Chapter six: Building

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My ax hit the trunk of a tree. So far, I've chopped several trees. I think after this one I'll have enough to expand the house. I continually strike the tree until logs rain down. I carry them back to the log pile by the house. I begin building. I start with the structure. After the structure, I placed the wall. I blew wood chips off the floor. By the time the wood pile is gone, I have expanded the house to have three more rooms. I wipe the sweat from my face and walk back inside. Molly, Gus and Brandon are playing cards. As soon as Brandon sees me, he bolts from his chair.

"Feather! I need to talk to you!" He said. I led him to one of the newly finished rooms.

"Yeah?" I asked. He handed me my bag.

"I went through your bag and made a list of things you can craft.' He said.

"That's awesome! Thank you, Brandon!" I say hugging him. I pull away as he hands me a list.

I quickly scan it. Most items on there are pretty useless, but a few items caught my eye. Neat! I made a mental list of things to craft. First thing: A furnace so we can cook things in an oven, rather than a camp fire. I grab the materials needed and got to work. Soon, A perfectly crafted furnace lay in front of me. Now to move it to the kitchen........Well crap. I look at all the dimensions to see the best way to move it. Looks like i'm pushing it. I grunt as i focus all my energy in pushing it. Molly, Gus and Brandon watch me.

"Hey, do you need help?" Brandon asks.

"NOPE! I it!" I say in between breaths. He clicks his tongue.

He then stands next to me and helps me push.

"I told you............huff............that I don't..........huff........need help!" I retort. He looks at me with an aggravated look.

"An you are too stubborn to accept help!" He shoots back. I couldn't think of another comeback. We start pushing until the furnace is in the correct place.

"Hey.......thanks Brandon." I say. He flashes me a smile.

"No problem! I like helping people!" He replied. It's time to move onto the next thing on my mental crafting list: Beds. I only have enough materials for three. I first make a sawmill and loom to weave the cobwebs I gathered. I start getting to work. By the time the moon has risen, I have completed two beds. I put it in one of the new rooms deck out with furniture. I put the other one in the identical room next to it. I head back into the original room.

"Okay guys. We only have three rooms so two of us are going to have to share." I say. Molly and Gus race to the rooms with beds. I sigh.

"Well looks like we are going to have to share a room, Cool?" I ask Brandon. He shrugs.I go back to making the bed. I finish soon after. I move it into Brandon and I's room. I saw him in there looking at the architecture. He catches me staring at him.

"Look. One of us gets the bed, so here." I say motioning him to claim the bed. Any normal person would instantly claim it and have no remorse. Instead, Brandon hesitated.

"What about you?" He asked. I shrug.

"I'll sleep on the floor. I mean, one more night couldn't hurt, right?" I joke. He raises an eyebrow.

"Stop staring at me like that and go to bed!" I say after he keeps glaring at me. I sigh.

"Look Brandon............I'll be fine! Just go to sleep." I say, rolling on my side.

"Goodnight, Brandon." I said.

"Goodnight Feather, Sweet dreams." He says before I drift off to sleep.

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