Chapter 33

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[I know some of you all don't like Ao segments but ¯\_()_/¯

This has fluff stuff for the hell of it. Been feeling low lately so just wanted to write something nice this time. Hope you enjoy anyway...!

Song in the MM is You & I by Michael Bublé.]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 33

Ao's POV

Craig had another concert. This time, Kayla and Aaron attended the event, sitting with Xavier near the front of the audience. Between each piece that the orchestra played, it seemed like Kayla clapped the loudest out of anyone in the entire auditorium, and seeing her so proud was a wonderful sight to see. I was far from her, but I could see that she changed--her hair was shorter than I remembered, and more curlier because of it. Aaron had a new look too, having gotten glasses at some point, and had tanned a bit. It was great to see them together though. They still make a cute couple.

Craig was to do a solo and then a trio with the featured pianist and violinist. Just seeing him perform with the rest of the orchestra impressed me. He was such a strong player and never shied away from being emotive with his body. I heard he was pretty much on his way to being one of the most astounding players at Juilliard. In fact, the solo he's going to be playing today was completely his own work. There's no doubt in my mind that he could reach stardom with his talent. I couldn't be prouder.

In the shadows of the second floor balcony, I watched the concert and listened to every single sound, to the harmonies and purposeful dissonances that add flux to the pieces. I clutched the single rose wrapped in a bouquet wrapper in my hands, wondering if I can really bring up the courage to leave it for Craig. A part of me liked the idea of him catching me and being so overwhelmed that he just bursts into tears of joy, and I'd cry with him and congratulate him for all of his hard work all this time. But the rational part of me knew I can't let myself be seen; if he sees me, that'll only cause the both of us pain, and I'd feel incredibly guilty if I distracted him from his music career when he's going so strong. He deserves better, along with Xavier, Kayla, and Aaron. They all should live their lives, even if I'm not a part of them.

When Craig's solo came up, I was surprised to see him starting so high up on the fingerboard. You could easily mistake him for a violin at the pitch he's at. It sounded beautiful, melancholic, and...hopeful. But hopeful for what?

Then, I remembered the concert's program and reached into my jacket pocket for the pamphlet. I didn't feel like looking at it because I wanted to feel surprised this time, but my curiosity got the better of me and I looked at the title of his solo. I felt my heart swell up and my throat seemingly constricted on itself.

The violin impression on his cello, the bittersweet tone that tells a tale...

His solo was titled: Blue.

As tears welled up in my eyes, I listened to the rest of his solo, amazed with every note that echoed from the pristine stage. After he was done, the orchestra performed the other pieces, and no other song compared to Craig's solo. Nothing even came close.

The trio performance was about to come on and it was the finale to the concert. Although I didn't want to miss it, I knew now would be the only time for me to move...

Quietly, I slunk away from my seat and exited the auditorium to go to the second floor bathroom. Once I was inside and checked that the coast was clear, I teleported and appeared in a broom closet. Gently, I opened it from the inside and closed it, feeling bad for having unlocked it. I made sure my hood was up as I sauntered down the hall to get to the backstage area. No one was around to see or stop me when I got there, so it was easy getting in.

It was when I was in backstage that I realized my plan might be harder than I presumed. My intention was to leave my rose in Craig's cello case, but...which would be his? Did he ever change cases since I last saw him almost more than a year ago? What if it's not even here?

I was panicking, to say the least, while the trio performance was still going. The song is so much more peaceful than how I'm feeling and it's too ironic for comfort. You can't freeze now, Ao. Just be quiet and search.

With tentative steps, I maneuvered through the rows of instrument cases, looking out for the ones for cellos. I checked each to see if I could find anything that'd clue me in on it being Craig's. He always highlighted his music sheets, I remembered. Even when I found papers, it was never highlighted in any distinctive way. Damn, maybe he's using them on stage. Oh, geez...

After searching through cases, I was still unsure of which could or could not be Craig's. To my dread, the trio performance ended, with a flourish from the piano and strong ending notes from the cello and violin. The auditorium went into an uproar of clapping and then even more clapping since the concert was over. I heard the shifting of chairs behind the curtains as the orchestra stood for recognition on stage. Crap..!

As I fled to the nearest door out of here,  I tripped over a case and landed with a soft thud that couldn't be heard over the clapping outside. Looking down, I noticed a blue ribbon sticking out from under a trombone case. It was tied to another cello case that I had missed. A blue ribbon. I had always tied a blue ribbon to my violin case. No one else here has anything fancy on their cases. Only Craig would be someone to stand out.

Quickly, I pulled out the case from under the other and opened it. Before I could leave the rose inside, one of the woodwinds came out from behind the curtain and called, "Hey...!"

My heart pounded fast as I got up and backed away. A few other musicians came out with questioning gazes. There's no doubt in my mind that I looked suspicious, especially with my hood on. I knew it would be a waste to explain myself, so I kept quiet and shuffled towards the nearest exit.

Then, amidst the bodies of musicians filing into the backstage area, I spotted Craig...and he spotted me.

Without any regard to anyone else, he started rushing forward with his cello in hand. His expression was of disbelief but that didn't stop him from pushing through other people and almost knocking over the harpist and her harp. Everyone else got mad at him but he didn't seem to care. And the closer he got, the less I was able to breathe. No, don't...! I'm sorry, Craig, but not this time...

Fighting back tears, I dropped the rose on the floor and practically slammed through the exit door. I skidded across the floor for a second before composing myself and racing down the hallway.  After running into another section, I was overwhelmed by the audience members crowding the hall. While I bumped into people and apologized with every step I took, I heard Craig yell from behind, "Ao?!"

Don't look back.


Don't turn back...!

With a heavy heart, I managed to make it out of the crowd and exit the building. No one came out to stop me, and I was off the grounds in no time. For a moment, I stopped and turned around to look at the school from the sidewalk. On one hand, I wanted to see Craig standing somewhere afar, having chased after me, but I knew it'd be better if he didn't. So, before there was a chance that he'd catch sight of me, I ran off into the streets of New York, leaving him with a small taste of the promise I made that I can't fulfill right now.

"Promise me this won't be the last time I ever see you."

I promised him, which was a promise for everyone--Kayla, Aaron, Xavier. Whenever I thought about those words, I had always told myself that I hope I could keep my promise. But I don't want to hope anymore.

Because I will see them again.


Back at the mansion, it was quiet. Everyone else must be busy doing their own thing. I didn't even see Ladon outside on the way in. But just when I was about to sulk alone in the kitchen, a hero came to rescue me from silence.

"Hey," Jack said as he entered the kitchen.

My shoulders perked up a bit and I greeted, "Hey.."

He stopped for a moment, completely frozen. After a couple of seconds of nothing, he asked, "There's a sad tone to your voice. What's up?"

Sometimes I'm still amazed with his out-of-this-world hearing.

"It's nothing," I said. "Just a boring time out of the mansion."

Pulling up the chair next to me at the table, he asked, "You went to see your friends again, didn't you?"

"How'd you know?" I murmured hesitantly.

"That's the only reason you'll really leave, aside from Corrupted," he stated.

Defeated, I sighed and said, "I did."

"How'd it go?"

Twiddling my thumbs, I recounted, "There was another concert at Juilliard. The whole gang was there in support. Craig was featured again, and even got to perform an original solo composition. He named it Blue, after me..."

I paused for a moment and Jack didn't fill in the gap with a remark. That made me feel better than if he did say something. I went on. "Anyway, I tried to drop off a rose for him in his cello case, but I ran out of time, and...he saw me."

Jack shifted closer, attentive to this detail--concerned.

"Nothing happened," I assured him. "It's just...he was surprised, and I panicked, and I ran out of the building. I dropped the rose where he saw me, so I hope he picked it up before it got trampled on by the other musicians."

Again, Jack was quiet, but now I was unsure if I liked that or not. Unable to deal with the silence, I added, "I feel bad. He saw me--for the first time in a little over a year--and I bolted. What are the chances that I show up when he plays a solo dedicated to me, also? I mean...he must feel awful right now... He probably would've had a good night if I had just left things alone. I know he's one to worry..."

Tenderly, Jack grabs my hand and says, "On the bright side, he knows you're still alive, and that you still care about him and all your other friends enough to visit."

"That is a positive thing," I agreed glumly. "I just can't help but feel guilty anyway."

And suddenly my eyes started watering. I squeezed Jack's hand tightly.

"He dedicated a song to me! And it was beautiful! It had all the right notes and rhythms and tone! A masterpiece--and he made it himself! I wish I could've recorded it! I should've, somehow! Because what if I can never hear it again?! What if me bailing on him today just made him angry and regretful over his piece?? He might never play it again! Jack, it was outstanding and it needs to live on as true art forever and ever! It has to be revered! Why'd it have to be so good?! I don't know if I should feel sad, proud, or angry! Which one?! All I can do is cry and ramble and--!"



He paused.

Sniffling, I caressed his hand and mumbled, "I'm sorry for snapping. I didn't mean it."

He gave a small smile, revealing a hint of his dimples. "It's alright. Snap at me all you want, if it makes you feel better."

"You shouldn't say that so confidently," I said. "That's how abusive relationships start."

"You're too much of a wuss to be abusive."

"I am," I muttered without hesitation.

Jack chuckled and raised a hand to my face to wipe away my tears of frustration. In a soft voice, he said, "I was gonna say that if Craig cared enough to dedicate a solo to you, then he won't give up on you after this. He believed in you all this time since you left your old life behind, didn't he? What'll this incident change?"

When I didn't respond, he brushed a hand through my hair and continued, "I don't know what your relationships with your friends were like, but I know that you're an unforgettable person. That's the reason why I was interested in you in the first place. You reminded me of that little girl I used to be friends with as a kid--you, and now here you are again. I hadn't even known you for long. If I spent a decade with your memory lingering somewhere among all the other stuff in my head, then your friends definitely won't leave you behind as a forgotten figure. Don't be scared. Everything will be alright."

At first, I sat quietly to take his words in. Then, wiping the rest of my tears, I nodded and responded, "You know're right. Everything will be just fine."

"There you go," he encouraged.

Managing a smile, I commented, "You've...really gotten better with emotional support. I remember you used to be very timid about it."

"Well, you're one of the most emotional people I know, so I've learned," he teased.

"Jerk," I muttered and playfully bumped his shoulder.

"Abuse," he proclaimed.

"You practically aim to kill me during training, I think this is fair," I retorted.

"I do not aim to kill," he argued. "I just simulate what real fighting is."

"Real fighting aims to kill me."

"This conversation is over," he deadpanned and stood up from his seat.

"Don't bail on me, chicken!" I announced. "And after you said comfort words at me!"

"I'm not bailing. I just know when to stop arguing with you," he replied.

"Jack, half of our romance consists of intellectual debating, like which is harder: quantum mechanics or raising a child."

"It'll always be raising a child and you know it."

"Oh, do I? Is that a challenge I hear? Because that's what it sounds like."

"Does it sound like a challenge? Because it doesn't, and I'm pretty sure I'm blind, not deaf, sooo.."

I groaned, "Again, with the blind jokes..."

"Eyeless, actually," he corrected.

As he walked away with a snarky smirk on his face, I rushed forward and leaped on his back. Clinging onto him, I said, "Face me like the handsome, lovable, thrilling man you are!"

"Your not-so-subtle flirting can't sway me," he boasted.

I leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek. He froze in his spot and muttered, "Damn, a counter move."

I laughed and hugged my arms around him, nestling my head against his. As Jack struggled to get me off without wanting to judo flip me over, Ben sauntered into the kitchen with a phone in hand and said, "Hey there, lovenerds."

"What?" Jack muttered.

"You heard me."

Chuckling, I greeted, "Hey, Ben. What's up?"

"Just getting some grub," he answered as he opened the pantry, yanked out a half-full bag of Doritos, then shoved it down his sweat pants. I stared at him with a questioning gaze. He looked at me and mumbled, "I don't have pockets."

"And you shove the bag in your pants?"

He shrugged. After the awkwardness subsided, he asked, "What are you two up to?"

"Oh," I started, "we were just--."

"About to debate again which is harder, quantum mechanics or raising kids," Jack interjected.

"Oh, fuck the kids," Ben remarked.

"What'd I tell you?" the eyeless man retorted to me.

"Shut up, you dork," I responded.

"Welp, I'll leave you to your nerd stuff," the elfin wraith said, giving us a wave of his hand. Suddenly, he stopped and looked down at his phone, having received a message it seems.

Before I knew it, Ben screamed and punched a hole through the wall. Jack and I flinched and faced him, surprised. The elfin wraith stared down at his phone screen, seething intensely. Just when I was about to question him, he growled, "What the fuck, he actually sent me pictures, look at his soaked shirt, why is he cute AND hot at the same time, and the car looks brand new but that's besides the point--god I want kill myself, I'm so mad, uuuUHUUGHHH!"

Realizing what he did, he yanked his fist out of the wall and looked at us with wide eyes. Clearing his throat, he stated, "Sorry. I got really emotional. Excuse me while I eat my feelings out with these Doritos shoved in my pants."

"Um, what about the hole?" I called out.

"Masky can fix it," Ben exclaimed as he rushed off. Just as he left, Masky entered the kitchen, saying, "Fix what--aaaaawwwwwwwww...."

Having seen the hole in the wall, he slumped his shoulders and grumbled, "I'll get tools..."

After a moment of silence, I mumbled, "Well, that happened..."

" about raising kids."

I groaned. "It's not that hard!"

"It's hell, Ao."

And off we went debating again, in the middle of the kitchen.


Later on, Ms. P and I met up outside for some magic training. She mostly stands idly on the porch, watching over me, while I recite spells to myself to "enhance my connection" to my magic. These training sessions have mostly yielded the same results: all I do is practice the current abilities I have now and nothing further. Purification, the red magic--which I've finally nicknamed Scarlet for easier reference between Ms. P and I, telekinesis, teleportation, and of course the combination of Purification and Scarlet. That one's risky though. Most times, I can control it, but there are instances when it gets out of hand and I freak everyone out when they think an explosion happened when really it was me. It's a volatile trick that I've been working on the most--need to work on--even after all of this time. I'm close though, I can feel it!

As I inhaled and exhaled deeply, focusing on my magic within me, a bark snapped me out of my meditation. Curious, I looked over at the porch to see Ben standing by the open doors, while Smile runs out to me. While the red and black Siberian Husky bounds up to me and lovingly nudges my legs, I chuckle and give him scratches. From the porch, Ms. P calls out, "Would you like to take a break, Ao?"

"Might as well," I replied, crouching down and receiving wet, doggy kisses from Smile.

"You two got him?" Ben remarked, pointing to the pooch.

"He'll be fine out here," Ms. P answered. "Why?"

"I've got stuff to do."

I smirked at the elfin wraith. "Like what?"

He gave a casual shrug and said, "I don't know, be a ho?"

"Respectable," I said.

Afterwards, he shot Ms. P and I finger-guns and sauntered back indoors. The older woman chuckled and left the porch to meet with Smile and I on the grass.

"How did your meditation feel today?" she asked with a curious glint in her red eyes.

"Just the same as it always does," I answered, turning Smile over and rubbing at his belly. The Husky stuck his tongue out of his mouth, panting cutely.

Ms. P tilted her head. "No change whatsoever?"

"Compared to when I first started, I do feel stronger, but there's always this sense that something is...missing. Like I haven't unlocked everything there is..."

"You've been using the book, yes?" Ms. P inquired, summoning a leather-bound book in her hands surrounded in black smoke.

"I've read through all of the incantations, memorized every rule there is, imprinted every symbol I've seen on those pages in my head--there's no change. I still have the same magic," I stated.

After skimming through the book and pondering, Ms. P sighed and made it disappear. "If you really have tried everything, then...I'm not sure..."

Resting my head in one hand, I asked, "Has this ever happened before? A Proxy being unable to unlock all of their magic?"

"It depends on the person," she explained. "Sometimes they don't need a lot of magic, other times they're capable of more. Usually, this would be the point where I establish that you've achieved everything you could."

"But there's more," I interjected. "I know there is. I mean, I am the true Proxy. Slender said that's what I was. I should have more than what I do now."

"Ao, you have trained long and hard. You are very powerful, and much more than you used to be," Ms. P said.

"I need to be stronger," I replied sternly, but it felt more like a statement to myself than to Ms. P. She crossed her hands together and I recognized the concerned look on her face.

Furrowing my brow, I muttered, "If you saw Elizabeth, you would understand. If anyone saw her that day...they would understand. Then again, I'm glad no one else had been there to see our fight. She strong, yet I don't believe it was because she knew what she was doing at the time. It was like fighting a feral animal that wanted to get out of a corner. Unpredictable, volatile...dangerous.

"But, I don't want to get stronger just so that I can defeat her," I went on. "The last I saw her...she pleaded for me to help her. Said something like she didn't want this to happen, that she 'didn't want to be like this'... I need to be stronger for her."

I stopped scratching Smile's belly and he reacted by sitting up straight. But even when he gave me puppy-dog eyes, I didn't pet him yet. Instead, I grabbed for the necklace Ellie and Jeff gave to me long ago and squeezed it in my palm. Looking up at Ms. P, I said, "If I succeed in getting through to her, I need to let her know that she can count on me to help her. Without that reassurance, she can't be healed back to who she was. But, although I'm optimistic, that doesn't mean that things will be easy. The world is cruel and unfair, so no matter how much I may long to save Ellie, I might not get to. I might have to..."

I couldn't bring myself to admit it right now. Instead, I pursed my lips and hung my head. Ms. P stepped closer and ran a hand through my hair. That motion calmed me down more than I expected and the tension in my shoulders dissipated. Closing my eyes, I continued, "I don't know what to expect when it comes to her now. All I know is that I have to be strong enough for whatever outcome there is. Wherever my power is at now, it's not enough. It will never be enough..."

To the west, the sun was beginning to reach the tops of the trees. A faint orange glow was fading in to our surroundings, making the environment feel warmer, yet I felt coldness inside. Thinking about Ellie never makes me feel good, but that's all I can worry about. Whether I can save her or not, what she's doing currently, how she's feeling, if she'll wreak havoc and to what degree will the chaos be. She's right up there on my Oh-Shit-List with rogue Corrupted.

Suddenly feeling tired, I laid across the grass and pulled Smile along with me. His wagging tail bumped against my legs as he licked at my jaw. While I stared up at the sunset sky, I remarked, "Things used to be so simple, huh, Ms. P?"

The tall, black-attired woman finally sat in the grass next to me and responded, "They did. There are things that I miss."

"Like what?"

She chuckled lightly. "Well...a lot of it had to do with Slenderman. There were times when we would have tea together. Those were the only times he'd show off that monstrous mouth of his in a casual setting, haha. Also, I miss those chats we used to have, and those little trips we'd take away from this realm. Small things make a big difference, though I hate that that's so apparent in the most inconvenient of times...

"And, of course, I miss the training sessions we had with you when you were but a beginner. I also miss when I used to train Ellie, too. My, she was an eager one, even when she pretended to hate it. Just the good old days when you meet new people and getting to know them is an adventure is what I miss, you know? You also get to know new things about yourself as well. It's a wondrous thing."

Hearing Ms. P say that made me realize that she was right. I sorta miss that feeling as well.

"What about you?" she asked me.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and imagined all of the things I miss. It was quite a lot, but I knew I wouldn't be able to spill everything in a short amount of time.

"My other friends, my school, my old home, my parents--even though one betrayed me and practically left me for dead..."

"Well, you can always miss the good times."

"Exactly," I chuckled. "Um...I miss playing violin and getting that rush from a good performance, from hearing perfect harmonies, from the complete silence of a captivated audience...! I doubt I'd play well enough now, though. Too long without practice. Sometimes, I even miss speaking Japanese. Without my parents, I don't have to switch languages anymore."

"See, I don't think anyone here can speak Japanese so no one will be any wiser to correct you," Ms. P commented with a smile.

"Yeah, I could just spout a bunch of bullshit and still sound legit," I joked. "Watashi no saisho no ai wa kaeru Steve."

"What a beautiful saying that I don't know....!"

After we shared a laugh, the older woman asked, "Anything else?"

With a sigh, I looked down at my legs and stared at my bright, white tattoos. "Sam. His voice. His presence. After sixteen years of him, I'll never get over his absence. But I'm thankful for memories. I'm thankful all of the time. I'm still alive because of him."

"That is a blessing," Ms. P said. "All of us can thank Sam."

"He would've loved the attention," I jested lightly.

For a while, the two of us stared off at the setting sun, and Smile relaxed next to me. Then, Ms. P stood up and patted her dress as she said, "I believe that's enough training for today. Care for some tea?"

"I'm good, thank you," I answered.

She nodded. "Come inside whenever you are ready."

With that, she walked off and I listened to her crunching steps in the grass. The Siberian Husky next to me sat up with perked ears to watch her leave. I ran my hands through the furry mane at his chest and sighed. The orange glow of a dusking day highlighted his red fur exceptionally. I complimented, "You're such a pretty boy."

Smile looked down at me and his mouth pulled into a grin. I chuckled and bopped his wet nose. "That used to freak me out. Now it's cute."

I finally got up and dusted off any grass that might've gotten on my clothes. One look at my legs made me curious and I lifted up my shirt to see my stomach. Delicately, I traced my finger over the new white, tribal marks on my abdomen. They're growing faster...

Smile nudged my hip with his head and I chuckled. With a smirk, I let go of my shirt and scratched the Husky behind the ear. "Alright, alright. Let's go inside, boy."

The red and black Husky happily trotted ahead of me and I followed. Before I made it to the porch, I took one last look to the sunset and all of the colors in the sky. For some reason, I wondered if Ellie was looking at the same sky. What could she be thinking of? What could she be feeling?

I returned to the mansion with Smile, my mind racing with worry once again.


After a nice shower, I went to Jack's room to rest after this long day. When I walked in, towel in hand, I saw Jack sitting on the bed, against the wall, with a book in hand. It was one of the newer Braille books I had gotten him, a fiction work once again. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. It's not a very simple book, but it's close to the kind of nonfiction he's read all his life. It looks like he's half-way through it, but he's just re-reading; he finished that book almost the same day I gave it to him.

"Hey," I said, plopping down next to him.

"Finally back from the bathroom?" he remarked.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Let me take my long showers in peace."

As I folded up the towel to set it aside, Jack put the book down and grabbed for my hand. I gladly gave him my palm and he intertwined our fingers tenderly. A smile met my lips.

"Ao," he started, "I was thinking..."

I cocked my head. "About what?"

He rubbed his thumb against my skin and said, "You've been stressing out more than usual."

"Uh huh. That's a given."

"It shouldn't be."

"Well, this Proxy stuff disagrees, but continue."

"Anyway," he said, "I was thinking...we should get your violin back."

I paused, surprised by his suggestion. "Why now?" I questioned.

"I figured having it again would help lift your spirits more," he elaborated. "I know you miss it. Whenever you talk about music, I can hear that passion and love in your voice. I can only imagine how you must feel when you're playing, though I bet it's fantastic. If it is, you should have your violin back."

Squeezing his hand, I murmured, "I don't know if I'd have the time..."

"Well, when you do, you'll have a violin at the ready."

I chuckled wryly. "Jack...I..."

"I want you to be happy," he said. "You want to be too."

"But, I'm already--."

"No, you're not," he retorted. "Not that anyone can ever be truly happy, but you deserve to have a little more. I can't always be enough."

"Don't say that," I chided, brushing a hand through his hair.

Suddenly, he leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine. I was taken aback for a millisecond, but held him in place afterward. My fingers caressed through his auburn hair, while he let go of my hand to hold onto my waist. I could feel the warmth of his palms through my shirt. His kiss became more needy, and I held him tighter in my embrace. Just when we began slipping down the wall, Jack caught me and propped himself up with one arm. Leaning his head against mine, he whispered, "Ao, let me give you little gift at a time."

Heart racing, I responded with a giddy grin, "O-Okay..."

Jack gave me another heated kiss before letting go and saying, "Get changed."

As he got up from the bed, I was left in my spot and mumbled, "Wha?"

"We're getting your violin," he said.

Glancing at the window, I replied, "I-It's late."

"That's never stopped us before, has it?" he jested.

"Well, no, but--."

He suddenly grabbed my folded towel, unfurled it, then proceeded to hit me with it until I got off the bed.

"Change. Into. Something. We're. Leaving," he droned on.

"I can't change if you keep hitting me...!"

"How weak of you."


After I got changed out of my PJs and into some jeans and a t-shirt, I yanked the towel away from the eyeless man and said, "Now you change."

"I don't need to conform to society's standards."

"You know what I mean!" I said, and cackled as I smacked him with the towel in return.

Once the both of us were ready to go and stopped fighting over the towel, we left the bedroom to sneak out of the mansion. As Jack and I made our way down the hallway, I commented, "Although you hyped me up pretty well, I'm not sure if we'll find my violin."

"Where'd you leave it last?" he inquired, voice slightly muffled by the blue mask he donned.

"At my school, though I doubt it's still in its locker after all this time," I said.

"Maybe it's still there, just not in the locker."


"Besides, I'm sure Ben wouldn't have a problem with 'borrowing' a new violin," the masked man said.


When we made it to the front doors of the mansion, Jack and I stopped. I turned to him and asked, "We're really doing this?"

"Yes. Do you not want to?"

Staring at the French doors, I mumbled, "Well, I'm a bit hesitant--."

"Too bad."

"Jack, I swear..."

Without a warning, he opened one door and I had to follow behind. Outside, the air was fresh and cool, and I was kinda glad I brought a jacket along. I had to lead the way out of the forest since I knew our wanted destination, and after about fifteen minutes of walking we made it to a familiar city of mine. It's so surreal to be back in Gracewood...

Another bout of walking finally started to get us somewhere as I recalled the way to my school using the environment. The whole time, I kept looking back at Jack, and holding his hand sometimes to make me feel less nervous about this situation. Also, I just like holding his hand.

More and more walking in the middle of the night eventually got us to my old high school. It looked just the same as ever with green lawns, flagpoles at the front entrance, signature blue and grey school colors, and a hawk mural painted at the front. I could just imagine it looked the same walking in, too.

Standing by the gates, Jack murmured, "Ao, can this be considered a date?"

I smirked at him. "Breaking and entering into my old school? Sure."

"Sweet." Then, he pulled out a blue scarf from his pocket. Oh my god, it's the old scarf I gave to him a long time ago... When he tied it around his arm, he remarked, "Figure it's too hot to wear on my neck, but I can make do. I consider this my 'date scarf'. Because you gave it to me on our...second--?"

"First date, Jack."

"Yes. That one."

I stared at him, and I could tell he sensed my expression and shifted awkwardly.

"Anyway," he piped up, "this is my date scarf. Kinda. I also take it with me when I have to leave the mansion's special. But tonight, it is 'date scarf'."

"You're so cute," I chirped.

"I am a vicious man, Ao. I can choke someone out with this very scarf."

"Please, don't."

"I won't. I'm just saying. I can."

"I know you can."

"Good. Remember that."

"......Can we break into my school already?"

"Oh yeah."

Chuckling, I pulled my hood up and Jack did the same for his jacket. First, I helped to boost him up over the gate, while I had to flicker to the other side. If I could bring him along with me, this little mission would be so much easier. Unfortunately, teleportation for me is a single-person ride..

I had to teleport inside the school once we got to the front doors, and thankfully they weren't locked from the inside. Jack slinked inside and followed me again to the fine arts section. Like I thought before, the place doesn't look any different indoors than the last time I was here. A few new posters here and there, but overall, it's the same.

In the fine arts wing, the orchestra area was locked (of course). I figured I'd be fine on my own for this, so I told Jack, "Keep an ear out for anything. I'll be right back. Hopefully, I find my violin..."

"Go ahead. I'll be here," he responded, standing by the wall.

I smiled at him before closing my eyes and flickering to the other side of the locked doors, into the orchestra room. My hand fumbled on the wall for a moment before hitting the light switch. After a couple of minutes of powering on, the room was illuminated and my nostalgia spiked sky-high.

Although the room was empty, I could imagine the order of the chairs. Everything was still the same as before; lockers against one wall, the awards high above on shelves, posters and charts for scales on bulletin boards. It even still has that same smell of...I don't know, an orchestra room? I couldn't help but gallop around the empty room, taking in everything once again. I even stood in the same spot where first chair-violin would be--my chair for the entire three years I've been in varsity. Across, I eyed a certain spot where Craig's first chair-cello placement would be. Well, used to be, now that he's out of high school.

Remembering the task at hand, I rushed over to where my old locker was and saw a combination lock. I took a chance and put in my old code, and surprisingly it worked...! But inside there were two instrument cases that weren't mine. Of course I couldn't have expected for the orchestra to keep my case in a locker if I wasn't coming back. Where would it be, then?

An idea came to mind and I ran over to the storage room. Inside, they keep school instruments and any other orchestral supplies for students. For the third time, I flickered over to the other side and turned on the light switch. The storage room wasn't too crowded, but still had plenty of stuff to be a bit intimidating. Still, I scanned the rows of school instruments at the back, on the lookout for mine (if it was here...).

Several case checks later, I came up with nothing. I felt defeated for a moment, but only for a moment, before I realized that my violin wouldn't be in storage. That thing costed two thousand dollars, and I think that was with a discount... It'd be put in a safer place where some random student can't get it and potentially break it. And I know just the place...!

Quickly, I turned out lights and teleported out of the storage room. I ended up inside my old instructor's office, the go-to spot for any orchestra student to keep something important. Standing in her office again felt strange, but it was still as cozy as ever (she still has those inspirational music posters, but not the cringey kind, the kind that actually make you think). But taking my mind off of memory-lane, I snooped around for anything like my violin case. Sure enough, I found a case with a blue ribbon on the handle and a note that had my name on it under the desk (easy!). And with a case-check I was happy to see that my instrument was in perfect condition. Although the strings sounded god-awful, I was glad to have my wooden baby back. I was also glad my instructor kept it all this time, safe and sound. I wish I could leave a note for her, but I'm not exactly a normal citizen anymore...

With that, I left the office as it was before I came in, as well as the orchestra room (luckily, my instrument comes with me just fine). Feeling successful, I returned to Jack with a huge smile on my face. The eyeless man turned his head towards me and said, "Find anything?"

"Sure did!" I chimed.

He stifled a chuckle. "Great. Let's get going then."

As we were walking down the hallway, my steps slowed and I glanced back at the rest of the hall. Jack noticed this and asked, "What's wrong?"

Clutching my case handle tighter, I said, "I kinda don't want to leave just yet. This may be the only chance we have at us having a date for a while, you know?"

The masked man turned his body completely towards me, intrigued. I looked up at him and added, "Can we...stay out for a little while longer?"

Again, he uttered a charming chuckle and replied, "If that makes you happy, then yes."

A smile slowly made its way onto my lips as my chest swelled with eagerness. Looking down the hallway, I said, "Let's explore a little."

Jack followed me again as I made my way through the hall to get to the auditorium. Even though I knew the doors would be locked, I still checked them anyway, but I had an idea. I thrust my violin case to Jack and said, "Hold this," before flickering to the other side. Before getting to the auditorium, there's a quaint section for the drama club and their classroom. A smile was on my face the entire time that I teleported into the classroom and scrounged for anything that'd pop open the auditorium doors.

When I came back to Jack, I had a piece of sturdy plastic in hand. The masked man stood idly beside me as I pulled on one side of the doors, slipped the plastic in-between, then unlocked the lock. I swung the door open with a flourish, feeling satisfied with myself. "C'mon," I beckoned Jack.

There's a hallway that leads to the auditorium without a door. While Jack followed me into the grand room, I ran for the stage to get to the back where the light switches were. Above, the stage lights clicked on and I beamed up at them. Excitedly, I ran to the center of the stage, spotted Jack loitering in one of the aisles, and pointed to him. "You there with the violin case!"


"Before you lies where one of the greatest musicians in all of history used to play as a simple student! On this very stage, she cultivated her art so that one day she could take the world by storm! With but a violin, a bow, and her wits at hand, she was to be a savant!"


"Just let me do this," I said, then cleared my throat to continue my pretentious announcer voice. "Where you stand now is where many have stood before, sitting among these slightly-comfy chairs, gazing ahead at orchestra upon orchestra. Yet none of those orchestras had the shining child that was to be the greatest musician ever!

"On this stage, she ruled with fellow musicians! On this stage, she won awards and made her school proud! On this stage, she impressed the nonbelievers and brought honor to those who supported her! On this stage...she made music her own, made it a part of her soul, made it a living entity that could move hearts all at once...! On this stage, the greatest musician in the world was reborn again and again, better each time! So, you with the violin case should be stricken with awe as you stand among a place with higher significance than just 'an auditorium'...!"

My grandiose speech was met with silence and I stared into the audience of chairs awkwardly. After I waited, Jack finally reacted and clapped softly. Better than nothing.

The masked man climbed up onto the stage, setting my violin case near the edge, and said, "So, is this 'great musician' you spoke of supposed to be you?"

Rubbing my neck, I answered, "Well, maybe it could've been..."

He chuckled and held my hand. "You'll always be the greatest musician to me."

"'re my world?"

He cocked his head to the side.

"Y...You know...because I'm the greatest musician to the world. You're my world."

Once he figured it out, he groaned and muttered, "You're so cheesy, it hurts me."

"Endure the pain," I said blatantly.

Abruptly, I let go of his hand and said, "I've got a nice surprise! While I was in the drama teacher's classroom, I snagged myself one of his music CDs."

"Which one?"

"Wait," I said, singsong, as I ran backstage to get to the stereo system in the corner. It looked like a complicated machine but after Kayla was a drama tech that one time in freshman year, I remembered how to work the system. After putting in the CD and making sure the settings were right, I started the music.

Immediately, a gentle piano melody played from the speakers and I hurriedly returned to Jack. As the piano played, and an orchestra along with it, I grabbed Jack's hand and said, "Care to give a girl a dance?"

Michael Bublé started singing just as Jack took off his mask and pulled me closer. "I'd love to."

With one hand on his shoulder and the other in his palm, I let him lead the way with a smile on my face. A grin met his lips too, and his dimples stood out softly against his gray skin. He began stepping back and forth in a circle, slowly at first, and I followed his footing. Delicately, he twirled me and I giggled amusedly. And as soon as I returned to his arms, our steps became more august and we were practically dancing across the whole stage. A few times, we tripped on each other, but we always laughed it off (I'm in love with his laugh as much as I am with him). All around us, the music echoed, and we embraced it with every step we took together, and I could feel the rhythm inside of me come so naturally it could be a sixth sense.

There was energy and grace when Jack twirled me and pulled me back into his arms. A rush of joy always washed over me when he spun me, when he held me, when he smiled at me, when he moved with the elegance of a professional dancer. Seeing him now, it'd be hard to envision him as a fighter, yet both actions require amazing precision. I'm glad I'm not such a noob at this, or else I'd be stumbling everywhere with him like a dunce. Jack is outstanding in every way that it's hard not to be entranced. Everything about him pulls me in, and even when I've discovered his little mysteries, I still love coming back for more of him. He's become an adventure.

Again, with a flourish, Jack spun me, but when he pulled me back, he picked me up and I was made a giggling, squealing mess. I clung onto him as he just held me, pressed my forehead against his, and enjoyed the warmth of his tender hug. We shared loving smiles, and Jack looked more radiant than before, especially with these stage lights. It was absolutely stunning. And for some reason, I felt like crying. I felt like sobbing my heart out because holding him so close was too much for it to handle.

The music, the's like old times. Memories flooded in of the first meetings we had, of the experiences we had together, of the intimate moments we shared that were so priceless. There were times when Jack had wondered: why did I love him so much? And my answer was always pretty much the same: I just do. Now...I can't help but wonder why he still loves me. Why does he love me when I'm this person I'm not sure I recognize anymore? I've always been lucky and grateful to have the things I've had, but Jack is the one person I feel I don't deserve...yet I want him to stay by my side no matter how much life tries to pull him away from me.

"I love you," I whispered to him, trying not to cry.

Hugging me tighter, he replied fondly, "I love you too."

As the song came to its end, Jack carefully set me down and placed a kiss on my lips. And I placed my hands behind his neck, pulling him closer, kissing him harder, needing him in my arms just like this, forever. My heartache a few moments ago didn't feel as overwhelming anymore once I realized that if I asked him why he loves me, his words would come down to one answer...

He just does.


We came back to the mansion, having left no trace of us behind at my school except for an unlocked auditorium door and a missing CD of romantic, big band music. My violin case sat at the corner of our bedroom where it would wait to be properly tuned in the morning. Jack and I were tuckered out, and so much so that we fell on the bed together without taking our shoes off. I kept humming that Michael Bublé song as I laid next to Jack, gradually lulling the both of us into peaceful sleep. My heart didn't feel heavy anymore, and my worries felt nonexistent here, in bed, next to the adorable, handsome man with a date scarf tied around his arm. And while we were still conscious, we shared one last gentle kiss before falling asleep in each other's arms.


In the morning, I went out to buy a new book for Jack, or moreover for me to read to Jack. On my errand, I decided it'd be nice to get Jeff that 5x5 Rubik's cube that I mentioned he should try. I was excited to have gotten it for him and quickly hurried home to the mansion.

It was early in the morning--it'll barely be 7:00--so I didn't expect Jeff to answer the door when I knocked on it. But, for some reason, something told me to go inside and see him. Maybe it was my need to see his reaction to my gift, or something else, but I ended up opening the door anyway.

The bed was empty, blanket rumpled and pillow astray on the floor. I figured he went to the bathroom, but I took notice of one small detail.

His shoes weren't by the door. He never uses them unless he goes outside. And Ben is usually awake at night and would hear if Jeff ever...leaves.


Panic courses through me as I ran out of the room in search for Jeff, leaving his gift behind on the unmade bed where I wished he would be.

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