Chapter 13

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[I will be taking spring break off to catch up on more pre-written chapters and chill out!~ No updates March 15, 16, and 17. I hope you all fair well without my chapters, hehe.]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 13

Ao's POV

It's been five days since Ben had come to me to vent his problems, and it's been five days since he's talked with anyone at all. After he poured out his troubles to me, he ended up running off out of embarrassment. There are rare chances when I spot him in the halls, but he always disappears right away. Not even Ms. P can find him to remind him to check on Jeff. It seems he does that task on his own, though. Jeff is the only one who sees him regularly, but I don't think either of them are relieved about that.

Whenever I know it's time for Ben to go and bring Jeff his food and medication, I wonder what they talk about (if they say anything at all). From the times I've taken up the task, Jeff is cold even to me. I've tried to soothe him using my Purification magic, but he always gives me the most frightening death glare. Thinking about it now, I can't help but feel bad knowing Ben has to deal with that everyday.

The hallway was quiet as I walked. I just came up from downstairs after having a quick lunch in the kitchen. In my hands, I held more maps, but these weren't for Elizabeth. Most of them were marked in red ink, while others were in blue. The one on top of my pile had red scribble on it with the words 'no cooperation :(', something I jotted down a couple of days ago. I guess I shouldn't have expected that girl, Jane, to help me out considering what she said Elizabeth had done to her the last time they met. Plus, apparently she and Jeff have some issues together, and I already knew that probably wouldn't end well. Still, I was hoping she would at least provide some assistance...

As I was walking, a muffled skirmish caught my attention and I looked up from my maps. All of a sudden, a door opened and Ben stumbled out.

"Leave me alone," Jeff's voice growled out from the room, and it wasn't until now that I realized I was passing his room.

Ben got up from the floor, rubbing the back of his head tenderly. He and I flinched when the door slammed shut, and the blonde man scoffed out a few curse words. When he finally noticed my presence, he froze, then looked away.

Before I could call out to him, he teleported away in a flash of pixels. I was left in the hallway, alone with my maps. Peering at the door, I briefly contemplated walking in and talking to Jeff. But then I thought about his death glares, and suddenly felt horrible. If I dread even going in there once, how must Ben feel? The maps shifted in my grip as I clutched the sides.

"'re the only one I'd feel comfortable with..."

How could I have been so ignorant, so senseless? What kind of friend am I?

I thought about how big and doleful his eyes were when he barged into the study to talk to me. I remembered the way he spoke of the boy, Reese, so enthusiastically, and the way he had smiled coyly just the day before.

I can't believe I've never realized Ben's inner struggles until now. He's always been such a laid-back guy, but I suppose the ones that smile the most have a lot weighing down their hearts. God, I'm a horrible friend.

I have to fix this.


Later on, I finally spotted Ben in a place where I know he can't avoid me. Peering through one of the windows by the front double-doors, I saw the elfin man standing on the porch. He cradled a lounging Grinny in his arms, petting the feline while he watched Smile run off into the woods.

With a deep breath, I quietly opened one of the doors and stepped out. Ben didn't seem to notice me at first, which was probably why he was so startled when I spoke up from right behind him. He jumped in his spot, spooking Grinny, too. The poor cat leaped out of his hold and bolted inside the mansion, leaving Ben reaching feebly for a few moments.

"My bad," I murmured upon seeing the sullen expression on his face. He quickly changed it and put on a small smile.

"No biggie. I can always lure him back with cat nip," he joked. "How's it going?"

I furrowed my brow and said sternly, "I have an important assignment for you."

His smile faltered and he questioned, "Another Corrupted?"

"No," I answered.

"What's wrong, then?"

"Nothing is wrong," I started, "I just have a special task for you."

"Alright, well, spill, Sheba."

Crossing my arms, I acted out seriousness as best as I could and said, "Well, I've looked into it...and I've established that Reese Montemayor-Jones is a reliable asset to us. Using my judgement that I deem you a competent being, I'm assigning you to protect and keep watch over the boy."

Ben blinked. "H-How is he reliable to us...?"

My serious demeanor faltered for a moment--but only for a moment--and then I replied, "Your game cartridge--it's of importance to you. He has it, doesn't he?"

"Actually, I snuck into his apartment and got it back--."

"He. Has. Your. Game. Cartridge. Right?" With every word, I leaned closer, drilling my gaze into him. Uncomfortable, Ben leaned away and nodded frantically.

"And since he has your game cartridge, he is of even more significance."

"I don't understand--."

"Are you going to compromise a valuable asset, Casanova?" I retorted sharply.

"N-No, ma'am," he said.

Grinning, I chimed, "Then I suggest you commence your first day of watch now. The sooner, the better...!" Finally, I dropped my act and gave the blonde a sly wink. Slowly, a smile played across his lips, and this time it was genuine.

With heartwarming graditude, Ben hugged me and whispered, "Thank you..."

I hugged him back, and when we pulled away, I said, "Go get 'em, tiger."

"St-Stop...," he chuckled nervously, a pink tinge reaching his pale cheeks. It's still bizarre seeing him act this way, but knowing why made me feel giddy as well.

Ben teleported away and I stood on the porch alone. Smile finally came back from the woods and bounded up to me with his tail wagging. "Hey, there, boy," I cooed as I scratched behind his perked ears.

Behind me, I heard the door creak open and Jack stepped out to stand next to me. Jokingly, I quipped, "Want me to scratch your ears, too?"

"Leave that for the dog, thanks," he said with a chuckle.

A few moments later, while I still pet Smile, he asked, "What are you up to?"

"Giving Smile some love."

"You know what I mean. I overheard you trying to sound like a big-shot."

"Was my acting that bad?"

"The pompous voice gave it away."

"Ah, I see," I muttered.

Jack took a seat on the porch and Smile went to lay by his lap, leaving me feeling slightly betrayed. Regardless, I sat down, too, and gazed out at the tranquil forest ahead.

"Seriously, what are you up to?" the eyeless man inquired.

Joyfully, I leaned against his shoulder and answered simply, "Just making a friend happy."


Reese's POV

It's Wednesday. Three days into my week back at school and I'm still struggling to complete all of the homework I missed out on. To say it's been a stressful week would be an understatement. Shooting myself in an un-ironic statement has never felt so appealing.

As soon as the final bell for today rang, relief washed over me. I got up and walked out of my last classroom to head to the front of the school. Earphones in, I took my time walking through the halls, despite the fact that homework loomed over me like a storm cloud. I mean, all I can do is be chill and accept my multiple-choice-and-short-essay fate that's been due since Monday.

When I made it to the front of the school, I sat under a lonesome tree on the lawn. There, I waited for Hunter like I have been for years. I sat there and listened to my music, and when there was the pause in-between songs, I finally got to hear the multiple car honks coming from the pick-up lane.

Looking up, I wondered what annoying parent was trying to grab their kid's attention. In the pick-up lane was a black, shiny, classic muscle car, honking like no tomorrow. If I'm not mistaken, that's a Chevrolet Chevelle. Wonder what hot-shot got that old car together. Either way, they're a douchebag for not quitting with the honking....!

Just when I was about to blast the volume on my phone, I noticed something inside the Chevelle. From my angle, I could see a pair of stupid, green, fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror.


All of a sudden, a figure with sunglasses popped up from behind the car, from the driver's side, and waved.

You have to be kidding me.

"Hey, Reese!" Ben called out to me, bearing a big smile on his face.

God dammit.

Things got worse when he hollered, "Reese's puffs! Reese's pieces! My peanut butter cup!~"

I'm gonna kill him.

A flustered blush spread to my cheeks and I looked around to see who was watching. As expected, everyone was looking at the dumbass waving from his car and the teen sitting alone suffering from embarrassment.

With a harsh groan, I got up and made my way over to the Chevelle. Ben laughed happily and ducked back inside the car, shutting the driver's side door. The passenger's side window rolled down, and I saw him lounging coolly against the seat. The moment he opened his mouth to speak, I interrupted and hissed, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

The blonde-haired man grinned and said, "I'm here to pick you up!"

"My brother is picking me up," I stated irritably.

"Oh, don't worry about that! I told him I'd pick you up!"

My eyes widened. "You spoke to Hunter?!"

"Well, technically, I didn't. I went ahead and used Artem's contact to text him not to pick you up. Said that you had a special training."

"How did you know--?"

"By the way, Artem: handsome fella. Also, I used Hunter's contact to say you called in sick so now you're off work today, too! Anyhow--."

"Go away, Ben," I grumbled.

Ben's smile barely wavered when he said, "What? I said everything was taken care of. You don't have to worry about anything!"

"That's not why I'm angry."

The blonde wraith 'ooo'ed in revelation and he added, "If this is about last week--."

"I don't want to talk about it, and I certainly don't want to talk to you," I growled. "Now get a move on; you're holding up the line."

Ben nodded with understanding and gave me a casual, farewell salute. Afterwards, he cruised the Chevelle towards the exit gates to leave the school grounds. I sighed and turned around to walk back to my waiting spot. Just when I was about to pull out my phone to text Hunter to pick me up, more honking blared from behind me and I frowned. Silently, I hoped it wasn't who I thought it was, but was extremely mistaken when I spotted the Chevelle again. Should've known it was too easy, Reese...

Once the muscle car pulled up again, Ben leaned forward towards the still-open passenger's window and said, "Get in loser, we're going shopping."

"Go. Away," I hissed.

"Aw, c'mon, baby...!"

"Don't 'baby' me!" I scolded. "I've had a rough day and I'm not about to take your bullshit. So just screw off."

"Will you come with me if I said I've got candy?"

I flipped him the finger. "Screw off."

"Okay, poor move, my bad. I mean, I could get candy. What's your favorite?"

"Bye." With that, I turned away from him to walk towards the school so I could wait inside.

Suddenly: "Babes! Cinnamon apples! Come back! Please? Your mans just wanna make things right!"

If I wasn't contemplating homicide before...

Mortified beyond comprehension, I stormed back to the Chevelle, yanked open the passenger's door and jumped in. Before Ben could speak, again, I snapped, "Don't talk! Just fucking drive!"

Without hesitation, he nodded and started driving off the campus and out onto the main street. As he drove, I grumbled, "I oughta punch you in the fuckin' throat...!"

"I missed you, too!"

"Cut the playful crap," I hissed. "It's one thing to honk the god damn horn like a madman, but you went ahead and yelled my nickname out loud--at my school!"

"Those kids would have to be idiots to not figure you'd have a candy brand as a nickname," the blonde commented.

"Why are you here?!"

Smiling, he answered, "Well, I wanted to pick you up so we could spend time together."

"...Really? You do?" I said in awe.

He nodded excitedly. "Y-Yeah..!"

My tone of voice dropped. "Well, you're shit-outta-luck, because I don't want to be anywhere near you right now."

"Reese, please? Listen, I know you're upset about last week, but I'm back! I'm back a-and I'm gonna stay, like you wanted me to! Isn't that what you wanted? C'mon, just let me talk to you for a little bit, and if you're still mad then I'll take you straight home."

After thinking about his words, I sighed and muttered, "Fine..."


"Yeah, but pull over." I pointed to a fast-food restaurant that was coming up.

"Oh, yeah, sure," he said as he turned into the entrance. "You're hungry? I could totally buy for you. I'm not a fan of fast-food, but I could make an exception for you--wha-wait, hey!"

As soon as he had turned in, I popped open the passenger's door and hopped out of the car. Adjusting my backpack, I started walking towards the direction where my apartment was.

There was a loud screech of tires behind me and then the slam of a car door. Footsteps rushed up to me and suddenly Ben ran up from my right.

"Where are you going?" he asked, panting.

"Home," I answered bluntly.

"But, I could just drive you there! Reese, c'mon, wait up for one sec--."

I interrupted his pleading by turning around and grabbing onto his shirt collar. His sunglasses hung low on his nose and he looked up at me with wide, blue eyes. As I held him in my grip, I grumbled, "You have a lot of nerve randomly showing up and putting on that embarrassing show! After you just up and left, too! Who the hell do you think you are thinking you can just apologize to someone like me and expect everything to be okay? Well, sorry, but it isn't that simple. I'd even say you made things worse for yourself."

"Reese, if you'd just let me talk--."

"What's there to talk about? There's no reason for you to be around me anymore. You don't think I noticed you took the game cartridge? You don't need me! So, go back to that mansion of yours and give that damned game to someone else."

All Ben did was stare up at me, stumped. I didn't want to look at him any more, so I let go of him and turned away. I was able to walk for a good three feet until there was a tug on my backpack. Annoyed, I whirled around to tell Ben off again when I was interrupted by the Majora's Mask game cartridge being shoved towards me.

Frowning, I muttered, "What are you--?"

"I don't want to give my game to someone else," Ben said, hanging his head. "I...I want you to keep it safe."

Scoffing, I remarked, "Why me? You know, I thought about destroying it after you left."

"But you didn't," Ben interjected, and I froze. He lifted his head and looked at me past his sunglasses. "You didn't destroy it. You held back and kept it safe."

Flustered, I grumbled, "So what?"

"You can still keep it safe," he said. "I can still trust you."

"No you can't."

"Yes, I do." He shoved the cartridge forward again.

"I'm not taking your game--."

"Please!" he exclaimed, and I could hear the emotion in his voice. "This is my lifeline right here in my hands! I'm giving you my life, Reese!"

"But why?!"

"Because I--." He stopped himself, bit his lip, shook his head, and continued, "Because I care about you. Listen, I know I fucked up by leaving you when I promised you so much. I'd be pissed too if I shared my darkest moments with someone who wasn't going to stick around. But I'm back, and I'm here to make things right."

Shaking my head, I started, "Ben--."

"What will it take for you to forgive me? What will it take for you to be my friend again?" he questioned.

"I don't want anything--."

"I'll beg on my knees if I have to," he said, and proceeded to fall to his knees, holding the cartridge up to me.

Flinching back, I murmured, "Okay, that really isn't necessary--."

"I promise you that I'll stay, and I'll never hurt you again," he proclaimed. "If you take my cartridge, I'll be bound to you. So long as you have my cartridge, I won't leave, even if I wanted to. There's no way I would, though."

"Ben, that's nice and all, but I don't think we should do this here--."

"Please, forgive me, Reese," the blonde pleaded. "I'll make it up to you. Let me be your friend again. Let me be the greatest friend you've ever had! I want to be someone that lasts for you, because you deserve so much better!"

To my left, near the fast-food restaurant, a group of girls were walking out of the building and one of them hollered, "Say yes!"

I blushed. "N-No," I exclaimed, "this isn't--we're not--listen, y-you've got it wrong--."

"Forgive me, Reese," Ben piped up again. "I want to see the horrible sides of you that you always talk about. I want to see them so I can still say you're a good kid. Be as stubborn and mean to me as you want, but I'm still going to smile and prove you wrong!"

His eyes were still wide, urging for sympathy, yet I could recognize the determination in his blue irises. I tried holding a stern mien as I thought to myself. Even though I was still annoyed with him, deep down, I was really relieved to see him again. When I had come home a few days ago to a nightstand without a game cartridge inside, I felt angry. In reality, I should have expected him to take the cartridge, but it had meant something to protect it knowing how important it was to him. These past few days, I had hoped Ben didn't mean it when he said he was leaving. It took longer than I would have liked, but he's actually back, like I wanted. He's back, but I'm still mad at him.

"Fine," I muttered, and took the game cartridge from his hands.

Relieved, he smiled jovially and said, "Thank you...!"

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled. "Would you get up already?"

The blonde wraith stood to his feet and waved to the group of girls at the restaurant. "He said yes!"

The ladies cheered, and I resisted shoving him into traffic--only groaning quietly to myself.

After Ben stopped acting like a dumbass, I stated, "Since I'm off work today--thanks to a certain someone--I suppose I can kill time."

"That's what I was hoping for," he chirped.

We went inside the restaurant to order something, though we only got shakes rather than actual food. Instead of eating inside the building, I opted to go back to the Chevelle (I was curious about it). Ben agreed and then we were sitting in the front seats of the muscle car.

"So, how was school today?" he asked me, taking a sip of his shake, though he had to put more effort.

"It was alright," I answered quietly.

"No one has given you any trouble, right? I hope not. If someone's bothered you, I can always just give them a little spook to get back at them for you--."

I interrupted him by reaching for the nape of his neck and pulling off the new chip he made. He froze for a moment, which was enough time for me to catch him off guard by tugging on his right pointy ear. The blonde wraith whined and leaned toward me as I tugged and pinched his ear.

"I-I take it you're still a little angry," he stammered.

Casually sipping my chocolate shake, I murmured past my straw, "If you thought I was going to let you off easy, you're mistaken."

"Ow, ow, owo," he mumbled as I kept gripping his ear.

Leaning back against my seat, I said, "From now on, don't show up to my school without a warning."

"Was this time an exception?"

"No," I answered flatly, and tugged his ear again.

"Also," I continued, "you'll be taking care of my homework. I'll be expecting passing grades, if not perfect."


"Aaaaand...." Just to tease him, I pinched his ear harder and dragged out the moment. "Let me drive your car."

"Right now?"

"Whenever I want."

He smiled. "Okay, deal. Now can you please let go of my ear....?"

"Let me see them wiggle," I said.

His grin faltered and I could see the blush on his cheeks. "N-No!"

"I don't take no for an answer," I remarked and sipped my shake again.

He grumbled as he thought for a few seconds. Finally, he sighed loudly and murmured, "Okay."

Smirking, I let go of his ear and the blonde wiggled and flicked them with an embarrassed expression on his face. Chuckling, I teased, "That wasn't so hard, now was it?"


"Don't pretend like you didn't enjoy it," I retorted and patted under his chin.

"I have standards," he muttered.

"Says the guy who wanted me to suck his dick."

"Look, I was joking...!" he argued hastily.

"Sure, if you say so," I taunted, flashing him a sideways glance. "Bet it doesn't taste good anyway..."

"My dick probably tastes like vanilla and you're missing out!" he said.

After the both of us realized what we were arguing about, we burst into laughter.

"Reese," Ben began after calming down, "I'm really sorry for leaving. I know I've apologized a bunch of times, but I mean it. Believe me, I didn't want to; I just felt you'd be in danger. Buuuut, my 'boss' said I should keep an eye on you since you're pretty important."

"I am?"

"Yeah," he said, and winked. At that, I understood what he meant.

Relaxing back into my seat, I said, "As pissed off at you as I was, I'll admit that I wanted you to come back. A part of me tried searching for something wrong on my part, even though I didn't do anything."

"Because of all the other times people left you," he deduced hesitantly.

I nodded. "Though I wasn't nice to you when you left, so I'm sorry for that."

"It's okay," he assured. "You're just an angry peanut butter cup."

"Shut up," I chuckled and knocked his sunglasses off his nose.

"So, do you really forgive me?" Ben questioned, not even bothering to get his shades back.

Staring into his red and black eyes, I smirked and gibed, "I don't know, do I?"

"Reeeeeeeese," he whined.

Chuckling, I bumped his sunglasses on his nose and placed them in a lazy position on top of his head. "Yeah, I forgive you, dork."

Gently, I pressed the quarter-sized chip back onto the nape of his neck. Within seconds, his appearance had flickered and changed to match human features. As I pulled my hand away, I said, "You should take a break from your human look more often." Ben only flashed a sheepish grin.

Once we had finished our shakes, Ben started up the Chevelle to leave the restaurant's parking lot. As he drove past the exit, an idea popped into my head and I couldn't restrain the smug smile.

"I have something I want you to do as a punishment," I stated.

Ben glanced at me and asked, "What is it?"

This is gonna be good. "How about we do a little shopping?"


Soft music played from the department store's speakers above. The place wasn't all that busy, so I didn't have to worry about getting annoyed by people. I sat on a bench, waiting for Ben to finish changing in the dressing room stall.

"Do I really have to wear this?" he called to me from behind the door.

"This is part of your punishment," I chimed.

"I look stupid!"

"You realize that now?"

"Haha, funny, you're sooooo smart....," he groaned.

Shaking my leg, I waited and stared at all of the random art in the fitting room. It was hard not to think about how Ben will look, but I wanted to be pleasantly surprised once he walks out.

Checking the time on my phone, I asked, "Are you done yet?"

A pause of silence. "Y-Yeah, I am..."

"Then? Come out already."

"I don't want to...!"

I tossed a narrow-eyed look at his door and got up from the bench. Knocking on his door, I beckoned, "Ben..."


"You have to come out. We made a deal," I chided.

"I'm not walking out wearing this...!"

A stupid idea came to mind and I turned the doorknob. To my surprise, the dumbass didn't have the sense to lock it, and I opened the door.

"Ah! No, what are you--?" he exclaimed, but he was too late.

My laughter poured out of me as I finally got to see his outfit. Ben was huddled in the corner, trying to cover the clothing, but I already knew what it looked like (I picked it out after all).

His outfit was amazingly on point: a long, green shirt with a few buttons at the collar (could only find that in the women's section), white undershirt, brown belt at his waist, leather gloves, white tights, brown boots, and we managed to find a green, elfin beanie that was long enough at the back. The toy sword is going to top everything off perfectly, too.

"Oh, you look great," I teased him, pulling him out of the corner.

"Please don't make me wear this," he pleaded. He looked down at himself with an uncomfortable expression and added, "Ugh, the belt doesn't even go with it..."

"Don't judge the belt. You wear what you're supposed to," I scolded lightly. Eyeing at his shirt collar, I loosened up the first two buttons and adjusted his hat.

"Look," he started, "as much as I like how these tights accentuate my glorious ass, I look embarrassing."

"Complain, complain, complain," I said. "Why can't you be appreciative?"

"I'm buying all of this with my own money...!" he grumbled.

"I'll treat you to dinner after this," I stated.

Despite the crabby mien on his face, he lightened his mood and murmured, "Really?"

"Yup." After I fixed his belt and smoothed out his shirt, I stepped back to look at him again. "Aw, if only you could keep your elfin ears, you'd complete the Link image."

"Link can suck my ass...," Ben muttered.

"Yeah, yeah, grumpy-tights. Get changed so we can pay," I told him, and sauntered out of the dressing room.

A few minutes later, we (Ben) paid for the clothes and left the clothing store. When we came up to the parked Chevelle, I demanded the keys and Ben reluctantly handed them over. As I hopped into the driver's seat, I couldn't help but get a little jittery at a chance at driving.

"Get changed in the back," I ordered the blonde wraith as soon as he opened the passenger's side door. With a groan, he shut the door, then stepped over to the back. While I started the car and reversed out of our parking space, Ben struggled to change out of his clothes in the back. Glancing in the rear view mirror, I would spot him hunching over so he wouldn't be seen through the windows.

"Don't worry about modesty and change," I commented.

"Uh, my body is a holy temple, and only certain people are worthy of having it bestowed upon them," he said as he yanked off his pants. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Couldn't you have picked a better looking belt? Seriously, no fashion sense..." Ben piped up. Just in time, I took a right turn and sent him tumbling against my seat.

"What was that?" I asked smugly.

"Nothing," he groaned and picked himself up.

He was finally changed just as soon as we arrived at a plaza center. Grabbing the toy sword, I turned off the Chevelle's engine and hopped out. When I shut the door and looked in through the back window, Ben was still sitting while flashing me a pleading look. Despite this, I opened the door for him and led him out. It was a silent walk from the parking lot to the main hub for the plaza. As soon as we got to the entrance, I handed the toy sword to Ben and said, "You know what to do."

With a loud, agitated sigh, he took the fake weapon from my hands and marched ahead. After following behind, I picked a spot to watch him and waited for the show.

Ben walked up to the fountain in the middle and stepped onto the edge of the stone structure. Taking a deep breath, he raised the sword up into the air and released an aggressive, "HyaaaaaaaAAA!"

Everyone walking past him reeled back in surprise. I stood at my spot, biting my lip to contain the laughter that tried desperately to come out.

Ah, I definitely forgive him.


The next twenty minutes were spent watching Ben exclaim "hya" or "aaagghh" at random all around the plaza. At one point, I made him go into a store and try to request an item to an employee and the poor lady had to put up with his different toned grunts and cries. I was immensely entertained, to say the least. Once I figured he'd had enough, I stopped him and the both of us just strolled about.

"Good work, hero of Hyrule," I remarked, draping an arm over his shoulders.

"Don't call me that," he grumbled.

"Hero of Hyrule," I repeated.

"Stab," he murmured as he poked the tip of the toy sword against my stomach.

"Just be lucky I decided not to take video of you," I retorted. Then, I perked up and pulled out my phone. Continuing, I said, "The least I can do is take a picture of the Hero of Time on an under-twenty budget."

"I'm starting to think you like Link more than me," he replied, frowning.

"Well, he was kind of my childhood hero," I stated casually.

"And?" he blurted.

Smirking, I drawled, "Jealous?"

He blushed and turned away. "N-No."

Squeezing his shoulders, I assured him, "Don't be. In reality, I'd say you're my hero."

His pouty face softened, and he murmured, "I am?"

"You've saved me twice already," I explained. "That's more than enough to consider you a hero."

"Hehe, I was just doing what I'm supposed to..."

"So, you wouldn't have saved my life if it was up to you?"

"N-No, of course I would've," he stammered nervously.

I chuckled and pulled his hat slightly to the side. "You're my little hero. And don't get jealous of a character that can't even speak words. You're you and that's what I want."

Ben adjusted the hat and smiled as he did. Then, he took the phone from my hands and opened the camera.

"Cheese!" he sang as we stood still to take yet another picture.

Looking at the photo, I remarked, "Awesome. I'll remember this as the day you embarrassed yourself for me." He shook his head as an easygoing grin crossed his lips.

"So," I started, "how about that dinner, hero?"

"I think I preferred pervert, as weird as that sounds," he replied.

"Alright, alright. How about dinner, pervert?"

After dealing with his grumpy attitude for the past forty minutes, his eyes lit up as he chirped, "I'd like that."

This time, I allowed Ben the honors of picking a place to eat and got him whatever he wanted (well, whatever was under twenty bucks). I never realized how relieving it was to be with him. Seeing him smile and hearing him laugh was the most I had wanted. He was worry-free, and if he's worry-free, then I am too. With him back, I'm not sure I'd fair well if he ever had to leave again. There's too much I want to do, too much I want to see, and all of it wouldn't be the same without him.

For the first time, I have a friend that I want--need--to keep in my life, no matter what.


Ben's POV

Later in the evening, I came back to the mansion and immediately searched for Ao. I found her in the study again once I barged in and scurried towards the desk. She was giving me a wide-eyed stare, frozen in her seat with papers in her hands. Leaning over the desk, I panted and she said, "I take it something happened?"

"He's making my feelings worse...!" I blurted.

"Why? Was he being mean?"

"At first he was, but then everything got settled and now it's just--ughhh, Sheba, the boy is killing me! And I love it!"

Melodramatically, I fell to my knees and rested my head on the edge of the grand desk. Ao chuckled and tenderly pet my hair.

"I have to do his homework now," I began without lifting my head. "I have to let him drive the Chevelle whenever he feels like it. He made me wear a stupid-ass outfit and embarrass myself in public, but it wasn't so bad--I guess. He was happy. He forgave me for leaving, and we're going to hang out tomorrow."

"That's good," Ao chimed.

I nodded lazily and murmured, "I wanted to kiss him. So badly. You have no idea how many chances there were, but I couldn't take them because he just considers me a friend. And that's okay...! But, god damn, I wanted to kiss him..."

She giggled and remarked, "I've never seen you so flustered before. It's adorable."

"It sucks," I whined, but didn't mean it. My feelings suck in the sense that they're overwhelming and I have no way to express them. In reality, I want to feel like this. It's a nice, warm, fuzzy sensation, yet deadly all the same.

"You had fun, then," Ao said.

Finally, I raised my head and managed a giddy smile. "Yes, I did. Thank you."

"You deserve it," she replied, squeezing my hand.

I chuckled softly. "I really don't."

"You do," she emphasized and flashed me a strong gaze. "Don't ever think you're undeserving. So much wouldn't be accomplished without you. You should be happy."

"Happy...," I repeated in a whisper. Then, I smiled wider and added, "I'm glad I have you to talk to, Ao."

"I'll always be here for you, Casanova." She squeezed my hand again and I stared up at her fair-toned, cheerful, beautiful face. She's absolutely amazing. I really don't deserve her, or anyone, but I'll try to believe that I do if it makes her happy. Hell, maybe it'll eventually make me happy, too, if only temporarily.


The nighttime was quiet and tranquil. Everyone is pretty much asleep at this point, except for me, of course. But I wanted to join the others in their nightly resting.

I was surprised by how easily I was able to fall asleep. Most of the time, I waste hours just trying to keep my eyes shut for more than two seconds. But I finally fell asleep...!

At first, there was just darkness. Nothing special. No sound, no images, nothing. After a while, when I expected only the black, lo and behold--dreams.

They were normal in the beginning. The pets showed up and I was running around, playing with them (Ladon was the most daunting of them all). Then, Ao showed up with that sweet smile of hers that could melt all hearts, no matter how cold. Following her, was someone who had a similar smile, but was not her--looked nothing like her. Yet she was still a kind soul, still someone meaningful in my memory. I could feel warmth when she appeared, even for a second.

The dream shifted to none other than Reese. In my mind, I could imagine him perfectly. Sandy blonde hair, gray eyes, adorable thin lips. I remembered his scars too: the three across his left cheek and the tiny one on his upper lip. It's such a cute, baby scar. He must look rugged to others, but I don't think I could imagine him not having that little scar. I wondered what it would be like to touch it, to tell him he still looked handsome regardless of any scar, to lean forward and place my lips on it, to keep kissing him over and over.

All of a sudden, I wasn't picturing that cute, blonde haired, stormy eyed, caramel toned, problematic boy. All of a sudden, I thought about how he had gotten that little scar, and my dreams took a turn.

There was darkness again. The soft, faraway echo of a voice was resonating all around me yet nowhere at all. Gradually, it grew louder and louder, and unexpectedly, there was someone yelling right next to my ear. It took me a while to recognize it as the whisper, but listening to it rattled my body like nothing I've felt before. They relentlessly yelled at me, whoever it was.

Then pain.

Pain on my arm. On my shoulder. It's on my chest now. It's clawing onto my neck, constricting.

I wanted to make it stop, but I was paralyzed for whatever reason. Helpless. I was helpless. Again.


More pain. More yelling. More pain. More yelling. Something breaking, shattering like glass. No, it was glass. I felt it cut.

Brief glimpses of a broken mirror flashed through my subconscious, and in the shards' reflections there was a chestnut haired boy looking at me with desperate, miserable eyes. They were blue. So blue. So very blue. So frighteningly blue and it made me sick.

I woke up from my dreams with a panicked start. My heart was pounding in my chest and I could feel the sweat at the back of my neck. After I caught my breath, I groaned and brushed the hair out of my face. For a while, all I did was sit on my bed and stare into the darkness of my room. I could make out shapes of things like my dresser and a pile of clothes I have yet to deal with. Even though I tried to, I couldn't shake the chilling sensation throughout my body. Dreams are always something I look forward to when I sleep, so I can remember them in detail.

The last was a nightmare, a confusing yet haunting nightmare, and should be left forgotten.

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