Chapter 21

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[Y'all, I put out a message on my message board saying I wasn't gonna update last Wednesday. Chill, my dudes, chill; I'm not dead yet.

Here's a random Monday update because you all need it, like BOI--


Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 21

Reese's POV

"Wait, so, that was your ex?" Ben asked, eyes wide with amusement.

I sighed and answered, "Yeah. Freshman year wasn't a good year for me."

Ben chuckled and remarked, "I hope that still isn't your taste."

"Pfft, god no. She changed into...that after the break-up. And Bryce has always been a dick." I stabbed my spoon into the tub of ice cream on my desk and got another scoop.

"Man, it's been so long since I've had the chance to witness teenagers being assholes," the blonde wraith jested. "I kind of don't want to experience it again."

"Welcome to what it's like every school day," I deadpanned.

Ben ate more ice cream (cookies and cream) and tapped his spoon against his mouth. Shaking his head, he muttered, "I don't know how you do it. School itself is so demanding, ya know, so like, wow. I commend you."

"Want to give me an award?"

"I should. Maybe I will." He took another bite of ice cream. I smiled at him.

As I scraped at the ice cream at the edges of the container, I asked, "Hey, I was curious about what happened earlier."

"What part? A lot happened," he said lightly.

"The phone thing. What happened to those kids' phones?" I asked.

Ben smirked. "Oh, that. Yeah, I made them explode."

I froze for a moment. "Explode?"

He laughed. "Not fully explode. If that happened I'm sure we wouldn't be sitting here gorging on ice cream like fat-asses; we'd be running from police."

"So, you busted their phones, pretty much?" 

He nodded and his dried out bangs bobbed.

"Geez. Remind me not to piss you off."

He shook his head. "Of course I'd never do anything like that to you. I think punishment via embarrassment would suffice."

"How would you embarrass me?"

His smile was mischievous as he held a hand to his chest and swooned, "Babes! Cinnamon apples!~"

The memory of when he showed up at my school, begging me to come with him so he could apologize to me reoccurred and I chuckled. "Well, that was a little surprising, but I wouldn't say embarrassing."

"Mmmm... What about the Reese's puffs rap?"

I faltered. "Oh no."

"I've always wanted to serenade you!" he chirped wistfully.

"Please, don't."

"Reese's puffs, Reese's puffs!" he chanted, beginning the rap

"Ben, no--."


I covered my face, trying to suppress the laughter that fought to escape.

"R double E-S-E-S, yes--!"

Hunter's voice hollered behind my closed bedroom door, "P to the U double F-S, yes!"

"Yeah!" Ben cheered.

I threw my head back to release a groan at all of the sudden cringe. Unfortunately, though it went against my better judgement, Ben's elated smile was contagious.

"Okay," I started, "you got me there, but you have to remember I've dealt with Hunter my entire life. He's always rapping that song on my birthdays and any time he comes to school open house. He promises to play it at my prom, even."

"Ooooh, are you going?" Ben's eyes flared with a suspicious eagerness.

"Um, I've been contemplating not to after Hunter said he'd play the song."

The blonde wraith stifled a whine before chuckling. I took another scoop of ice cream as he asked, "Seriously, are you going to your prom? You're a senior, right, so it should be in a couple months."

I held his gaze and replied, "Even before the thought of my brother embarrassing me in front of my entire senior class crossed my mind, I wasn't big on prom."

"Really? I'd definitely go. I've always wondered what they're like. Books and movies always make them seem so magical."

I smirked. "Do those books and movies ever mention teens sneaking vodka into the punch bowls and private, back-room 'fun'?"

"I mean, sometimes. Is that what it's like?"

"Shit, I don't know. I've never seen or been to a real one."

He took another scoop of ice cream and replied, "Don't be so quick to condemn prom, Reese's pieces."

"The weird stuff I could probably handle--by avoiding it--but the expenses for prom are ridiculous. You have to get a tux, get the corsage, go for dinner, go to the prom that you initially paid a shit ton of money for, and possibly go to a party afterward that requires more spending for snacks, drinks, etcetera. All the while you have to hope that whoever your date is enjoys it and has the night of their life, if not then eff you all your effort was practically for nothing."

Ben kept his spoon in his mouth as he commented, "Breathe there, salt shaker."

"Sorry," I mumbled, easing up. "It's just dumb is all. Money horribly spent."

"I'm sure you don't have to pay a crap ton of money. You could always do stuff, uh, efficiently? It should be a night of fun, not stress! Unless you're getting that private, back-room 'fun', in which case maybe you should worry. Other than that, prom should be wonderful and memorable. 'Enchanting'." He went on to wave his hands up in an arch for emphasis.

"Eh, I don't know..."

"Ooooh, maybe I could pay for you to go!"

"Ben," I groaned.

"No, consider it! There's no way you can miss something that's crucial for all teenagers!"

"It's not exactly crucial..."

"This is your last year of high school--your last chance at prom! You should go!"

"With who?" I inquired. "It's not like people are stampeding to ask me to prom. Plus, I kind of don't know anyone well enough to even bother being their friends..."

"Hmm... Well, there's"

I smirked and leaned back into my desk chair. "You?"

"Not like a date, or anything! I could go as a friend. We could just hang out like we usually do."

"In that case, I'd rather hang out like we usually do without the prom bit."

"Reese, please...!" he pleaded, clasping his hands together.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You just want to go, don't you?"

"No! Seriously, I want you to go to prom! And if you'd be more comfortable with me coming along, then I'll go. Besides, I doubt you'd want to take your brother or your mom."

"You're right, I wouldn't want to take them...," I acknowledged, imagining the embarrassing moments they'd start. Like telling people stories of when I was a baby, or trying to be hip with the kids, or singing the Reese's puff rap. Hunter I could possibly stand, but he's older now and, well, Hunter. And who even takes their mother to prom, besides one that'll chaperone? Oh god, I hope Mom doesn't volunteer to chaperone.

"What do you say, peanut butter cup?" Ben asked, pulling me from my thoughts. "Will you think about it, at least?"

For a few moments, I just stared at him, taking in his figure sitting on my bed, in my Metroid t-shirt that I lent to him (and it's slightly baggier than I thought it'd be). There was a hopeful look in his eyes that I couldn't seem to ignore.

With a sigh, I muttered, "Alright, I'll think about it."

He beamed. "Sweet..!"

I ate more ice cream before asking, "Why are you more passionate about prom than me, a student who is eligible to go? "

The blonde wraith shrugged and laid back on my bed. "Maybe because I'm a hopeless romantic."

"You, a hopeless romantic?"

"Hey, I may be a perverted, ghost boy but I can still dream of love," he said, taking a spoonful of ice cream. "I can be incredibly charming if I wanted to be--." And as he brought the spoon to his mouth, the ice cream fell on his nose and he bolted upright.

"God dammit, it got in my nostrils...!" he whined after eating the ice cream.

"Oh, so charming," I teased him with a smirk.

After he finished cleaning up with a napkin, Ben laid back into my pillows and started, "Hey, I know this is random, but back at the skatepark you argued about your sexuality. You sounded serious so I want to you really not care what you are?"

With my spoon stuck in my mouth, I stared questionably at him. After I took the utensil out, I scratched my jaw and answered, "Well...I kind of said stuff just to make a point to Miranda, but I guess not."

"You guess?"

I shrugged. "Yeah. I mean, I've dated girls in the past, and sometimes my mom likes to tease me about getting girlfriends, but I've never had a legitimate preference. Hell, there are times when I don't even want to be with anyone, female or not. But, if I'm going to be honest--yeah, I wouldn't care who I was with. What matters is that I'm happy and they're happy, right?"

Ben nodded. "Yeah, definitely. That's a nice way of thinking."

Poking my spoon into the ice cream, I added, "I don't understand how sexuality matters to people. It's not like it's supposed to be a sign of difference. It's just something you are. Doesn't make you any less or more than what you are--a human being with a limited life span."

Ben reached over to eat more ice cream, which had already started to liquify, and commented, "I agree with you wholeheartedly."

I looked up at him, catching his eyes for a brief moment before he leaned away to sit back against the headboard. After he had eaten his spoonful, I continued mixing up the ice cream, unearthing bits of cookie. I stared into the tub, thinking about his eyes again, and other things about him. A minute passed before I finally brought up the audacity to ask, "Ben, are you gay?"

A loud, rough cough left his mouth as he sat up straight and pulled the spoon away. Patting his chest, he cleared his throat and blurted with a voice crack, "What?"

"Are you?" I urged.

"N-No," he murmured, wiping his mouth, "but I do consider myself bi..."

"Oh. Okay." I ate more ice cream.

Awkwardly, he flailed his hands and stammered, "Whu--you're just gonna ask me something like that out of the blue??"

"Yeah," I deadpanned.

He gaped at me. "Um, alright then. Well, now you know. I'm bi."

"That's cool."


"How do you know? I mean, have you, like, experimented?"

His fluttery demeanor fell and he laughed. "You sound like such a noob."

"Just answer the question," I muttered.

With a smirk, he replied, "I've dated people, yeah. Well, not all of them were people..."

I cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean...?"

"Uh, ya know," he started, "as a wraith you're exposed to a wide variety of other...entities."


He twiddled the spoon in between his fingers and murmured, "Ya know, other ghosts," --he coughed aggressively--, "demons," --brought his voice back to normal--, "um, and..."

"Wait, wait, wait," I interrupted him. "Demons?"

He nodded.

I blinked in bewilderment.

He snickered. "Don't get on their bad side. If there's one thing you should know is that they are very unpredictable."

I furrowed my brow. "Why do you date them then?"

He grinned mischievously. "They can get a lil' freaky."

I grimaced. "Um, ew."

"Ooooh, believe me if I could keep scars I'd have so many on my back, and on my legs, and, weirdly, on my a--."

"Stop," I blurted, chucking a pillow at his face. He cackled as I tried to erase the thought of anything like that happening to him.

"Well," I began, "getting with demons and hearing about getting with demons is far down in my bucket list in life..."

The blonde wraith shrugged. "Just lettin' ya know."

"Thanks," I muttered sarcastically.

After it was established that the ice cream wasn't going to survive long, I closed the lid on the tub and set our spoons aside. Leaning back into my chair, I said, "So, I've learned some interesting things today. You're bi, you like getting freaky with demons--."

"I mean, those aren't the only things I can get freaky with, but okay."

"You want to go to prom," I continued, chuckling. "And you swear to embarrass me via Reese's puff rap."

"Sounds about right," he quipped.

Shaking my head, I got up to go put the tub of ice cream in the freezer so it wouldn't melt completely. Everyone else was in their rooms so the apartment almost felt empty. I walked back down the hall and to the bathroom to wash my hands in case they were dirtied with any ice cream. While I did, I poked my head out to see if I could spot Ben in my room.

From my angle, I could barely see the upper half of his body laying on my bed. He stared down at my Metroid t-shirt, tugging on the hem and flapping it around. Then he put the collar up so it covered his mouth and nose, like a ninja. Next, he slipped his head in completely like a turtle, and I stifled a snicker at the scene. With that, Ben's attention was caught and he popped his head up to look at me. Immediately, I ducked back inside the bathroom and finished washing my hands.

Suddenly, a flash of light caught me off guard along with hands covering my eyes. I gasped and jokingly cursed out a chuckling Ben who stood behind me. I grabbed onto his left wrist to pull him away but then realized my hand was still wet. Nervously, I flinched it away and Ben let go of me on his own. Instead of smiling like he must have been, he was eyeing me with mild concern.

"Um," I began, turning off the faucet and finally drying my hands, "I.. Uh..."

Awkwardly, I grabbed his hand and dried it off (not that it needed it considering there was only a few droplets on his skin). As I hung up the towel, I stated, "Listen, about earlier today... I realize I was being inconsiderate. About you falling into the fountain, I mean. You were right--there's no way I will ever understand what it's like to die. I've been close, but I'm lucky to be alive. Taking into account what I've been through, I am extremely lucky. But just because I've been through shit that doesn't mean I'm in any place to judge you or certain topics regarding yourself. I don't know how your life had been before. Hell, I don't fully know how it is now. What I do know is that...I was a jerk for shrugging the fountain incident off when it obviously upset you, and you rarely get upset."

Ben's lips upturned into a gentle smile and he responded, "You weren't a jerk, Reese. If anything I was the jerk for getting mad at you when you didn't deserve it. You did nothing wrong and I understand you were trying to help. I just... I got frustrated with myself. I felt ashamed for falling into the fountain and looking like a fool, and not in a funny way. I didn't want to be around you because...I felt too sensitive. But it's okay. Everything's okay now. Please don't feel bad about what happened. What's happened has happened, ya know. And...I really hope you never have to understand what it's like to die. Like, ever, hehe...."

I managed a wry chuckle and scratched my neck, trying to settle with the pause of silence between us. Glancing at Ben's face, I noticed his blue eyes stayed glued to the bathroom sink. Biting my lip, I inhaled and murmured, "I'm sorry. I really am."

The blonde wraith met my gaze and shook his head. "Reese, it's alright. There's no need to apologize. Like I said already, what's happened has happened, so let's put this behind us. Okay? Don't feel bad for something so mi...nor..."

Unconsciously, I lifted my hand and cupped the left side of his face. Ben gaped at me, eyes wide, mouth slightly ajar. I ran my thumb across his cheek bone, watching his fair-toned skin turn pink. After he realized he was blushing, he shot his gaze intently to the sink again. My fingers found his earring on his left ear and messed with it a little, which caused him to close his eyes. Curiously, I stared at his ears until my impulse took over and I reached around to pull the chip off the nape of his neck.

Ben gasped and blinked at me with those red and black eyes, surprised. His ears had flickered and changed to the pointed elf ears that are originally his. Eyeing the quarter sized device that cloaks him, I remarked, "This must be waterproof, if it didn't break earlier..."

"Y-Yeah...," he mumbled, still giving me that startled expression, "I designed it in case if it came in contact with water. I-It's also heat...resistant..."

Gauchely, I stood and held the chip in my hand while I kept scanning Ben's features. I bit my lip again, feeling the strangeness in the air, realizing how weird I'm acting. Without much else to do, I murmured softly, "I really do think you should stay normal more often, though I know that's hard"

A sheepish grin played across his lips, accenting the rosy tinge on his cheeks. His eyes were turned down but he told me, "M-Maybe when it's just us like this I can afford to be normal..."

"Is that what it'll take?" I questioned.

Pursing his lips, he shrugged and said, "M-Maybe..."

I chuckled and tilted my head down a couple of inches. His bright red irises seemed to be illuminated against black sclera and it was almost hard not to stare at them. They were more interesting than blue on white. Quietly, I said, "Ben, if you have any troubles, you know you can tell me. All I want is for you to be okay."

"But I am."

"Not all the time," I retorted. "I recognize that you try to hide it, that you're afraid of admitting anything to me. I just want to remind you that you shouldn't be afraid. You don't have to be afraid with me. I'm your freedom away from a world of crazy, right? If I can come to confide in you, then I promise you can do the same with me. You're safe with me, Ben."

Again, he smiled small, and whispered, "I can't tell you everything."

"I know," I whispered back, "but you can tell me anything. As long as you're comfortable."

Finally, Ben shifted his gaze to meet mine and in his eyes I could see he was thinking. Almost timidly, he said, "Can I tell you something a little dumb?"

"Of course," I replied.

He shifted his feet in place and smirked coyly. "Would you be surprised to know that I don't like my elf ears...?"

I gasped melodramatically and remarked, "No way..."

"I told you it was dumb," he said.

Lifting my hands to his ears, I retorted, "Why do you dislike them? I think they're cool."

"I know you do," he murmured, his voice lined with annoyance yet his expression was tender.


"So, what?"

"Why do you dislike them?"

The blonde wraith took a few moments to think, before explaining, "I don't know. They look weird; they're too long, they stick out too much. Plus, my friends used to make fun of them a lot."

"The friends who used to call you Ben Drowned?"

He shook his head, faltered, then half-nodded. "Them too. But my family, I should say, used to make fun of me at first. Always called me Frodo, or used to ask me stuff like 'are you Snap, Crackle, or Pop?', and other stupid shit like that. This one guy loved to pull on them when I least expected it. He became one of my best friends, believe it or not. I'm surprised I never murdered him or anything..."

I chuckled and hesitated touching his ears. He noticed and tugged my hands back. "I-It's fine if you do it. I don't mind, I guess..."

There, in his eyes, was that same softness I saw at the karaoke bar a few weeks ago. Like last time, it was innocent and amusing and it made me smile.

"There was one other person I knew who loved my ears," Ben added quietly. "She always said they were cute and stuff."

"Is this the same girl you mentioned the first time we met?" I inquired.

He was practically beaming. "Hehe, you remember...! Yeah, it was the same girl."

"Well, I'm glad she thought they were cool too, because they are," I stated knowingly. As I kept playing with his ears, his features began to light up with energy and giddiness. The rosy tinge on his cheeks had traveled to the tips of his ears and I could feel how warm they became. I ran my thumb along the lengths of his pointy ears and once I let go, they wiggled. It was hard not to laugh.

"I know what you're doing," Ben claimed out of nowhere.

"Hmmm? What am I doing?"

"You're trying to make me feel better."

I smiled. "Is it working...?"

"A-A little bit."

"Oh? Is my ear flattery not enough?"

"I dunno," he murmured, trying to suppress a grin.

Bunching up my lips, I feigned thought for a few moments. Then, I smirked and drawled, "Well, what if I do...this?"

As soon as I tickled my fingers against his neck, he hunched over and started giggling. He flailed about trying to push my hands away but I never let up. Breathlessly, he pleaded, "Reese, no! Stop! Haahha--AH! Th-That tickles, sto-OP! Ah!"

"It's supposed to tickle."

"N-No...!" he whined, still giggling.

The blonde wraith flailed and wiggled about, still fighting me as I began poking him at his sides and stomach, too. He stumbled and fell against me, which I took advantage of and trapped him in my arms to tickle him more. He laughed into my shirt, murmuring over and over again, "St-Stop, you're gonna make me cry...! Hahaha--AH! Reese!"

Eventually, I stopped and gave him mercy. He stayed leaning against me, riding off the last of his breathless, whiny laughs. I patted the top of his head with a gentle hand and asked, "Do you feel better now?"

Slowly, he nodded and pressed his face into my shirt. The next thing I knew, I heard him sniffling and his shoulders trembled slightly. Worriedly, I grabbed onto him and questioned, "Are you okay? Crap--did I hurt you?"

He shook his head, still hiding his face. My fingers brushed the back of his head, and I hoped he would tell me what I did wrong. Suddenly, his arms wrapped around me in a firm, almost desperate, hug and he mumbled, "I'm okay. I'm just...really happy right now."


He turned his head so he looked to the side and told me, "Thank you, Reese..."

A part of me knew not to say anything like 'you're welcome' and just let him be. So I did. I didn't care how long it took for him to let me go. What I cared more about was that he was ready to do so whenever he pleased, and that he knew this. In the meantime, I brushed my fingers against the one ear that was exposed and watched it twitch and wiggle with that rosy tinge. When I wasn't watching his ear, I stared at the top of his head, listening to him finish off the last of his quiet sniffling. I realized that this was the first time he's cried in front of me. I realized that this was him letting go of that cool demeanor and just letting go. With this in mind, I held him tighter.

After a while, Ben's sniffling subsided and his grasp on me softened. Just as he calmed down and pulled away from me, I heard Hunter's door open and I practically slapped Ben's chip back against his neck. In a second, he had flickered into his human disguise just in time for Hunter to come walking by. When he spotted us, he stopped and said, "Hey, I'm gonna go to the store to pick up some groceries. Do you need anything?"

"Um," I started, "no?"



He stared at me for a long moment, before chiming, "Okay. I'll see ya." His eyes traveled to Ben and he added, "See ya, skittles dealer."

"You betcha," the blonde wraith retorted with a smile.

Hunter walked away and a few moments later I heard the front door opening and closing, then being locked. My attention returned to Ben and I pointed out, "That was close..."

"Yeah," he murmured. A few seconds of silence passed, and then he continued, "Um, I should probably go home now. It's almost time for me to leave."

"O-Oh. Alright." It felt so sudden to me. I couldn't help but wonder if maybe I did do something wrong. But when I checked my phone for the time, I found Ben was right. 5 o'clock was when he was going to leave.

And for some reason, now that he had to go, it felt like we hadn't done enough together. I wanted to talk with him more and make sure he was really okay, though I knew that it would be best to let him go. Forcing him to stay would be douchey of me.

He turned around to grab the still damp, white t-shirt we draped over the shower rod when he had come back. Bunching it up in his hands, he said, "Um, do you want your shirt back?"

I shook my head. "Keep it. I only used it for sleeping in, anyway. Besides, it looks better on you, so...yeah, just have it."

He chuckled and tugged on the hem of his Metroid shirt. "First your hoodie, now your shirt? I hope you don't end up giving me your entire wardrobe."

"Eventually, I want my hoodie back," I admitted, "but you can hold it for me."

"Hmmm, are you sure you want it?"

"Yes," I muttered.

"I claim extended rent."

"You can't do that," I laughed.

"Just did!" he chirped.

Again, silence had fallen between us as we stared at the ground. I had the urge to say something, but there were no words to spill. I felt the need to move in my fingertips, but I was too unsure to do anything. All I could think about was Ben and everything he's told me. About him and that soft expression. And I felt like seeing it again.

"Hey," he spoke up, grabbing my attention. His hands messed with his damp shirt as he said, "You have spring break coming up soon, right?"

I thought about it. "I do. A week from now, I believe."

He bore an eager grin. "M-Maybe I can take you somewhere, like a festival, or an amusement park, or something?"

The avid glint in his eyes was enough to make me utter a benign laugh. With a nod, I answered, "I'd like that. It's been a while since I've had an interesting spring break."

"Great...!" he cheered, practically bouncing on his feet. "Um, so, we can talk about this later. I-I've gotta go. See you soon? Text me, or I don't know, I mean you could call but that's for emergencies--I'm rambling. I really have to go! Um. Uuuhhhhh. B-Buh-Bye!"

The next thing I knew, I stood alone in the bathroom after a flash of light and pixels. Ben was gone, but his presence in my thoughts remained, and I kept grinning when I remembered his nervous demeanor, and his goofy smiles, and that soft look in his blue and red eyes. I hoped he would be okay. I hoped we'd see each other soon. I wanted talk to him and hear more about him, so I could come to understand him enough to ensure his happiness, like he promised to ensure mine. If I could do that, I know I would be happy too.


Elizabeth's POV

So...this is your human abode...

Zalgo stood in the middle of the nearly barren main room while I walked around examining the place from floor to ceiling. The floorboards creaked underneath me with every step I took, but that's to be expected of a small summer cabin that's been unused for more than six years. It's a wonder my parents had ever kept it if we never came out here. It's a wonder this place is still up at all. Seems like realtors never bothered with it.

"It's a bit...rustic," I replied, "but it's something."

I don't understand why you won't stay at the castle. You have Zazel and Sudryl to keep you company and serve you. Why bother with...this when you can spend your days comfortably?

Sharply, I spun on my heel to face him and answered, "Because I don't want to stay in your realm."

Out of spite, I'm guessing.


He tutted.

A silly reason to abandon luxury for a shanty.

"First of all, this isn't a shanty," I corrected, matter-of-factly. "A shanty is a crudely built shack that can barely even house a single person. This is just a neglected camping home. Secondly, I don't want to stay cooped up in a castle I don't belong in and become desensitized from the real world. In the real world, people suffer and work."

Again, another silly reason. You are not a part of this human world, Elizabeth. You are much more superior than labor and stupid human problems.

"What I am is still me," I grumbled. "I'm Queen, aren't I? So I can do whatever I please. Let me have this."

I don't approve.

"I don't give a shit."

The former Lord sighed.

You could have at least picked something better.

I frowned. "Sorry I can't be as uppity and snobby like you, your highness..."

He touched a hand to his chest, and I was able to notice his eternally pressed suit and it irritated me.

I am not snobby. I am merely a man with a more pronounced and finer opinion over lesser things.


Pronounced. And. Finer.


We huffed at each other in unison and it wasn't until it happened did I grimace with disgust.

As I walked into the kitchen, floorboards still creaking, I admitted, "I'm staying here not just because I hate you, or want to have some semblance of humanity left in my life, but because I want to create a stable environment for Jeff."

Ah, yes. The fiancé. Forgot about him.

"Of course you did," I hissed under my breath. Eventually, while I looked through the cupboards, Zalgo entered the kitchen and stood by the doorway.

Why can't you just let him live at the castle? I'm sure he'd be much more cozy there.

"What the hell would you know about him?" I growled, slamming a cupboard door hard. He just stood still, silent.

After I took a few deep breaths, I said, "I don't want to keep him there. Not only is it an environment he's inexperienced with, but to know he's in your realm would freak him out."


Glaring at him, I responded, "You were the man--no, the monster--who tortured him day after day, for four weeks straight, last year. You mutilated him and traumatized him to brink of immobility and silence. You ruined him...! Do you honestly think he'd want to live in a place where his tormentor resided in for millennia???"

He shrugged.

You make a fair point.

"Oh, screw you," I scoffed before turning away from him to continue examining the kitchen. I could sense Zalgo's presence behind me but ignored it.

Although you are horrendously upset, I would like to voice a small observation...


Elizabeth, dear--.

"Shut up," I interjected bluntly.

How will Jeff react knowing you are now in my place...?

I froze in my spot in front of the sink.

I mean, you are to be the decimator of human life and innocence. You bear the mouths on your skin--the same mouths which are representative of me. You are me, Elizabeth. You are of my blood; you are my blood. What will that make of Jeff's feelings towards you?

Clenching my hands into fists, I muttered, "He'll still love me. He'll always love me, just as I'll always love him. Me being the new Lady of Chaos won't change our relationship. He won't care as long as we're together." But my voice wavered as I spoke and I feared the possibility that I was uncertain. I can't be...

Zalgo stepped up to stand beside me and messed with the cuff of his sleeve.

Even now I can sense your caution, your worry. You're going to hide the truth from him, aren't you?

My hands clenched tighter until my palms hurt from being pierced by my nails. Sneering at the wall, I hissed, "I'll do whatever it takes to be with him."

Out of the corner of my vision, Zalgo stared at me, his red eyes illuminated in the dim light of a setting sun past the kitchen window. He finished fixing his cuff (even though it'll always remain pristine) and looked away.

I see...

He stepped away and paced behind me, though the floorboards never quaked beneath his feet. At first, I thought he was going to disappear, and I felt relief at the possibility. But it was only a possibility at the moment.

If you're so adamant about making this place a worthy home, might I suggest some decor and additional functionalities?

"I'm living here for a reason: to get away from your luxurious styled castle," I stated.

Tell me your tastes and I'll adhere to it and give you appropriate advice, if you're so picky...

Scowling, I turned around to look at him. His mien was serious and not an ounce of amusement or mischief was shown. Then again, this is Zalgo: a master of many things, especially trickery. But feng shui tips don't exactly seem menacing. In fact, Zalgo offering design tips is super weird. Who knew the former Lord of Chaos could be so decor savvy...

"Fine...," I grumbled, stepping closer. He gave me a look that told me to tell him my ideas already, like he was going to get impatient (with me! seriously).

After I told him some ideas and references, he immediately sauntered back into the living room and pointed to an old, large, and dusty TV cabinet (with no TV)  lined with worn books and little sculptures.

That has to go.

I walked up to a gray, deformed, clay figurine of an elephant and remarked, "Can I keep this? I made this thing when I was, like, five..."

Throw it out.

"But it's precious to me. I won a free multi-colored lantern when I admitted it into a camp contest..."

I'm surprised you won anything at all with that. You can make another, much less miserable looking one later. Now the curtains....

I glared at him as he went about the room on a tangent about how the colors in the house don't contrast at all, and the brown, wood walls should be painted white, and the floorboards are annoying, and the couch is the wrong material, etcetera, etcetera. Meanwhile, I quickly opened up my backpack and stuffed the mutant elephant inside to keep it safe. Throw it out, my ass.


It's been a couple of weeks now. I've secured the cabin home I'm going to live in just enough for me to eat, sleep, bathe, and do other basic tasks. Zalgo made me compile a list of things to get and do for the house, but that's obviously my last priority compared to my new job.

Walking into the shop felt a little daunting, for some reason. The smell of oil and dirt brushed my nose. I adjusted my fake glasses, something I'm trying to get used to since I never expected them to always shift. My backpack hung at my shoulder and I started feeling self-conscious about it. I've gotten so used to carrying one around with me everywhere I go, and now I realize how awkward it must be.

Taking a few more steps inside, I was greeted by a light Russian accent, "Angel. You're early."

Artem was by the office's doorway with a clipboard in hand. I pulled a smile and said, "Am I really?"

He nodded. "By twenty minutes."

I blinked. "O-Oh. Well, punctuality is key, hehe."

"If you'd like, you can relax and wait until your shift begins," he offered.

I clutched the strap of my backpack tighter as I thought. I answered, "I wouldn't mind working now."

He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"If it's a problem of needing to pay me extra for overtime, then don't worry about it. I'm happy with a normal pay."

The brunet sighed and tucked the clipboard under his arm. "It's not a pain for me if you start work now. I was only suggesting."

A blush reached my cheeks as I said, "Oh, okay. Sorry for assuming..."

"It's fine." He stepped aside and gestured for me to enter the office. I did as he wanted and set my backpack in a corner, next to the closet where I remember the uniforms are kept. I wondered if I'd have to change into one.

"For now," Artem started, "just sit by the phone and answer any calls that come in. It's a weekday, so there may not be many, but then again, work and school traffic can lead to some mix-ups. Keep a confident voice, answer all questions if any, and if they ask for me, call me over."

He opened a drawer of the desk and pulled out a sheet of paper for me. "Here are all the answers you'll need for any questions customers ask. If you can't find an appropriate answer, come get me."

"I won't need to work on any cars?" I questioned.

He shook his head. "Just do the task I ask of you. Now that Reese isn't going to be working the phone any more, he'll be helping me with repairs. Feel free to go to him for help too, though I wouldn't recommend it considering he's still in training..."

"Gotcha," I murmured.

"Also," he added, opening the closet and pulling out a blue polo shirt. "You're a size medium, I hope?"

All I did was nod once before he shoved the shirt into my hands. "In case if any customers see you, you'll need to wear a representative uniform."

"I see," I said, turning the shirt around to look at the logo patch at the left side.

"Reese will be arriving after four, when he gets out from school. He leaves at seven, before you."


"Alright, now if you excuse me." With that, he grabbed his clipboard and left the office. I glanced down at the shirt in my hands and set out for the restroom. Once I entered the women's restroom, I went to a stall to change. But as soon as I took off my jacket, I realized one flaw to the polo shirt: it would reveal the mouths on my forearms. Gingerly, I slipped my jacket back on and went out into the shop again.

Artem was by a newly admitted car, writing on his clipboard. Scratching my shoulder, I called out, "Excuse me, Mr. Kuznetsov?"

He lifted his head to look at me.

"Is it okay if I wear my jacket with the polo?" I asked, almost hesitant.

He furrowed his brow. "It would be preferable if you didn't. Plus, it's a little too warm for that, don't you think?"

"R-Right," I said, "but, that doesn't answer my question..."

From my place, I could see him bunching his lips in thought or possibly scrutiny. Finally, he sighed and replied, "Yes, wear the jacket."

"Thanks," I chirped before bolting back into the restroom. That's settled.

Once I was changed into the blue polo, I stuffed my own shirt into my backpack. Then, I pulled the desk chair out and took a seat by the phone. Suddenly, I realized how boring waiting for calls was going to be. The shop was way too quiet and I had nothing to do. Maybe I should've brought a book with me from the cabin.

I sat there, tapping my shoes on the floor, drumming my fingers on the edge of the desk. Eventually I resorted to spinning around and around on the chair, using my feet to push off from the floor. For a while, I just spun and stared up at the ceiling, until suddenly the phone rang and I halted to a stop. When I reached for the receiver, I was surprised by how dizzy I got and fumbled with it. The second I had the receiver in my hand, I greeted, "H-Hello! A-plus Auto Service and Repair! How can I help you?"

"Um, yeah," a raspy voice began, "how long would it take to give my car an oil change if I took it in now?"

"Uh, yes," I started, fumbling with the sheet of paper. As soon as I looked at it, my answer was there. "That service will take exactly thirty minutes to complete depending on oil type and car type."

"Sweet. How much will that cost?"

"That will cost...," I started, skimming over the list, "thirty dollars with basic oil. If you'd like premium, that'll be fifty to seventy based on which premium oil you pick."

"Mmmm, alright."

"Anything else you'd like to know, sir?"

"...Sir? I'm a woman."

Quietly, I sucked in a sharp breath and stared wide-eyed at the desk. Fuck.

"I-I'm so sorry," I said, "I-I assumed--."

"I'll call back if I need to take my car in." And then the phone beeped as the caller had hung up.

As soon as I put the receiver back, I leaned into my chair and sighed heavily. I probably screwed that up...

Wow. Your first call and you mistook a woman's gender.

Zalgo showed up next to me, sitting on the desk. I glared at him and hissed, "Oh, can it, snob. Since when do you care about gender when you don't even know what Zazel and Sudryl are."

They're different.

"Sure," I grumbled.

The former Lord began pacing around the office, taking in everything with a grimace. Before he could give any rude remark, I said, "Are you going to criticize my poor choice of work, too?"

Ah, you know me so well...

I rolled my eyes and faced the desk. "It's easy enough," I stated. "Just talking to people."

Yes, it seems easy. Unless you misgender.

"Shut up," I muttered.

Zalgo leaned forward toward the big window, surveying the rest of the shop beyond. His red eyes narrowed and he cocked his head.

That man is your boss, correct?

I guessed he was talking about Artem. "Yeah."

His eyes were still narrowed. That made me curious. "What is it? Critiquing his fashion sense?"

There's something peculiar about him.


I can't say for certain. He has an aura. It feels strange.

I frowned. "If he had an aura, I would know."

You are not yet strong enough to sense such things, Elizabeth. But I am well acquainted.

"How? You're just a conscience now."

That doesn't mean I haven't lost my mental skill and intuition, my dear.

"Wish you did...," I muttered under my breath.

All I'm saying is that he is a peculiar human.

"Well, you leave him alone," I commanded. "I don't want you ruining my employment by filling my head with stupid things just because you're snobby."

I've already told you I am not snobby. It's such a gross word, too.

"Only a snobby person would complain about the word snobby."

Since when did you become so impudent...?

"Since I first had to deal with your bullshit years ago...," I grumbled.

Even then, you were so kind.

"Yeah, and I fucking tore you apart with your own creations in our first battle, then beat you around like a ping-long ball and devoured you in our second."

You had shown some respect and modesty then, in a way.

"Is this enough respect and modesty for you?" At that, I raised a hand and flipped him my middle finger without a single glance.

"You know it's gonna be a good day when the new employee flips you off as soon as you come in," a different voice remarked.

I whipped my head towards the door and saw Reese standing there with a backpack hanging on his shoulder. Quickly, I yanked my hand down and stammered, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it for you!"

He smirked. "It's cool. I'd flip me off, too."

He dropped his backpack next to mine and went to the closet to pluck out his uniform. Zalgo had disappeared, so it was just me and the blonde.

"Why were you sticking the bird to the air?" he asked, yanking off his shoes to wear work boots.

"Um, just...because?" I replied nervously.

"You haven't already developed a dislike for us, have you?"

"What? No, no, not at all," I assured him.

He smiled, slipping his legs into the one-piece mechanic uniform. "How's the work experience so far?"

I stole an uneasy glance at the phone and admitted, "Well, I accidentally mistook a lady for a man. You can't exactly blame me though; her voice was raspy as hell. That couldn't have been the first time she was mistaken for a guy, like, seriously."

Reese laughed and finished zipping up the uniform. "That happened to me once, but with a guy who sounded really feminine. Guess puberty hit late or hit too weak, because, whewww..."

I laughed, too. Crossing my arms over my chest, I said, "How have you been?"

He nodded thoughtfully. "Pretty good. School is still a drag, but it's doable. And you? How's your 'settling-in' coming along?"

"Great, its great," I replied. "I've already got my furniture set up, ya know. Not the best place, but it's enough to live."

"Cool, cool. Well, I'll leave you to the phone. I'll be in the shop, if you need me."

"Gotcha," I replied.

Reese walked out of the office and passed by the window. As he strolled away, I noticed something outside past one of the open garage doors. Puzzled, I leaned forward in my chair, then got up and leaned over the desk, squinting my eyes. No, it couldn't be...

Parked outside was a black '98 Chevrolet Chevelle.

Without thinking, I shot myself towards the door and hooked my hands on the frame as I swung out of the office. "Reese!" I called.

The blonde-haired boy turned and gave me an expecting look. "Yeah, Angie?"

I would have thought the nickname was sweet if my thoughts weren't focused on the muscle car outside. "Who's car is that?" I asked, pointing out the garage.

Reese glanced to the Chevelle and answered, "Well, it's mine, kinda."


"Borrowing it from a friend," he explained briefly.

I looked at the Chevelle again, and each time I did I was slowly growing more convinced that it was the Chevelle. The one I slept in, and sat in for miles and miles, and listened to music in, and turned Nightmare in.

"You okay?" Reese asked me, his expression changing to show concern.

I nodded. "Y-Yeah. It's... I had a friend who had that kind of car, too. Just brought back a lot of memories."

"Oh. What a coincidence, huh."

"Y-Yeah," I murmured, staring at the sleek, black car.

Reese shifted his gaze back and forth between me and the vehicle, before he said, "Do you wanna check it out...?"

My eyes widened with surprise. "Sure," I said, trying to hide the eagerness in my voice.

He nodded towards the outside and said, "Feel free." Then he turned around to continue starting his work shift.

My hand clutched onto the doorframe and I gulped hard. Reluctantly, I stepped out and headed for the Chevelle. My heart was racing as I walked closer and closer to it, hoping my suspicions were wrong. I came up from the backend, gazing across its dark tail lights and rear hood. Gently, I grazed my fingers across its glossy side, stomach churning the more I came closer to its front. Surely other people would be interested in this type of car. Like Reese said, coincidence. Right?

But it started becoming clear that it was not coincidence. The moment I came up to its front hood, I caught a look inside through the windshield. Not only were the seats the same shade of maroon, but hanging from the rear-view mirror were a pair of silly, green, fuzzy dice. I'm not sure how many other people would ever be interested in those things, but I knew someone who was outrageous enough to have them still after a year.

No... No... No, no, no. This is all wrong--I must be mistaken, right? But the longer I stared at those stupid green dice I knew this was exactly what I thought it was.

From my place, I heard the sound of the office's phone ringing, and quickly ran back inside to answer it before I missed it. Even after I picked up the receiver and greeted the customer with a bright voice, my mind was still clouded with worry. Outside, the Chevelle mocked me with its sleek, black exterior, like it knew it belonged to him. To Ben.

Suddenly, my plans became very, very difficult.

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