8. I can't loose you.

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After sometime, Sanskar was pacing here and there being restless and looking at her. Aryan was worriedly standing there. That's when doctor came outside. Sanskar rushed to him.

" How is she doctor?" Sanskar asked.

"Her condition is better but she is still critical. We can say anything only when she will gain consciousness." Doctor told.

Sanskar was sad and worried.

After sometime, Doctor called Sanskar in his cabin. Aryan also come with him. Sanskar was too focused on Swara to think about him.

"As She was suffering from amnesia. There are only two case that can be possible. Mr. Maheshwari, I think either she will gain her memory back or forget everything and may be she will never Remember it." Doctor said.

"What?" Sanskar asked in shock. Aryan was also shocked.

"Yes Mr. Maheshwari, it may be possible that she will remember her past life of five months ago but what happened in these five months, she might not remember. Or vice versa. The chances are quite low that she remembers both. She got shock of dangerous level. Her doctor must have warn you to keep her away from stress or any kind of force to remember everything but she had stressed so much that resulted into this condition. She might have landed into coma." Doctor said.

"What? But now she is fine na?" Sanskar asked.

"For now she is critical Mr. Maheshwari. If she doesn't get conscious soon then she may land into comma and then it will be too difficult for us to save her." Doctor said.

Aryan came out of cabin after listening what doctory said. While Sanskar was numb. He just don't understand what he should do.

" Mr. Maheshwari, you should be her strength right now. She need support and strength. You can't let yourself break." Doctor said consoling him.

Sanskar nodded. He blinks several times pushing back his tears.

" Can I see her once?" Sanskar asked.
Doctor nodded. " Sure."

He came out of cabin and went back to Swara's ward. Aryan was sitting outside with Atul. He went toward door and pushed it slowly then entered inside. He looked at her, lying unconsciously. Drip was connected and monitor screen was showing her heart rate. He goes to her slowly and sit beside her on chair. Slowly holding her hand in his one hand, he caressed her face lovingly.

" Why are you doing this to me?" He asked with heavy voice.

"Swara, I can see anything but I can never see your tears and pain. Don't do this please Swara. Please wake up. Swara, I m too tired to lose everyone I loved, and you became the reason I believed to live yet again. Don't snatch it from me. I know I have already lost you. Aryan, the one you love is here for you and I want to be selfish to never let you go away from my life but my love is selfless Swara. Don't leave Swara please. I can't imagine my life if anything happens to you. I am scared and feeling my hopes are shattering. Please don't leave. Love is felt by heart and you are most special feeling for me that will always with me. I will cherish those moments for my life but without you, I am just a lifeless soul. I saved your life that night but it was you who gave a meaning to my life. I don't care about anything whether you remember me or not. Whether you will be with me or leave me but for me, most important things is your life. I can live away from you but not without you. I love you Swara." He said looking at her.

A tear slide down from his eyes. He pressed his lips on her hand and kissed it. Then he leaned toward her and kissed her forehead. He caressed her hair moving back still looking at her angelic face that was looking pale. Then only he heard a knock. He composed himself and wipes his tears away.

He looked back only to find Aryan standing near door. Aryan looked at their joined hand and then looked at Sanskar.

"I.. I want to be with her for sometime. Can..can I..?" Aryan asked.

Sanskar understood what he wanna say. Swara is his wife and he has all right to be with her and tell Aryan to go from here but he can't deny that She loved him. What if his presence bring her back? Even with this thought he felt pain but he just couldn't do anything. He was sitting beside her, holding her hand yet he felt himself so distant from her. He fisted his hand feeling his heart wrenched with sudden pain. Still, he nodded. He got up from chair to go and Aryan came toward Swara. But as soon as Sanskar hold loosen on Swara's hand, he felt his hand was gripped by her and she took a deep breathe. He looked at her.

"Swara?" He immediately come near her.

She was struggling to take breathe. Her heart rate was dropping. She was clutching his hand. He tried to calm her.
"Swara, Swara? What happened? Wake up please." Sanskar said worriedly.

"Doctor!!!" He shouted.
Aryan rushed outside to call doctor watching her condition. Within a minute, doctor came there. He told Sanskar to go out. Aryan was already outside. Swara was given injection. Sanskar went outside looking at her once before going.

Few minutes later, Sanskar was pacing here and there worriedly. He just prayed that she should be fine. Then only Doctor came out.

"Doctor?" Sanskar asked rushing to him.

"Don't worry Mr. Maheshwari. She is out of danger. She will wake up anytime soon." Doctor said.

Sanskar felt like he got his breathe back. He said thanks to Doctor. Aryan also thanked him. Doctor nodded and went from there.

After sometime,
Swara's hand shows movement. The nurse who was there only sees this. She looked at her. Her eyebrows furrowed and then she blinks. She opened her eyes slowly and looked around. She got confused to see nurse and looked around only to find herself on hospital bed and white walls around. She tried to get up abruptly but nurse hold her.

"Ma'am, please be careful. Don't be stressed. You are fine now. " Nurse said.

"What happened to me? What am I doing here?" Swara asked confusingly.

"You fainted due to shock but don't worry you are okay now. Your husband is out there. I will call him. Relax. Okay?" Nurse said and went out.

Swara looked at her as she went out. Nurse went out. Sanskar and Aryan, both saw her.

"Mr. Maheshwari, your wife is conscious now." Nurse said with smile.

Sanskar rushed to her happily.
"Really? Can I see her?" He asked.

"Sure Mr. Maheshwari. I will inform doctor." Nurse said and went from there.

Sanskar was so happy. He hold the door knob to enter when Aryan also hold knob at the same time. That's when his mind strike the reality. He removed his hand away in pain. Aryan also moved his hand back. Both looked at each other. Sanskar looked away not able to understand what he should do. He was dying to see her and make himself believe that she is fine but Aryan...

"I think you should go." Sanskar heard Aryan and looked at him.
Aryan gave a sad smile and nodded.

"You should go. I don't know she remember me or not. I was with her five months ago, its past for her which she might not remember and somewhere I was responsible for what happened with her and you were with her to save her and help her. If she doesn't remember me then also it's fine. But I don't want that I become the reason of her pain. I don't want her to Suddenly take stress and her condition again deteriorated watching me. So, please you go first." Aryan said.

Sanskar looked at him. He felt bad for him but he nodded and went inside turning the door knob.
As soon as he saw her, he couldn't stop himself from going to her. He wrapped his hand around her and hugged her in sudden peace to see her fine. He felt like he will loose her forever.

"Thank god Swara, you are fine. you don't know what I was going through all the time. You took my breathe away. I am so happy to see you fine. I told you so many times that never stress yourself but you, you have just thought to never listen to your husband." Sanskar said closing his eyes when he heard her and it shook him.

"Who are you? How dare you touch me!!! Just stay away!!" Sanskar heard this and then felt himself pushed away.

Sanskar moved back from her and got up from bed. For a second he was confused but then realisation hit his mind and his face expression changed.

"Who are you? And which husband you are talking about?? I m not married. How dare you come close to me!!" Swara shouted.

"It may be possible that she will remember her past life of five months ago but what happened in these five months, she might not remember. Or vice versa. The chances are quite low that she remembers both."

He remembered Doctor's word and it stab his heart with realisation that she has forgotten him. The fear he had all the time, turned truth. She was here in front of him yet so far away. He lost her. He closed his eyes feeling his heart wrenched with pain. Then opened his eyes only to find her looking at him the way he never thought. Like he was some criminal. He is the danger.

"A...Aryan, wh.. where is he? Aryan!!! Aryan!!" She screamed.

His step automatically moved back with tears in his eyes which slipped from his eyes feeling the bleeding of his heart.

To be continued...


"Why? Are you feeling hurt to face what you did was wrong? To face the reality?"

Sanskar gave her sad chuckle.

"Reality? No Swara, You are far away from reality. If you would have remind it then you would have never said what you just did."

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