Chapter thirty: The dungeon (Sadly, no dragons)

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I made my way into the large tree. I made my way platform at a time. Soon, I came across a door. Hmmm. Let's see what's behind door number one. I look past the door to see a hallway....With another door. Let's see what's behind door number two. I swear, If it's another door, I'm punching Ki.

What why me?

Because...........Uh.......You're annoying?

I threw open the door, Having no concern for whatever was behind it. I was astonished to see a table, a few chairs and a chest. Hmm. It was pretty dark. I should light a torch-


I smirked and lit the torch anyways. I set it down on the table which looked like a tree stump. Hmm. I might as well loot this place.I Placed my hand over the top of the chest and opened it. I rummaged through the contents. The first thing that caught my eye was a stick. Yes. A stick. I am such an interesting person. I picked it up in my hand and felt my heart beat a little faster. It felt...Weird.

That, My friend, is a wand.


Oh my goodness, you haven't explored any magic yet. What's your mana at?


Oh my it's worst than I thought. Well....At least this magic item does not require mana..


Ok, You have wood right?


Grab the wand and focus really hard on that empty space.

I did what I was told. The wand started glowing. Then, in a flash, There was a piece of wood. But this was a different type of wood. It was living......Hmm. I put the wand in my bag. I continue looking around the chest. I stuff extra bottles and coins into the side pocket of my bag. The last item puzzled me. I pulled out a head of cabbage. As soon as I picked it up, there was rustling in the corner and a fuzzy projectile flew towards me. I looked down to see a little guinea pig with spots. I pick it up. How did it fly? I set it back down and waked across the room to the door.I soon realized that the guinea pig followed me.

"Hmm. Looks like you'll be with me eh?" I ask. The guinea pig squeaks. I smile as I climb back up. I was on the second to last platform before it breaks.I felt myself topple on top of the other platforms, breaking them in the process. I felt myself land on cold stone. I groan in pain and pull myself up. I lit a torch. The light quickly illuminated the cave. I glared when I saw a pool of water six inches from where I landed. I look closely in the water and saw something pink radiating in the depths. I take off my bag and jump in. It was now that I realize that the pink glowing thing was a jellyfish. Luckily, I had my sword and killed it in one swift motion. I picked up the coins and something else it dropped. A glow stick? I picked it up and it lit up the water. There was a pink light from down below! and I made sure that it wasn't a jelly fish. I look down to see a life crystal. I grab it off the ground. I felt myself slowly running out of air. I tried to swim back up, but my shirt became caught on something.

My eyes widen to see teeth similar to that monster back in the corruption. Except it was some sort of alter........I tug my shirt free and swim to the top. I took a large gasp of air. It felt like my lungs were about to explode. I pull myself out of the water and dry off. I aim my hookshot back up and make my way out of the tree. Once I see daylight, I survey the tree trunk. Hmm. I start chopping through it. sure enough, It stood. I walked under the gap I made and to the other side. I look over a cliff at the scenery. Trees.....More trees and.....A blue building? I should go check it out! What if it has more loot!?! I cliff dive again and land on my feet. I run towards the building. Hmm. It kinda looked like a dungeon. As soon as I got closer, I realized that there was an old man at the intance of the dungeon. He had a beard as white as snow. The only thing that tipped me off that he wasn't Santa, was the malnourished stature of his body and ruby red eyes. I slowly began to approach. The old man's gaze directed on me when he saw me.

"Who goes there?"

AN: So if you might not have noticed, We are almost at a thousand reads. I have decided that I would do a character QNA, What that means is that you can ask any character in the book a question.

For example: Brandon, Are you in love with Feather?

You can ask as many questions as you want!

Thank you guys so much for the support and I will see you in the next chapter...


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