Chapter 16

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[Ahhh boy, I need to write more chapters. I don't have any more ready after this. Hopefully I won't have to take a break? Maybe.]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 16

Elizabeth's POV

I had no choice but to cut through Cincinnati to get where I wanted to go. To be honest, I don't even know what my destination is. So far, I'm heading north. All I have in mind is to get as far away from people as much as possible. Maybe I can live out my days in the woods, away from civilization, bearing my pain alone. When I was younger, my mom and dad used to take me camping sometimes and taught me enough basics. I could live amongst nature, sleep in trees, make myself a den, or even a shanty. In that case, maybe I can go to Canada. They have lots of forests. The border isn't as protected compared to the south, so it should be easy to cross, right? In that case, I'll have to get myself a thick coat.

The city was alive with the atmosphere of a warm, sunny Saturday. It was noon and I kept anxiously tugging the front of my baseball cap as I walked. My backpack felt lighter due to my depleted snacks, so I knew I would have to get more food while I'm here. My switchblade felt heavy and lumpy in my pocket. Caedis' knife was dumped a few days ago, but I kept his gun just for safe measure. I've never used a gun. I hear there's a kickback. Thankfully, I'm right handed so my prosthesis could probably take the force.

It's been a few days since I ditched Caedis at that motel. So far, I haven't run into him, and I've been doing well without him. Sometimes I wonder what he's up to, if he's still alive. Every night, I remember the way I left him, weakened and helpless--in pain. On one hand, I'm curious as to why my blood incapacitated him, and then on the other I could care less, because I enjoyed what I did. If he ends up showing up, I'll just make him suffer again and again and again. Me hurting him will be his own fault for coming back.

I stopped and leaned against a shop wall to check a map I swiped from a store. It was nearly crumpled from being in my pocket but still readable. Quickly, I examined the paper to affirm where I was, and looked out for a market area. It's not too far. It'll be easier to get food from there since it's a Saturday. I'd rather not pay for food; I would much prefer to steal it.

I folded the map back to a couple of inches and shoved it into my pocket, crumpling it some more. Adjusting my cap once again, I continued walking on the sidewalk. A few minutes passed and I saw a market up ahead a couple of blocks away. My want to eat tugged me forward towards the market and I broke into a jog. Already, I smelled delicious scents coming from the food stands and booths. God damn, I'm hungry. Then, my mouths whispered to me again, complaining about wanting their own food for the billionth time now. I thought, Screw off, and hoped they could hear that as I walked across the parking lot.

There were fruit stands, vegetable stands, and more. A man hollered about barbecue from far off, and the thought of it made me willing to use up eight bucks. Instead, I kept my sights on just fruits, veggies, and anything else travel-sized. There were enough people to distract the vendors so that I could swipe something. I looked ahead to a stand selling bananas, apples, strawberry baskets, and more. The food there looked to be the best so I started for it, planning out everything in my head with each step.

Just as I casually stuck my arm out to swipe some oranges, a weight bumped into me from behind. I stumbled forward and heard the stranger tell me, "I'm sorry...! Are you okay?"

"Yeah," was all I muttered before turning around to see them.

My blood ran cold the moment I saw those familiar green eyes and those blue glasses. Her face was just as taken aback as mine must have been, and she whispered something under her breath that I was too nervous to hear. I didn't glance at her long; all I could see was that she looked different. Despite that, she was still her, and knowing her she'll want to catch me. I can't let that happen.

Before Ao could reach out to me, I shoved her away into a crowd and spun around to run. I pushed past groups and couples, my heart pounding as my legs frantically took me somewhere--anywhere but here. I could hear Ao's voice calling out to me from behind, but not once did my feet falter. Whatever hunger I had before was gone, replaced with the sickening sensation of anxiety in my stomach. There was no burning feeling in my chest because I've ran so much over the past year. I know Ao is fast, an incredible sprinter, so I have to be faster. I have to get away...!

Just to make sure she couldn't catch me, I vaulted over tables of produce, disorganizing anything the vendors had at their booths. People yelled at me and I lost my cap in the run, but I bothered with neither of them. An exit was coming up and the sight of it gave me more strength to propel myself forward faster. More running, more panting, more people getting in my way, more shoving. By now, Ao's position wasn't relevant to me; I must be far from her by now. The exit was getting closer. My heart beat harder. I'm almost there. Almost away.

Then, before my foot could cross the threshold dividing the market and the outside world, Ao suddenly appeared before me with a flicker of light. In the split second I saw her face, her expression was stern and determined. To catch me. I didn't have time to veer out of the way, so I slammed into her. Her footing must have been more stable, because she was able to hold me upright as we stumbled.

"Ellie, why are you running--?"

She was cut off by my elbow smashing into her jaw. Her grip loosened enough for me to slip away from her and keep running. From behind I could hear her footsteps increasing in volume and speed. Without much else to do, I veered left towards traffic. As I ran, I reached for my switchblade, but was tackled down by my legs. I went tumbling and so did the switchblade from my hands.

Hurriedly, I got up on all fours and scrambled for the weapon. But before I could grab for it, a soft, blue glow engulfed the switchblade and it was lifted off the ground away from me. Confused, I whirled around to see Ao standing over me, her hand outstretched towards my weapon, levitating it. When the hell did she learn that...?

"Ellie," she began, her voice heavy with her panting. "Whatever you're doing, stop. Why are you running from me?"

Furrowing my brow, I answered, "It's for your own safety..."

She shook her head and replied, "I think the only harm you've done is elbowing me in the face. Ellie, please, let's talk. It's been a whole year! I've been looking for you--everyone has been looking for you! And you're running away?"

"Things are better off like this," I hissed.

"Why? You're not making any sense," she murmured, a disappointed look in her emerald eyes. Suddenly, the mouths began to whisper, chanting in unison.

kill her kill her kill her

Taken aback by their demand, I turned away from Ao and held my head.

kill her

No. I won't.

tear her eyes out

No. That's not what I want.

make her suffer feed us devour her


kill her

Stop it!

   kill her

I don't want to!

do it, now



"I said no!!!" I shrieked and jumped up to my feet to run again. Before I could take one step, Ao grabbed my arm and tugged me back towards her.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" I snapped and I charged up my metal arm without realizing. With a loud growl, I reeled back to punch at her head. She dodged my fist at the last second and used this opportunity to grab my arm and twist it against my back.

"Ellie, calm down, please," she pleaded, her voice lined with concern.

"I told you not to fucking touch me!" Out of anger, I rammed my head back into her chin and caused her to let go of me. As she staggered away, I swiped my levitating switchblade from the air and charged at her. She got her bearings just in time to sidestep my first attack, then the next, and the next.

kill her

No, I won't!

we want her blood

You're not having it!!!

I need Ao to go away before the mouths become too overwhelming for me to handle. Why can't she leave me alone? She sees I'm a threat, so why not avoid me?! Leave me, dammit!

People started noticing our fight and made a fuss. Already, I could imagine the phone calls to the police department, and cursed under my breath. Ao and police? Fuck...!

Like many times before, I swiped my switchblade at Ao, hoping to slice into her, but she was so fast. Then, suddenly, she flickered out of my vision in that same gleam of light from earlier. There was no time for me to comprehend what she had done, because I felt a hard kick connect to the back of my head.

My vision went blurry for a moment and the hit was so hard that my eyepatch slipped off. I fell over onto the ground, panting, sweating, disoriented. My switchblade tumbled out of my hand again but I felt too rattled to grab it right away. Ao's shadow crossed over me and her voice spoke up, "Ellie, don't make me fight you. Not here, of all places. These people don't deserve to see anything horrible."

They don't. They really don't. But I have to get away. I have to let Ao live.

"You don't have to fight me," I groaned, slowly lifting myself up. "Just do one thing for me...."

"What?" Her voice sounded almost hopeful, like she thought I was done.

I'm not.

"Don't complain when I fuck you up," I hissed and felt my Dark Hands spring to life.

Their shadows swallowed Ao's, cascading over the ground surrounding us. I could feel their magic course through me, and they craved to be used, I could sense it. They've been hiding away for so long, and now they finally get to play.

I turned around just in time to see Ao begin to back away. There's no way I'm letting her go off easy. With a huff, I willed the Dark Hands to barrel down towards her, claws ready to sic. She hunched down with her arms raised but that defense wasn't needed because she flickered away anyway. Knowing she'd show up behind me again, I whirled around and caught her reaching for me. My right Dark Hand snatched her up and raised her high. I stood, staring at her squirming body in the grasp of the smoking, black, magical appendage.

"I told you, I was running away for your own safety," I growled at her, making the Dark Hand constrict her frame slightly. Her expression contorted into one of discomfort, but she looked at me in the eye and responded, "I...don't need protect me. I...don't have to be...the only one...complaining about getting fucked up...!"

Suddenly, glowing, scarlet lines shot down the length of my Dark Hand and the whole appendage twitched and seized up. I could feel the pain in my own body and groaned lowly. Ao was able to slip out of my Dark Hand and fall down perfectly on her feet. She sprinted toward me without a moment's hesitation, her arm blazing with fiery red. I was too slow to dodge her attack, and received a forceful fist to my shoulder. Her punch was much more powerful with her magic, but I could still tell she was holding back. She could punch through a damned brick wall if she wanted to. Faltering was something she shouldn't have done.

Quickly, my metal arm charged and I swung for a right hook across her face. She grabbed onto my fist, gripping it tight as fiery red steamed from her hand. Her own eyes were fiery too, with that memorable look of resolve that used to impress me but only annoys me now. Take a hint, kid, and leave me!!!

As she held my arm in place, and the charge ran out from a wasted hit, I rammed my knee up against her hip. She buckled slightly, which gave me the chance to kick her away and sweep her up with my Dark Hands. If she won't leave me alone, I'll have to make her! So, I reared my Dark Hands back, then tossed her away towards the market at a dangerous speed. But I didn't see a body fly through the air, and I froze.

Unfortunately, I stood still for a moment too long, and I noticed the blue, glowing street lamp rushing at me all too late. At the last second, I blocked it with my Dark Hands, but the momentum of the projectile pole sent me off my feet. Soon enough, I was tumbling across the ground, my arms and legs getting scraped under my clothes. I felt my backpack fall off and roll somewhere away from me. My head bounced off the ground and the rest of my body went numb for a few seconds.

As soon as I stopped, I attempted to lift myself up but it hurt to move. My Dark Hands swayed, affected by my disorientation, until they fell down with me. After trying to get up multiple times, I just laid on the asphalt of a street, aching. Gravel crunched beneath Ao's sneakers as she walked up to me, careless of the multiple cars we've stopped already.

"Are you done fighting me yet?" she inquired as people were starting to speed away or abandon their vehicles.

Glancing up at her, I smirked and stifled a breathy chuckle. "I'll only be done when you leave me alone..."

"I guess we'll keep fighting then," she muttered.

"No," I grumbled. "This ends now, with me walking away."

"I can't let you do that."

"I didn't ask for your permission," I growled and finally mustered the strength to send my Dark Hands towards her. She dodged and rolled away across the ground. I got to my feet again, staggering slightly. Our gazes locked onto each other and that look of perseverance fueled my anger further. Unwarranted, Zalgo's words echoed from my memory.

"Your time as the proxy is up. Ao Matsukochi has taken your place and will remain there forever. You will never be the hero ever again..."

Scowling, I moved my sleeve down to look at my left arm, at the remaining proxy symbol I have on my wrist. Or what's left of it. Now, its become gray, like its decaying. My proxy magic has been leaving me, and all I have is Zalgo's blood coursing though my veins. There's no going back for me, no reprieve and salvation, no happy ending. Nothing. Just my pain and these ravenous mouths.

"You just don't understand how serious I am, do you?" I began, lingering my Dark Hands in the air. Ao stayed stiff and on watch for them, but kept listening to me as I continued, "I'm not going back to the mansion, and never will. You won't have the Elizabeth you once knew; all you'll get is dead bodies and an obliterated home. So leave me alone. Walk away from this and survive to be the hero you're meant to be."

"I'm not leaving you," she stated with bravado.

"You're stupid," I growled. "I'm not the proxy anymore! You don't need me! Especially not when I'll destroy everything you love and hope for! You don't need me!"

"Jeff needs you!" she snapped and I felt my chest shake with overwhelming heartache.

Hardening her gaze, she went on. "Do you realize how much agony he's gone through over the past year? It's bad enough he's traumatized by his torture, but with you gone again it's like he's someone else! Medication isn't enough to lessen his pain; no form of therapy works for him. He's a broken man, Ellie! And his true love isn't there to support him! I noticed you're wearing the rings," --she shook her head and scoffed--, "How can you wear those rings and still let him suffer alone?"

"Shut up!" I yelled. "You don't have any right to judge me!"

"I do! Slender's family is my family now, and it's my job to protect them! You need to be set straight, and Jeff is in pain!"

"St-Stop lecturing me," I hissed, fidgeting in my spot as the mouths began to whisper to me again.

"He's tried committing suicide, you know," she said, disregarding my plead. "He's hurt himself multiple times, he abuses others, especially Ben, and it's taking a toll on him, too! I know Jeff used to be a criminal before, but he had changed, and the Jeff I knew was genuine and happy because--."

"Don't talk about him like you know him!" The mouths were starting to gnaw on me, hungering for Ao, for blood.

"You don't deserve to talk big either! You left him! I'm looking at you right now, threatening and attacking me like a god damn lunatic! And it's fucking disappointing that I have to remind you that your fiancé exists! You're the one who's stupid, not me! Look at you, lashing out like a moody tween, attacking me like I'm your enemy for nothing! If you're searching for true stupidity, go look in the mirror. Stare for a long, long time until you realize you're in the wrong, meanwhile I'll be waiting for you, ready to take you back home where you belong."

"I don't belong anywhere!" I screamed, smashing my Dark Hands into the ground. "Not anymore! I have no home, no family, no hope--nothing! Because that's the only way those things can thrive, by me forgetting about them! How dare you accuse me of being stupid and inconsiderate when I'm staying away for everyone's safety! I...," --tears were forming and they fell by the time I thought to hold them back--, "I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want anyone else to die....! I just want them to live and be happy, Ao! That's all I want! And the fucking mouths won't let me and Zalgo keeps talking to me and I'm going crazy and I'm dying more and more every day but death just won't come!"

"What are you talking about?!" Ao questioned with an irritable expression.

Before I could snap again, a throbbing pain rattled my skull and I screamed aloud. Trembling, I clutched my head and shut my eyes tight, trying to ignore the pain. The mouths went into an uproar, demanding their food, telling me to kill and destroy. They hurt so much but I don't want to satisfy them--can't ever satisfy them. I don't want to be the bad guy. I don't want to be like Zalgo. Just let me go. Let me be happy...!

My left eye twitched uncomfortably beneath my eyelid and I had no choice but to open it. Suddenly, black liquid gushed out and splattered onto the ground below. It dripped onto my clothes, coating my hands when I tried to stop the flow. I felt the substance crawl over my skin, working to cover my face. No, I can't go Nightmare, not when I'm unstable! No, no, no! Stop!!!

I tried anything to stop the process: thinking about nice things, wiping away the flowing black substance, closing my eye but it hurt to do that. Soon enough, I was digging scratches into my face since my nails elongated to claws and darkened to black. I felt the cuts open in my skin but the black substance overtook everything anyway. There was no stopping it. Before I could cry out for help, the substance covered my mouth, completing the black mask, and the thing took control.

Instead of a cry for aid, a loud roar bellowed from my maw. My shoulders heaved as I harrumphed like an animal, and my sights were set on the young, brunette girl in front of me. Her face was stricken with horror and worry. Good--I want her to be afraid. I want her to leave me alone. If not, I'll

         K I L L HER

force her to. She wants to know why I'm attacking her, so I'll let her see the monster I truly am.

With a growl, I ripped off my jacket, revealing my arms and my chest, showing her the now glowing, snapping mouths that were visible on my arm an collarbone. They undulated across my skin, begging for food, ready to




                            T H R O A T

destroy like they were meant to. Upon finally witnessing them, Ao gaped in complete horror. And within a split second, she understood my situation--our situation--and everything that I have done to

        M A I M HER



                   LIKE A

       P I G

scare her away. And now that she knows the true reason, the determined look from before became stronger, and that only




annoyed me further. Get the hint, kid. Please. If not, you'll



   D I E   A L R E A D Y

Uttering a booming, guttural roar, I sprinted forward to attack. Ao dodged to the side, tumbled across the ground, and I quickly adjusted my position to face her. While she was on the ground, she placed her hands on it and created a scarlet barrier around her. I remember when I taught her that, when I still had my proxy magic. I didn't care that when I dashed through the threshold scarlet markings shot up across my body and inflicted pain. The deepest burning to my bones is nothing compared to what the mouths have put me through. Ao can't stop me.


I barreled towards her, set ablaze with her scarlet magic. The young proxy gasped out loud and tried to leap away out of her barrier, but was too late. Just as she turned to run away, I clamped my jaws onto her arm. She screamed out in pain as I shook my head, attempting to rip her flesh away.

       D E V O U R


Hitting me and shooting more of her fiery, red magic wasn't enough, so she set her bitten arm ablaze with a blue aura and the two magics mixed into one. A bright flash of purple blinded me and I suddenly went flying again. Instead of tumbling across the whole way again, I used my Dark Hands to latch onto anything to halt my momentum. The Dark Hand's claws dug into the ground, then into a few buildings, until I finally stopped. Hot breath escaped through my razor-sharp teeth as I panted from the adrenaline.

The moment I lifted my head to look at Ao from afar, her figure suddenly flickered brightly right in front of me and she smacked me across the face again with a fiery fist. I felt the blood from her wounded arm splatter onto me, dropping into my mouth. And it tasted sweet, and I wanted so much more from her--I wanted all of her so I could leave nothing left.

After I was struck across the face, I fell to the side, and she was able to kick me over onto my stomach. In retaliation, I sent my Dark Hands after her but she protected her self with a blue tinted, transparent shield that projected from her hands. She sent the Dark Hands away with a swift shove from her palms, meanwhile I lunged up to jab her with a charged, hissing metal fist. Ao managed to catch my fist in time and hold my arm in place using her red magic again. This time, she spread the fiery energy through my prosthetic arm, and I watched scarlet cracks run across the obsidian-colored surface.

Suddenly, to my shock, my metal prosthesis shattered into bits as the fiery-red magic burst from the inside out. There was nothing left, just sparking wires and a jagged, metal stump only a few inches long. I stayed on the ground, on my knees, staring at the spot where my arm once was, then at the broken pieces at Ao's feet. When I glanced at her face, I could see the concern in her eyes over what she had just done. But no amount of sincerity, silent or not, would prevent me from howling an ear-splitting, low roar and lunging towards her with my mouth open wide.

Ao flickered away again with her teleportation magic and appeared farther away from me. Quickly, I repositioned myself and sprinted towards her, screeching with all of the anger I had. I sent a Dark Hand after her, but it only rattled the ground where she had once been. She rolled away into a new spot where I sent the other Dark Hand. Again and again, she dodged and ran away from my magical appendages, leaving wide holes in the ground where they punched. I eyed her intently, watching her dodge and summon a shield whenever she couldn't move fast enough. She'll teleport again eventually, and I want to

        GUT HER




catch it before she does. Why isn't she doing it? What is she up to?

Suddenly, for a split second, I noticed her figure wavering in opacity and I attacked. Quickly, I leaped away while she teleported in a flash of blue light, and latched myself onto a street lamp. The moment she appeared again, she was next to the spot I was previously standing. With a satisfied groan, I pounced from the street lamp and ambushed her.

My Dark Hands slammed down into the ground around her, trapping her long enough for me to jump onto her and sink my teeth into her shoulder. Ao wailed in pain right next to my ear and the mouths chanted in joy, wanting more. Her blood spurt onto my tongue and I growled with pleasure knowing she could die, right here and now, in my grasp, and this world won't have a hero.

In retaliation, Ao gripped aggressively onto my hair and I felt a hot, intense pain spread through my body as scarlet markings crawled over my skin. Irritably, I loosened my jaws and hissed in her face. She glared up at me despite her wounds and teleported away again. As soon as I hit the ground again, a hard kick knocked me forward across the ground. When I lifted myself to my knees and glanced back, Ao pushed both hands into me, red and blue mixing to create an overpowering violet explosion.

Once again, I was projected through the air and hit the ground hard, enough to leave cracks on the concrete. Even though my body was scraped badly, I was able to get up faster and catch Ao in the act of advancing on me. Before she could hit me with another wave of violet energy, I swiped a Dark Hand into her and tossed her aside. She crossed over another street and landed on top of a few abandoned vehicles. She tumbled behind a car and didn't reappear from it. I waited, watching for a flash of light that signified her teleportation. When nothing happened for two straight minutes, I huffed and stormed towards the spot where she landed.

Instead of walking around the car, I picked it up with a Dark Hand and saw her lying limp on the ground. Her clothes were covered in blood and dirt, tattooed legs scraped and scratched, hair a disheveled mess. Carelessly, I tossed the car away and stepped closer. No reaction came, so I used my foot to turn her over onto her back. Cocking my head, I stared at her bruised face, contemplating what I should do to her now.

Sirens wailed in the distance and increased in volume, interrupting my thoughts. I growled towards the direction they echoed from, and the mouths suggested for me to silence them. While I was distracted, I heard the quiet shuffle of fabric. By the time I glanced down at Ao, I was all too late to defend myself. Her hands were raised, pointing behind me, and suddenly I felt a car ram into my back.

In my disorientation, I used my Dark Hands to anchor onto something to stop me from crashing. Everything was blurry and it wasn't clear to me that one of my Dark Hands snatched onto a support column of an expressway. The claws cut through, destroying the concrete and scattering debris everywhere. My attempt at halting my crash failed as I hit the ground hard anyway. I struggled to pick myself up using my one arm, then glared ahead at Ao.

My attention was grabbed away from her by the loud creaking and groaning of the expressway overhead. Glancing at it, I could see cracks scatter across the concrete, bits of it falling away to the ground below. Vehicles kept rushing by, their drivers and riders unaware of what was happening. Then, in the blink of an eye, the expressway split and gave out.

Instinctively, I rushed forward and sent my Dark Hands up to catch the two falling halves. They gripped on tight and pushed up, and I began to think of someway to fix this. The rest of the section that the column had supported was beginning to fall away and it was a challenge to keep everything in place. Meanwhile, cars got stuck on the fissure in the expressway, and one managed to slip in, poking out the bottom. I looked up at the car, staring through the windshield at a middle-aged woman and a young adult girl in the front seats, screaming in panic. There was no way I could catch them--not unless I let go of the expressway. The mouths reacted.

let them fall

No, shut the fuck up.

      let them die

No, not them! I only wanted Ao!

kill everyone

In my frustration, I uttered a guttural roar, and watched as the slipping car finally fell towards the ground.


Automatically, I reached my arm out even though it would do nothing. Just when I expected a booming crash, blue light encased the car and halted its fall. I stopped and stared in awe as the car was gently set down onto the road, and the rest above were assisted over the crack in the expressway. All of the vehicles sped away in a hurry, and those that were coming towards the fissure stopped. Meters away in front of me, Ao stood boldly with her arms raised towards the sky. The concentration on her face was prominent and the white tattoos on her legs began to glow.

Even from my spot, I could feel her radiating valiance and power, like a hero, like the true proxy she was meant to be. Watching her save citizens and lift vehicles that weighed tons made me realize just how strong her magic--she--was. The concentration was prominent in her eyes, and when she looked at me shivers ran through my body. But instead of glaring at me, she managed a soft smile and then all I felt was heartache once again.

Eagerly, I grabbed at my face, digging my claws into the black mask of my monster to remove it. The sounds of cracking relieved me, and though I was able to tear half of the mask away it was enough to allow me to speak.

"Help me...," I admitted, flashing Ao a pleading look. She seemed taken aback, but not angered in any way. Taking one step forward, I continued, "Please. Help me. I don't want to be like this. I don't want to hurt anyone."

I raised my arm for more emphasis, allowing her to see the still pulsating mouths on my skin. They snapped and snarled, cursing me out in my head, but I ignored them.

"Ao," I whimpered, "I'm trying so hard to fight this, but it's only getting worse. I can't be like Zalgo. Never...! Please...! I--!"

The loud sound of a gunshot split the air and I felt my right leg buckle. I screamed out in pain and fell to a kneel. My Dark Hands' grip gave out and the broken section of expressway finally clambered to the ground, sending up dirt and more debris. Ao's figure disappeared behind the rubble, dividing us. Trembling, I glanced down at my leg to see that my knee had been blown out. I groaned feebly as blood spilled out from my wound and created a small puddle beneath my leg. My pain gave way for rage and I craned my head back to see who shot me.

I guess I was too busy to see a squad of police cars form behind me, along with a couple of S.W.A.T. vans. Officers were alert, pointing their guns, using their vehicles for cover. Slowly, I shakily got up, only able to stand correctly on one leg while the other healed. I turned around to face the authorities and the mouths began to speak again.

kill them

kill them

kill them

No. I don't want to.

make them suffer like they have made you

I deserve it.

K I L L   T H E M

Carefully, I raised my arm and presented my palm to the authorities. Mustering up as much volume in my throat as I could, I exclaimed, "D-Don't shoot me..."

Without a warning, a S.W.A.T. officer tossed over a gas grenade and it went off. A cloud of pale gray tear gas surrounded me and I tried desperately to get away, but it spread everywhere and burned my throat and the inside of my chest.

"P-Please, I'm begging you...!" I coughed.

Ao's voice hollered out from behind me once she climbed over the rubble, "No, wait, stop! Don't hurt her! You'll only provoke--!"

A gunshot. Ao stops the bullet just in time and let's it fall to the ground.

The tear gas keeps burning me, and I cry, and keep crying, and I'm not sure whether it's from the chemicals or I'm terrified of what I'll do. The mouths keep screaming at me, telling me to kill, to destroy, and I kind of want to just to take the pain away. Suddenly, I start feeling the black substance from my eye complete my broken mask, and I return to Nightmare. And I keep crying even as a monster, but my actions don't match my emotions as I utter another beastly roar and charge forward.

It's all a blur when it happens. All I could hear was my constant growling and screeching. And then the gunshots blasting through the air and the bullets hitting me but never fazing me. Ao's shouting echoed behind me, pleading me to stop but I wasn't going to listen. Then new noises erupted and they were screaming--men, women, people, humans, screaming in terror and agony as blood filled my vision with each body I deprived of life. Vehicles were upturned and hurtled, crushed and sliced in two. By the time Ao's magic could finally reach me, there was only one police officer left. As scarlet lines traced up my body from the ground, I glared intently down at the young man cowering on the floor next to his dead comrades. I hissed and harrumphed in his face before turning around to face Ao.

Now that I stood still, the reality of the carnage I created finally surprised me. Blood. So much blood. So much of it in my teeth, on my tongue, on my clothes, on my claws. The mouths cheered with glee and the tattoos now danced across my skin with triumph more than hunger. My Dark Hands began to pulsate a bright crimson within the empty blackness of their ethereal bodies. Despite the scarlet lines on my body that inflicted pain to me, I felt powerful and revitalized. So this is what it feels like.

I want more.

Wait, no! You can't!

I can. I want to. I will--.

Stop. Please. This isn't you...!

I want this to be me. It feels so good. I need this. Need more blood--.

Stop it! You need to stop. Don't kill more people. Don't become like Zalgo!

No, I'll be my own ruler.

You can't...! What about the others? What about Jeff?!

Forget them--.


A bone-chilling howl escaped my maw again and I clutched my head as the inner-turmoil kept crushing me. My mind was in shambles as two sides clashed, demanding me of things, and it felt like at any moment my brain would implode on itself. While I twitched and growled, Ao started coming closer, eyes fixated on me.

"Ellie," she began in a soft voice, "It's okay. Everything is going to be alright. Breathe. Calm down--." I interjected by screeching at her, but her demeanor was steadfast.

She continued, "Calm down, Ellie. Look at your rings. Th-Think about Jeff. Think about family, and hope, and love. Believe in it. I don't know how to help you stop whatever this is, but you can count on me to be there by your side, supporting your fight. So please, come back to me Ellie. Let me help you and you can be happy again."

With a graceful air, she held her hand out for me to take. I looked down at her scraped up palm, wanting desperately to grab on and never let go. Glancing up at her eyes, the determination and care was gleaming in those emerald irises. She truly has the heart of a hero, doesn't she? What does she see in my golden eye: sadness, emptiness, struggle, bloodlust? My agony is undeniably a part of me now, and so far I have come to know it better than I know myself. My pain, my suffering, is all so deep set. And it's all for the ones I love and cherish. So there's no way I can kill Ao--no way I can come back home.

Slowly, I shook my head and took a step back. Her hopeful face faded as her paranoia set in, and for good reason. Deep down inside I could feel the mouths' voices become more energized and alive, and something began to rise up, like a ball of fire picking up in heat and pressure. A part of me was afraid to set it free, but I embraced this sensation nonetheless and felt a wave of content when I let my ball of fire go.

Beneath my feet, black and red shot out across the ground, spreading fast and far. From the mass of black and red, spikes rose up, piercing anything they sprang into. Ao shielded herself from all of this with her blue magic, trapped in her own sphere of light, succumb to standing and watching as everything unfolded. From my place, it spread all the way to the market place where this whole fight started; it traversed to other streets and through buildings and the single screams of each person it touched rose and culminated into one uproar of terror. And though I couldn't see them die, I felt each and every innocent human fall to me. I could feel their heartbeats course through my veins and cease, felt their life drain into me, feeding the mouths, feeding me.

Turning my attention away from all of the chaos, I looked at Ao and her expression was one of complete devastation. Her safe bubble couldn't shield her from the screams and the reality that the humans she's meant to protect were dying. Her eyes were wide and spilling tears, frozen in horror and grief. When she realized I was eyeing her, she turned to meet my gaze. Her face paled, knees almost buckling, aghast in my presence. She shook her head and called out to me in a shrilled voice, but all I could hear were the screams of the dying.

Suddenly, I felt an arm gently hug my shoulders and I turned my head to see Zalgo standing next to me, like a proud parent. The look in his crimson eyes was warm and content, and he grinned with an accomplished air.

Welcome to my world, Elizabeth.

The next moment, before I knew it, something in me snapped and swiped a fist at him, screaming. The reality of my situation crashed into me like a freight train, making me tremble and utter animalistic groans. The Dark Hands twitched and began to punch the ground, reacting to my anguish. The darkened ground flared with crimson, undulating and coming to life. The mouths chanted to me and I punched at my head to make them silent. The screams of death haunted me long after they stopped and all of it was just too overwhelming.

I crumbled to my knees, wailing a feeble howl to the sky. Suddenly, the substance across the ground began to retreat towards me, building itself around my spot. Strings latched onto me, engulfing my body from the bottom up. I didn't make an attempt to get them off; it wouldn't matter if I did. Ahead of me, Ao still stood encased in her bubble, watching me. Our eyes met--her emeralds on my one golden--and she was the last thing I saw before my body was engulfed in black and I was taken away from the carnage and destruction I bred. And the screams and voices of both innocent and evil followed me through the black where they would forever echo on.


Ben's POV

After I left Reese at the karaoke bar, I ran behind a building to teleport to where Ao was. Her phone should take me straight to her, though I was nervous to see the cause of why she sounded so panicked. Her voice still rang in my ears, half-hyperventilating and stammering out for help, claiming Elizabeth had showed up. Why now of all times and not during the countless search missions we've done in the past? That shouldn't matter though. What does matter is that Ellie turned up, but the situation doesn't seem good.

In a flash, I traveled and the surroundings of a secluded back alley were replaced with a scene of destruction. I gasped and stared with wide eyes at crushed vehicles, a broken expressway, torn up streets and buildings, and uniformed corpses. The stench of singed air burned my nostrils and I had to hold back a gag. When I turned around, Ao was sitting on the ground in the middle of a pristine circle of regular cement ground, while everything else was charred black. Quickly, dropped to my knees beside her and touched her arms.

"Ao! Are you okay? Jesus, you're bleeding," I said, looking over her with concern.

"I'm fine...," she mumbled, staring down at the ground. I leaned closer and was taken aback by the traumatized haze in her eyes. Her cellphone was still in her hands, held still since they were clenched tight.

"She killed them," she went on, still mumbling.


She nodded slowly. "She...she fought me...didn't want to come back home...said she'd kill everyone..."

"How many dead...?" I asked hesitantly.

"I don't know. Too many," she answered. "...They screamed so much. I couldn't help them. Failed to help them."

"The police officers," I remarked, glancing at the bloody, uniformed corpses.

"Not just them," she said, then pointed towards a market past the broken expressway with a trembling hand. Already, I could see bodies and warped vendor booths. I stood up, teleported closer to the market, and appeared at the entrance. The stench of charred flesh and blood hit me hard and I retched. Covering my mouth and nose with my shirt, I tentatively walked forward through the aisle, surveying all of the dead bodies surrounding me. Adults, elderly, children. All of them were not sparred whatever had blackened the ground, whatever was sending up columns of dark ash up into the sky and turning it gray.

I didn't have to go far to guess that the rest of this market was equally destroyed. Before it all became too much, I teleported back to Ao and was able to breathe better. "What do we do?" I asked her.

A single tear dropped from her pale face and she shakily wiped it away. She stood to her feet and wobbled, which caused me get up and grab her to keep her steady. She shook her head and gently brushed my hands away.

"We can't do anything here," she stated, the strength in her voice coming back.

"And Ellie?"

Her jaw tightened and the haze over her eyes faded to a gleaming fury. It was enough to make me shudder knowing an expression like that was hard to place on a person like Ao.

"We keep searching for her," she said lowly. "But we won't be bringing her back home."

I gulped. "Wh...What do you mean...?"

Her cutting gaze steeled and shot towards me. "She's not the Elizabeth we once knew. From here on out, she's the enemy."

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