Chapter thirteen: Rode to Recovery

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Feather pov

I awoke with my head poubding. UGHHHHH............I take notice of my surroundings. I then smell the all to familiar piney scent in the pillow. Brandon's bed. I then heard someone come in.

"Feather.............You awake?" I hear Brandon whisper.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I say. He walks over and sits on the edge of the bed and sits down.

"Brandon............what happened?" I ask.

"Well I moved you to my bed yesterday when Molly put you on too many painkillers and you started acting delustional." He explains. Oh.

"Are you okay to walk? Breakfast is almost ready." Brandon siad. I nodded as best as I could and swung my feet out of bed. I tried to stand up, but the room began spinnig. I felt someone pick me up before I crashed on the floor.

"Whoa! Steady!" Brandon said, heliping me to my feet. His arms were strong. My legs were wobbilong. He put him arms around my shouders. I finnaly regained balance.

"Thanks." I say.

"N-nn-no problem!" He stutters while scratching the back of his neck. He smiles as we walk out to the kitchen. Gus was sipping Coffee and Molly was munching on cereal.

"Mornin" Gus says. I give him a nod. I sit down in my chiar.

"What are you gonna do today, Feather?" Molly asks. I shrug.

"WEll for starters, I am going to make another bed. Next, I'm going to see if I can expand the house. I'm pretty sure Brandon is sick of sharing a room with me."I say. Gus chokes on his Coffee. He smirks.

"No. I think Brandon couldn't get sick of a pretty girl sharing a room with him." Gus teased. Brandon's face turned bright red from either anger, or he was blushing.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........I'm gonna go look at a thing..........Gotta go bye!" Brandon said, running off. I giggled and rolled my eyes. Ahhhh..... He's too adorable. I got up from the table and grabbed my bag. I dragged it to Me and Brandon's room. He was lounging on the bed reading a book. I sit down on the floor and begin construction on a bed. Soon, after a while, I was finished. I moved it up againt the wall. I flopped down in exhaustion. I pulled my bag up on the bed and examine the shiny stuff. I had no idea what it was and It frustrated me.

"UGH! IT'S POINTLESS!" I yell in frustration. Brandon looks up from his book.

"Everything okay over there?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I huffed.


"They say that there's a person who will tell you how to survive in this land." He started. Then he snapped his fingers. "Oh wait! That's me! lemme have a look." He continued, walking over to my bed. I crossed my legs and made room for him. I handed him some of the blue sparkly stuff. He looked at it for about three seconds.

"That is a gemstone. More specifically this is a sapphire." He explains. He then list off the other gems.

"And...............What can I do with these?" I ask, holding the sapphire. My hand lightly grazes his. HIs face turns a bright red.

"Uhhh y--yy-you c-cc-can m-mm-make a hookshot with fifthteen sapphires." He stuttered. he then began sweating.

"Whoa! Are you okay?" I ask.

"Uhh Y--yyy-yeah. W-ww-why wouldn't I be?" He replied. I put my hand on his forehead.

"Are you sure? You're burning up!" I say. I grab his hand and stand up. I walk to Molly's room. I knock on her door.

"Come in!" She yelled from the inside. I opened the door and led Brandon in.

"Molly, I think Brandon is sick. His face is really red and he is sweating. I don't know why." I say. Molly snickers.

"It's probably 'cause a pretty girl is holding his hand." She said. What? I don't get it!

"N--nn-n-no! N--n-not t-tt-that you're n-nn-not p-pp-pretty! Umm Oh geez......Is it hot in here or is it just you- I MEAN ME! Is it just me...yeah uhh." Brandon stuttered. Oh no! He must be really sick!

"Molly! What do I do!" I plead. She looks like she's about to burst out laughing. She snorts and bangs her fist on her table.

"Gus! Get in here!" Molly snickered. Gus soon entered the room

"Aww! Molly! I was just in the middle of checking inventory and stealing stuff from Feather's bag to resell to............." He trailed off when he noticed me.

"Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyy! Feather!" He squeaked. Gus then looks at Molly who's loosing it.

" Hey Molly? What's so funny? Did Brandon try to be a hero again?" He asked. Molly giggled.

"Molly! This is no joking matter! Brandon could be seriously sick! See? His face is getting redder by the second!" I say stomping my foot.

Oh my gosh this is too funny!

I don't see why.......

Gus was holding in laughs. He let out a snicker and was laughing as much as Molly. Soon, they were both rolling on the floor.

"Molly! What do I do!" I whine. She collects herself.

"Ok........What you need to do Is......hold his hand for thirty minutes." She said. She let out small snickers. Really? Well..........I'm not complaining.

"W-ww-what?!!!?!" Brandon stutters. Gus howls out in laughter.

"Ok.....So it's already been twenty more minutes?" I say. Molly nods.

"Ok Brandon! Let's go!' I say, leading him out of the room.

Brandon's pov

Before Feather led me out I gave Molly and Gus death stares. Gus shrugs.

"Hey! It's not my problem that your girlfriend is dense!" He says. I grit my teeth as Feather walks out with me.

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