Chapter Twenty-Five: Scarred for life. (Mentally and Physically)

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Feather's pov

No! You don't know what you are doing! The corruption is dangerous! It even counteracts my magic! Please, You will get ripped to shreds!

Nah! I'm looking for adventure, and I'm going to get adventure, dang it!

I walked along the flied. The corruption was a mere seven steps away.


Six steps

No! Please!

Five steps

It's dangerous

Four steps

You're not ready!

Three steps

You're making a huge mistake!

Two steps


I can't loose you!

One step.


I was in the corruption

The sky blackened, almost as dark as night. Ki was silent. I couldn't hear him.

I lit a torch, illuminating a small portion of the area. Sick, twisted trees lined the path. I walked forward. Each step I took, the sky became darker. Each step I took, my thoughts became darker. I became paranoid, looking over my shoulder every three seconds only to see darkness. I tripped. I grunt in pain and pull myself of the violet colored ground. I took a deep breath of the stale air and continued.

I heard noises behind me. My breathing became shallower. I tried running, but the noises became louder. I ran into something. I'm knocked to the ground. I slowly raise my torch to see a creature of horrible insanity.Several eyes loomed on it's light purple skin. Two long tusks guard a snarling mouth, long yellow teeth lined the outside. The largest eye was fixated on me. Two more of those creatures lurked behind the first.

I stood still, my eyes darting between the three creatures. The first one let out a long growl. The other two let out a similar screech. Without warning, I turned back and ran as fast as I could. I bolted through the trees, ducking under tree branches. A few pieces of my armor get caught in the trees. It kinda made me an easier target; A running target with visible brown hair, an emerald colored shirt and dark blue pants. I dropped the torch

My heart rate accelerated as they drew closer, loud growls and screeches following close behind. I tripped. Dang it! I fell into a small chasm, but before I fell, something lifted me up. My bag slipped from my shoulders, but I caught it just before it fell into the void of darkness. Pain instantly surged through my shoulder. Teeth had sunk into my shoulder. I cried out in pain. The beast had me in it's mouth. I reached for my sword, but I dropped it into the abyss. My vision became blurry as a purple-red liquid dripped down. I looked at my bag. I then notice a shiny object strapped to the side. The mirror. I manage to pull it out and gaze into it. The teeth are removed from my shoulder. I collapse on the familiar wooden ground.

Brandon's POV

I heard a loud thud in the room. I look up from my books to see Feather, nearly unconscious, panting with a strange liquid oozing from her shoulder.

"FEATHER!" I shout, running to her side. I quickly check her pulse. Thump...........Thump...............Thump...........Thump. Her skin became a sickly pale purple color. I screamed. Molly, Gus and Norkas came rushing in. Norkas nearly fainted when he saw Feather. Molly darted to Feather's other side.

"Brandon! What happened! Gus! Get my medical bag!" She said.

"Feather magically appeared and was like this." I said. I felt my tears fall onto Feather. Gus tosses Molly her bag and she gets to work. She shakes her head in frustration.

"I don't know what this is! This is way outside my field!" She yelled in anger.

"Do something! You can't let her die!" I yelled.

"There's something I could do....." I hear from the doorway. A guy in a Rune Wizard's outfit stand in the doorway. There was something familiar about this guy.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" Molly asked with force. The guy took a step forward.

"Don't worry about that. All you need to know is that I'm here to help." The guy said, walking towards Feather. I take a step back and give him some room.

"Brandon! You can just trust this guy!?" Molly yelled. I looked into the guy's eyes, which are framed by glasses.

"Yes." I reply. Molly looks at me, her jaw ajar. She sighs and takes a step back. The guy pulls something out of his bag.

"Feather is tainted. She went into the corruption, and a monster called an Eater of Souls, poisoned her, It's pretty bad," He said, cleaning the liquid.

She..............went into the CORRUPTION! Why didn't I warn her about it? I'm such an Idiot! It's all my fault!

"It's not your fault, Brandon, you didn't know she would find the corruption." The guy said, continuing to clean the purple liquid from her shoulder. I blinked in confusion. Was I thinking out loud? (Ref) I don't think so. I watched as he took a pouch of powder out of his bag. Purification powder. He sprinkled it on the wound. It bubbled and set into the skin, leaving behind four large scars.

"That's going to leave a scar, but she should recover soon. Keep a close eye on her, Brandon. Molly, you should go back to your room. I think Brandon needs some alone time with his girlfriend," He said, winking. I didn't try to argue. Instead, as the door closed behind the Molly, The guy and I moved Feather to her bed.

"Keep her warm, at this point, if she get's cold, the corruption poison will spread to her soul and corrupt it." He explains. I grab my blanket and her's and place it over her. I pulled up a chair and sit next to her bed. The guy does the same.

"So..........What do I say when she wakes up?" I ask. He chuckles.

"Tell her an old friend saved her." He said. I looked at him in confusion. I stared into his eyes once more.

"How did you know that we would need your help?" I asked, not looking away. He shrugged.

"I kinda figured, since I knew Feather was going to go into the corruption and get herself hurt." He said. I clenched my fist.

"You knew she was going to go into the corruption! Why didn't you try to stop her?" I said fiercely.

"I tried, but she wouldn't listen!" He said nonchalantly.

I drew my attention back to Feather, who was starting to stir.The guy got up from his seat and pulled out a blue, glowing mirror.

"It comes to a way where we part ways. I must return back to my home." He said.

"I got up from my chair.

"Wait! I don't even know your name." I said. The guy chuckled.

"I can't tell you that......But let's just say I was the KI to her survival." He said, before he disappeared in a flash of blue,

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