Chapter 135: Up in the clouds

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Feather's point of view

It was a lot later into the night that I heard a quiet knock on the door. Molly, who had been adjusting my I.V, quickly answered the door.

The light from the hallway slightly illuminated the room, only to be block by the silhouette of a person.

"M-miss? Is Feather doin' alright? I.. uh... hear what happened with my Mirror..." Rawleigh's said softly.

"She's doing just fine... except with the fever she contracted. Too much magic in your system can do that to you..." Molly replied in a hushed voice.

I'm supposed to be asleep. Something about me needing rest or something like that.

"D-do ya think she can fix my mirror?" Rawleigh asked quickly.

Molly shook her head.

"No... I don't think she can...Magic... really isn't her thing... Brandon put too much strain on her... Something's off with him lately...." Molly crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway.

"Ya mean he's not always such a hot-headed moron?" Rawleigh chuckled, hoping to get one out of Molly also.

Only a soft smile came from Molly.

"No.... He's usually more thoughtful--- Though he is very protective of Feather...Those two are something special..." Molly whispered wistfully.

"If he so cares about her so much... then why'd he almost kill her then??" Rawleigh's voice implied a more comical tone, but the gloomy words brought the mood down.

"Brandon's going through a lot lately... he's not like himself...His head's in the clouds...." Molly whispered. I craned my neck to get a better look of the two.

"Anyways..." Molly shook those words from her head, "When Ki wakes up, I'm sure he'd be very willing to fix your mirror." Molly assured him.

"Thank ya miss. Have a nice night." Rawleigh said as he dipped his head in thanks.

Molly chuckled.

"Mhm! No problem! Good night!" She said cheerfully as she closed the door. As soon as she did, she let out a low, drawn out sigh and rubbed her eyes.

It was no surprise that she was exhausted.

Molly sat down at her desk and put her head in her hands.

With another knock at the door, she jumped.

"Come in!' She said, sweetly, trying to hide her lack of sleep.

The door creaked open again and Darius stepped in the room.

"You still awake, Molls?" He asked walking over to her. Molly nodded in reply.

"Apparently so...." She responded, yawning. Darius frowned slightly and shook his head.

"You should really get to bed, Sweetheart... it's late..." Darius said softly.

"I can't... I have to look over *yawn* Look over Feather---" Molly started before Darius interjected.

"Nah ah ah. You need some rest, why don't you go sleep in my bed while I keep an eye on Feather?" Darius suggested warmly.

Molly looked like she wanted to protest, but instead she pulled him in for a tight hug.

"Thanks Darius..." She gave him a quick peck on the lips, making him chuckle.

"No problem, Sweetheart...Now why don't you go rest?" Darius said, smiling.

Molly pulled away and smiled before exiting the room.

Once the door clicked shut, Darius laughed.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep now..." Darius said, laughing.

Brandon's Point of View

I grunted in pain as I wrapped another bandage around my torso. My teeth gritted together as I felt the waterleaf sting against my singed flesh.

With a deep sigh, I close my eyes and flop onto my bed with a heavy heart.

Feather... my Feather...

My poor, sweet love...

It's all my fault...

Everything is my fault...

You'll never forgive me....

And I don't expect forgiveness.

I just wish I could love you....

Softly, I cried myself to sleep.

My dreams weren't any better than the reality I was facing.

Over and over again, I could hear the painful wails of Feather.

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Over and over and over again.

I felt fire race through my body, frying me up from the inside.

Experiencing each on over and over made me feel empty inside. Until the last dream occurred...

The smell of rotting corpses and ash burned my nose and made me gag. Lava was pooling in a steady stream beside me, bubbling.

In front of me was a figure with their head facing down. A small doll was clutched in their hands.

"I hate you I hate you I hate you..." they whispered over and over again, giving the doll a small squeeze every time.

I closed my eyes, feeling a lump form in my throat.

I've had this dream before... it all ends the same...

The figure of Feather steps forward, a malicious smile on her face.

With a quick shove, she sends me and the doll hurling off the edge of he platform and into the infernal lava.

Author's note:

Sorry for the rushed chapter, I wanted to get this out for y'all!

Oh! BoaF special is on it's way,

Me and someone are working on a special crossover and special ship in that crossover.

{Don't worry, once it's over, we'll be back to your regularly scheduled Fandon}

Anyways, thank you for reading, lots of love!

Bye bye Brudunskies


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