A request.

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This is a serious topic.

So you know this book is rapidly growing, yes?

Soon, the comment section is going to be a problem.

"Wull. What do u mean Madison?"

Let's take it from the top, shall we?

So I have this other book, Zanemau, and today it has just hit 60 K reads.

Now, I would do things that would make the fan girls/boys....... Upset...

And they would like to use.... Creative... Vocabulary.......

I had asked them not to use profanity in the comments.

They didn't listen to my warming.

Next course of action was I start blocking them.

"But Madison! Why is this Important?"

I've had this Wattpad career for over a year now and I had gained a reputation. A positive reputation for being family friendly. Now, I don't know the ages of my younger readers, I don't want my younger readers going into the comment section on one of my books and reading something they're not supposed to.

Also, it just makes me uncomfortable. Now, I don't mind if you use profanity in your own books, but please don't do it on my books.

I ask that you don't use swear words or profane language in the comment section.

I hope you guys understand.

Thank you Brudunskies.


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