Destiny's Plan

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Chapter 07:

It was the time of night, the villa was decorated with lights and curtains. The white and purple flowers were in the vases. The villa was shining with the lights.

Everyone was enjoying the party. Prakash came and everyone met him. Neil hugged him and he kissed the shoulder of his father.

Avni saw that and she was surprised to see this side of Neil.

Prakash met the Mehta family and Ashish introduced Avni to him and Avni greeted Prakash. Prakash liked Avni. Avni looked at Neil who was trying to ignore her. Shweta came to Neil and she gave him some work. Neil nodded and he went from there. Avni was looking at him and she thinks. Avni saw Karan and she went to him.

Avni: ab, Jiju.

Karan turned and he saw Avni.

Karan: yeah, Avni.

Avni was looking at Karan whose smile faded. Karan frowned.

Everyone was enjoying the party and Neil came into the kitchen when he looked up, he was shocked to see Avni standing there. Neil understood why Karan sent him to the kitchen. Neil fumed and he turned to go.

Avni: Neil, please, one minute.

Neil stopped.

Avni: I just want your two minutes.

Neil didn’t reply to her and he looked here and there.

Avni: I am sorry, Neil, for my yesterday’s behavior. I know that I behaved very badly with you and I am actually sorry for that but you also think that I came into my room to change and then suddenly you called me and I got scared and shocked.

Neil lowered his gaze.

Avni: and in that shock, I said all those think. I know that I should not behave like that but I was not at fault also. I got scared. You say, if you were at my place then what would you do?

Neil thinks.

Avni: sorry for raising this point but to make you understand my point, I have to raise this topic.

Neil frowned.

Avni: you said that you don’t like Juhi, right?

Neil was shocked.

Avni: think, if you were at my place and Juhi was at your place then how would you react?

Neil thinks.

Avni: Would you not have lashed out at her, and accused her?

Neil thinks.

Avni: I am sorry, I raised this topic but I just want your apology and you will forgive me only when you will understand my situation.

Avni waited for Neil’s reply but when Neil didn’t give her a reply then she got disappointed.

Avni: I just want your apology and that’s why I asked Jiju to send you here. I did my work, now it is up to you whether you want to forgive me or not. But, if possible then forgive me, please… sorry, once again.

Avni was looking at Neil who was lost in his thought. Avni looked down and Neil looked at Avni. Avni was about to turn.

Neil: your apology is accepted.

Avni was looking at Neil and she got happy. Neil smiled.

Neil: you said right, if I was at your place then I would also behave that way but I would surely not tag her with bad words as you tagged me.

Avni looked down.

Neil: but I can understand your condition.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: so, I forgive you.

Avni: really?

Neil nodded.

Avni: thank you, thank you, thank you sooo much.

Neil smiled and he turned to go. Avni saw that.

Avni: Neil?

Neil stopped and he turned to Avni. Avni sighed and she came to Neil. Avni forwarded her hand. Neil looked at the hands and then he looked at Avni.

Avni: friends?

Neil was surprised to hear that and he looked at the hands. Neil gave a teasing look.

Neil: after all that… ummm… I'll have to think about it.

Avni was stunned at first and then she smiled.

Avni: After happening of all that I am asking that will you be my friend.

Neil frowned slightly while a smile was on his face.

Avni: Confused?

Neil nodded.

Avni: see, since we have met, we are fighting.

Neil: umm hmm.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: correction. You are fighting with me.

Avni: Neil, don’t start it again.

Neil smiled.

Avni: ok, so we are fighting since starting but if we become friends then we will understand each other’s point and if we fight then also we will sort out it.

Neil smiled.

Avni: so becoming friends is a better option than fighting. Sooo…

Avni forwarded her hand: friends?

Neil looked at the hand and nodded while suppressing his lips. Neil shook hands with Avni.

Neil: friends.

Avni got happy and she smiled. Avni and Neil looked at each other and they smiled. They took the hands back and Neil turned.

Avni: Neil?

Neil sighed and he turned to Avni.

Neil: now, what?

Avni pointed at the canes which were kept on the counter. Neil looked there and then he looked at Avni.

Avni Said innocently: I have to bring these canes to the party. Can you help me?

Neil made a face.

Avni: please.

Neil shook his head and he smiled. Neil came to Avni and they talked. Avni pointed at her dress how can she walk in this dress by carrying a tray
then they took the canes in the trays.

The staff was there to do this work but to apologize to Neil, Avni said that she will get the canes.

Neil turned and he went. Avni sighed happily and she went behind Neil. Avni and Neil kept the tray on the table and they smiled to see each other. Everyone got busy with guests and in arranging things. They also enjoyed but all the time, anyone or two were missing from the gang. Soon, the party ends and everyone proceeded to their room to change and have some rest.

Neil was sitting on the bed in his room and he was happy that everything is sorted between him and Avni. On the other side, Avni was standing in her room and she was happy that Neil forgave her.

Avni: Thank God, Neil forgave me. Now, I am feeling relieved.

Avni smiled.

The sun rises and people started their day. The gang was sitting in the living area, except Avni and Neil. The girls were discussing their dresses and the boys were talking about last night’s party.

Jay turned his face straight and he was surprised to see Avni and Neil coming together that too while smiling and talking.

Jay: somebody pinch me, please.

Everyone looked at him and they were confused. They followed his gaze and everyone got shocked especially Juhi and Vidyut.

Karan: Guys, you all are seeing what I am seeing?

Riya: you are also seeing Avni and Neil together.

Karan nodded.

Kareena: Had the sun risen from the west today?

Sonia: I think, yes.

Neil and Avni came to them and they saw everyone is looking at them as if they had seen a ghost. Avni and Neil frowned and they looked at each other. Avni signed Neil what happened and Neil shrunk his shoulder and signed that he doesn’t know anything. They looked at the gang.

Neil: what happened, guys?

Everyone came out of shock and they smiled.

Karan: ab, nothing, we are just amazed to see a miracle in the early morning.

Avni: miracle?

Jay: yes, a miracle. You both are coming together that too while smiling and talking. If it is not a miracle then what it is?

Avni and Neil made faces and then they smiled.

Karan: woah, surely something is today.

Avni: well, now get habitual of it.

Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: because from now on you people are going to see this scene every day.

Neil was looking at Avni who turned her face to Neil.

Avni: right, Neil?

Neil nodded.

Neil: Right.

Everyone was surprised. Avni and Neil looked at the gang.

Avni and Neil said together: because now we have become friends.

Everyone was surprised but Juhi and Vidyut were shocked and they looked hurt. Avni and Neil smiled and they looked at each other. Avni and Neil did Hi-Fi. Everyone smiled. Karan was happiest to see them together. He came to them and hugged Neil.

Karan: I am so happy for you both.

Neil was shocked and he looked at Avni. Neil smiled fakely.

Neil whispered in Karan’s ear: Nothing is like you are thinking. Control.

Karan’s smile faded and then he smiled fakely. They broke the hug, Neil nodded and Karan nodded in reply.

Jay: It's good that you guys became friends. There will be no more fighting.

Everyone smiled. Neil and Avni came and they sat. Avni sat with Riya and Neil and Karan sat together. They all got engrossed in a discussion. Avni and Neil were discussing and Juhi and Vidyut were looking at them then they looked at each other.

Later, everyone got busy with the preparation. Avni and Neil were asking the staff about the decoration. They were moving back and their back collided. They turned to each other and were surprised.

Neil: Sorry, woh main decoration dekh raha tha.

Avni: it’s ok, main bhi wahi dekh rahi thi.

They smiled and moved. Avni looked around. Someone called Neil and he goes. Avni saw that a garland of the flower has fallen. Avni made a face. Avni saw a ladder and she thinks while biting her lips. Avni goes there and climbed the ladder. Avni set the flower’s garland but Veer came there while running and Sonia was behind him. Sonia was holding the plate of food. They were running around it.

Veer: I will not have it.

Sonia: Veer.

Veer was running while holding the ladder. Avni got scared.

Avni: Veer.

Neil came there and he heard Avni. Neil was shocked to see the view.

Neil: Veer.

Veer pushed the ladder and he ran. Avni was shocked and she screamed. Neil came while running to save Avni from falling. Everyone came there in hurry. Avni fell but Neil caught Avni on time. Their position was like that Neil was holding Avni’s waist and Avni’s both hands were on Neil’s shoulders and her feet were still on the ladder. Avni opened her eyes and she saw Neil who also looked at her. Their eyes locked. Everyone took a sigh of relief but they were surprised to see Avni and Neil. Juhi and Vidyut looked at each other. Avni and Neil were looking at each other and the family members were looking at each other and Avni and Neil. Karan noticed that and he looked at Avni and Neil.

Karan in mind: this Neil.

Karan shook his head and he goes to Avni and Neil.

Karan: Neil.

Avni and Neil came back to reality. They looked at Karan and then they realized their position. Avni felt awkward. Neil picked up Avni in his arms in bridal style and then he made her stand. Avni and Neil saw the family. Avni kept her hair behind her ear while looking down. Neil saw Avni and he smiled. Riya and others came to them.

Riya: are you ok?

Avni nodded.

Avni: yeah.

Ashish: what were you doing up?

Avni said innocently: I was hanging that.

Ashish made a face. Neil smiled.

Nm: you can ask anyone?

Avni: how did I know that Veer will come?

Everyone smiled.

Jay got angry.

Jay: this Veer.

Avni and Neil got alert.

Avni: Leave it, Jay Bhai, he is a kid.

Jay: Now Veer has gone beyond limits.

Neil: talk to him calmly, he will understand. If you shout at him then he will get frightened.

Jay: you all have spoiled him, especially you, Neil.

Neil made a face and Avni smiled. Neil also smiled.

Maddy: Jay, calm down.

Jay made a face.

Jay: Avni, are you ok?

Avni: yes, I am perfectly fine. Thanks to Neil if he had not come on time then don’t know what would have happened. He saved me.

Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: thank you, Neil.

Neil smiled.

Neil: we are friends, right? So anything for my cute friend.

Avni was surprised and she looked at her family. The Mehta family was looking at each other and the Khanna family was also surprised. They were also looking at each other. Ashish came to Neil and patted Neil’s shoulder. Ashish hugged him.

Ashish: Thanks, Neil, you didn’t save Avni only, you saved me and Neela also. Avni is our life.

Neil smiled. Avni also smiled and Neela maa side-hugged Avni. Neil looked at Avni who was looking at Neela maa.

Neil in mind: Avni is not only your life, uncle, she is my life too. I saved myself by saving Avni.

Avni looked at Neil and they passed a smile to each other. Ashish and Neil broke the hug.

Neil: Uncle, it was my duty.

They smiled.

Later, the function of Heena started. The girls were applying Heena on their hands and the boys were busy with arrangements. Karan came with his friends and Neil looked around for Avni who was sitting with Riya and they were smiling.

Neil was lost to see his girl. Avni looked at Neil and she felt shy to see him. Neil smiled and Avni looked at him again and she also passed a smile to see him.

The Khanna ladies also applied Heena on Karan’s hand and the boys were smiling. Avni was also present there and she also applied Heena on Karan’s hand and Karan gave her money. Avni got happy and Neil smiled to see her.

Later, a girl was applying Heena on Avni’s hand and Neil was looking at Avni. Avni felt a gaze and she turned her face. Avni saw Neil and she felt awkward and Neil smiled. Avni turned her face but Neil’s eyes were fixed on Avni and Avni again looked at Neil and then she looked away. The girl talked to her and Avni replied to her. Avni turned her face but this time Neil was not there and Avni looked around to see him but she didn’t find Neil. Neil was hiding behind the pillar and he saw Avni. Neil smiled. Avni thinks and she looked for Neil who was smiling to see her.

Later, Neil, Avni, and others were dancing to the song Landon thumakda. Neil and Avni took Riya and Karan there and they danced. Avni and Neil collided while dancing. They looked at each other and lost. Kareena collided with Neil and they came back to reality and felt awkward. They resumed dancing.

Soon the function ended.

The next day, everyone gathered in the living area and they were discussing the marriage because only three days were left. Prakash and Ketan were talking and suddenly Prakash’s phone rang and he took his phone from the table. Prakash’s smile faded and he was shocked.

Prakash: doctor’s call.

Everyone got shocked and worried. Avni looked at Neil who looked tense. Everyone was looking at Prakash.

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