Chapter Seventy-eight: Another dimenstion?

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Feather POV

Ki grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside. He pinned me to the wall.

"I told you not to go outside!" He growled. He shoved me and walked towards the table. He sat down and took off his glasses.

"Ki?" I ask. He buried his face in his hands.

"You weren't supposed to see that..." He trailed off. I scoff.

"See what? The beautiful trees? The sparkling water? The radiant rainbow?" I tease.

"Yes......" He murmured. Ki sighed and put his glasses back on.

"I guess I better explain...... Sit down.." He ordered. I pulled up a chair and sat down, intently ready for some answers.

"This is going to sound weird.... So just bare with me, Okay?" He said slowly.

I nodded. I mean, come on.... What can be so weird about that..... I mean... Sure, the grass was blue...

And the trees were red, green, and blue....

But surely there is some logical explanation, like......paint!

"That biome you saw out there...... It's not something you see everyday....." He started.

Well duh.

"It's called, The hallow." He explained. Hallow? I don't think I've ever heard of that before....

Ki chuckled.

"Of corse you haven't heard of it.....Your world is still in it's natural state..." He said, smiling slightly.

"My world?"


"But....... What does that mean?"

"...... How can I put this simply? You're in a different dimension...." He uttered.

Different..... Dimension?

"W-what?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"Look........ Terraria consists of several Dimensions, each consisting of a hero..... You and Anthony are from different dimensions. And you guys are the heroes of your own dimension... The only way to transcend dimensions is if you have a high magic power potency, and a Magic Mirror." He lectured.

I blinked in confusion......

This..... This is too much to take in....

Things are getting complicated....

I can't think straight....

"I want to go home........" I whisper. Ki shook his head.

"You can't. You're not fully healed. Plus it's turning nighttime." Ki said, firmly.

"I want to go home." I repeat, my voice rising slowly.

"Feather. I just said you can't. Just.... Try to get some rest.." Ki said. 

I stubbornly shook my head.

"NO! No! No! No! I want to go home!" I whine, like a little kid.

I want to go home..... Where things aren't as confusing...

Where I can forget I ever heard Ki explain everything......

I want Brandon.....

I want to see Brandon!

I miss Brandon.....

Feather...... Calm down.....

"No! I want to go home, Take me home!" I plead.


She's delirious........

I don't blame her.....

It's kind of reality-breaking to know that the world you live in consists of several dimensions.

But...... She was acting borderline insane....

Her eyes were wide and foreign.

"Take me back! I want to go back!!"

Tears started streaming down her face as her eyes flickered gold..

.... What??

"Kyrie.....Please..... Take me back home...." Feather pleaded.


"Feather?? Are you feeling alright?" I ask, putting my hand on her forehead.

I heard the back door open and Anthony stepped in, covered in blood.

"Ugh.... That's the last time I'm going to the Crimson." He murmured, closing the door, leaving the last rays of daylight to rest.

"Oh! Ki I found---" Anthony started

Feather's eyes darted over towards him.

"Aerin! Please! Tell Kyrie to take me home!" She cried.

"Is....... She okay? And it's Anthony, Not Aerin...." Anthony said.

She began shaking as more tears fell down her face.

"Baltryn's gone....... Brynevian's gone....." She whispered to herself over and over.

All of a sudden, she stopped crying....

Feather POV

I blinked.

Ki and Anthony were staring at me.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I ask. They glance at eachother....

"Are you okay? You seem a little......... Off...." Anthony asked.

I nodded.

"I'm perfectly fine..... I just..... Zoned out for a few minutes....all I remember is that I was feeling homesick..." I say, rubbing my head.

"Uhh... Are you sure? Because you kinda went completely bonk--" Anthony was cut off by Ki placing his hand over his mouth.

"We were just concerned..... Nothing happened." Ki said, glaring at Anthony. 


Anthony shoved Ki away.

"Oh! Back to what I was saying before... I found this in the Crimson!" Anthony beamed, holding up some sort of mechanical skull.

"Anthony. No. Not when she's here.." Ki hissed.

"Aww come on! Don't be a wimp!" Anthony said, nudging him..

"I'm not a wimp! I'm concerned for Feather..... She doesn't need to see that monstrosity right after her Battle with Skeletron." Ki said, defensively.

Anthony smirked and threw the skull on the ground, crushing it with his foot.

"Seriously, Dude. You need to lighten up!" Anthony laughed.

All of a sudden, I heard a roar from outside.

"You're not past your prime, Are you?"

Author's note:

Hm~ ha~ ha~ hm~

There...... For any of you theorists out there, Go....... Go be free! I given some information, but not enough. Go! Make theories!

**"Kyrie" is Latin.

Also: Chapters will be on hiatus

Mainly because my birthday is tomorrow and school is in 12 days.

Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated

Bye bye Brudunskies


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