Don't Let the Shampoo Get in Your Eyes

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After a log day at work, I decided to take a shower. Grabbing my phone and towel, I headed towards the bathroom while singing a song by Panic at the Disco. I lived alone, so it didn't matter how loud I was. As I entered the bathroom and closed the door, I set my phone down to play some music. The first thing that played was my favorite song, Dead, by a band called My Chemical Romance.

I ran the shower water and waited until it was just right to step in. I got in and sung along to the music. I let my hair get wet and then added a little bit of shampoo. Some shampoo went into my eyes...

I felt a hand cold as ice press against my back. I can't explain the horror...there is nothing worst than being touched by someone while you lived alone. I opened my eyes, even with the shampoo bubbles running down my face and looked around. No one was there. As fast as I could, I washed my face then grabbed my towel but froze when I saw what was in my doorway...waiting.

A girl with parted brown curly hair stood there. Her arms swung down and she stared at me with faded red eyes. No smile at all. She was completely naked and was covered in purple bruises. Her skinny arms started to sway left to right as she walked towards me singing, "Don't let the shampoo get in your eyes." Once she was in front of my face she vanished.

It's been 13 years...I never used shampoo after that. I hope the next time you close your eyes when you shower, you don't see what I saw. I can still hear her warning every...single...night.

Don't let the shampoo get in your eyes.

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