled.

Neil: you're welcome.

Avni: good night, sir.

Neil nodded.

Neil: good night.

Avni got down from the car and goes. Neil was looking at her and then Neil started the car and a satisfying smile was on his face.

Later, Avneil was laying on the bed and thinking about each other.

Avni: Neil sir is not that bad that I was thinking about him.

Neil smiled.

Neil: she is not that bad, she is cute.

Neil realised what he said.

Neil: what are you thinking, Neil, just shut your mouth and sleep.

Avni: now, sleep, Avni, else, again Neil sir will become an angry bird.

Avni and Neil closed their eyes but they were still thinking about each other.

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