Chapter eighty-freaking-nine: Potion Sickness

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Feather POV

Brian covered his ears.

"AAHHHHH! It hurts!" He screeched.



"I'M IN SEVERE PAIN!" I shouted in reply.

Brian looked down to see the floor/roof stained with my blood.

"Feather??? Are you okay!??? The boots ran out of power!" I hear Sebastian say. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah! I'm totally fine! The wood piercing through me feels great!" I retort.

"Here... Let me help you..." Brain says, calmly. He starts rummaging through a chest and pulls out and old copper axe. Brian walks over towards me and starts hacking away at the wood.

Once I'm loose, I pull my body up onto the floor. I felt my brain get cloudy as my vision blurred.

"Oh my goodness!" Brian exclaims, looking at the large piece of wood impaling my stomach. I wince.

"It's fine, It's fine." I say, even though blood is rushing out.

"No it's not! Lay down!" Brian ordered. I collapsed onto the ground.

"Now. This may hurt a little, but I'm going to take the wood out. Okay?" He asked, soothingly. I nodded. Why did the world look so... Weird... I held my hand out in front of my face and giggled.

"I'm not sure this is a good id--- AHARGG!"


Darn it, Ki! I pulled open the door to Brian's room to see Feather on the ground, a piece of wood sticking out of her stomach.

"Feather!!! " I exclaim. She looks over to me.

"You didn't tell me you had a guy living upstairs!" She said, amused. She glanced back over to Brian, Who was attempting to remove the wood.

"He's pretty cool.." She trailed off.

Has she not noticed???

But.... That's impossible.... She spends so much time looking at Brandon!

"Hey... Um...Feather? Does.... Brian look like someone you know...?" I ask. Surely she'll make the connecti--

"Nope!" She said.


Is she really this dense?

"Really." My voice is in an unsure time.


Something weird, too.

It's amazing she's being this calm...

Did I drug her on accident????

Is this why she's acting this spacey???

I don't think so?

But maybe...

Maybe she's going loopy from exhaustion??

She squinted her eyes.

"Well... Maybe Brian looks a little like Brandon..." She said.

A little.


"Is that so?" I ask.

Now I'm almost certain she's high.

Feather nodded.

"Yeah....Brandon's eyes are a much more rich, dark brown color, while Brian's are more of a tree-bark brown. Brian's hair is not as fluffy as Brandon's and his hair is just a couple hues darker than Brian's."

"Brandon's cheeks are more rosy as Brian's lips are more full. The shirt Brandon wears is completely grey, while Brian's shirt has very light shades of russet green. In my opinion, The look nothing alike." Feather rattled off.


Why do I even bother?

Maybe she's delirious from blood loss...

I'm betting on blood loss...

"Alright! There you go!" Brian said, standing up. Feather's stomach was bandaged and Brian held the piece of wood in his hands.

"Can I take a nap now... Kay... Thanks bye..." Feather slurred as she closed her eyes.

"For one.... She's very pretty... Two... Why is she... Acting weird?" Brian asked, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged.

"I'm.... Not really sure..." I reply.

"Another thing... Who is this 'Brandon' she spoke of?" He asked.

"Brandon is her guide...He... He loves her.." I answer quickly.

His eyes filled with wonder.

"Oh~ So I'm guessing she's already beaten---" I cut him off.

"She has not. Her world is still in it's natural state." I whisper. He sucked in air through his teeth.

"Ouch.... Poor Brandon.... --wait. So Feather's world is in it's natural state....Thar means her strength is still pretty average...." Brain questioned. I nodded.

"She keeps getting injured so I keep giving her greater healing po---"

"YOU GAVE HER WHAT???" He hissed.

Feather stirred on the floor.

"You idiot! You know she gets potion sickness from those, right!?? A potion with that much potency can overload her system! That's why she's acting delirious!" Brian scolded before he sighed.

"You know what? It's fine. Just fine. Completely great." Brian mumbled.

"Hey! At least she wasn't in that much pain when she was impaled by the wood?" I say, optimistically.

"True. The potion did numb some of the pain....."

I glanced over at Feather, who was passed out on the floor, her lips pursed into a slight smile.

"I think we should let her rest..... I'll have to take her home later..."

I didn't edit this chapter..


(P.S: It's much later now XD)


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