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FULL NAME: Noa Monet Kurosawa


AGE: 19

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female, she/her


FACE CLAIM: Kutsuna Shiori

PERSONALITY: Noa tries her best to be kind to everyone, no matter how much they may have hurt her before. People matter to her, no matter who they are. She's giving, willing to give up every aspect of her own being for others. Noa can be a little naive, though. It's not that she was sheltered, because she wasn't. She just wants to believe the best of people, of the world. Noa has a bad habit of forgiving people who hurt her. Yes, she knows she shouldn't, but she believes that everyone deserves a second chance. After all, they can't be purely awful, can they? Noa's ability to forgive people who hurt her is astounding. She can be impulsive, which leads to her getting into trouble. She doesn't think before acting, for the most part, and that gets her into messy situations more than anything else she does. There are situations she does think in, but others? Not so much. Noa loves art, and wants to pursue it as a career, but was slated to study accounting.

STRENGTHS: Painting, playing piano, gardening, intelligent, kind.

WEAKNESSES: Forgiving, few actual life skills, impulsive.

BACKSTORY: Noa Kurosawa was born the third child to a rather poor family. Her mother, Haru, had dropped out of school at sixteen to give birth to Noa's older sister, Kasumi. Kasumi's father had abandoned Haru, leaving her alone with the baby. Haru married when Kasumi was two, had another baby, Yori, a year later, and was divorced a year after that. Haru met Noa's father not long after that, and he fell in love with her. They married, and Noa came along not long after that. The money issue wasn't solved, however, as neither parent had a steady well-paying job. The family struggled for a good seven years. Then, Noa and her siblings became orphans. Noa's not entirely sure how her parents died; Kasumi kept her pretty much in the dark about it all. All Noa knows is that she and her siblings were sent into the foster system. At the beginning, the three of them were kept together, mostly at the insistence of Kasumi. But it was eventually decided that it was too hard to place all three of them at once, so they were separated. Noa hasn't seen either of her siblings since she was nine years old. Noa hated being apart from her siblings, especially Yori. The younger two had always been very close, and Noa missed her brother more than anything else. She never really got over it, just stopped saying so. When she was twelve, Noa was adopted by her foster family at the time, the Gallaghers, a lovely family with two other adoptive children that she adores. She graduated high school last year, and has been taking a gap year before going to college for accounting, even though she would much rather study art - but that plan changed radically when her name was drawn for a place in Terra Nova.

FAMILY: Haru Kurosawa, birth mother, deceased.
David Kurosawa, birth father, deceased.
Kasumi Kurosawa, birth sister, unknown, 22.
Yori Kurosawa, birth brother, unknown, 21.
Anna Gallagher, adoptive mother, 48, earth.
Omar Gallagher, adoptive father, 50, earth.
Susanne Gallagher, adoptive sister, 24, earth.
Elijah Gallagher, adoptive brother, 22, earth.
Liam Summers, adoptive brother, 17, earth.
Gloria Thomas, adoptive sister, 13, earth.



LOVE INTEREST? Yes please!


THEME SONG: Louder Than Words by Les Friction

AESTHETIC: Paint, easels, artists' smocks, bright yellow, laughter, quotes about love, gardens

QUOTES: "Well, why don't we work through this together?" "I don't want to leave them all behind."

FULL NAME: Logan James Moody

NICKNAME: Moody, Doc, LJ

AGE: 30

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male, he/they

SEXUALITY: Pansexual

FACE CLAIM: Brandon Routh

PERSONALITY: Logan's a pretty smart guy. He sped through high school and college - in fact, he graduated college early. He has the ability to do much with himself, but chose to study medicine. What can he say, he loves to help people, and the fact that he was gifted with the smarts to do so makes him happy. Besides, a lot of his intelligence appears in the form of people skills—Logan can calm just about anyone if he tries hard enough, and most people like him after only a few minutes of talking to him. However, Logan is very paranoid. He's almost always looking over his shoulder and gets annoyed at people reading over his shoulder or anything of the sort. This paranoia induces a certain degree of anxiety attacks, though Logan refers to it all as "just a panic disorder". Despite this paranoia, Logan is unusually trusting. He gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, even when he really shouldn't. He finds it hard to believe that all people are all bad. On top of all that, Logan is stubborn. He refuses to back down, no matter what the issue is. He believes he's right, no matter what.

STRENGTHS: A qualified doctor, ability to read maps, knowledge of the law, and intelligence.

WEAKNESSES: Stubborn, paranoid, too trusting, cannot cook to save his life.

BACKSTORY: Logan is the second of two kids. His parents—well, they weren't the most kid-friendly people. They thought they were, and many would call them good parents and mean it. The reality is, Logan's parents were extremely controlling - helicopter parents taken to the next level. They obsessed over Logan's every move, and while it wasn't such a bad thing when he was younger, it was very restricting for the then-adventurous young boy. As Logan grew older, his parents' overprotectiveness grew worse. He wasn't allowed to do anything, not even go outside, without asking one of his parents first. He learned to be what many adults call "respectful" but really is more like scared. Luckily for Logan, he was good enough at school that he had no problems there, and he was friendly enough to make friends no matter where he went. As Logan started to think about college and what he wanted to do with his life, it became clear that his parents were going to dictate that part of his life too. His parents wanted him to be a lawyer, like his dad, but Logan had no interest. He had always wanted to help people, but not in that way. This is where his paranoia really started. He was constantly watched by his parents, who insisted that they only wanted to make sure he was safe and happy, and wouldn't let him do anything on his own. Privacy was nonexistent for Logan, though it didn't work in the reverse. After high school, Logan gave into his parents' wishes and enrolled in a university near his home studying law. He was good at it, and did very well. But he hated it. Not to mention he still lived at home—his mother's idea—which was quickly becoming a place that induced panic attacks for him. He needed out. But he didn't get out, didn't take the chance, until he'd finished three years of schooling he didn't want. At twenty-one, Logan told his parents he was leaving, dropped out of school, and packed his bags. He finished his degree, this time in medicine, and joined a practice near where he lived. When Terra Nova opened this trip looking for doctors, Logan took the guaranteed trip, though he's sad to be leaving his sister behind.

FAMILY: Agatha Moody, mother, 65, earth.
Darren Moody, father, 63, earth.
Elizabeth Moody, sister, 32, earth.





THEME SONG: Another Way Out by Hinder

AESTHETIC: Medical supplies, scrubs, dark blue, neon lights, dark roads, smiles, stethoscopes.

QUOTES: "This is... nothing like I expected." "What do you think it's like, living in the past?" "Okay, the child inside of me is very excited at the possibility of seeing dinosaurs, but also, that sounds like it could be a disaster."

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