Chapter 123: No Excuse (Part Two)

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Feather's point of view

"Feather. What happened last night??" Brandon's voice was soft, but serious.

I sniffled.

"It doesn't matter....." I whispered in his ear. I looked up and gave him a weak smile.

All of a sudden, I hear a thud behind me.

"Au contraire, Feather. It does matter. Not only did the blood moon Brandon almost forced himself on you, He was a jerk, and extremely possessive. What do you mean 'it doesn't matter'?!? That stuff's not okay! What the crap, Feather! Don't be submissive! Tell him! Oh my gosh! You are so dense sometimes!" Ki ranted, Blue particles emitting from him.

Brandon froze.

"W-what?" He whispered.

Ki looked over to him and sighed.

"Blood moon Brandon last night pinned Feather to the wall and almost force her to kiss him. Not only that, Feather just let it happen! And then, he almost---"

"Stop. Stop stop stop stop... please.." I whispered.

I turned to look at Brandon.

All of the color and rosiness seemed to drain from his face.

"Oh....... my..... gosh.... "

Brandon took a step away from me.

"Well.... uh.... I'll.... think I'll leave you two be......" Ki's eyes darted between Brandon and I.

"... B-bye..."

And just as soon as he said that, He was gone, the only thing left in the hallway was me and Brandon and the blue particles from the magic mirror

"Feather.... i---......" Brandon looked at me with such a pained expression.

"I.... I'm sorry...." He whispered, maintaining eye contact. His chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"It.... it's okay Brandon..." I put my hand on his shoulder.

" it is not okay...." He replied. Brandon hesitantly grabbed my hand.

"It.... it wasn't you... it was what ever that blood moon did....." I replied, stepping closer.

He grimaced.

"That still didn't excuse what happened last night.... there's no way you could be so calm about this! ... so much worse could of happened to you..." He trailed off, a sad look on his face.

"I... i'm sorry....Feather...." he apologized once more.

I didn't respond right away.

Instead, I took the time to study his eyes.

Oh my..... how gorgeous they looked.

"Feather?" Brandon's voice sounded distant.

I just continued staring.

"Are... are you alright.... y-you seem a little... far away...." 


But I am....

Oh my stars....

I've been all around this land.... my soul bound to adventure. I've danced with galaxies in my dream, I've felt fire run through my skin...

Nothing is keeping me from shaping this world to my liking....

Nothing is keeping me from drifting off....

Except him.....

No matter how far I drift off.... no matter how far I travel....

When ever I look into those eyes, Love,

....... They always bring me back home.

Ugh..... Someone shoot me now....

"Feather?" Brandon put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up.

I felt myself step back once I realized how close our faces were.

He looked away, flustered.

Brandon's point of view

At that moment, Feather yawned. She looked at me, her eyes heavy lidded.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" I instantly blurt out. I cringed at the completely obvious question I asked.

She shook her head.

I looked down at her bandages.

"... Here... you should get some rest...I'll help you to bed.." I was desperate to change the atmosphere.

She nodded.

"That would be nice." She laced her fingers with mine.

We walked back to our room in a comfortable silence.

Feather sighed as she lied down in her bed.

"I really hate going to sleep... I still have stuff I need to do...." Feather whispered.

I shook my head.

"You need rest. I wouldn't want you getting even more hurt...." Suddenly, I realized my choice of words and grimaced.

"I..I mean... I just want you to be okay..."

Feather didn't seem to notice.

Just as Feather's eyes began to close, She looked at me again.

"Brandon... I need to tell you something...." Her voice was light and she gave me a dazed smile

I leaned down.

"Yes? What is it?"

Before I could respond, She pressed her lips against my cheek.

"Goodnight, My guide...."

I couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning, My hero"

I stood up straight again and hovered by the side of her bed

Within the next few minutes, She was sound asleep.

I sighed and looked at my sleeping love.

In one swift motion, I gave her a quick peck on her forehead.

"I love you, Feather." I whispered into her ear.

With loving look on my face, I started walking back to my bed, only to be interrupted by a melodramatic cough and beady eyes.

"You're going to learn one of these days, Brandon..." Sebastian said, setting down a set of clothes on the table.

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