Chapter 47

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I apologize for the really slow update. But I have a feeling you all will really enjoy this chapter and the next (and I mean it this time, lol). Hopefully, I can update on Valentine's Day, which would be great since Valentine's is the date that I first published this book. Can you believe it? A whole year and it's nearly finished! I've improved from C&B, haha.

If I don't make it for Valentine's, just know that the next update is supposed to be for that day.

Btw, music in the multimedia is TROYE SIVAN, MARTIN GARRIX - There For You...!

Enjoy! <3]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 47

Reese's POV

The hospital room was quiet save for the soft pulses coming from the EKG monitor. Hunter had fallen asleep before I arrived, but I couldn't bring myself to wake him up just to tell him goodbye. I should. I'll be gone for a weekend. One time, he nearly had a heart attack when I came home very late, but that was because he had forgotten to pick me up from school, and his phone wasn't working so I couldn't call him, so I ended up walking home in drizzling rain. He never missed a beat to pick me up ever again after that.

Hunter slept soundly as I reached out and held his hand. Ever since the seizure incident, nurses have been keeping closer eye on him. I felt bad for having to leave, because of that. It makes my nerves thrum thinking about something happening to him while I'm gone and I can't be there for him. Then again, Ben could always teleport us here in such an emergency, but what if we'd still be too late? Agh, stop it, Reese. Quit thinking about this before you send yourself into a panic attack.

"Don't worry too much about me," I whispered to his sleeping mind. "If you're feeling down, be honest about it. Mom and Artem will be here for you, and I'll be back soon."

He groaned unconsciously and knit his brow, as if actually hearing me. His fingers tightened on my hand for a moment and then went slack again. Who knows how long he'll be out. He's been given a cocktail of medicine to help with his pain and stress. I wish I could stay until he wakes up. Hopefully he gets better while I'm away. He'll definitely love a souvenir to perk him up.

"Bremya nikogda ne budet vashim," I murmured sloppy Russian, before giving Hunter's hand a kiss and letting go. Quietly, I made my way out of the room so that he could continue to rest peacefully. Nurses smiled at me as I passed, and that reassured me more than I thought it would.

In the lobby, Ben was looking at paintings as he waited for me. The moment he spotted me stepping out of the elevator, he smiled and waved—his smile was so big that he had to close his eyes for a moment, and it was adorable.

"How was he?" he asked.

"Nurses say he's doing fine. He was asleep when I went up and I didn't have it in me to wake him," I replied.

As if sensing my worry, he held my wrist and said, "He'll be okay, Reese. He can get all the rest he needs here. Don't feel bad."

I nodded and couldn't help but think about how warm Ben's palm was against my skin. "You should've gone with me."

He shook his head. "I don't feel like it's my place. This is personal. And what could I do besides stare?"

"I'm sure he would've liked to see you."

A smile touched his pink lips. "When we come back."

Reluctantly, I nodded and I felt my fingers tingle at the urge to hold Ben's hand for comfort. His hand brushed against mine briefly as he let go before he said, "Let's get going. Okay?"

Without protest, I followed him to the exit, stealing a glance at the lobby just before we stepped past the threshold. From here on out, it'll be just the two of us. I have him and he has me, for a whole weekend. Although my mind races with worries, I know this will be good for me. My neuroticism is a testament to the fact that I am in dire need of a break.

"Hey, do you want food before we go? Or would you rather eat there? Do you want a snack? A meal? Dessert? Ice cream sounds pretty good. Any time is ice cream time," Ben went on as he led me through the hospital parking lot. As he kept listing off various foods he would be more than happy to give me, I just smiled at him.

Regardless if I'm stressed, I would've gladly taken this break anyway—only with Ben.


It's a damn good thing Ben can teleport, because it would've taken us over a day to get to Vegas by car. First thing he did was drop me off nearby the hotel we were going to be staying at. Already, the scenery awed me. It looked like we were in the more extravagant part of Las Vegas (it's not all lights and dazzle). The moment Ben disappeared again, I felt the weight of this new place press into me. It was like New York all over again. Everything was so different and unfamiliar. I wonder if I can hold Ben's hand again...

I walked the sidewalk towards the hotel we were going to be staying in. Nothing but sleek, sports cars filled the parking lot off to the side, and the sight of a valet helped me to discern just how lavish this place was. Ben didn't have to go this far. I bet a regular hotel would feel like an amusement park to me.

I stood around, shifting in my place, until the familiar purr of the Chevelle came from the street. Its black exterior came into sight as it pulled up to the curb, then the passenger window rolled down. Ben leaned over, pulled down his sunglasses and chimed, "No need to make you walk. Get in."

With a blush on my face, I opened the passenger door and hopped inside. It was such a surreal thing to cruise up to the hotel in a classic muscle car that will be surrounded by newer car models, but obviously the Chevelle tops every single one.

Grinning cheekily, Ben revved the engine before bringing the car to the valet. I shook my head at his obvious smugness and tried not to let the blush on my face overtake me. Once we got to the front, we got out and took our bags down. The valet gladly offered to take the Chevelle so that he could park it, and the hesitant look in Ben's eyes as he handed over the keys to his baby made me stifle a snort.

The moment I stepped through the entrance, I felt cool AC and gazed at a warm-colored hotel lobby. Patterns laced the carpeting, the walls, and even on the ceiling. People sat and chatted on the sofas and recliners off to the side, and employees blitzed by to do their work with the utmost hospitality. I can't imagine how much work they have to put into running this place, a Vegas hotel.

Ben sauntered up to the front desk and spoke to one of the receptionists. She greeted with a bright smile and kept it as they talked. I was too busy looking at the decor to pay attention to what they discussed. I finally focused on them when the receptionist said, "My apologies, sir. Weekends are usually busy, and somehow we mixed up your room. It's already taken."

"Aw. Is there anything else available?" Ben asked.

The receptionist checked her computer and nodded. "All we could give the two of you is an available suite. It's a one-bedder though."

Ben pouted, but just as he was about to speak, I said, "That's fine. We'll take it."

The woman nodded and typed away on her keyboard. "We won't charge you for the suite, since we mixed up your reservation. Here is your keycard. Enjoy your stay."

Ben grabbed the keycard, thanked the lady, and then we were on our way. He pulled a smirk and said, "A suite, huh? Wonder if it's the honeymoon type. Oooo, will it come with complementary wine? Haha!"

As we stood in the elevator with other guests, I realized that Ben is showing more excitement about this than I am. Honestly, I really am thrilled to be here. I hope he doesn't think I'm bored with this place already, or of him. Bored—with Ben? Yeah right...!

The screen above the doors showed the number 12, and we had made our stop. Ben and I got off on our floor and searched for our room. Well, mostly he did, while I gawked at the hallway layout too. Paintings, fancy light fixtures, a pleasant vase of flowers here and there.

We made a stop at a white door and Ben inserted the keycard. There was a soft beep, a click, then he opened the door. The moment the lights came on, I finally exclaimed a gasp for the first time since I got here.

Not only was the suite just as lavish as the rest of the hotel, but it was really big—so spacious it could be an entire apartment. There was a kitchen with a mini bar to the left of the entrance, while a large bathroom was to the left, wide bathtub, twin sinks and all. At the left corner was a lounge with a TV and sofas. And then taking up the right wall was the one bed, and just looking at the pillows and duvet made me feel like I was on a cloud already. This is amazing...!

As I marveled at every detail and walked through every part of the suite, Ben went to the far wall which was covered by a thick curtain. He pulled the whole thing back and revealed a perfect view of Las Vegas. The shining buildings against the clear blue sky made me feel so giddy I bounced on my feet.

"Wait until night comes," Ben remarked. "It'll look fantastic."

I pressed my hand against the window, trying to stare down as much as I could. The anticipation for what was to come was already starting to get to me. When I really think about it, it's so bizarre for me to be here. This is insane, but I love it...!

The sound of Ben's soft grunt caught my attention and I turned to see him lying across the king-size bed, looking serene. When he met my eyes, he smiled and patted the space beside him. I didn't wait to set down my things and join him. Eagerly, I hopped next to him and was engulfed in the comfort of the cool, plush duvet. "Whoaaa," I awed.

"It's nice. Wish they had little mints on the pillows, though. That'd be cute," he said. The blonde wraith rolled over and felt at the pillows. He grabbed something and examined it. It was a remote. For the TV?

Ben pressed the buttons and suddenly the bed lifted at the front and started vibrating, which startled me. He cackled and said, "No way, it's a massage bed! Haha!"

Just as I was about to get up, he pushed me down and said, "Wait, check it out! Do you want mild? Regular? Super? Or...ultra!" The ultra setting tickled me somehow so I lunged for the remote to make Ben stop. He dodged my hand and held the remote away from me, causing me to clamber over him for it. Just as I was about to grab it, he tossed me over onto my side and looked over me. With a grin, he said, "I'll stop if you say the secret password."

"How can I say the secret password if it's secret?"

"Fair point, but you still have to guess."

With a sigh, I replied, "Um...please?"

"Pfft, basic."

"Pretty please?"


I took a few seconds to come up with something clever, then said, "Ben is best boy?"

He wiggled his eyebrows. "You bet your ass I am."

"Yah, turn the bed off," I chuckled and finally yanked the remote from him to press the off button. Afterwards, we sat in tranquil silence. I couldn't help but look towards the view of the city again, eager for the nighttime version. Ben sighed and laid on his stomach, holding up his head in his hands. "What do you think?" he asked.

"I'm...excited," I answered. "Very excited. This suite alone is amazing."

"Don't get too thrilled just yet," he responded. "We can still have stuff to see before night falls."

"Like what?"

He smirked mischievously at me. "You'll see, my peanut butter cup."

With a grunt, Ben rolled off the bed and stood up with his shoulders perked. "First things first, food! C'mon."

As much as the bed was enticingly comfy compared to anything I've ever felt, the lure of adventure and newness felt more important to me. I got up and followed Ben out of the suite as he donned his sunglasses. Apparently the hotel also had a restaurant within it, where guests could come and dine without having to leave the building. The thing is, the food is expensive and I didn't want Ben to buy, even if he could magically summon money or credit cards (which I still don't know where he gets those from). Instead of fancy eating, we settled for pizza. No one can ever go wrong with pizza.

We got the Chevelle from the valet and Ben drove to wherever there was great pizza. Meanwhile, I sat quiet most of the time, gazing out the window at all the buildings, shops, structures, and all. The buildings here aren't as tall compared to New York, but what Las Vegas makes up for in height is its sheer over-exaggerated nature. Big signs, intriguing building shapes, and a lot of palm trees. A lot.

We didn't go anywhere special and stuck with a regular pizza place. Thankfully, it was not as packed as we thought it'd be. My stomach growled as soon as we parked and I stifled an embarrassed chuckle. Ben simply smiled at me and said, "Don't worry, Reese's pieces. I'll treat you right!~"

Well, considering we're in Vegas, miles away from Wriamont, I definitely believe him.

We were at a booth inside in no time, with our order pending. I wondered what it is we could do here in Vegas. It feels like there is so much, yet too much to really decide. Food is always a must though, no matter what kind it is. I also wondered how this weekend will play out. Ben's running the whole thing, but I've got a plan of my own too. I've decided that this will be my chance to confess my feelings for him, which I've realized have always lied underneath for some time now—I'm just a big fucking idiot.

"Reese," Ben's voice called to me. I looked up from my daze and met his blue, illusion eyes. Looking at them was like looking at a pool of diamonds. The little smile he pulled brightened them as he said, "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "I'm just thinking, is all."

"About what?"

You. "What we're going to do. I'm excited."

"To be honest, I didn't expect for us to have a lot of time today. Everything I planned was for tomorrow," he said.

"It's okay. I can wait." The hotel seems cool enough.

Our pizza was ready and served by an employee. I wasn't going to wait around to eat and went for a slice as soon as I could. But the bane of my existence when it came to food, hot temperature, kept me from scarfing it down immediately.

Ben had gone to get napkins, and when he came back, he stood still for a moment. While I stuffed my mouth with cheese, he said, "We should go to the garden."

I stopped and looked at him. "What?"

He pointed out the window beside the booth, and I looked to see a billboard sign for a Vegas botanical garden. The happy little girl in the front looking at hummingbirds assured that the place was a good time.

"I'm game," I said. Ben pulled a smile and hopped into the booth across from me so we could enjoy our time. Somehow, while we ate, our feet started bumping into each other because I shook my leg. Eventually, it turned into a game of footsie between us that we tried really hard not to laugh at in the restaurant (we still got looks, of course). We stopped when it started getting a little too aggressive. Plus I almost made Ben drop his pizza and he got pouty over it.

"Stoooooop," he whined, "I coulda dropped my croissant!"

I raised an eyebrow. "We're eating pizza."

"It's a reference, Reese! Get with the times," he teased. I didn't continue the subject and just smiled at him.

After we had our fill of pizza, we left for the botanical garden. The parking lot was packed considering it was the weekend, but Ben found a parking space with ease. Entering the place felt like entering a different world. Models of birds and were hung up in the air and TVs presented information of flora in slides. The walls were painted to look like a green landscape and the marble floor glittered as we walked. It was pretty. I don't think I've ever been to a botanical garden.

Ben paid for us to go in, and he bought bird feed as well. He was really excited to see the birds by the way he kept bouncing in his place and holding the little baggie. I couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. If only he was a little shorter, someone could've mistaken him for the bubbling kids all around us. Eh, I'd rather not imagine liking a kid. Oh great, I made myself uncomfortable.

We exited the lobby into an open space with giant beds of flowers in the middle and at he sides. Colors of yellow, pink, purple, and green were everywhere around us. To the side was a carousel where children eagerly tugged on their parents' hands to get a chance to ride. Floral and grassy scents brushed my nose no matter were I went. Natural light cascaded down from the glass ceiling above. Damn, this place means business.

Ben and I took a look at all the bright colored sculptures that went along with the flowers. Some of them were even made of flowers. Flowers I didn't know existed caught my eye and I learned flower stuff from a worker who was giving a tour. The atmosphere was nice and relaxing, but I had a bit of a panic when I looked around for Ben because he wasn't anywhere. Great, will I have to go to the front desk and call for him?

Suddenly, someone tugged on my wrist and led me away from the main conservatory. There was an outdoor area where people could get fresh air and sunlight, but that wasn't where Ben and I were heading. He took me to a separate area where the birds were housed. It was also a wide space, filled with trees and plants of different variety in order to simulate a real ecosystem. Tweets and chirps came from all around and I stopped to gaze at everything.

In my trance, I felt a peck at my ankle and looked down to see a roaming peacock. It bobbed its head and looked up at me. "Hi," I said, and waved to it. It suddenly tried to nip at my hand and I backed away. Jesus, peacocks are bigger and scarier than I thought...

"That's Gilbert," an employee said warmly. "He tends to bother people a lot."

"He's cute," Ben said.

"He leaves you alone when you feed him," the employee added.

"Is that so? Here." Ben dug out some bird feed from his bag and leaned down to give it to Gilbert the peacock. Gilbert obliged to eat from the wraith's hand without delay and Ben simply smiled and marveled at the extravagant bird with serene eyes. Before I knew it, I found myself taking a picture of the two with my phone. I should probably start taking photos from now on.

Once we were sure Gilbert would not peck my ankles anymore, we continued exploring the bird exhibit. Feathered friends of different size and color flew around us or hung out in the trees. There were even ducks and ducklings free to roam the floor or swim in the ponds. I ended up helping one of the babies over a ridge of rocks and Ben was practically butter in my hands afterward. He wouldn't stop clinging to me, but I, of course, didn't mind the attention.

There came an opportunity for me to feed a bird, but Ben picked out the species. I ended up holding a big parrot on my arm, but she kept flapping her wings and hitting my face, even when I offered food. Yet again, Ben came to my rescue and fed her for me. The parrot ate from his hand as she perched on my arm, and after she was done, she said a squawked, "Thank you, beautiful."

"Oh, stop," Ben giggled as he scratched the parrot's neck. Is it bad I got jealous? Over a fuckin' bird?

After roaming the bird exhibit, and simultaneously avoiding Gilbert the peacock at the same time, Ben and I decided to check out the butterfly room. It was like the bird room, except smaller and with butterflies of different variety. There were display cases showing information on the different butterfly species and how to properly take care of the environment for them. The room had a very tranquil atmosphere to it, especially since it included a lounge area were people could enjoy sitting amongst the flowers and fluttering butterflies.

I took a seat at that lounge and watched as Ben gazed at all the flora and butterflies around him. His eyes glittered with fascination and wonder, and I got the impression he had never been to a conservatory before either. The blonde wraith held out his hand in hopes that a butterfly might land. I thought the sight was cute, but knew none of the butterflies would perch on his fingers. They fluttered around too much to bother with anyone.

And then, by some sort of miracle, a blue butterfly (a morpho, I recall) landed on his knuckles and gently moved its wings as it adjusted. I heard him gasp in surprise, but then he held completely still as to not disturb the butterfly. Slowly, he turned towards me and silently motioned to it with a wide grin on his face.

Carefully, I walked up to him to take a picture of the butterfly on his fair-toned hand. During, I glanced at his face and saw that fascinated, serene look in his eyes again. They sparkled a dazzling blue, almost as blue as the butterfly's illustrious wings. But his eyes weren't fleeting and wouldn't disappear within the blink of an eye. They were beautiful and lasting. In fact, looking at them made me yearn for his natural eyes again. I remembered that dream I had of him, and the memory of the concert we experienced together. His eyes burned such a strong, fiery red; bright like a gorgeous sunset. I recalled the feeling of wanting to be consumed in his red-eyed gaze. Even now, I wanted to be locked in his eyes forever. They burn so deep and I love every second of it.

"Ben," I began subconsciously. He looked up at me and the yearning in my chest became stronger. I couldn't take this anymore. "Can I...Can I tell you something?"

"Of course," he said kindly. "What is it?"

The moment I tried to confess, I felt a sharp pain at my ankle. Frowning, I looked down to see none other than Gilbert the peacock. Why is he here?!

"What the hell? You don't belong here, Gilbert! Get out!" I hissed.

Gilbert protested by continuing to peck at my ankles.

"Agh! Ben, give him bird feed!"

"I ran out," he answered.

"What? How??"

"The birds were hungry. They needed all the nutrients," he murmured.

"Dammit! Gilbert, stop!" I complained as the persistent peacock pecked me out of the butterfly room towards who knows where. It was a good thing an employee came to stop him and take him back. I swear, he was trying to take me out through the lobby, like he was gonna rob me or some shit. I wouldn't be surprised; this is Vegas, after all. Peacocks can get in on the crazy action too.

So the mood was ruined by a big fuckin' bird, and I felt too embarrassed to continue what I was trying to say to Ben. But the giddy smile on his face from seeing me struggle with Gilbert warmed my heart. He made it up to me by getting me chocolates and a paper weight, which was a red chrysanthemum preserved inside a ball of resin. I was surprised when I got the gifts. The chocolates didn't last a second with me, but I never wanted to let go of the paper weight. Hell yeah, my first souvenir!

We drove around Vegas in the Chevelle, stopping by to sightsee and take some time to walk together. The most exciting place was the Strip. I took as many pictures as I could; of the sun setting in the sky, the buildings towering overhead, the lights coming to life, street performers showing off. It was like I couldn't keep my mouth closed for more than five seconds. Granted, not everything was grand. I did not know people liked to give out cards of naked women. Apparently it's a thing. Learned that the hard way. We also met a prostitute who casually offered her services to us. Ben struck up a nonchalant conversation with her, started asking how much she earns, and I knew exactly where he was going with it, so I told him, "No," and then dragged him away. Ben can be a hoe all he wants...just not to other people. Maybe only to me...

Eventually, when night fell and everything started lighting up, we had to return to the hotel. As soon as we were in the room, I threw myself onto the bed and sighed aloud. Ben took to the shower first, while I practically napped on the cloud-like duvet. Before I knew it, the scent of sweet soap touched my nose and I slowly opened my eyes. I was surprised to see Ben sitting beside me, leaning over me. His pink lips curled into a gentle smile, and I was delighted to see that he bore his natural eyes now. I saw a light in those red irises that I've never seen before, something pleasant and enveloping with warmth. But it went away the second he leaned away and said, "Your turn, peanut butter cup."

"Ah..y-yes," I murmured. I tried not to show that I had gone breathless as I stared up at him.

I took a shower and came out changed and drying my hair with a towel. Ben was still up and talking on the phone in a hushed manner. I managed to catch the words, "Are you sure everything is alright? You just said their activity has been increasing..."

Ben's gaze landed on me and he said, "Hey, can I call later? I have to go. Bye." He hung up and tossed his phone beside him. Even though he flashed me a welcoming grin, I said to him, "You have to leave."

His expression fell. "What? No, no. I'm not going anywhere."

"If there's Corrupted to be taken care of, you should go," I assured him.

He shook his head. "My friends said they could handle it. I get concerned for them no matter what. But this time it's fine. I mean it, Reese."

I glanced at the view that overlooked Las Vegas. Multicolored lights flashed and twinkled against the night sky, and I remember what Ben had said earlier. This definitely looks better at night.

I took a seat on the bed where I could face the window. Ben sighed and said, "I'm not going anywhere, Reese."

"Your friends are important."

"So are you," he countered. The blonde wraith came closer and sat next to me, his knees pulled up. He was wearing those sushi pajama pants again. The little smiling faces were adorable.

"Want to order a big-ass chocolate cake?" he asked me. Ben picked up a menu from the desk beside the bed and waved it in front of me. "Let's see, there's chocolate cake with strawberries, chocolate with rainbow pudding inside—ooh! Chocolate cake à la mode! With an ice cream flavor of any choosing.~"

"Ben," I murmured.

All it took was one look at me to drop his elated mien and grab my knee. He squeezed and repeated, "Everything is fine, Reese. I'm not going to leave you. This trip is just you and me. Nothing is ruining that. Trust me?"

Gently, he leaned his head against my shoulder and I delighted in the warmth of his skin. I wanted to lean my head against his, take in the scent of lavender that clung to him, embrace him. But my heart was beating so much that it was all I could think about. It felt too loud and it rattled my chest too much. It froze me in place. I was stuck, suffering from Ben's affectionate presence, and his wonderful existence itself.

Soon enough, I stopped arguing with him and allowed myself to go to bed. Ben was gracious enough to let me take the side where I could see the view over Vegas, and I laid there for so long, just staring at the dazzling lights and the glow they radiated against the black sky.

After a long time of lying in silence and doing nothing, I heard Ben shift the duvet as he got up. I didn't turn around to stop him; he obviously intended to go, and waited for me to fall asleep. I listened to his footsteps go to the bathroom, and then there was the brief flash of white that I could barely catch disturb the shadows in the room. I sighed and tucked my arms under my pillow, burying my face in its pure white comfort. I fell asleep before Ben could come back, but the moments I spent conscious were spent wishing the best for him, and wishing he wouldn't have to leave me like all the other times.


I woke up to the sound of fabric shuffling, followed by someone hopping on top of me. I groaned and groggily turned my head to see Ben lounging on me. Resting his head on his hands, he greeted, "Good morning, my peanut butter cup. Time to wake up."

He rolled off of me as I sat upright. A yawn escaped me while Ben said, "Today, we're gonna explore Vegas. Not the bad parts, obviously, but it'll be an adventure nonetheless..!"

Squinting at him, I remarked, "You're back..."


"I heard you leave last night," I murmured.

Guilt flashed across his face and he slumped his shoulders. "Sorry, Reese."

"Don't be sorry. I'm just glad you came back."

"You didn't think I would?"

"Maybe." Now I felt guilty too.

"Of course I wouldn't leave you, not after I promised you this vacation. But those Corrupted were being assholes, so I took care of it. Are you upset?"

"Obviously no. I was worried, is all."

"Well...let me make it up to you anyway," he replied with a sly smirk. When he started leaning towards me, I had a split moment of adrenaline. This shot of excitement went away when I realized he was just reaching for the menu he left on the desk.

"Breakfast in bed! What do you say?" he chimed. I agreed and tried to disregard the eagerness I had felt thinking he was leaning in for...that...

Ben got me a breakfast in bed, which I've never had before, unless you count Mom's caldo de pollo on sick days. Afterward, I got dressed so that we could venture around Vegas with more freedom than last night.

Again, the Strip was a must. Restaurants, street performances, and tours. People of different backgrounds walked the streets with cameras in hand and eyes wide with awe. The amount of times I tried to take nice pictures of everything called for a separate album, I'm sure. I'll probably call it 'Vegas', even though most of the pictures had Ben as the center of focus. In every other shot, there he was, smiling, caught in mid-laugh, admiring the city, always with wide, bright, blue eyes. His entire vibe was more vibrant than a spring day.

At some point, we ended up at a casino. I've never been in one before, but it's just as loud and colorful as I expected. Various dings and brrrrrs kept coming from the slot machines, and the hollers of victory or groans of defeat from gamblers at the tables were just as loud. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea.

"Ben, are we really going to gamble?" I asked him.

"It's been a while since I've done this. I want to brush up on my skills!"


He winked at me (holy shit) and said, "You'll see."

It was too late for me to convince him not to gamble, even though I knew he wouldn't have given up anyway. We hit up the slot machines first. With a smug smile, he began playing. At first, I was unsure about this as I watched the slots spin and spin and spin, pictures blurring into an unrecognizable image. But then after the first few times that Ben hit a jackpot, I felt more comfortable. And then he kept getting perfect slots, and I started to see exactly what he was doing. He's Ben; of course he would be able to rig the slot machines...

"Cheater," I teased.

He pouted. "Was that not impressive? Alright, alright. I'll give you the real deal!"

In order to prove his was truly skilled in the art (and destructive addiction) of gambling, he took on the game of Blackjack. I don't know much about Blackjack, other than if you go over 21, you're screwed. Ben sat himself at a Blackjack table, greeted the dealer, and proceeded to put all the money he earned from the slot machines to bet.

"But you still have enough money anyway," I said.

He smirked again and said, "Fine. Want me to get serious?" Confidently, he pulled out the keys to the Chevelle and put it on the table. "If I lose, you can take my car."

"Okay, I wasn't being serious," I said, now extremely worried.

"Too late!" he said before the game began.

Throughout the game, I was fidgeting and looking between all the playing cards. I never understood why people gambled. Seeing people so caught up in it is kind of terrifying. But not Ben. He was calm and collected. I, on the other hand, desperately hoped his precious babe Chevelle doesn't end up belonging to this rowdy casino.

Card after card came down whenever Ben said, "Hit me," and I was sure at some point that he should've gone over 21 by now. But, he kept going, and going, and going. Even the dealer was looking perplexed. By the end of the game, he had not received a 21, but had been close. He got to keep what he had put in. When he was going to celebrate, the dealer demanded he play again. I could see in the guy's face that he was suspicious. Ben gladly agreed to the challenge with an attractive devilishness lighting up his eyes.

Again, they played Blackjack, and again, Ben was on a roll. No matter what, Ben was nowhere near to a 21, until the very end. He barely made it, and held that mischievous grin on his face.

But the dealer wasn't having it. He challenged Ben again, and I was starting to get annoyed with the guy. I almost spoke up to protest, but the blonde wraith beside me simply leaned close and whispered in my ear, "Watch his hands."

So I did. As they played, I began to notice something. It was so slight that no one else would have noticed in the heat of the game. This guy knew his stuff, but not enough to get past me. He was switching out cards. Yet somehow, Ben was prevailing past the dealer's scheme and kept that cocky grin on his face.

Once again, Ben had won, and there was no rematch this time. Ben kept what he had bet, most importantly the keys to the Chevelle, and we strolled off together, leaving behind a rather P.O.ed casino dealer.

"How'd you do that?" I asked him.

"Do what, peanut butter cup?"

"He was switching the cards, trying to sabotage you, but you never lost."

"I told you, I'm skilled."

"Seriously! What did you do?"

Pulling me close, he said, "He wasn't switching his cards."

I frowned. "Yes, he was. I saw."

"He might have thought he was switching in order to sabotage me, but in reality, he was giving me exactly the cards I needed," he explained.

I shook my head. "I don't understand..."

He tapped the side of his head. "I was screwing with his brain, Reese. Made him see what I wanted him to see. It's an old trick of mine, though I barely use it."

"Wait...for real? Does that mean...?"

He grabbed my wrist and shook his head. "No, no, no, I've never used it on you! Oh god, I never would. I stopped a long time ago. It takes a lot of energy to do that, in fact—which is one of the reasons I stopped using it."

"And there are others?"

The wraith cast his eyes away. "Yes, but it's nothing good. I'd rather not talk about it. But don't worry! That beautiful brain of yours will never be my victim."

I let the subject slide, mainly because he called my brain beautiful. After hanging around the casino for a while and cashing in Ben's earnings, we left.

As we walked back to the Chevelle, Ben nudged my arm and said, "I've got something for you."

He pulled out a card from his pocket and handed it to me. I examined it and was surprised to see it was an ID...for me. Stating that I was a legal adult of 21.

"Ben, what is this?" I questioned with suspicion.

"Something I made while I was gone last night. It's for later!"

"Later? What's later?"

Once again, he caught me off guard with a handsome wink and chimed, "You'll see!"


A night club, huh? Oh boy.

Night had fallen again. Ben was getting changed out in the suite, while I was in the bathroom. I was nervous. I've never been to a nightclub, not even a simple high school party. Ben says the one we're going to is one of the more mild ones, the kind where people aren't screaming their heads off, grinding into each other and drunkenly making out every which way. He said to wear something nice, and the only nice thing I had was...well...

I guess it was a good thing I took my tux. At first, I thought I was being stupid taking it on this trip. Guess it would get its chance to shine after all. I suppose a part of me wanted to make up for missing my chance to wear it for Ben on prom night, especially when I picked it just for his taste. Well, now I really can. I just hope Ben isn't going to underdress compared to me.

Just to be sure, I poked my head out the door to call for him. Little did I know that he was in the midst of changing too, and I briefly glimpsed him standing in boxer briefs only, with his back turned to me. I don't think he noticed me peeking, and it was a good thing, too. A harsh blush smacked me in the face and I quickly closed the door. On the bright side, I caught a glimpse of his clothes on the bed: button shirt, slacks, and suspenders. You'll be fine, Reese.

I got dressed into my green tux. Black slacks, white button shirt, black vest, green tie, and green blazer. I fixed my hair until it looked nice and presentable. Although the suit had fit perfectly when I first tried it on, I found myself adjusting it and fidgeting in it. My nerves were setting in. Calm down, Reese. It's just Ben. Just Ben! Haha!

Mustering up the confidence, I stepped out of the bathroom to face the evening. A fully dressed Ben turned away from the mirror at the desk with a bright smile on his face. "Ah, you finally came out—," he began, then stopped himself. The smile from his face fell. In his eyes shined a light that made my chest flutter, and I yearned for more. He was speechless as he stared at me.

"Uh...h-how do I look?" I asked, still concentrating on his amusing expression.

He slowly came around the bed to walk up to me. I took in his outfit: gray button shirt that fit his torso just right, black slacks that also fit his legs just right, black suspenders, and a cute bow tie to top it off. He was stunning. As always.

"That's an interesting suit," he finally said.

Scratching the back of my neck, I replied, "It was originally for prom. I thought I could finally show it to you. You don't think it's cool?"

"I-I do! It's perfect, in fact!" he stammered. " suits you. Oh, haha, get it? Suits you? Haha...ha... Um, anyway!"

I chuckled at his horrible attempt at a pun and watched him reach for my tie. He undid it just a bit so that he could adjust it. My eyes were on him, watching every inch of his face. He kept his eyes at my chest, but I noticed him unknowingly biting his lip. It was adorable.

I think he had finally fixed my tie, but he wasn't pulling his hands away from my chest. I hadn't noticed, and thus he kept lingering. Gently, I grabbed his elbow and stepped closer, to the point where there was only about  five inches between us. The blonde wraith finally lifted his head to look at me, and I lost myself in those cool-blue pools that were his eyes. Then, for the first time since we came here, I saw him blush. There it is...

Carefully, I removed the cloaking chip at the back of his neck to reveal his true self. Red irises in a sea of black gazed at me now. The fire was still there. I still wanted to let it take me.

Deliberately, I leaned in slow and went for his pink-tinted ear. Softly, I whispered, "When we come back...please keep the chip off. I want to see you."

It was so faint, but I heard him gulp. "Y-Yes..."

I pulled a smile and said, "Well, I guess we should get going, huh?"

Shaking his head, he snapped out of his little trance and stuttered, "Y-Yes—yeah! We should go."

In a few minutes, we were leaving our suite to go to the night club. While we walked, I couldn't help but notice the way Ben fidgeted with his collar and bow tie. Looks familiar. Guess I'm not the only one who's a little anxious. But that will all be worth it by the end of the night.

Tonight will be all ours, and tonight...Ben will be all mine.

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