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"Mrs Mcafree, please do send me more cookies" Meredith yelled in my ear, making me almost drop the phone. My mom had decided to video call me today

"You already ate so much of mine" I scowled at her. It was true. The first weekend my mom had brought extra cookies after I told her about Meredith. Meredith and mom got along well, sometimes ganging up against me to my utter mortification.

It had been two weeks since college started and I had been happier than I have ever been, even if I was loaded with work.

"I have to go" my mom gestured to someone, before hanging up on me. I should probably tell Dave. While Dave would love to decrease my mom's workload, the stubborn woman would never agree to it.

College routine was even more fun, my weekdays filled with studies and random calls from my mom, and the weekend filled with a fun video call evening and Dave bringing me cookies.

Meredith had her own plan on weekends which I suspected she spent with her boyfriend, Ethan, who I hadn't met yet. It had also been 2 weeks since I had seen Josh, not that I was keeping count.

Surprisingly, the professor who Josh had been the substitute for liked that I was attentive. And I loved all his classes. He had a fun way of taking us through his class. Professor Gilberg was a 59-year-old, sturdy man with huge oval spectacles.

He was also the oldest one here, the most valued teacher in the college. His eyes shone with love for his subject and I have so many rumors that he had once been one of the most influential doctors before deciding to teach so he could take care of his grandson.

"I am going out," Meredith said suddenly, closing her books and rubbing her temple. It had been hard to keep track of the subjects. All the professors were breezing through the semester. To make matters worse, Meredith had missed a day last week as she had overstayed with her boyfriend for obvious reasons.

It was good I had no boyfriend. I wouldn't have to worry about his.. umm needs. It was close to the weekend anyway. I was going through my Facebook account when something caught my eyes. Was it an article?

After spending 2 hours studying the article, I went through every information to make sure it was made up. It wasn't. All of it was true. And the incidences were definitely not a coincidence. That just didn't seem possible.

It only meant one thing- the pandemic was coming.

People posted weird stuff all the time. Conspiracy theories, strange stories but this didn't feel like that. The man had used his real identity. It wouldn't be long before anyone tracks him.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I texted him. Hopefully, he could put light on what he meant. And if he any proof. When Meredith came back after a quick date with Ethan, she was surprised to see our shared bulletin board full.

I had spent the past few hours collecting information and each piece of information only confirmed my worst fears. I had then decided to find a disease with similar symptoms but came up with nothing.

"Wha-" Meredith stopped herself, reading everything, connecting the dots. She looked at me with questions and I nodded.

"These symptoms...they are similar" she whispered.

"How so?" I asked.

"I read about the young girl" she whispered. It was true. The story of the young girl was indeed heartbreaking. She was just 4 years old. Too young to go through what she went through. She had been strong until the end. All the information was weird and the doctor refused to talk about it.

Two weeks later, this was the last thing we had in mind, as we were swamped by works. And one evening Meredith decided she was done with our "boring life". Her boyfriend had invited her to a club and she convinced me to come. The girl was persuasive when she wanted to be.

I was frowning at the mirror, fighting with the zipper of my black dress. I had bought it for the prom I never got to go. The bullies had called it a cheap dress. It was still one of the beautiful dresses I have. Thinking of it now, I shouldn't have let the girls get in my head.

"Wow, you look sexy" Meredith winked, helping me with the zipper before putting make-up on, against my refusal. I looked different, more mature, and maybe even cute.

Meredith offered me her black heels which luckily wasn't too tall. Meredith settled for a blue, body-hugging dress that stopped on her mid-thighs, showing off her well-toned legs.

I had the pleasure of meeting her surprisingly sweet boyfriend who only had eyes for her. He must really like her.

"He is coming tonight" he announced, making Meredith excited. The girl did well with anything social. Who was 'he'? I wondered.

"Your best friend since...kindergarten?" she asked. He nodded.

"Ethan, that's amazing. I can't wait to know all your embarrassing moments" she teased. Ethan rolled his eyes before opening the door for both of us. Meredith sat in the front, beside Ethan and I sat at the back. 

I was fidgeting with my fingers, even more, nervous about making Ethan's best friend. My stomach was in knots by the time we reached the club. Two intimidating guards stood in front of the entrance, glaring. They must know Ethan for they let us in without asking for any Id.

The first thing I noticed was the heat, even if there were air conditioners and next to the commotion. People looked more laid back, having a good time with friends and strangers. Meredith held my hand, tugging me along with her. I was still taking in a strange atmosphere. My mom would lose it if she knew I was here. A club was where her whole life had changed and I know she regretted conceiving when she was barely matured enough to take care of herself.

We finally reached the bar, where a few were working. The dark-haired guy grinned at Ethan, bumping his fist.

"Nothing too strong for my girl and her friend" he warned, making the bartender chuckled.

"I will go get him" Ethan whispered in Meredith's ear and hastily kissed her before leaving. Meredith still had the dreamy look in her eyes, staring at the space where he had just been.

"Someone looks whipped" I teased, getting her attention. She ignored my comment and drank whatever the bartender had served. I was still staring at my glass, a little intimidated.

"It won't burn you. It's just a little booze" Meredith assured me, looking pointedly at my glass. Before I could talk myself out of it, I gulped down the drink. It wasn't really that bad. Meredith whistled.

Meredith was right about alcohol loosening a person because suddenly I wasn't so worried about the consequence and gratefully finished my second glass. I was still aware and not completely wasted when I heard the voice.

The same voice which had captivated me weeks ago.  Maybe I really got too drunk. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. 

It was Josh and he was Ethan's best friend.


It's a small world, isn't it? Well, the next chapter must be interesting ;)

Tune in for the next chapter.

Goodbye for now. 

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