Chapter ninety-two: Please Brandon....

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Feather's Point of View

"I won't...... I promise..." Brandon muttered. His eyes slowly started to close.

"Brandon??? Don't die on me!" I shook his chest violently. His hand covered mine.

"I already promised you..." He chuckled. Brandon's eyes closed shut.

I quickly pressed my head against his chest. I was relived to hear the faint bump bump. Bump bump. Bump bump.

"I need to get you home..."

Maxx jumped off of my head and landed on Brandon's stomach.

"Squeak?" Maxx whined, nuzzling Brandon. I put my arms under Brandon's back and picked him up.

"Please hang in there, Brandon...... " I whispered softly. Multiple burn marks scorched his skin. 

I then took off into the woods, the sun setting in the distance.

Not long later....

"I think we're lost, Maxx," I told him through the darkness.

"Squeak...."  He sighed. Maxx had made himself comfortable on Brandon's chest. I knew monsters were going to start rising in a few minutes.

I just need more time.

In the distance, I saw a faint light glowing.

The house.

Following that, I heard an ominous growl. Instinctively, I hold Brandon closer.

"RRRRRAAAAGGHHHHH!" A zombie growls, hurling itself at us. Luckily, It missed by a few inches, barely scratching my arm. I took this a sign to run.

My feet hit against the dirt as I run towards the safety of home. I threatened to stop when demon eyes screeched next to me.

A few rammed into me, causing me to stagger, but I kept my ground.

I started to feel bruises forming on my forearms and back.

As I continued through the forest, I saw the trees become less dense and monsters more frequent.

"We're almost home, Brandon. Just hang in there" I pant. My teeth grit as another eye rammed into my side.

I bound towards the house as I see it appear in the distance.


"MOLLY!" I scream as I drop Brandon onto the wooden table. I hear a door open and she stomps down the hallway.

"I swear, You're not even back for a day and you've already gotten yourself---- oh...." Molly says as she walks in.

"This again..." She sighed.

"AGAIN!???" I shriek. She nods.

"Yeah... This is like, what.... The fifth time this has happened this week..." She inspected Brandon's burns.

"Hmm... But these burns are much more worse than the others." Molly concluded. Maxx hissed at her and hopped onto my shoulder.

All of a sudden, Brandon started stirring

Brandon's Point of View

"Brandon?? Brandon??" Feather's voice rang out. My eyes slowly open.

"Errg.... W-where am I?" I whisper, still feeling the pain of the burns. My eyes try to adjust to the light.

"You're back at home, Brandon.... I carried you.." Feather said, placing her hand on my shoulder. I then realize she's covered in bruises.

"Feather???? What happened!??" I exclaim, my voice still pretty soft.

She scoffed.

"You're covered in severe burns and you're asking how I am..." Feather said, unsure that I put herself before me.

Molly started wrapping my arm up in another bandage.

"Squeak!" Maxx squeals, begging for attention. Wait..... Maxx!

"You found him!" I cheer.

"Yeah, I found him in the bushes when I went looking for you..." Feather trailed off.

I felt a blush cross across my face.

Incidentally, the noticeable blush burned more than any thing I've felt.

"You..... Went looking for me?"

Feather rolled her eyes.

"Of corse, silly!" She ruffled my hair.

"I haven't seen you in a week! I've missed you!" She exclaimed.

I smiled a little.

After a while, Molly finished up.

"There you go, Brandon. We need to have a serious talk! I mean, How many times a week can you come in with severe lava burns?" Molly joked.

I sat up, my body only screaming with moderate pain.

All of a sudden, I feel Feather hurl her body onto me and wrap her arms around me tightly.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again....." She whispered into my ear.


"I won't."

I lied.

Feather, my dear,

I'll get a whole lot scarier.....

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