Chapter eleven: OH MY HAMMAXE ZOMBIES!

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I looked across the horizon. Monsters were every where. And just like magic, it seems like they spot me. Adrenaline starts pumping. I try to move but I'm frozen in place. As they approach, Only one though races through my mind. Run.

I run through the fields, I may be able to out run the zombies, but the demon eyes seem to get faster by the minute. With fear banging in my chest and my legs becoming tired, I knew I could not keep this up for much longer. The house seemed so far away. Suddenly, a pain erupts in my shoulder. A demon eye bashed into me pushing the arrow from the skeleton in deeper. All of a sudden, my armor breaks. I gasp and pull out my sword. I take a few swings at it as it calls for back up. My pace seems to get slower and zombies start approaching. Demon eyes ram into my legs. I grimace in pain and grab my leg in pain. If I don't wan to die, I have to run. I limp on my leg and continue slashing my sword. The Zombies caught up to me. I shove my sword into a zombie. I try yanking it out, but its stuck. Just my luck! I keep running. A zombie hits my face. I feel blood running down. No........No NO NO NO! NOOOO NOOOOOO!

Sorry, in a situation like this, you're only allowed a maximum of three 'noes'

What..........Ugh.would you shut up before I'm torn from limb to limb?

hahahahah! Nope!

This is it. It's over. The monsters surround me. As soon as I thought all hope was lost, an arrow hits a zombie from behind. All of the monsters direct their attention to the shooter. Brandon.

"Hey! Leave her Alone!" Brandon shouted. The monsters were distracted and that gave me the time to run......well limp. Brandon keeps shooting arrows. The monsters spot me. I turn my back on Brandon for a moment to survey the monsters. I them hear an ominous Growl come from behind.

I slowly turn around a see that a zombie has clasped their hands on me and their fingernails were digging into my arm.I was frozen in fear. Shivers go down my spine as I see blood running down. All of a sudden. something falls from the sky and kills the zombie. It's a star! I pick it up and slowly limp toward the house. My vision starts going fuzzy from blood loss. The monsters are far away. i can see Brandon's pleading face telling me to come on. My pace gets slower and my vision goes black.

Brandon's pov

I saw Feather's body hit the ground. No! I run over to her. She's bloody and beaten. No no no no no no no! I quickly grab her wrist and check her pulse. I sigh in relief when i hear a faint beat. Hmmm. She's to far from the house for Molly to come out.........I guess I have to carry her. I swing her bag over my shoulder and pick her up. I then run-well as best as I can while carrying a unconscious person and a heavy bag- to the house. It was pretty early in the morning, so Molly and Gus were probably asleep. I set Feather down gently on the table and set her bag down. I run to Molly's room and bang on the door. She looks angry as she opens the door.

"Molly! Come quick! It's an emergency!" I shout. She yawns.

"Brandon............Having a paper cut is not and emergency. Go back to bed." She said, closing the door. I put my foot in the door way.

"Molly. This is serious. Feather is hurt!" I say with force in my voice. Molly's eyes widen. She opens the door and runs down the hall and to Feather,.

"BRANDON! GRAB MY MEDICAL BAG!" She shouts from the kitchen. I enter her room and grab her bag. I rush over to her. Molly sighs.

"Brandon. I ask that you leave the room. Feather will need stitches and you shouldn't have to see that." Molly said.

"What?!?! No! I won't leave her side!" I retort. Molly sighs.

"Brandon.......I understand that you have feelings for her, but you will stop me form giving her the medical attention that she needs." She says calmly. Wha-what?!!?! How did she-

"Before you ask, I'm excellent at human behavior. I'm a nurse for crying out loud! Now. Go back to your room and try to sleep." She says. I sigh and walk down the hallway to me and Feather's room. My thoughts are clouded by her.

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