Chapter 112: Fight or Flight?

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Feather's point of view

Before I could collect my bearings, an ear-piercing snarl erupts from the air, burning my eardrums. 

Several.... And I mean several of those creatures spot me and screech, starting to barrel towards me.



I scramble to my feet, but the pain in my shoulder seems to grow as the monsters get closer.

My feet firmly plant against the ground as I try to push myself of of the ground.

"SSSSCCRREEEAAAKK!" One of the Eater of souls hollered before ramming into my good shoulder.

Its talon-like teeth snatch for my body, but the blow to my shoulder pushed me back, somehow managing me to dodge.

More swarmed around me, occasionally crashing into me.

Huh.......... This is nothing compared to what I originally faced. More so, right now, It's only my right shoulder giving me issues.

The scars were burning and every time I tried to get up, to try to escape the monsters, my shoulder fought against me, forcing me to the ground again.

I immediately remember the magic mirror in the front pocket of my bag.

I could get out of here just that easy....

But.... I'll just reappear in me and Brandon's room.


Really don't feel like talking to him right now.

.... He seems different....

But... I can't hold it against him. I've also been acting different too.

Since that one night.......

I....I've.... Started feeling different towards him.

But... Also... I cannot prove that I am weak....

I unsheathed my cutlass without thinking.

I am not weak.

Just as another Eater of Souls started charging towards me, I sliced it down the middle.

Purple liquid oozed out of the corpse and it fell to the ground. My right shoulder seemed to get a little better.

Just as another one rammed into me, It caught my arm, trying to throw me into the air.

Quickly, before it could sink it's teeth in me, I gave it a swift kick to the jaw, Simiotaniously activating my rocket boots. The embers burnt the monster as it roared in pain, dropping me to the ground.

I smirked at the beast as the front shriveled in pain.

Before I could land another hit on it, it desinegrated into ash.

I tore through many more of them, my body moving more swiftly as I felt adrenaline start pumping.

After nothing remained but a pile of corpses and ash, I took a deep breath.

.... D-did..... Did..... Did I do this?!

I look down at my cutlass. Sure enough it was covered in the sickly purple blood.


There were no more screeches or growls or squeals. Just an eerie silence except for my heavy breathing.


Did it!

A surge of pride coursed through me.

I did it!

I felt oddly giddy as I stood amongst the slowly disintegrating monster corpses.

I did it!!!

The pain in my right shoulder had died down, but it still was a thrumming sensation that was mildly uncomfortable. The more I stood in the corruption, the more the burning sensation grew.

I should get out of here and find that jungle.

Oh my!!

I can't wait to tell Bran----


Maybe not right now.....

I still have to get the jungle wood before I go home.

Taking a quick glance around, I run and leap, activating my boots in the process.

As I continued thought the corruption, no other Eater of Souls were seen. It was oddly nice.


But still.....

I defended myself!

All on my own!

Without the help of anyone! It's awesome!

I never liked always relying on someone to save me.

It got boring really fast.

But... Now......

Now I can prove that I can do stuff for myself!

If I can handle a huge swarm of horrible, flesh-eating creatures then I can handle anything.

Ah. There.

There's that confidence.

I was startled and snapped out of my thoughts. It took me a moment to realize that I was out of the corruption and soaring through a desert and the pain in my shoulder subsided.

Well.... Well well.... It's nice to see that you didn't get too mildly hurt.

See!?? I can handle myself! I'm strong!

Haha.... So you are..... Say...... Do you remember what I told you earlier?

When you were getting emotional?

Yeah---- HEY!!!

Ha! You admitted to it!

Grr.... What I was going to say was that you saw the principle I applied to you in affect.

You've never needed me or Brandon to be there, But we were.

Now, You're slowly starting to grow stronger--- with our guidance of course!

But.... It's just emotional to see.... Well... You growing.....

Not just physically, but as a person.

You've become less stubborn and accepting of help, but you also want to be  more independent...

You're becoming a very fine hero indeed...

A very fine lady I might also add...

Wait... Are you even listening to me?


My thoughts were wandering elsewhere. I smiled to myselfZ

Brandon huh?

When Ki said his name, My heart began to beat a little faster.

I didn't have the guts to tell him he was right. But he already knew...

I was thinking about Brandon.

So you're in love with him, Huh?

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