A surprise

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Is this a chapter?


But a one-shot awaits! I was bored last night and inspiration shocked me.

What a one-shot is: A story on it's own somewhat derived from the story, however the one shot does not impact the story and is wrapped up nicely.

Here we are:

Brandon POV

Just relax, Brandon. It's only a cup of coffee.....

I stood anxiously outside of a local cafe, hesitating. Then, my head shook.

Brandon you wimp! You've been in this town for two weeks and you haven't even talked to a single person!

You are going inside this coffee shop!

My hand push the door open as I stepped into the dimly lit cafe.

It wasn't too moderately busy, so that was good. I walked up to a pleasant looking woman.

"Umm. T-table for one, m'am." I stutter. Smooth move, dude. She gave me an odd look, and then smiled.

"Right this way, Sir." The lady said, turning her back. She led me to a secluded corner, away from most people. The only person around was a guy busy typing away at his computer.

"Will this spot work for you, Sir?" The hostess asked. I nodded.

"This is perfect, thank you ma'm." I replied as polite as I could. The hostess set down a menu and walked back to her podium. I sat down and pulled out my journal.

I looked out the window and admired the gloomy skyline.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I turned the pages in my journal. The only reason I'm in this town is to write my novel. Sadly, I've been going through some writers block.

"Hi!" A cheerful voice says. My eyes dart up and I see a lady standing in front of me. Her dark brown hair was tied back in a pony tail and her emerald eyes stared at me intently.

Oh my......

"Are you ready to order, sir?" She asked.


I fumbled around with the menu.

"Uh-umm.. Yes... May I have a white chocolate cappuccino?" I stuttered. She wrote my order down on her notepad.

"Hm... Are you new in town?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I felt my face flush red.

"Is it that obvious?" I whispered. She shook her head and laughed.

"No! By any means, I just haven't seen you around before. I recognize everyone in this town." The waitress said.

She leaned in close.

"Including that weird guy in that booth over there" she motioned her head over to the guy with the computer.

"I heard that, Feather. And thank you for the compliment." The guy said, turning over towards us.

"Whatever you say, Ki." The waitress---Feather, giggled. She rolled her eyes.

"Now. Will that be all sir?" Feather asked. I nodded.

"And before I go get your cappuccino, I would like to know your name. Surely I need to know the name of the handsome man I waited on today," She said, winking.

My cheeks became pink with embarrassment.

"Uh.. It's B-Brandon... Brandon Windsor...." I replied, heat spreading on my face. Feather smiled.

"Alright Brandon, I'll be right back out." Feather said, walking away.

I couldn't help but smile. S-she called me handsome....

My face fell as I looked back at my journal.

Surely she was just being facetious...

I mean.... She's absolutely gorgeous!

Surely she was just joking around....

I mean..... I'm so awkward! She probably felt pity on me...

My thoughts were jumbled when Feather came back.

Was she flirting with me?

Does she like me?

"Here's your cappuccino. Careful, It's hot.."

"Y-you too."

I felt my body freeze.




Did I really just say that???!

It took all of my willpower to not hit my  head against the table, instead, I started blushing like a maniac.

I dared to look at the waitress. She gave me a puzzled look while a light blush ran across the bridge of her nose.
She walked away without saying anything.

I didn't touch my coffee. Instead, I buried my face in my hands. I can't believe I said that! First person I met and I messed it up!

And she l-looked pretty cute too....

And there goes my chance! Poof! Into thin air!

"Here." I heard someone say. I look up to see Feather walking away. What she left was the check.

But there was something scribbled at the bottom.

In a dark green ink was a phone number and a message.

"Even though you accidentally called me hot, you seem like a cool guy, call me sometime."


I felt my self smile widely.

Maybe I do have a chance after all?

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