Arrogant boss and innocent employee

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It was the time of evening, people were enjoying themselves on the beach. The birds were flying in the sky. Avni and Neil were standing at the beach. Avni was holding the ring in her hand and Neil was looking down, here and there.

Avni held her ring in her hand and then she held it with her both hands. Avni sat on her knees and it shock Neil at an extreme level. Neil was shockingly looking at Avni.

Avni: Neil.

Neil was surprised, now he realised that Avni is calling him Neil instead of sir.

Avni: I know, I am stubborn, I am a hard nut to crack. Sometimes, I annoy because of my behaviour. I also know that my anger is of the level of an angry bird. I even don’t know about the R of romance. This word is beyond my understanding.

Neil smiled slightly.

Avni: but what do I do? I am like this and I can’t change myself. I know, I am not perfect but I also know that I am perfect for you because your anger is in a higher position than mine.

Neil smiled.

Avni: I know, I am sounding weird but what do I do, I don’t have experience of proposing so, so I am saying whatever is coming into my mouth. I even tried to write but it also didn’t work.

Neil was looking at Avni with teary eyes.

Avni: Neil, I have flaws but I will try to give my 100 per cent to our relationship. No matter how hard the situation will be, I will never leave your side just like you didn’t leave my side. Your family will be my family. Your happiness will be my happiness and your sorrow will be my sorrow. I will try to be proven a good wife and a good friend. So, tell me, Mr Neil Khanna, will you accept this crazy girl in your life?

Neil was emotionally looking at Avni. Neil held the arms of Avni and he made her stand. Avni and Neil were looking at each other. Avni looked down.

Avni: sorry, I know, it was really bad. Actually, I didn’t have an idea of these all things.

Neil cupped Avni’s face and made Avni look at him.

Neil: who said that it was a bad proposal? It was awesome, Avni. It is the most honest proposal and only an idiot can refuse it but thankfully, I am not an idiot at least not in this matter.

They smiled. Neil took the ring from Avni and he slides it into Avni’s finger. Avneil looked at each other with so much love and affection and of course, the tears of happiness were in their eyes. Neil cupped Avni’s face.

Neil: Avni, I don’t have any other wish than you. Avni, I have chosen you because I love you. I love you, Avni, I really do.

Avni smiled with teary eyes.

Avni: I love you too.

Neil’s heartbeat stopped for a while to hear the three magical for he was craving for a long.

Neil: Avni, what did you say? say it again.

Avni blushed.

Neil: Please, Avni.

Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: I love you.

Neil took a deep breath and moved to Avni. They hugged each other and Neil captured Avni in his strong arms and he kissed her hair.

Neil: I love you, Avni. I love you.

Avni smiled while crying. They wiped their eyes and they broke the hug. They smiled to see each other.

Later, Avni and Neil were sitting on the beach and Neil looked at Avni. Neil thinks and then Neil turned his face. Neil side-hugged Avni and Avni looked at Neil who felt Avni's gaze and he looked at Avni. Neil’s eyes fell on Avni’s lips and he got attracted to them till now, he was controlling but after, Avni’s proposal, he is finding it hard to stop himself from going near her. Neil leaned to Avni who was also feeling her heartbeat fast. Neil closed his eyes but Avni looked down and she turned. Avni got up and Neil fell but his face got saved. Neil looked at Avni who was running.

Avni: catch me, if you can.

Neil smiled.

Neil: Avni.

Neil got up and ran behind her. Avni and Neil were running and soon, Neil caught Avni’s arm and then he hugged her from behind and twirled her. They were laughing. Neil kept Avni down and kissed Avni’s cheek in flow. Avni was numbed and Neil realised what he did. Avni kept her hand on her cheek and then she blushed. Neil was looking at Avni and then he turned Avni to him who was looking down. Neil cupped Avni’s face and he made Avni look at him.

Neil: Avni.

Avni looked at him. They looked at each other with so much affection. Neil looked at Avni’s lips and Avni felt that so she parted her lips in nervousness. Neil looked at Avni and again he looked at Avni’s lips. Neil leaned towards her but Avni stopped him. Neil looked at Avni. Avni sighed at the people and they looked around. Avni and Neil looked at each other and Avni looked down in shyness. Neil smiled.

Neil: I know a place where people rarely come. Come, let’s go there.

Avni: and I know a place where people cannot come without permission.

Neil got excited.

Neil: really?

Avni nodded.

Neil: where?

Avni: my home.

Neil’s smile faded and Avni laughed. Neil made a face.

Neil: very funny.

Avni: I am serious. It is too late, now, we should go home.

Neil: you are so unromantic, Avni. You spoiled my mood.

Avni smiled and Neil looked away. Avni was looking at him. Avni held Neil’s shoulders and she leaned to Neil’s ear.

Avni: I am unromantic but with you, I will learn everything like I learn this.

Neil was feeling a shiver in his body and to make him numb, Avni kissed Neil’s cheek. Avni ran and Neil kept his hand on his cheek and he turned his face. Neil saw Avni is going by running. Neil smiled.

Neil: Avni.

Neil shook his head.

Neil: this girl will make me crazy one day.

Neil smiled.

Neil: Avni wait.

Neil ran behind Avni and they go.

Days passed like this and six months passed in the blink of a moment. In these six months, Avni and Neil dated each other and they even goes for dinners and long drives sometimes. The owner of the apartment asked Avni that she can live there for some months as he is going abroad and Avni was happy that she can spend some more days in her home but now six months are passed so Avneil decided to get married.

The Khanna mansion was decorated beautifully, after all, it was their only heir’s wedding but now there was complete silence. The moon was peeping into Neil’s room which was decorated beautifully with candles and roses and in a beautiful wedding dress, a bride was sitting in the centre of the decorated bed.

Neil was wearing a white sherwani.

The room was lit only by candles and the environment was making her more nervous.

Avni was feeling butterflies in her stomach and it increased when she heard the sound of opening the door.

The door opened and Neil was standing there. Neil looked at the room and entered. Neil closed the door and then he turned. Neil came forward while looking at the decorations. He looked at the bed and he saw his bride who was sitting in the centre of the decorated bed with decency. Neil smiled to see her and he goes to her while looking here and there because he was also getting nervous to see the decoration. Neil came to the bed and he remembered something so he looked at the cupboard and goes to it. He took out something from it and then he was coming back by holding a file in his hands and looking at it. Neil looked at Avni and he came to the bed. Neil moved a few steps and he switch on the light which was near the bed then Neil came and sat in front of Avni while taking the hanging garlands away and he kept the file near him. Neil looked at Avni for a while and then he took off Avni’s veil and that’s it, he was lost in his beauty queen who was looking down. Neil smiled to see her.

Neil: beautiful.

Avni smiled. Neil’s heart felt joy to see his lady smiling. Neil took Avni’s hand in his hand and kissed it. Avni blushed and then Neil holds her both hands in his both hands.

Neil: I can’t believe it, Avni that finally, we are husband wife. It is like a dream for me. But, no, it is like reality. It is a reality of our beautiful world.

Avni cupped Neil’s face with one hand.

Avni: and we will make it more beautiful together.

Neil smiled. Neil looked at the bed and he took the file from the bed and Avni saw that. Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: usually, people give jewellery as a wedding gift to their wives but here I want to give you something that would be really precious for you and I know, jewellery is not precious for you.

Avni smiled.

Neil: and nothing could be more precious than this to you.

Avni smiled.

Neil: I am sure about it.

Neil passed the file to Avni and Avni took that. Avni opened the ribbon of the file and she opened the file. She was shocked to see the papers and her eyes filled with tears. She looked at Neil who was smiling. Avni looked at the file.

Avni: this?

Neil: I told you.

Avni was looking at the papers. These were Avni’s apartment papers.

Avni: how did you get them?

Neil smiled and when Avni did not get any reply, she looked up at Neil and found him smiling.

Avni: don’t tell me that you have bought this home?

Neil nodded and Avni was surprised.

Avni: but its owner was…

Neil: Mr Vikram Mehra.

Avni nodded.

Avni: well, he is my man.

Avni was surprised.

Avni: what?

Neil: yes.

Avni: that’s why, he let us stay there even after the given timeline.

Neil nodded. Avni was looking at him.

Neil: Avni, I wanted to help you but I knew that you will not accept my help then I got to know that you are selling the apartment so, I…

Neil stopped and he signed that’s it.

Avni was looking at Neil and suddenly, she hugged Neil who held her back and smiled.

Avni: thank you. Thank you so much. You don’t know what you have given me.

Neil smiled.

Neil: if I don’t have an idea then why would I have given you this?

Avni smiled and she hugged him more tightly and she closed her eyes.

Avni: I love you.

Neil smiled.

Neil: I love you too.

Neil captured Avni in his both arms and he kissed Avni’s hair who squeezed her eyes and dug her nails into Neil’s sherwani. They broke the hug and soon, Avni was free from all the heavy jewellery and Neil opened Avni’s hair while looking at Avni which covered her back. Avni’s eyes were closed.

Neil called Avni’s name huskily and Avni felt a shiver in her body. Neil held Avni’s chin.

Neil: Avni.

Avni looked at Neil and she saw desires in his eyes and love was of course there. Neil was waiting for her approval and Avni hugged him and he took it as approval. Neil hid his face in Avni’s hair and Avni squeezed her eyes. Neil moves back and Avni too. Neil looked at Avni’s lips and he moved to them. Neil leaned to Avni and he captured her lips and the moon and stars witnessed the union of two souls.

The next morning, Neil came after getting fresh and he was wiping his hair with the towel. Neil’s eyes fell on Avni who was still sleeping in a white shirt. Neil came to her and stands near her. Avni was looking uber cute in a white shirt and red bangles were on her wrist and a strand of hair was on her face. Neil couldn’t help but he only adored her. Neil sat near Avni carefully and he took the strand away carefully and then he smiled. Avni stirred in sleep and she stretched her body. Neil was just adoring his queen. Avni rubbed her eyes and open them. Avni saw Neil. At first, she was confused and she looked around then she realised everything and smiled to see Neil.

Avni: good morning.

Neil leaned to her, he kept his hand on her hair and kissed her forehead. Avni smiled with closed eyes.

Neil: good morning.

Avni kissed his cheek.

Avni: Happy first morning of our marriage.

How can Neil leave behind, he also returned the kiss.

Neil:  Happy first morning of our marriage.

Avni smiled and she pecked Neil’s lips. Neil smiled.

Avni: thank you.

Neil: someone is in a romantic mood.

Avni smiled.

Neil: is it an effect of last night?

Avni was looking at Neil and she blushed. Neil pecked Avni’s lips. Avni looked at Neil who winked. Neil moved to Avni’s neck and Avni squeezed her eyes.

Later, the whole Khanna family was enjoying the dessert at the dining table which Avni made. Avni was nervous and she signed Neil how is it? Neil signed awesome. Avni smiled widely.

Prakash: Bhai, wah, it is awesome, mind-blowing.

Avni smiled. Neil also felt happy to hear the praise for her wife.

Bebe: hmm, it is delicious.

Shweta: it’s amazing.

Bebe: Neil, you say.

Neil: Sorry, Bebe but I don’t have time now, I just want to enjoy my Kheer.

Neil ate the bit.

Neil: Ummm.

Avni and the others smiled. Neil saw all the busy in eating. He gave a flying kiss to Avni who widens her eyes and she looked at the family.

After the dessert, Bebe gave a gift to Avni and he smiled to see the necklace but when she saw Shweta’s gift, her eyes filled with tears. It was the same necklace that she sold. Everyone was surprised to see Avni’s tears but Neela maa was shocked.

Nm: Avni?

Avni looked at Neela maa and then she lowered her gaze in guilty. Neil frowned.

Shweta: what happened?

Nm: Avni, how did this necklace come here?

Shweta, Neil and others were confused.

Shweta: I bought it from XYZ jeweller.

Neela maa was shocked.

Neil: Avni?

No reply.

Nm: Avni, answer me honestly.

Avni: I was in need of money so I mortgage it but when I went back to get it back, he told me that he sold it.

Neil thinks.

Shweta: he told me that he bought it in 10 lacs.

Avni: no, I mortgage it and he gave me six lacs. I paid the bill of the hospital with one lac and then gave five lacs to…

Avni stopped when she realized what she is saying. Neil was shocked and he got suspicious.

Neil: to?

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: to whom, Avni?

Avni: to, to… a friend.

Neil: a friend or someone else?

Avni looked at him and others were clawless.

Neil: you gave me five lacs by mortgaging this necklace. Right?

Avni was looking at sadly. Neil was shocked.

Prakash: you?

Neil was looking at Avni emotionally. He was hurt.

Neil: yes, dad, me… I…

Avni interrupts.

Avni: ab, whatever happened, it just happened. It is past now but I am happy that I got it back. Thank you, mummy Ji. My papa made it, especially for my marriage.

Neil was looking at Avni emotionally.

Nm: and you mortgage it. How can you, Avni?

Avni looked down in guilt.

Neil: it is not her mistake, Neela maa. I am responsible for it.

Avni was about to say.

Neil: no, let me say. Neela maa, dad, actually…

Neil told them everything.

Neil: so, to pay back me money, she mortgages her precious necklace.

Prakash: Neil, what is this behaviour?

Neil looked down.

Avni: Papa Ji, it is past now everything is changed. It is almost 08 to 10 months old matter. That time, we didn’t love each other.

Neil was looking at Avni sadly and he looked at Shweta and goes to her. Neil held her hand in his hands.

Neil: thank you, mom, if this necklace will go to someone else’s hand then I will never forgive myself.

Shweta cupped Neil’s face with one hand.

Avni was sadly looking at Neil, she looked at the necklace and she smiled. Neela maa came to Avni and she kept her hand on Avni’s shoulder. Avni smiled and they looked at the necklace. Avneil looked at each other and Avni saw the guilt in Neil’s eyes. Neil looked down.

Later, Neil was standing in the room and Avni was about to enter the room but she stopped to see Neil. Avni thinks and she came inside. Avni closed the door and Neil heard that but he did not turn back. Avni turned and she came to Neil. Avni hugged Neil from behind. Neil closed his eyes.

Avni: don’t feel guilty, you didn’t ask me for money. I wanted to give you money. It was solely my decision.

Neil turned and Avni looked at Neil. He cupped Avni’s face.

Neil: but, my rude behaviour made you take that decision.

Avni shook her head.

Avni: not you, my arrogant boss.

Avni smiled and Neil smiled with teary eyes.

Neil: I am sorry.

Avni shook her head and she held Neil’s shoulders and then she leaned toward Neil. Avni kissed Neil. They moved away and looked at each other. Avni hugged Neil by keeping her head on Neil’s chest and she closed her eyes.

Avni: I don’t want to talk about the past. Our present is beautiful and I just want to enjoy it.

Neil smiled.

Avni: don’t ruin the first day of our marriage.

Neil smiled.

Neil: I love you.

Avni: I love you more.

Neil smiled.

Later, Avni was sitting on the bed and Neil was laying by keeping his head on Avni’s lap and Avni was caressing his hair and smiling. They were talking and the rubric was in Neil’s hands, he was solving it. Avni saw the time.

Avni: ok, now, get up and let me go. I have to make evening tea.

Neil looked at Avni and ignored her.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: what, Avni, it is your first day in the home and you have started working.

Avni: so what, it is my home it is the first day or some random day what is the harm in working in your own home?

Neil: there is harm because it is our day.

Avni: Neil, what is this? Let me go, what our family will think?

Neil: they will think that the newly wed couple is spending their quality time together.

Avni made a face and Neil smiled and then he closed his eyes and turned his face to Avni’s belly and hugged her. Avni smiled and she caressed his hair then she squeezed her eyes and held his back. Avni whispered Neil's face.

The next day, the birds were hovering in the sky and Neil was taking Avni somewhere by keeping his hand on Avni’s eyes.

Avni: Neil, at least tell me, where are we going?

Neil: patience, wifey, patience.

They smiled. Neil took Avni to the garden. Neil smiled to see it. 

Neil: ok, now, I am taking my hand away then you open your eyes slowly. Ok?

Avni nodded.

Neil: One, two three.

Neil took away his hands and Avni opened her eyes. Avni was surprised to see the garden and she smiled. There were roses of different colours. Red, yellow, pink, white, purple and other colours. A swing was also kept there and it was decorated with roses and Avni was amazed to see that. Avni looked around and then she looked at Neil who was smiling to see her. Neil raised his eyes and his hands were in his jeans pocket. Avni saw a board there and Avneil wonderland was written on it. Avni was surprised to see it and then she looked at Neil who was smiling.

Neil: how is the surprise?

Avni: it is amazing but when did you do this? I mean, when last time, I came here, you didn’t show me this.

Neil: that time, the board was not prepared that’s why.

Avni: Means, you planted them recently?

Neil: Yeah, there were only two trees and when I got to know that you love roses then I thought to plant only one plant but then the idea of the rose gallery came into my mind and I made it for my queen.

Avni smiled and she moved to Neil. Avni encircled her arms around Neil’s neck. Neil looked at Avni’s arm and then he looked at Avni.

Avni: hmm, Mrs Khanna liked this style of Mr Khanna very much.

Neil looked down and he smiled then he looked at Avni and held her waist. Neil pulled Avni to him and Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: Mr Khanna is glad that you like it.

Neil kissed Avni’s forehead.

Neil: let’s make a memory.

Avni frowned.

Neil: ek kiss to banti hai.

Avni blushed and Neil leaned toward her. Neil cupped Avni’s face and kissed her. Avneil looked at each other and they were panting then Avni blushed and she hid her face in Neil’s chest who smiled and caged her in his arms.

Neil: I love you.

Avni: I love you too.

Neil remembered something.

Neil: Avni?

Avni: hmm.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: what about our honeymoon, what have you think about it?

Avni moved back and she looked at Neil.

Avni: Ab, Neil, I don’t think that we can go on the honeymoon.

Neil frowned.

Neil: why?

Avni: my boss? He will not give me leave. I did not even join my office yet what will he say that I am asking for leave before joining the office.

Neil smiled.

Neil: aah, your boss. He is so arrogant.

Avni smiled and she encircled her one arm at Neil’s neck. Neil saw that and he looked at Avni.

Avni: now, he is not arrogant. In fact, he is very kind and an ideal boss and more than that he is an ideal husband who always gives cute surprises to his wifey.

Neil smiled and Avni too smiled to see him. Neil hugged Avni.

Neil: thank you, Avni. Thank you for accepting my offer. I am relieved now.

Avni smiled. 

Yes, after a lot of insisting, Avni agreed to join the office again and now she is CFO of Khanna enterprise but she has not joined the office till now.

Avneil broke the hug and smiled to see each other. Neil held Avni’s hand and he took her to the swing. Neil made Avni sit and he goes behind the swing. Neil pulled the swing slowly and Avni smiled. Avni looked back and she smiled to see Neil who also smiled. Avni signed him to come and sit. Neil came to her and sat beside her. Avni kept her head on Neil’s shoulder and Neil side-hugged Avni. The sun was going down and Avni and Neil were enjoying their quality time.

After that, they lived happily with their cute fights.

The end.

So, here, the journey from arrogant boss to loving husband ends. I hope you liked it.


We can get back what we have lost, it just needs an extra push, extra effort and hard work. If you love someone then its happiness matter to you whether it lives with you or not like Neil waited for Avni and he gave her space and Avni realised Neil’s value in her life, she realised his unconditional love. I know, saying these things are easy but difficult to do but there is a way when there is a will.

Thank you.

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