Chapter twenty-eight: Oh sNOw you didn't!

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Feather's POV

Here we go again. The scenery from the west is strikingly similar to the east. I continue walking though the hazy morning. I come across a large mountain.

Hmmm. That's cool. Now the question is....Can you get up there without getting hurt?

I smirk and aim my hookshot to a rock t the top. It latches on as I fling though the sky. I land on the ground with a thud. Uggggggghhh.

And the answer is no. Good job, take five.

Please shut up.



I looked around at the top. I noticed something in the sky, but I shrugged it off. I looked at the other side of the mountain. Cool! A waterfall. I watched as the water lined the cliff's edge and gracefully poured down into a small pond. A wild thought runs through my mind.

Feather, NO!

I laugh and take a few steps back. I then take off running. I sprint off the mountain and land in the pond with a splash. The water was cold, but felt nice. I stayed under for a minute more, watching my hair float around me. I bob to the surface and take a deep breath. Conveniently, my bag landed next to the pond. Man, this place was beautiful. The waterfall seemed to sparkle when the sun hit it.

Ugh. You are so stupid.

Hey! I wanted wanted adventure and I'm going to get adventure, dangit!

Hmm. Those words seem so familiar! Almost like you said them right before you almost got yourself killed!

I don't need you sarcasm.


I continued to swim around the pond, enjoying the water. It seemed to help the pain in my shoulder die down a bit. I pulled myself out of the water. I sat on a rock and air dried for a bit. I pulled my bag over my shoulder and continued on.

Let's go down the open road......Who ever you are come travel with me......Let's go down the open road, will you travel with me? With me?

why are you singing?

The song fits!

You honestly should've sung that a few days ago.


I continued to walk along before I found another pond, but this one was much bigger. I crouched on my knees and stuck a hand it. It was freezing cold! I quickly pulled my hand out of the icy water. Looks like I'm not swimming. I watch as the sun makes it's way across the sky. Hmm.

I take a look in my bag. There has to be a way across. I pour through my bag before I pull out a few platforms. It brings a crazy idea through my mind. I quickly attach the platforms together. This is a good idea. I place the platform creation on the water. To my amazement, It floats. I cautiously take a step on. The platform shook a little, but stayed afloat (WARNING! Do not try this at home or in Terraria. You will not float! This is fan fiction remember?)

I steadily placed my other foot on the platform. It floated. This is amazing! I took a part of a tree branch and rowed across the icy pond. I instantly jumped off as soon as a I was close enough. The platform instantly sunk as soon as I stepped off because.............Logic? I'm not complaining! I take notice of the land in front of me. Snow flurries fell from the sky, sending a chilly wind at my face, teasing my hair. I began shivering. This must be some sort of snowy biome. I walk forward. I rubbed my hands vigorously on my arms trying to keep warm. I notice the sun is awfully close to the horizon.I continue walking until I find a small cave. Hmm. This looks like a suitable shelter. I put up a few torches and block of the entrance. It was now that I realize that there was a little pond. Hmm Neat! I continue to look around at the chilly cave. There's only one more direction that it goes in-Up. There's a small gap about the size of my head. I'll clear out the ice around it and let that be my exit for tomorrow. I put a couple of torches together and make a campfire. It's amazing- the snow isn't melting. Hmm. I placed down a large piece of cloth I weaved. It's okay for a makeshift sleeping bag. I put my bag beside me and lay down. I slowly drift off to sleep on the first night on my adventure.

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