Chapter nineteen: Thinking....

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Brandon's POV

I cannot tell her. At least............Not yet. If she found out too early, it would mess up her path and she won't fulfill her destiny of being Terraria's hero. Sadly, I won't be able to see that happen. But I couldn't help but think, Terraria has sent many people, 47, to be exact, to me and none of them could become heroes and make the ultimate quest to defeat the wall of flesh and balance Terraria. Yet, The one that seems to be strong enough and has the willpower is the one that I fell for.

Why did it have to be her?

Feather's POV

Soft crying woke me up. Huh......What? I tried to see who it was, but Brandon had a tight embrace on me. I then realized that he was the one crying.He kept muttering my name over and over.I shake him gently.

"B-b-brandon?" I whisper. He looks at me, his eyes puffy from crying. He quickly wipes his tears.

"O-oh.......Did you have another nightmare?" He said, his voice quivering.I grab his hand.

"Brandon............What's wrong?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Nothing.......Nothing's wrong........" He lies. I decide not to push on further. I get up from his bed and walk back to my own. I get under my covers.

"Brandon...........If you need to talk............I'm always here.............I'll always be here." I say.

Brandon's pov

Feather's word echoed in my mind

I finally got a chance to sleep lying down. Not that I don't like having Feather in my arms, it's just a guy needs his rest, y'know? I pulled the covers over my face. I can't believe Feather caught me like that........... GAH! I feel so stupid! I need sleep. I Close my eyes

I can't sleep...................I lay awake staring at the ceiling. I turn on my side and stare at Feather. Gosh.....she's so beautiful........ I watch as she turns on her side in her sleep. I look back up at the ceiling. I can't get her out of my head. Why.............?

The sun rises too soon. Since I can't sleep, I get up. My hair is a mess. I walk toward the kitchen and make myself something to drink. I sit down at the kitchen table with a book. My thought slowly drift to Feather. Stop it! You can't love her! She's going to eventually kill you and get an even better guide! Once you're gone she won't know the difference! I felt a few tears run down my face. I took a deep breath and regained my composure. I can't let anyone see me like this. I already made that mistake with Feather. I then heard a door open and close. Darius walks in the kitchen.

"What Up, Brandon?" Darius asked, sitting next to me. I shrugged. Soon, Everyone eventually walked in. Gus started making breakfast. I watched as Feather walked in, rubbing her head.

"Uggggggghhhhhhh............." She groans as she sits down. I smile.

"Good morning, Feather, How did you sleep?" I ask. She gives me a death glare.

"Awful...........I kept waking up." she said. Ah.

"Sorry to hear that, If it's any consolation, I didn't even sleep." I reply. I see a fake grin tug at her face. I'll have to talk to her later. After breakfast, I went back to our room. I pulled my book out. Feather walked in soon.

"Hello Feather!' I say in a cheerful manner.

Feather's pov

I shrugged at Brandon's comment. I've been feeling weird lately. Every time I am around him, I get flustered more. Is this puberty? No. I already went through that...... Hmm. I'll have a gal-on-gal conversation with Molly later. Brandon looks at me with concern.

"Everything alright?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I snapped to attention, I didn't even realize that I was staring at him. I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"Yeah....................Just thinking, Y'know? Kinda like how you were staring at me last night" I say.

"U-uu-uhhh............Yeah............" He said. An awkward silence filled the room. I broke the ice.

"Hey Brandon, Since my armor broke, can you tell me how I can make some more?" I ask.

"Sure............." He said. He got up from his bed and walked over to the chest.

"Hmmmmm.....Since you don't have that much silver, you can only make a sword, however you have enough wood for some armor." He explained. I nodded and got to work.

seven hours later and I finished. I proudly held my silver sword and put my wood armor on. Brandon watched me curiously. I waved the sword through the air and pretended to kill a zombie.

"WOOSH! A POW! AHHHH! DIE ZOMBIE! AHHHH! FEATHER IS THE GREATEST WARRIOR OF ALL TIME!! AHHH SHE'S THE BEST!" I whisper-yell. I turn around to see a very weird-ed-out Brandon. I see him smile and shake his head. I give a cheeky smile in return.

"Well.......That was...............interesting,................Say, What are you doing tomorrow?" He asks as I sit on my bed. I think for a bit.

"I think it's time for me to go on an adventure, Tomorrow, I'm going to start packing and getting ready for a adventure!" I say.

"Sounds fun, Do you want me to help you pack?" He asks. awwwww........He's too sweet. And handsome.............Wait what.


No I don't!

Bruh. Yes you do.

I'm not going to argue with you!

I put my hands behind my head and propped my leg on the other one. I stare at the ceiling.

I look outside and stare at the purple sky streaked with stars.

Brandon's pov

Feather got up and sat down next to the window sill. She turned around and faced me. Her emerald eyes studied me for a bit.

"Brandon.............I have a question." She said, turning back to the window.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Do you think that stars have emotions. Even though they are galaxies away, do you think they still love each other?" She asks. I think on it. I then decide to get up. I pulled up a chair and sat next to Feather.

"Yeah, why wouldn't they?" I reply. She shrugged.

"Brandon...........When a star dies, it blows up, right?" She says.

"Yes................Why do you ask?" I say. She looks at me.

"Do you think that the star knows it's going to eventually die?" She asks. Her eyes are shimmering as bright as the stars. I take a deep breath.

'Yeah................But I think that they eventually learn to live with it." I explain, feeling shaky.

"Do you think that the other stars will miss them?" She asks. She then rest her head on my shoulder.

"Of course! Well.............Maybe.........." I say, trailing off.

"Do you think that the other stars will forget about that one star?" She asks.

"No............But eventually, another star will take it's place...........And eventually, They'll forget a little." I sigh. She looks at me with curiosity

"But..........There will always be that star that will always remember...........Right?" She asks. I smile.


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