Chapter eighty: All around me are familar faces....

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Brandon POV

As I continue drumming my fingers on my desk, thinking of Feather, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in...." I say in a monotone voice.

"Heyy Brandon!" Darius greets. I face him momentarily before I turn back around and rest my head on my desk.

"Hi Darius." I reply. He walks closer

"Aww, c'mon buddy. Are ya missin' Feather?" He asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod.

"Hey! Cheer up! She'll be back. And to help you get your mind off of her, There's this hot lady at the door!" Darius enthused. Heh..... I'm totally telling Molly.

Wait..... New person?

I sighed and pushed my chair in.

"Let me go greet her...." I say, exiting the room with Darius following.

I quickly walk down the halls and make my way to the front door. I quickly turn the handle..

"Hello there, My Name is------ BRANDON?!?" A familiar voice says.

My eyes widen when I see the familiar lady with glowing green hair and leaf coverings.


Roughly nine years ago.....

"Bbbbbbbrrrraaaaannnnddddooonn!" Madelyn's voice rang out.

I remember..... About a month ago, I found her unconscious..... Right after I woke up........ After James died and the world fluctuated....

She finally found me, sitting at the kitchen table.

"What's up Madelyn?"I ask, setting my bow down on the table.... The only memory I have of my best friend....

She shoved a few items in my face.

"What can I craft with these?" She demanded. I gulped.

I-I'm not really good a being a guide.... Yet.... Uh...

"Uhh-Hh....I d-don't know." I stutter. She growled in frustration.

"Guides! Completely useless!!" She said, throwing her hands up in the air.

She then slammed her fist into the table.

"Why couldn't I have been stuck with someone who was actually smart?" She groaned..

I felt tears prick my eyes.

"I mean! Come on! Seriously! I'll have to ask Dante..... DANTE! Of all people to see what I can make with this platinum! Ugh.... The only person I hate talking to more than that darn arms dealer is you!" She yelled.

I wanted to go back to my room and cry.....

I sniffle.

Madelyn was a good three years older than me, but she still intimidated me.

"Awww! What's wrong, Crybaby!" She mocked.

"What is going on here!" A stern voice asked. Chryseis had her hands on her hips.

I wipe away a tear that had fallen.

Madelyn pointed at me.

"Brandon's being a crybaby!" She exclaimed.

Chryseis looked at me with an empathetic look.

"No he's not! He's just sensitive! Leave him alone! Now.... What happened?" Chryseis said in a soothing voice.

"He doesn't need a dryad defending him. He needs to learn to not be a wimp! And he needs to get smarter if he needs to be considered a guide!" Madelyn huffed.

"Now that is no way to talk to someone! Apologize right now!" Chryseis said, putting her foot down. Madelyn scoffed.

"Whatever..." Madelyn said, walking out of the room.

A few tears fell down my face.

"M-Madelyn's right..... I am a crybaby!" I whimper, setting my head on the table..

"Oh Hun! No you're not! You're just being you. And do you know what? You keep being you. The sweet, caring, sensitive Brandon. And one day, You'll find a very special lady to spend your life with before----" Chryseis comforted, cutting herself off.

I didn't think much of it.

I wiped my eyes.

"R-really? Y-you think so?" I ask, teary eyed. She chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"I know so."

Darius was shaking me.

"Brandon.... Hey. Bud, You okay?" He asked. I nodded as I recovered from that flash back.

"Yeah yeah..... I'm fine. Chryseis, come in!" I say, losing the door all the way. Darius' jaw was dropped.

"You know her??" He said in awe. Chryseis chuckled.

"Yes. Brandon was the guide for a previous hero..... May she rest in peace..." She said softly.

She shook her head.

"Anyways, How have you been? We have a lot to catch up on!" She said.


"And then there was a sword sticking out of her back!" I chatter away.

"Wow! You speak very highly of this...... Feather....... Is she special to you?" Chryseis asked, raising an eyebrow.

I blush. For the past half hour, I had been basically gushing over her...

"Y-yeah..... She's.... Um... A pretty amazing lady....." I stutter, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sounds like you feel a certain way towards her..... Hmm?" She asked, smiling a bit.

"................................. Yes............I l-love her ...." I whisper,"..........But I can't..."

I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Brandon..........I'm so so sorry..... That must be hard on you..." She said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

She knows......

"Yeah..... Hey..... I need to be alone for a while...... C-can you find Darius? He'll help you to your room and introduce you to the others..... We can talk more later..." I wanted to get out of here before I started to break down.

"Of Course, Hun..... And...... I'm proud of you..." She said softly.

"W-what? W-why?" I stutter.

"You stayed true to yourself........ And...... Now....... Fate's being cruel to you...I'm so sorry"

It's fine.....

Not like she'll ever fall for me the way I fell for her....

Ha! I totally didn't spend the last half hour looking at Terraria Fan art...... More specifically guide fan art......

...... Shut up!

I've already died from cuteness.

With these feel-ly chapters, I feel bad for Brandon....

But not bad enough because I'm still going to kill him


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