Chapter 7

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[Damn, y'all making this gay already.]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 7

Reese's POV

School was an interesting experience for the next couple of days. Now with the bandage removed from my face, people stare at me more than before. I can't really blame them; my sutures look pretty creepy, but I still wished I wouldn't get wide-eyed looks, or worse, yelps and flinches of surprise. (It doesn't help that teachers and staff are no better.)

During these interesting couple of days, I've been constantly thinking about Ben. Knowing his contact is on my phone makes my thoughts stay on him longer. Sometimes, without realizing, I'll find myself staring at his contact name, my finger hovering over the message or call icon. Every time, I lock my screen before I can do anything stupid.

Thankfully, since the Majora's Mask game as been returned to me, I've been able to play it again. Hunter watches me while he's doing homework, which he seems to be getting more of lately. I guess midterms is coming up. I've asked him if anything weird has happened, and all he replies with is a snarky remark about me questioning him so much. I take that as a no. Mom is doing well and is back working again. Artem's shop is cleaned up and running again, and the ruski is still sarcastic and cold as ever. Everything is back to the way things were, except not really. Why?

1): My face is still creepy.

2): I think I befriended an inhuman weirdo.

3): I still need answers from said inhuman weirdo.

4): I keep having nightmares about the monster--Corrupted?--that attacked me. They're almost as bad as the ones of my dad.

What the hell is going on, and why am I getting involved?


As soon Artem exited a new truck that just came in, I said, "Hey, Art."


"Can I ask you something?"

"You already did," he deadpanned.

I furrowed my brow. "An actual question."

He sighed and nodded.

Hesitantly, I asked, "So, hypothetically...if a weird entity were to, I don't know, approach you and make your acquaintance, would you continue it?"

With a taken aback expression on his face, he grumbled, "Excuse me?"

"Th-This is purely hypothetical," I added.

"It's strangely specific," he said, narrowing his eyes.

"I-I had a strange dream about it last night, and it made me question stuff," I said, making a fake excuse.

Slowly, his eyes un-narrowed and he inquired, "How weird is this...entity?"

I shrugged. "I mean, I'd say he--it--was chill. Nothing creepy happened. It just...made my acquaintance is all, but I knew letting it would lead to something."

"Would you benefit from the entity?"

"I don't know."

"Does the entity benefit from you?"

"I...don't know..."

"What was the acquaintanceship for?" he questioned.

"Uh, I'm not sure. I can't remember why from my dream," I lied. I think I have a general idea of why.

"I don't see how befriending a strange entity would result in positive consequences," he stated.

"That's what I was considering," I remarked.

Artem leaned against the front of the truck, giving me a thoughtful stare. In a serious tone of voice, he said, "I will give you some advice, if you need it that badly. If you find yourself getting further involved with said entity, be wary. Less you fall too deep into a rabbit hole with no way out."

I blinked and murmured, "Damn, Arty. That was deep."

He scowled. "Enough talking about these strange, hypothetical scenarios. Secure the lift points on this truck." Then he tapped his hand on the hood of the truck and headed for the control panel on the lift rack. I set aside my unusual thoughts and did as the ruski ordered.


Hunter picked me up later on and took us home. Apparently Mom was staying a little later again, so she suggested for Hunter to buy take-out. He and I had a good debate on what to get: pizza or Chinese. I said no pizza because we had that recently. He said no Chinese because pizza tasted better. In the end, we had a roshambo duel at a red light to see what we would get. After I won two-out-three, we got Chinese.

When we got home, Hunter had me unlock the door since his hands were full. The moment I unlocked it and opened the door, my eyes darted towards the kitchen, which was next to the entrance. I gasped upon seeing a familiar, blonde-haired weirdo poke his head up from behind the open refrigerator door.

Before I could think, I closed the door and shoved Hunter back outside. He wobbled and gave me a look. "Dude, I almost dropped the noodles. What happened?"

"I...saw a bug," I said.

"A bug?"

I nodded sharply.

He cocked an eyebrow, then glanced at the apartment door and asked cautiously, ".....Is it a big one?"

"Uh, shit, maybe," I murmured as I slowly opened the door again. I poked my head through enough for me to see the kitchen. Ben was gone and the refrigerator door was closed. What the hell was he doing here?!

"I think it's gone," I told Hunter.

"Ah, crap, now we've gotta find it," he muttered as I let him through the front door. As soon as he passed, I shut the door and rushed down the hallway. Quickly, I checked Hunter's room for Ben, but luckily he wasn't there. Then, I opened the door to my room and yelped, "Jesus Christ...!"

Ben sat on my bed with his legs crossed, and held a plate of the tres leches cake Mom made days ago.

"Did you find the bug?" Hunter hollered.

"Bug?" Ben questioned.

"Yes!" I announced to Hunter, but kept a glare on the elfin eared man in front of me. Except he didn't have his pointy ears, or his red and black eyes. His eyes were blue, his ears were normal and rounded, and his skin complexion was slightly peachier.

"Why are you here?" I hissed softly.

"Should I whisper, too?" he whispered. I nodded, like it was an obvious thing to do.

"Uhhh, I got bored," he said before taking out a piece of the cake and eating it.

"That's not a valid reason," I grumbled. "Do you have any idea the trouble that could've happened if my brother saw you?"

"I don't look scary anymore," he remarked.

"That's not why he would've freaked out," I replied. "You shouldn't be here...!"

"Well, I am now, so..." He took another bite of cake and groaned joyfully. "Oh my god, what is this? It's sooo good."

Impatiently, I grabbed the plate and fork from his hands and he 'aw'ed sadly. Sternly, I said, "Listen, you're not going to eat this cake unless you cough up some answers for me."

"Answers to what?" he inquired, pouting.

"To whatever I ask you," I stated. "But later. Right now, I need to eat. So you'll get to finish the cake when I come back."

"How long will you take?"

"However long I need to," I muttered. "Meanwhile, you better not make a single noise. If you do, I'm tossing your game cartridge into the street."

He gasped and gave me a hurt expression, and I figured that was too harsh of a thing to say considering what that cartridge is to him. Shaking my head, I rephrased, "Fine, not that, but I'm going to do something. So zip it and sit still."

Before I allowed him any chance to speak up, I turned on my heel and walked out of my room. I shut the door and headed for the kitchen with the plate of cake and the fork in my hands. When I came out, Hunter glanced at the cake and asked, "Was that in your room all day?"

Awkwardly, I blinked and drawled, "Yeah..."

"No wonder that bug was in here," he said. "Throw that in the trash."

Reluctantly, I sauntered over to the kitchen sink, opened up the bottom cabinet and tossed the cake into the trash. Looks like I owe Ben a new piece of cake.


After I finished eating with Hunter, I told him I had homework to do and things were left at that. He went ahead and stayed in the living room to play some video games. While he was busy, I went ahead and got a new piece of cake on a new plate with a new fork. I headed back for my room and opened the door gently. To both my relief and dismay, Ben was still sitting on my bed, messing with the big stuffed teddy bear that I left at the foot of my bed. When he glanced at me, his face lit up and I sighed.

I walked up to him with the cake handed toward him. Before he grabbed it, I yanked it away and said, "Answers. And keep your voice low." Then, I gave him his new slice of cake and he took it.

"Just letting you know, I can't tell you everything," he commented past his first bite of cake.

"Fair enough. Let's start with basics," I said, pulling up my desk chair to sit. It was then that I realized I should be the one sitting on my bed, not him. Whatever, it's not like it matters anyway, so I brushed the thought aside.

"If I tell you stuff, you have to tell me stuff," Ben said.

"Why? I'm not important," I murmured.

"I have to know who exactly I'm entrusting with my game cartridge," he stated.

"Good point," I said.

"Okay, shoot," he chimed before stuffing a big bite of cake into his mouth.

As soon as he gave me the signal to throw him questions, I blanked out. Damn, I never actually thought up anything to ask. All of the other opportunities I had to meet with him were taken from me. To have him here now without any threat is strange and a little jarring.

As my mind kept figuring out good inquiries, I asked, "Uh...why do you look different than before?"

He smiled like that was a flattering question, and said, "It's a neat trick I made. I'll show you."

Then, he proceeded to reach behind his neck and pull at something. Suddenly, his figure flickered in a distorted pattern and he was back to his other look. In his hand was a round, grey chip device the size of a quarter. After he showed it to me, he stuck it back onto the nape of his neck and explained, "It's a device I made that cloaks my real appearance, that way I can blend in with humans, even though I'm not one. Pretty neat, huh?"

"Y-Yeah," I said a little awkwardly, even though I really did think it was neat.

"So, speaking of human, what are you?" I asked next.

"I'm a wraith," he replied nonchalantly. "It's just another fancy term for a ghost."

" died before? You were human once?" I inquired reluctantly.

He nodded. "Yeah, once, but of course I died. But it's alright." He took another bite of cake, his blue eyes lighting up with satisfaction. Still can't get used to how blue they are.

I scratched the side of my face (the side without my scars) and asked, "Did you used to, like, haunt people?"

"Used to," he murmured through a mouth full of cake. "Not anymore, though. A...special person helped me realize it wouldn't amount to much. I am who I am today because of her." He flashed a giddy smile that almost made me smile, though I kept my composure.

"What do you do now?"

Ben looked down at his cake as he answered, "I live at a mansion."

Excuse me.

"It's a pretty cool place. I help with chores and do special assignments, such as killing Corrupted."

"Those black, deformed monsters."


"And, you live there all by yourself?"

He shook his head, his blond bangs bouncing in front of him. "There are others. Not like me. Some human, others not, one half-human. That's as much as I'll tell you though."

"I wasn't going to delve into that, don't worry," I murmured.

Continuing on, I asked, "So, those kill them?"

"Yeah. They're nasty things--killing people, poisoning them and infecting them, turning humans into them, and such. They always need to be exterminated, or else hell breaks loose. Hit them in the heart and they're done for."

"That's what I did...," I mumbled, remembering the attack I experienced at Artem's shop.

"Yup, and as messy as it was, I'd say you handled it well. Not many humans get out of a situation like that alive, unless they know what to do. Most don't. A friend of mine says you got lucky but, from what I saw, it seemed like luck had nothing to do with it."

Even though I should have felt complimented, I just glared at Ben and replied, "Wait, you saw what happened? And you didn't stop it?"

With an awkward twist of his lip, he averted his eyes away from me, then said, "To be fair, I only saw the last couple of minutes of the fight."

"And you still didn't intervene?"

"You looked like you were handling it well...!"

"Apparently not enough if I got these," I muttered, pointing to my three new scars.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't have let you die," the blonde assured me.


When I glanced down at his plate, he was barely finishing his slice of cake. I did give him a big piece to compensate for throwing out the other one. Ben tapped the bottom end of his fork and said, "Okay, so, now that you've asked me questions, it's my turn to ask you."

I wasn't done interrogating him but I let him have his turn anyway. That was the deal after all.

"Ask away," I said, leaning back into my chair.

"What's your last name?" he questioned almost immediately.

I gave a narrow-eyed stare before stating, "It's Montemayor-Jones."

"Reese Montemayor-Jones," he said, letting the name sink in. "A handful, but neat. So, you're Hispanic?"

"Half," I said. "Mom's from Guatemala. Dad is White and from Texas."

"Speaking of," he started, "I've heard your mom before when I came here the second time. You keep mentioning your brother. Where's your dad?"

I shifted my eyes down to the floor and responded lowly, "He's not in the picture."

Ben's gaze softened and he murmured, " he...? Sorry for your loss."

I gave him a wide-eyed look, taken aback, then stifled a wry chuckle. "No, he isn't dead. Though I wish he was..."


Shaking my head, I added, "It's a complicated story. Leave it at that."

"Okay. Um..." Ben bit on his fork as he thought. Then, "How old are you?"

"Seventeen," I reply.

"Really? You seemed younger."

"I do?"

"Yeah, but it was just your demeanor. You look older than you should, though."

"Gee, thanks."

Ben chuckled and said, "Not that that's a bad thing! I think it's only the scars that make you look older. Plus, you tend to scowl a lot. But you're a handsome fellow, don't worry!"

I pull an awkward grin and shake my head at him.

"Okay, what else? Mmmm. Oh! What school do you go to?"

I refrained from laughing out loud, so it came out as a harsh cough. "Uh, I'm not tell you that."


"I'm not gonna have you showing up at my school...!"

"I wasn't going to do that, but now that you mention it--."

"No," I muttered.

He smiled. "I don't have to find out from you. I can always travel through your phone!"

"I'll turn it off."

"I can turn it back on and go through," he chimed with a lighthearted smile.

"Okay," I grumbled, "we're going to have to set some ground rules. First ground rule: do not stalk me."

"Alright, alright. Ground rule respected," Ben remarked.

"Actually, another ground rule: text me first before you decide to show up unannounced."

"Noted!" Ben pointed his fork at me before finally finishing his slice of cake. It wasn't until now did I see he left the little, seedless cherry on the plate. For a second, I thought he wasn't going to eat it. He doesn't like cherries? Then he picked it up and ate the tiny, red fruit. Never mind, he likes cherries.

He set the empty plate (completely cleaned off) and fork on my desk and laid down across my bed. "You know, I really like how chill you are."

"Me? Chill?"

"Yeah." The blonde haired man put the cherry stem in his mouth and stared up at the ceiling in silence for a few seconds. Then he took out the stem and I saw that it was knotted. Holy shit, that wasn't even ten seconds.

He noticed me staring and held it out towards me. "Want it?"

I grimaced. "Ew, no."

He smirked and said, "Okay, I'll keep it," then put it in the pocket of his flannel shirt. Weirdo...

"Anyway," he began, "you're pretty laid back. I think that's cool."

"I don't think I'm laid back..."

He turned his head to look at me and said, "Well, considering how we met, you're chill. I don't think anyone else would be so easy-going with a scary-looking ghost boy. Which, now that I mention it, why are you so laid back with me? Do you meet ghosts often?"

"You're the first," I said. "To be honest, I don't think it's really kicked in how weird this whole thing is. I know I shouldn't be laid back, but here I am, talking to you. Letting you take my bed like you own the damn thing..." I grumbled the last sentence and he chuckled nervously.

"You're a strange kid, you know that," he commented.

"That's a first. I'm usually called a brat, an asshole, or stubborn."

"Nah, you're not."

I snickered. "You haven't gotten to know all of me yet."

"So far, I think you're nice. I mean, you brought me cake. I think that'd seem nice to anyone."

"Whatever," I said. There was an awkward silence in the room. Well, awkward to me. It seems Ben doesn't mind, or doesn't notice it. He just keeps wiggling one foot that dangles off the edge of the bed, and staring up at my ceiling. It was then that I grew self-conscious of my glow-in-the-dark stars and attempted to grab his attention away from them.

"I don't know if you understand what you're doing, talking with me," I started, and he turned to look at me, "but I still want to ask: why choose someone like me?"

Ben blinked and shifted his gaze, in thought. "Um. Well...I think it's because..."

Suddenly, there was a knock at my door, and Ben had flickered away in an instant, disappearing in a cloak of pixels that shouldn't exist in actual air. When I invited my unexpected visitor in, the door opened and Hunter stood by the doorway. He held a puzzled expression as he looked around my room. After he was done scanning, he looked at me and asked, "Is someone else in here?"

"Just me," I replied.

He scratched his head. "I could've sworn I heard another voice talking to you..."

"I had a quick call with a classmate about my homework assignment," I said, lifting up my phone for emphasis.

Hunter pursed his lips and nodded slowly. "Alright..." Jokingly, he gestured two fingers at his eyes, then at me, and repeated the movement a couple of more times. I smirked and shot him finger guns, to which he smiled at. A moment later, he closed the door and I was left alone in my room.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I checked what message I got on the screen. It was from BEN.

-I think we should text, yeh?

I went ahead and responded with: I'd prefer if we talked in person. How would I know if you answer my questions truthfully if I give you time to respond?

-Fair point. But I wouldn't want to get you in trouble. ;)

The wink face told me he was teasing, and I cocked an eyebrow.

-Fair point. But I know how much you liked the tres leches cake, and it'd be a shame if I was the only one who ate it.

-Is that what it's called? In that case, I'll just look up the recipe and make it myself. Or better yet, I could go out and buy one...!

Even though this was a bold statement, I texted: But you won't, because you want to meet me. You'll come back.

After waiting a few minutes, I began to think maybe it was too bold of a statement. Maybe I annoyed him. But then...

-I want to disagree with you, but, alas, you've got me. I will come back. For the cake...! But how about we don't meet at your apartment so you don't worry so much. There's a café six blocks to the east away from your complex. Go there tomorrow at 3pm, and I'll be there. We'll talk more.

I grinned and responded: Alright. See you then. Don't be late, or else no cake.

-Of course! See you, Reese's pieces! ;P

I scowled and texted quickly: Don't call me that!!

Afterwards, he didn't text back and I took that as a sign that he wouldn't listen to me about the nickname. I tossed my phone onto my bed and glanced at the empty plate on my desk. I'm guessing Ben will be expecting me to bring him more cake tomorrow. As stupid as that sounds, I had a feeling he used the cake as an excuse see me tomorrow. He's a painfully obvious person. Or ghost? I don't know what to consider him.

Artem's advice from earlier came back to me. "If you find yourself getting further involved with said entity, be wary. Less you fall too deep into a rabbit hole with no way out." So far, I don't think I'm falling too deep into this, whatever it is. I'm not dumb; I'll take things easy and be careful. Besides, I'm sure Ben thinks the same, especially since he seems to have a lot more riding on his shoulders due to these encounters than I do. And I still have his cartridge. If he tries anything, I have leverage on him. As much as he trusts me (which I still don't know why he would), he has as much reason to be wary of me than I should of him.

I'll see just how far I can take this.


It was Saturday. The weather was perfect. Not too hot but not too cold. I decided to finally take my penny board for a spin and go to the café Ben mentioned yesterday. I left an hour earlier so I could take my time to enjoy the day. I tried not to stray too close to walking pedestrians, not because I was afraid of hitting them, but because I didn't want people staring at my face. I had my hood up to hide myself more. It's the stares that agitate me, and I don't need them today of all days.

Eventually, after cruising for a good forty minutes, I arrived at the café with plenty of time. Surprisingly, Ben was already there, sitting leisurely by one of the outdoor tables. Damn, he took it seriously when I said not to be late--it's barely 2:40pm.

His back was turned so he didn't see me right away. From my place, I could see that his ears were normal, letting me know he had his human disguise. (It would make sense, Reese...) Casually, I hopped off of my penny board and kicked it up into my hand. The noise drew some attention to me and Ben turned around. As soon as he saw me, he got up and gripped the back of the chair, exclaiming, "Hey, Reese's puffs!!"

Oh, great. Now it isn't only Hunter doing the nicknames. I'm not sure who's worse, though. No. Wait. Ben. Definitely Ben.

"Don't call me that," I grumbled, then set down a plastic bag that carried a Tupperware box onto the table. Inside the box was the cake I promised Ben. "Here's your cake."

"Wow, you actually brought some," he said, poking at the bag. "Are you going to want any?"

There's four slices of tres leches cake in the Tupperware so he would have enough to not bug me for more. Though I wouldn't blame him if he ate them all today.

"It's all for you," I replied, then sat down in the seat across from him. Facing him now, I noticed he had sunglasses on, wore a beanie that said 'BOSS' on it, and sported a casual outfit. Black shirt, grey pants, flashy looking high-tops. He looked like any other person walking down these streets. He looked like the kind of person the girls from my school would love. He looked like the kind of person I wouldn't even find myself dead with, but here I am. Seeing him now, it's hard to believe he actually looks like a creepy version of Link. I guess they are different appearance wise.

"Nice hoodie," Ben complimented, leaning back into his chair.

I glanced down at myself and muttered, "What about it?"

"It's green."


"I like green," he said.

"Noted?" I cocked an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Anyway," he started, "it's cool that you came. I wasn't sure if you would."

"It's not like I have anything better to do," I remarked.

"No teenager plans?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "Not for me."

"Too cool for it or what?" He grinned and snickered to himself.

"No friends," I deadpanned.

His smirk faded and he coughed awkwardly. "Oh. Well then."

"Anyhow," I said, changing the subject, "you didn't answer my question from yesterday. Why choose me?"

"Choose you for what?"

I raised my hands up in mild frustration. "I don't know! Whatever it is you're doing right now."

"We're just hanging out."

"But why with me?"

"Well, you wanted to meet me in person again," he said nonchalantly.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm being serious. Why are you doing so much for me; with me?"

Ben stared off towards the street where vehicles drove past. After spending a few seconds in thought, he looked back at me and said, "Do you ever just need a break from time to time? Get your mind on other things? Be some place else so you can cool off?"

"Yeah," I murmured.

He managed a small smile and added, "Well, it's kind of like that. This is a change of pace for me; something new. I'm just blowing off steam. Does that answer your question?"

Even though I was expecting something more in-depth than that, I shrugged and replied, "Sure, I guess."

He chuckled and flashed me a brighter smile. "Sorry my response was so anti-climactic. Can I make it up to you with some coffee?"

I don't usually drink coffee, despite Hunter's occupation as a barista, but if he's buying for me then I suppose I'll take it. I gave Ben the go-ahead and he got up to saunter into the café. When he came back, he had two coffee cups in his hand. As he sat down, he gave me my drink, and I took it gingerly. I recognized the dark color of the coffee and the foam with chocolate drizzle on top as a mocha frappe. Eh, I'll take it.

"I wasn't sure what to get you so I bought what seemed good," he said before he took a sip of his drink. From the black sharpie on the cup, I could see he got an espresso. Jesus, as if he needs any more sugar and energy.

"So, how are you dealing with the new scars?" he asked.

I shrugged. "They're okay. People stare at me a lot. Not used to it and it gets me annoyed."

"You seem like a guy who'd get angry easily," he remarked.

"Well, I guess. That and people are just stupid."

"Such a cynical teenager," he teased.

I smirked. "You're one to talk. You don't look much older than me."

"I may look it, but that doesn't mean I'm young," he said.

"Please don't tell me you're a thousand years old. This is gonna turn into some pedophile shit."

"I'm not preying on you, so I wouldn't be a pedophile. Plus, I think the correct term you're trying to use is ephebophile. I'm not even human, so the label of ephebophile probably wouldn't even apply to me."

"Okay, okay, smart-ass. You're not a pedophile or a ephebophile."

"Well, unless you want me to be," he quipped, cocking a sly eyebrow.

"Ew. Gross," I muttered and he laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and sipped my drink through the straw. "I just realized you're a pervert."

"And why is that?" he chirped, entertained.

"Well, for one, your creepy comment just now," I started. "Two, you offered your knotted cherry stem to me."

"You were eyeballing it pretty hard."

"Three," I continued, ignoring his remark, "you snuck into my apartment and my room. And four, I'm pretty sure you're able to spy on me, considering you track my phone. Grade A creepy pervert right there."

"Oh, all of that is nothing," he said proudly. "I've done much, much worse that your precious, little heart wouldn't be able to handle. But it's too early to mention that stuff."

"Me? Have a precious, little heart? Like I said yesterday, you haven't gotten to know all of me."

He beamed an easygoing grin and said, "Then I guess each of us has something to discover about the other."

"Good luck with me," I muttered, snickering.

"Wanna do a challenge where we see who ends up being the weirdest, and whoever bails on the other first loses?"

"I think you've already won that."

"Set aside the fact that I'm a ghost boy," Ben added.

"Still think you've won it."

He chuckled and took another sip of his espresso. When he finished, he said, "So...?"

For a few seconds I stare at him. It's already apparent who will be the weirdest, though would I bail on him? I have a feeling it'd be hard to. And if I've come to accept that thought then that means I've totally disregarded Artem's advice. Even still, I smirk and reply, "You're on, pervert."

"Is that my new nickname now? Not very clever, but I'll take it," he retorted. I roll my eyes at him again.

A phone began ringing and Ben dug into his back pocket to see what it was. He furrowed his brow and groaned.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Corrupted sighting. People might die. You know, just business," Ben said. "At least it showed up in California. I might treat myself to something there...!" He chugged down whatever espresso was left in his cup, then tossed it into a nearby trash can before getting up and saying, "It was nice seeing you again. We should do this more often."

"I don't know about that," I said. Ben chuckled despite how rude my comment probably was.

"Maybe I'll tell you how the extermination goes," he chimed and grabbed the plastic bag from the tabletop. "See you, Reese's pieces--."

"Stop it," I whined.

"It's a cute nickname! Can't help it. Bye!" The blonde boy lifted up his sunglasses to shoot me a wink, before strolling away behind the café building.

"Pervert," I mumbled as I sat at the table, finishing up my drink. When I was done hanging around, I got up and threw the cup away. Once I was back on the sidewalk, I threw down my penny board and hopped on top to go back home. All the while I wondered what Ben will have to say later on about killing another one of those monsters.

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