Chapter 3: Scarlet

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Deep in the underworld, general Bloodlust and Corporal Maggot returned from their stakeout...

The two demons rode on the back of their pack wyverns, and approached the Underworld Force base, which was a huge castle made of hellstone. As they approached the gate, the guards noticed them.

"ID please!" One of the Guards barked, "General Bloodlust and Corporal Maggot reporting for duty." Bloodlust hissed.

The guard nodded, "password?" He asked. Bloodlust thought for a moment, "Voodoo." He said. The guard's mood changed in an instant, other demons had been known to try to sneak in disguised as someone else, but they changed the password every day.

"Welcome back sir!" The guard smiled warmly to them, "open the gate!" He yelled back to the other guards. The hellstone gate rose slow and ominously... And the general and corporal flew through.

They put their wyverns in the stable, and entered the main corridor. A plump fire imp sat at a desk, he looked up from his papers. "Hello General, corporal... Was your trip successful?" he asked. "No." Grumbled Maggot. "Oh," the imp said as if he was expecting that answer, "then you'll have to tell lord Scarlet."

The two demons faces went pale. Master scarlet did not like disappointments, and was known to execute those who failed her.

The imp noticed their fear, "she won't kill you bloodlust, you're the only good general we have... As for you maggot... I advise you stay quiet." The imp then went back to his papers, humming contently.

Bloodlust and Maggot started to make their way to the throne room, shivering in fear all the way. They approached the throne room's door. "Listen Maggot, I do the talking... Unless you want to be fed to that bone serpent."

Maggot shivered even more, master scarlet also had a pet fully-grown, male bone serpent named Bones, who was raised on a healthy diet of failed demons. "Ok... L-let's go." He stuttered.

The throne room was very morbid, skeletons of dead humans hung from the walls, and blood stained the floor like a thick paint. There, on a throne of bones, sat Master Scarlet... The first female demon to be the Underworld Force's leader, and the first ever demon To have hair.

She was stroking Bones when they approached, then Stopped and glared at them with her piercing red eyes. "Well?" she asked, twirling her long purple hair with her talon, "was it a success? Was the human killed?" General bloodlust chewed his claws, "no my lord... The destroyer was err... Destroyed." He stammered.

Scarlet raised an eyebrow, "how?" she said calmly. Corporal Maggot suddenly piped up, it was all too much to handle. "With pancakes... Master..." He sobbed. Bloodlust shot a "are you crazy?" look at him, then shook his head.

Scarlet's ram-like horns and meat-hook teeth suddenly seemed to grow larger, "WITH WHAT???!!!" She roared. "P-pancakes my lord..." Bloodlust whimpered slightly.

Bloodlust and Maggot took a couple steps back as Scarlet got out of the throne, "I WILL NOT EXCEPT A LEGENDARY BEAST TO BE KILLED BY A SIMPLE BREAKFAST ITEM!" She screeched.

Scarlet calmed down suddenly, and sat back on the throne. "We could always use the twins, my lord." Maggot suggested, wiping sweat of his fore head.

Scarlet considered this, then narrowed her eyes, "no. You two will do it." She said.

Bloodlust's wings twitched, "why us my lord?" He asked.

"Because you have a will, I will not leave a job as important as this to some mindless beast." She explained while feeding bones a hellbat.

Bloodlust and Maggot glanced at each other. Scarlet got irritated, "what are you waiting for? Go!" She stammered. "Yes my lord!" The demons said together as they ran to get their wyverns.

Hey doods! Thx for reading this book! If you are wondering who Lord Scarlet is (which you probably aren't,) well it's my good friend Darkdragon77! If you want to be in this story, just wright me a message on the message board, put the name of your character and who he/she is, like a terrarian or a demon, or a talking slime! Whatever you want! Just message me!

Slimeguy, out! 😄

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