Chapter 113: In the name of love

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Feather's Point of View

"WWWHHHAAATT?!?" I shrieked, not meaning to be so loud.

You heard me. And you're not denying it.

W-what?!? No I don't!

You're telling me you don't love Brandon?

No... I do love him! But not like that! Protective love!

Ah.... I see.


HEY! I'm telling the truth!


All those dreams and stuff meant nothing to you?

I felt my body crash against the sand once he mentioned that. My face flared up.

So I thought. You do love him.

No! I don't!

I'm not in love with Brandon!

There! I didn't say you were in love with him. I just said that you love him.

There's not even a difference between the two!

On the contrary. Huge difference.

So?!!? Why are we discussing this?!? I don't even love him!

Fine.... You clearly want to be left alone.

I didn't mean----


"UUURRRRGGG!" I scream in frustration.

This is so stupid!

I set my head down, not caring if sand got into my mouth.


Why am I doing this?

Why am I trying to find a stupid jungle just to get some freakin wood from some freakin tree.


I really should just go home.

It'll be better than being interrogated on my feelings towards Brandon.

We're only friends....



I caught my breath and held it momentarily.


I knew I was lying to myself.

..... I guess I could have a few feelings towards him..... It's natural... Right??

Na... You're in love!

"I AM NOT IN LOVE!" I scream into the sand.

I really should get moving...

I pry my body off of the sand and look up towards the sky. It looked to be mid-after noon and I was starting to sweat uncontrollably.

The trip through the desert was tough. Heck. I'd rather venture through the tundra.

I was hot, and tired, and in need of water.

It was a little... Lonely?

Without Ki to constantly bug me and question my life choices...... I.... Well....

I wish Brandon was here.

You. Are. In. Love!


... Ok.... Maybe I like him a little....

Nope. Sorry dear, but you're in love with him.

I am not in love with him! How many times to I have to repeat that!

Ok... I want you to do something. I want to think about Brandon. Everything you know about him... Even the flaws.

Think about Brandon?


..... I guess Brandon's somehow on my mind constantly. Well.... He's my best friend... It's pretty natural.... Right?

He...... His....... His eyes are gorgeous.... Deep, rich brown.... Always looking into mine....Shining with passion and emotion....

His...... Hair.... Fluffy and all over the place....

His smile. Bright and warm. Comforting me on the coldest of nights. Always on his face, encouraging me.


His body.

His personality....... He cheers me up... He completes me. His body is warm.

My heart began to race faster with each warm thought of Brandon.

Now all of the flaws.


I thought hard as I took steps across the burning sand.

There are none.

.... He does have flaws, Feather.

No he doesn't.

I think about everything we've done.... Everything we've been through together. All I can remember his bright smile and goofy laugh.

..... But I know somehow... That's he's not perfect....

I know that he's human.... And... Well.... He's made mistakes before... But that doesn't matter to me.

He's perfect in my eyes.

See!!! You are in love with him!

Am..... Not.?

Ki was making this difficult. Brandon was all I could think about now.


Feather.... I'm only going to say this once more. You are in love with Brandon. Heck... What are you doing right now?

Thinking about Brandon.

Going on a quest for Brandon.....


Brandon Brandon....


I spoke his name softly. Just soft enough to make sure I don't drown in my thoughts.


He's always been on my mind....

No matter where I went.... No matter what I saw.... Brandon was always on my mind.

I've always kept his best interest at heart..... I would do anything for him.

"Brandon..." I was speaking normally now. It was the only way I could momentarily escape my swarming thoughts.

I would cross oceans... Climb to the highest peak... Travel across continents.. Just to see his bubbly smile.

Just to see him....

Just to be with him...

Just for us to be together.


This is all too much.

My heart was thumping against my chest. And I was afraid that if anymore thoughts of Brandon surfaced and swam about, My brain was going to explode with need.

My breathing became shallower.

My heart was about to beat out of my chest.

...... What am I doing?

I'm.... I'm...... Traveling all of this way... Just for Brandon....

"BRANDON!" I screamed out into the air.

My heart finally accepted the fact.

The true fact that my brain has been denying all along...

I look down at my hands.

How could I have been so blind?!?

How could I have not realized this before.

".... I'm in love with Brandon..." I whispered.


I stepped into the jungle.

I've crossed the first threshold.

The point of no return.

This....this is...

My heart suddenly felt like it stopped when I said those words aloud. Instead.... I felt blood rushing through my ears. My brain was still abuzz with thoughts of Brandon.

That little whisper wasn't enough..

"I'm in love with Brandon..." My voice echoed off a few trees. A large grin set across my face as I gave in. I felt as if a weight was lifted off of my heart and my heart began to take flight like a dove soaring across the sky.

But I needed more...


I screamed into the sky, making the world shake with passion.

I was in love with Brandon.... And I wanted every living thing alive know the passion I feel for that man. I wanted the skies to rain down with my love. I wanted trees to flourish with joy and laughter. I wanted the mere ground to split apart from the sheer force of my emotion.

I wanted him...


I sat alone at my kitchen table. Night fell a few hours ago and everyone in my house was asleep.
I wanted to go to sleep too, But instead I was silently listening to Feather.

Her thoughts were swarming with love and denial. Reason and rhyme. Insanity and clarity.

I guess love does that to a person.

I lightly chuckled to myself.

But then... As her thoughts continued on.....


She finally accepted the fact....


She's in love with Brandon.

"Hah...." A wry laugh escaped my lips.


I continued laughing.

My soul feels like it's been crushed. Like icy hands grabbing onto my heart and ripping it out of my chest.

With every pained laugh, there's a punch to my heart for it being so stupid.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...." Very steadily, Tears started streaming done my face. But somehow, I kept a smile.

My fist very shakily rose and slammed against the table while I choked out another sob.

I wanted to flail my body against the ground. I wanted to scream at the wall until my lungs bled.

I wanted to be with her....

But that will never happen.....

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