Chapter 120: Aww... She's getting upgrades!

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Brandon's Point of View

"And then, The meteor heads pushed me, and I fell head first onto the meteor!" It was the next day and Feather was recounting the tale of why she appeared in front of me, burning to death.

I turned over a piece of meteorite in my hand and smiled.

"On the bright side, With this meteorite, You'll be able to get a few upgrades." I say, turning to face her in my chair.

She shifted uncomfortably in her bed.


"Yeah! Like new armor, A few new weapons and much more!" I was already starting to get giddy.

"Armor? D-do I really need armor that will burn me?" She asked, hesitantly.

"Don't worry, Meteorite armor really isn't that bad. It's actually pretty strong and will carry you a long way! I'd say it'll even carry you through the Wall of Flesh!"

"Wall of Flesh?" Feather repeated back, curiosity in her voice. I felt my blood run cold once I realized my slip up.




Brandon, YOU IDIOT!

She's not ready.....

"What's that?" She asked, Looking at me, Amusement in her eyes.

"I-it's a-a-a b-b-boss.... T-the f-f-final b-boss in y-your w-world's n-normal s-state." I shakily put the piece of meteorite down. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, and all excitement for Feather's upgrade had been replaced with gnawing fear.

Feather raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Before she could come up with a response, I continued looking through her bag.

Puzzled, I pulled out a few pieces of jungle wood.

Where in Terraria did she get Rich Mahogany---

The jungle.

She did go to the jungle after all.

"You went to the jungle?" I asked softly.

Feather seemed deep into thought before I asked my question. So I repeated it a few times.

"Oh! Yeah.... I d-did..."

"Why?" I rested my head on the top rung of the chair. Surely it wasn't just for me....

"I asked y-you what you wanted our house to be m-made out of a-and you said j-jungle wood..." Feather looked away shyly.

"Our?" I asked. She looked up at me, her face a blazing red.

"W-well... I j-just figured.... it's okay if you d-don't--"

"I would love for us to live together." I smiled warmly and Feather looked away, the tips of her ears turning red.

Was she blushing?

"You know.... you're awfully cute when you're blushing.." I say, but instantly regret.

Oh my gosh, Brandon. You complete and utter idiot!

Feather's blush deepened, and I'm sure I was pretty red as well. She didn't reply.

"W-well... umm. C-can I have the crafting recipe f-for the a-armor and tools?" She winced as she stood up from bed.

Feather limped over to me.

"Are you sure you should be walking?" I stood up to help her, but she swatted my hands away.

"I... I'm fine, Brandon.... just hand me the crafting recipes and the meteorite." She said quickly.

I scribbled down the directions to make the armor and weapons on a piece of paper and put it in her bag, along with the meteorite.

She grabbed the bag out of my hands and walked out of the room.

Feather's point of View

I smiled to myself as I closed the door to my workroom.

Brandon's words repeated in my head until my face was burning with a bush. I couldn't help but giggle as I set the meteorite in the furnace to be smelted.

Why is he so adorable?

Ugh. You're lovesick


I'm going to make him mine, one day.

Yeah... um... about that---

I wanted to run back into our room.

I wanted to talk to him more.

I wanted to be with him....

Maybe f-focus on the armor and tools, Yeah?


I wiped the sweat off of my forehead as I pounded the chunks of metal into armor. My eyes quickly glanced back over to Brandon's messy writing.

I sighed, Realizing I had messed up. In frustration, I threw the chest piece across the room. My fists clenched as I slammed them both against the anvil.

"OWWWW!" I screamed as I recoiled in pain. I fell to the ground and started rolling around.

My eyes were closed tightly as I gritted my teeth together.

That.... might not of been the best idea.

I felt something trickle down my knuckles. I opened my eyes.

Thin streaks of blood ran off of my knuckles and landed on the floor.

This isn't good......

I thought for a moment....

I just want to sleep......

My burns were aching and my eyes were heavy with sleep. And now... well... my knuckles were bleeding.

I guess I'll see if Brandon can help me....

But then, I turned to look at the half-finished armor.


I can finish that tomorrow.

I need rest.....

Leaving my items strewn about the room, I started to hobble down the hall and back into my room.

"Brandon?" I used my forearm to knock on the door.

"I need a little----" Before I could finish my sentence, The door opened and a firm hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room.

"What the--!" I began to shout before I was shoved and pinned against the wall in my room.

"Why howdy there, Sweetheart~" Brandon whispered in my ear.

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