Chapter sixty-five: A Mage's Lessons

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Feather POV

"Just follow my lead...." He said softly. He took a few steps towards me and dropped his Ball 'O Hurt.

Here........... Grab my hand......

He extended his hand out to me. A friendly smile crossed across his face. I cautiously took his hand as he pulled me into his embrace.

Shh.... Just relax..... Since we're in low gravity, you need to be just a little bit faster and use a bit more force. The lack of gravity absorbs most of the speed.

I could hear his heart beating. Even though we were so close, he still decided to speak in my mind. I turned around, facing the same direction as him.

I was a few inches shorter than him, allowing him to see over my head. But then again...... I'm shorter than everybody. Except Norkas. I'm miraculously taller than him......

Look, You're getting off topic. And he's a dwarf. That's why you're taller than him.

Right..... Right right.......

Now. What were we doing?

"I'm going to teach you how to work against gravity and difficult situations." He whispered into my ear. I felt my face heat up. Ki wrapped his arms around mine.

Now. I know that last time when you were training with Brandon, you were having trouble with speed.

Just keep spinning the chain....

I started twirling my wrist as the ball started swaying. Erg..... I started swinging it faster, but I was weary of the mace. I became frustrated when it didn't speed up much.

Feather........ Don't be afraid.

But I'm not!

I continue spinning the chain, about to throw it, I flinch as it gets close to me.

Feather. You are afraid.


Yes. You are. Stop denying it.


I hurl the mace and it slams into the dirt platform.

I huff and take a few steps forward. I am not afraid!

Feather....... Look at me.....

I turn around. I don't need some hot-headed Mage telling me how I feel! I don't even know how I feel.....

You know exactly how you feel. You're angry. Frustrated. Scared.

"I..... Am...... Not....." I say, clenching my jaw.

I look right into his eyes.

You are.

I pick up my mace.

"NO......... I'M NOT AFRAID!" I scream, using all of my might to hurl the mace at his chest.

My ears start ringing as my eyes go blurry. I don't remember quite what happened, but the next thing I remember is Ki is lying on the ground. Blood is slowly pooling around him.

I-I--I d-did that?!

Y-you broke two of my ribs.

I---I'm sorry...... So so so very sorry.....

Don't be.....

But..... Oh my goodness... We need to get you to Molly!!

"No--" he croaked out. I saw him pull another bottle out of his robes. The bright crimson colored potion glimmered in the bottle. It also has two gold rings around it.

He quickly gulped the potion and popped up off of the dirt.

"AH!" I screeched. He laughed.

"Health Potions go a long way... Now. You did it!" He said, walking towards me.

What did I do??!

For starters, You used your mace correctly, And managed to use enough force and speed to physically hurt me, that is amazing! But you're still afraid.....

I'm not afraid.

Do you even know what you're afraid of?

No! Because I'm not afraid!

You're afraid of your weapon. You're afraid of the strength it possesses. You're afraid of not being strong enough, That it'll get the best of you.

And do you know what, Feather? You are much stronger than you know.........


"You are so much stronger than you realize......." He said softly, taking a few more steps towards me.

He smiled.

"Now that you know how to properly use your Ball 'O Hurt, how about we duel again?" He asks.

I smirk.

"You're on!"

Just as my mace was about to connect with his shoulder blade, He jumps. Thanks to gravity, He's several feet off the platform. He takes a swing at me and it collided with my arm. I grunt in pain.

I stepped back a couple of steps and took a running start. The mace throws itself and hits Ki in the chest, Knocking him down. Spare bits of dirt rush off the platform from the impact.

He started laughing. Why he was laughing, I wasn't sure of. He bolted off the ground and rushed me. A quick smack to my lower back made me skid across the platform. Somehow, I still had my balance.

A large grin crept across my face. I am strong.......

Strangely, I started laughing.

I started feeling weird.......

Like........ I felt something for him.

Like........ I wanted to rip him apart.

I duck underneath him as I leap into the air. I spin around as I twirl my mace and it connects with the side of his head, resulting in a little bit of blood.

In the midst, we were still laughing like maniacs.


I saw her eyes flash in a certain way. It was familiar, yet so foreign. She had a crazed expression as she continued laughing.

My smile faltered as I stopped laughing.

Next thing I know is that she lunged towards me, and the Ball 'O Hurt swung past my head, Knocking me in the back of my head, Sending me flying towards the ground.

I wanted to scream out in pain as my jaw scratches against the dirt.

I quickly flip over on my back, just to see the Ball 'O hurt land right next to me, Grazing my arm. She growls as she yanks it back and starts twirling it.

Feather..... You need to calm down....

She started cackling again.

She slams the mace down on my arm. My eyes widen when I hear a cracking sound. I flinch and hold my arm.

This is not Feather......

This is her fear......

Her fear took over her.....

I hobble up off the ground and grab my Ball 'O Hurt.

She tries to rush me, but I catch her off guard and jump over her head. She turns back with fire burning in her eyes. I need to run.

I turn around and dash towards the end of the platform. My heart begins pounding in my chest as I run across the dirt. Luckily, I was wearing my Hermes' Boots, So I was a bit faster.

I kept going until I reached the end of the platform. I skidded to a stop as I looked to the land below. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Feather wickedly smile as she tackles me, sending both of us off the edge.

(Cliffhanger?? Nah..)

We were soaring through the air, but one thing was still for certain. Feather still wanted me dead.

She pounced off of me and swung the Ball 'O Hurt. I luckily ducked my head in time. I needed to distract her before she gets any ideas of slamming me into the ground.

I quickly swing the mace onto her chest, sending her flying a little bit. Her eyes widen as she grits her teeth, but she doesn't stop laughing.

She gets a little bit closer and puts her feet on my chest. She kicks off, sending me closer to the ground. While still a few few above me, she had the mace above her head. She slams it down on my chest.

I cry out in pain. She giggles at my pain.

I need to stop this.

We start picking up speed as we near the ground.

She readies another attack, but I grab her shoulders. I throw her through the air towards the ground. I push her towards the ground. Gaining more leverage, I swing my Ball 'O Hurt, I let go of it as It slams Feather into the ground.



That happened.

Sorry for the delay!

But I hope it was worth the wait!

Feed back is encouraged! (And needed, I'm always looking to improve)

Not a long A/N because I don't want to ruin the chapter with it.

Bye bye Brudunskies


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