Part 3

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I knew the moment I stepped out of Dusty Books and put my headphones on that he was watching. He was always watching. Following. Protecting. I made the mistake of asking him why once and still regret it to this day, because not only does he guard me home, but now his brothers do too.

They take turns. And now I feel like a burden to all of them, not just to him.

I know it's Raph's turn because the other three will actually walk with me when they can, like through the alleys- which I am no longer afraid to walk through, thanks to them- and on the subway when it's empty. But not him. Never him.

And I still didn't know why he would barely look at me, let alone, talk to me.

Except on movie nights. Those were my favorite nights of the week. Those were the nights I got to cuddle with him and pretend to fall asleep so he would carry me to his bed. I had hoped he would share it with me, but alas, he never did.

His brothers and Master Splinter liked me just fine. So, why didn't he? The thought had me rushing to the subway station, the sooner I got home the sooner I would stop bothering him. I got there just in time to jump on before the doors closed. I sat down with a huff and willed the sting of tears away.

Why didn't Raph like me? He saved my life weeks ago (definitely more than a couple of months) and is still practically a stranger!

I spent the ride deep breathing, hoping maybe I could run home before he knew I had gotten off the train. It was only a few blocks, I could do it. I wanted to be strong. I wanted to be able to move on from him because, obviously, he wasn't my biggest fan.

Would I have to stop going to the lair?

Maybe I could start texting one of the guys to make sure Raph isn't there before heading over...except movie nights, of course. I'll always see him on movie nights. I sighed, realizing I would have to give up on cuddling with him.

Maybe I could pretend nothing has changed on those nights?

This was going to be hard.

The train stopped and I stepped out, took an encouraging breath, and ran- holding tight to my backpack. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about anybody thinking I was crazy because, well, nobody ever got off here at this time except for me.

I felt his eyes on me the second I was visible to him on the sidewalk. I also knew- somehow- that he was furious. My headphones fell off, landing hard on my shoulders as I continued to run.

"Y/n," he shouted.

I ignored him on the rooftops and made a sharp turn into the very alley he saved me in, almost slipping on the wet pavement. I hadn't thought it rained that day, but maybe it had.

"Y/n!" Raph roared, sounding much closer than before.

I pushed myself faster, harder. I was almost to the end of the alley when BAM! Raph stood before me in all of his furious glory. I always thought I would be scared of a man with a temper, but I'm not. Not with Raph, at least. His fury was beautiful. His eyes shone emerald, chest heaving as he pinned me with his gaze. I stood there frozen, breathing just as heavy as he.

"What's wrong?" He asked through clenched teeth, scrutinizing our surroundings for... something.

"Well?" He demanded, eyes raking up and down my form. I would've smiled if I thought he found me attractive, but I knew better. He was only looking for injuries. He did this every time I walked into the lair, toothpick between his teeth, and grunt of approval before walking away when he saw I was unharmed.

"Who's after you?" He said once his eyes met mine once more, confident, like always.

"Nobody," I whispered.

"Then why were you running as if someone was about to murder you!" He shouted, no longer able to keep the anger contained.

"I just...felt like running?" I answered, looking at his fascinating feet. Everything about him was fascinating. Everything.

"Come on," he huffed out, picking me up as if I were a toddler and holding me on his side

Quickly, I wrapped my arms around his neck, taking advantage of the proximity.

"Hold on," he told me, jumping up to climb the building to the roof.


You sprinted out of the station as if Shredder was after you himself. Raph stayed for a few seconds to wait for the idiot who scared you. Whoever he was, he would pay. When nobody came out he ran inside to find nobody there. With a growl, he ran back out to the rooftops, shouting after you as he followed you to the alley where he cut you off, chest heaving as he tried calming down from the chase.

What were you so afraid of? There had to be something that spooked you because there was no way you would be running as if your life depended on it knowing that he or his brothers were following you home.

To protect you, of course.

Definitely not to get every moment he possibly could with you.

"What's wrong?" He asked, teeth clenched as he searched the surroundings for any danger.

"Well?" He demanded, finding nothing as he checked you for blood.

"Who's after you?" He said, finally able to breathe when he didn't see any outward injuries. If he had the right to strip you, he would.

If anything were to happen to you.... He mentally shook his head, ridding himself of the thought. Nothing was going to happen to you. Not while he and his brothers were around. He made them promise, even though he doubted he needed to. They loved you almost as much as he did.

"Nobody," you whispered, your eyes watery, causing his fisted hands to clench. Had someone made you cry? He was going to kill the bastard. Nobody made you cry. Nobody.

"Then why were ya running as if someone was about ta murder ya!" Raph shouted, unable to hold back now that he knew you weren't in danger.

"I just...felt like running?" You squeaked out, staring at the ground.

"Come on," he breathed out, placing you on his hip. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck as if this were a normal, everyday thing he did.

"Hold on," he said under his breath, jumping for the rooftop so he could carry you home. If you were scared or wanted to get home faster, all you had to do was ask.

All you had to do for anything from him was ask.

Raph opened your window once he got to it and watched you climb in with a quiet 'goodnight.' He wanted to press you for answers because there was no way he believed your lie about wanting to run. You never ran anywhere that he knew of, so why would you suddenly start running now? But you looked so weary he didn't have the heart to ask. Besides, tomorrow was movie night. He didn't want to leave you on bad terms. He didn't want anything to mess with movie night. So instead, he hopped up to your roof and stayed there for the night, listening to you weep for hours until you finally fell asleep.

His heart broke at the sound.

He wanted to hold you tight and tell you everything would be okay.

He wanted to choke the bastard who did this to you.

He vowed to figure it out during movie night as he ran home with angry tears in his eyes.

"Whoa dude, what's wrong?" Mikey asked as Raph stomped through the lair.

"Nothin', Mikey," he spat out before stopping in his tracks. Maybe Mikey could help him? "Actually, somethin' is wrong with Y/n."

"Yo!" Mikey yelled out loud enough to reach every corner of the lair. "Bros! Something happened to Y/n." Less than a minute later Raph's three brothers and Master Splinter were waiting for an explanation.

"Yes, my son? What has happened?" Master Splinter patiently asked.

At the end of his short tale, they were all nodding in agreement to figure out what was wrong. Unfortunately none of them knew which turtle you would open up to the easiest, so they figured they would take turns. Starting with Mikey to cheer you up when he left later to walk you back to the lair.

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