Chapter seventeen: Jealous?

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Feather's POV

My dreams were full of nightmares. Surprisingly, none wee of the cave. I was back out in the field and I shot Darius, but this time I killed him. I fell to the floor and wept. Blood stained my hands and I had to live with it. The next dream was worse. I was in the same situation, but I couldn't pull the trigger on the gun, So Darius killed Brandon. Right before Brandon died, he looked at me with a face full of hatred. I could hear his voice ring in my ear. It's all your fault. Its all your fault. It's all your fault. I then saw crimson bloom on my chest and blood pour out of the wound. I collapse on the ground.

I bolt up from the floor. It was then I notice tears streaked my face. I also notice that Brandon's blanket is tossed over me. I pull it close and begin sobbing into it. I must've been too loud because Brandon started stirring in his sleep. He then notices me.

"Feather? Are you okay?" He asked softly. I shook my head. He sat up in his bed and motioned me to sit next to him. He wraps the blanket and puts his arm around me

"What happened?" He asks soothingly. I explain what happened, crying in the process. His eyes were wide in shock. I break down crying harder. He shushes me, trying not to wake Darius.

"Feather............You didn't kill saved me.........I owe you my life......." He says. I wipe my tears.

"Brandon.............I don't know what I would do if I would loose you." I say soft. He pulls me close.

"Feather............I will always be here. Everything's alright.......' He said. He pulled me close to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. I soon drifted off to sleep.

Brandon's POV

I must've fell asleep again. I woke up to Feather asleep on my shoulder. I rest my head on her hair and take a breath. It smelled like lemons and mint. I want to stay like this forever. I then feel a pair of eyes on me. I notice Darius staring at us, rage burning in his eyes. I smirk.

"Jealous?" I mouth. I close my eyes and drift back off to sleep. Next thing I know is Feather shaking me awake. I noticed that Darius was still staring.

"S-sss-ssss-sorry! Sorry I fell asleep again!" Feather squeaked. I laughed.

'No problem. I don't mind. Was it at least more comfy than the floor?" I joked. She nodded bashfully. WE both get up. Feather then noticed Darius.

'OH! Good morning, Darius, we were just about to get breakfast, You okay to walk?" She asks. He eyed me and did a small smirk.

'No............Can you help me?" He said.

"Oh of course!" Feather said helping him up. He put his arm around her waist. Darius turned around and smirked.

"Jealous?" He mouthed. WE then walked to the kitchen where Gus and Norkas were talking.

"Ah! Good morning! Would you like to buy something?" Gus asks, putting down his mug. I chuckle.

"It's only seven in the morning and you're already hounding us to buy stuff!" I joke. Gus shrugs.

'What can I say, In order to be successful in life, You have to nab something at the earliest opportunity!" Gus said. Darius leans close.

"Yeah Brandon, Since You didn't nab her, I'm going to get her to be mine!" Darius whispered. I really want to smack him. Instead I just glare while Feather gets breakfast ready. Molly then walks through the door.

"Hello everybody! Good morning!" She said.

Darius POV

I saw an angel walk through the kitchen. She looked familiar..........Wait! This was the nurse from last night.

"HI.........what's a pretty lady like you doing here?" I ask. She looks at me weirdly.

"Uhhhhh.........I live here?" She said. I mentally face palm myself. This cannot be happening to me! The best Casanova ever!

"Right, I don't believe I got your name, I would like to know if your name is just as pretty as you.' I flirted. She blushed and started twirling her hair.

"Oh! Um oH my...........My name's Molly!" She said.

"The name of an angel." I say, winking. Her face became redder. Heh! Forget Feather, this babe's hotter. I saw Brandon staring at me.

"Hey, You don't have to worry 'bout me anymore, I found a hotter babe.' I whisper. He glares at me.

Feather's pov

The guys were whispering stuff. I could've sworn they were talking about me, But I decided against it. We finished breakfast and I started working on the extra beds. I soon finished carving out the bed frame. Brandon was sitting on his bed, Molly was checking Darius' wound and Norkas and Gus were 'landscaping'. I cracked my fingers.

"Hey Brandon?" I asked. He looked up from his book. I swear, that guy is always reading!

"Yeah? What do you need?" He replies.

"Well you said that I could make a hook shot from fifteen sapphires. Can you tell me how to make it when I'm done with the beds?" I asked.

"Sure! Hey do you need any help finishing up?" He asked. I looked at the half finished bed.

"Uhhhh...........Nope! I got it" I said. He huffed.

"That means yes." He said, joining me on the floor. We finished both beds in record time. He then showed me how to make the hook shot. I looked at the shiny new tool.

"Now this actually works? Isn't sapphire kinda fragile to be used as a grappling hook sort of tool?" I ask. He smiles.

"Why don't we find out?"He said. WE walked outside. I aimed the hook at the top of the house. I pushed the button and it was off. I began to panic when the hook went past the house and attached itself to a cliff.

"Brandon?" I ask hesitantly, The next thing I know is that I was flying. My body smacked against thee cliff. Pain surged through my body. Adrenaline and fear began pumping when I realized that I was high up.

What a cliff hanger! Buh dum tss!


Yes it is

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