Chapter Eighty-four: Captian Black Beard

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Feather's POV

Just as I was about to let out a blood-curdling scream, a calloused hand covered my mouth. But that didn't stop me from struggling against the ropes that binded me.

My heartbeat quickened as my eyes darted between the strangers.

The purple-haired on glared at the nervous stranger with his hand over my mouth.

"Ye Landlubbin' fool! You woke 'Er up!" She hissed. The purple haired lady then sighed angrily.

"Lookie 'ere Lass," She growled, pressing a cool piece of metal against my neck. Is that a crossbow?!?

"We are taking ye to our captain! And 'ere's nothing you can do about that!" The lady hissed.

Are these pirates????

I continue struggling, the ropes chafing my arms. 

"Misty! I'll hold 'Er still. Ye get the door!" The guy said, not moving his hand.

The purple-hair lady, Misty, rolled her eyes. The crossbow was removed from my neck as Misty made her way to the door.

The guy stared into my eyes.

"Don't worry, Lassie. Our captain be a fine fellow. A perfect man for a delicate maiden like ye 'self. " The guy whispered. I narrowed my eyes as I sank my teeth into his flesh.

He screamed in pain, but my teeth sank deeper, drawing blood. The guy yanked his hand back, his Crimson blood dripping onto the floor.

"KI! HELP! PIRATES ARE TRYING TO KIDNAP ME!" I scream. Misty whipped around and bolted towards me, leaving the door open.

"Sullivan! You had one job! We would of had 'Er out of here by now! Now Capin' and the rest are almost 'ere" She hissed, hauling me over her shoulder.

"Now, help me get 'er outside before---" Misty started.

"Before what?" A deep voice bellowed.

"C-captain Black Beard! We were just about to get this fine lass to you!" Sullivan stuttered, clutching his bleeding hand.

The pirate captain strolled into the room, his boots clicking with every step. A few other pirates followed, carrying very sharp swords and guns.  They closed the door behind them.

Where is Ki!??

"Eye..... Aren't you a fine little lassie?" The captain said, grinning in a malicious manner.

"Very fine indeed...." He said, stroking his beard. Black Beard then stepped uncomfortably close.

"Are ye a feisty lass?" He asked, his breath hot on my cheek. I jerk my head to the side, trying not to gag from the smell of his breath.

(I just heard my brother scream "Eat the Chicken alive!" ..... Should I be worried?)

"KI!!!!! HEEELLP!" I scream again. Black Beard chuckled.

"Ahaha, Lassie. Hush..." Black beard cackled.

"You're mine now....." He whispered, sending chills down my spine.

He turned around to face the many pirates in the room.

"Aye! Ye rest of you! Clear out the house! Loot ev'ry nook an' cranny. I'm going to spend some quality time with my new lassie." Black Beard said, trailing his hand down my thighs.

I squealed.

"KI!! PLEASE! HELP!" I scream, hope slowly draining out of my body.

I felt a year slip down my cheek.

My body continued thrashing against the rope. It slowly starts cutting into my skin, leaving red marks.

All of a sudden, I'm lifted off the table by Black Beard.

"Let me go, Black Beard!" I growl, continuing to struggle in his arms.

"That's Captain to ye, Lass." He said, smirking.

"Now. Let's go back to the ship, Shall we~" Black Beard said in a husky voice. He carried me over to the door.

"Over my dead body..." A familiar voice says.

My heart soars when raise my head, seeing Ki seemingly materialize in front of us, sword readied.

Black Beard dropped me to the floor and pulled a cutlass out of it's sheath.

"That could be arranged." Black Beard growled.

Some time before:



I sit up from my bed, quickly putting on my glasses.

Sebastian and Smador sit up from their beds and give me a nervous look. I motion them to be quiet as I slowly creep across the room, grabbing my True Night's Edge. I peer up the platform

"SULLIVAN! You had one job!" A purple-haired lady said, swinging a crossbow frantically.


Uh oh.....

I need to help Feather....

Let's see.... How do I get up there without them seeing.....

My eyes wander to a Potion sitting on my nightstand.

Invisibility potion?


I quickly chug the potion.

Amazing! It also turned my True Night's Edge invisible along with my robes.

I silently make my way up the platform, careful not to bump into any pirates.

I watched as who looked like the captain leaned close to Feather.

"KI! HEEELLP!" Feather screamed. I stood in front of the door. I'll have to attack when the time's right.

I winced as he caressed her thigh. I could tap into Feather's thoughts, but i didn't want the pirates thinking that something was up.....

I tried to stay as quiet as possible as Feather squealed uncomfortably and thrashed on the table.

Just....... Wait.....

I watched as he picked Feather up.

Just as he was about to open the door, I felt the potion wear off.


"Over my dead body..." I say, my eyes making contact with Feather's.

I knew I was bound to a duel when Black Beard dropped Feather to the floor, readying a Cutlass.

"That could be arranged." He growled right before our swords clashed.

Do I remember anything i just wrote?


But what I do remember is chanting Latin, over and over.

And over....

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