The Paranormal Truth Behind Easter Island

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I didn't deserve this. Any of this. I thought it would be a normal vacation like any other. But I was wrong. Boy...I was so wrong.

I was there on a normal vacation with my best friend Carl. I could tell you a lot about Carl but I rather wouldn't want to bore you. Yeah...I'll just get to the point.

Carl and I were at a hotel. It was about five minutes away from the Stone Heads. Carl came in my hotel room while I was sleeping. He nearly scared the shit out of me when I saw him standing in my door way with the hallway lights on.

"Carl? What the hell man." I said. "Why are you standing there?"

"Sorry to wake you, James." He said sounding all excited. "Look, it's midnight. No one is out there. We can go back to the stones, without some fucking tour guide not letting us going pass the stone circle." His smile was...was like some wild insane person who hadn't slept in ages."

I sat up on my bed, tired. I groaned. "Are you crazy? We'll get in trouble."

He rolled his eyes. "We're leaving tomorrow night. How much trouble can we get in?"

I laid back down. "Go back to bed dude."

Carl stood there a while then left the room, turning off the hallway lights. I heard his door slam. He was mad but, whatever, he'd get over it. I then pulled my blanket over my head and drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning, around 6 am I got up to get my stuff ready. When I left my room to go to the bathroom, I saw footsteps leading to Carl's room. Here's the part that bothers me the most. The foot steps were bloody. Thick dark mushy red blood foot steps.

I ran into Carl's room to see him shaking as if he was having a seizure. His body seemed to twist in ways I never knew was possible. He was whispering things and his head kept twitching to the right side of his shoulder. I walked towards him yelling his name. When I got to his bed, his stomach was moving up and down. I saw something weird underneath his shirt. I tried to lift it up, it was a bit hard because I kept getting punched and hit by his arms and legs. I finally lifted it up to see the skin on his stomach slowly turning dark grey. I backed away fast.

I ran to the lobby of the hotel screaming for someone to call for help. A few native woman and men were asking me to calm down.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! Call for help!" I screamed at them.

"Okay okay we call. We call now." A man said to me.

I asked someone to come look at Carl. Everyone told me to wait for help. I just stood there yelling that someone needs to help my friend. But everyone was all smiles and calm. I looked at all of them and yelled.

"A big fuck you to everyone of you." I said then looked away while running back towards my room.

When I got to the door of my room. The blood was gone. When I got to the bedroom Carl slept in, he was too...gone. Everything was just normal. Even the bed was made. The floor, clean as a whistle.

There was a knock at my door. A lady. She looked at me and smiled. "What's wrong?"

What the hell was going on? She looked at me with the widest eyes and a big smile on her face.Just then two other guys in the doorway appeared.

"Where is he!" I yelled.

They looked at each other with confused faces. "Sir, calm down. Everything is okay."

"Everything is not okay! Where is my friend! Where's Carl!!! He was here I swear. There was blood all over the floor. I'm telling the truth." I said angrily.

They tried to calm me down but they obviously didn't seem to care that I really needed their help. I ignored them, gathered my things together and got the hell out of that place. Even though I was pretty sure what I saw. I still decided to search for Carl.

I missed my flight looking for Carl. It was even 10 pm. I had missed my flight and I was pretty sure they weren't going to let me back in the hotel after the big fuss I made.

I decided to go to the airport and possible get another flight. People were inside their hotels and houses. No one was outside. I had this weird idea of checking to see if Carl was possibly by the stone heads. I mean, he really wanted to go there at night. So I decided to see if he was there.

I laid my bags and stuff behind a rock and some bushes. I grabbed my phone then I carefully walked over to the stone hears. They were huge dark silhouettes and to be honest it was freaking me out. Badly. I passed about ten large head stones. I walked in the direction of the large stones that stood up making a circle. It took me about 13 minutes to get there and you know what? Okay, this is the part that sent shivers down my spine. When I turned around the silhouettes of the stones were right behind me. It was as if I never left.

I walked up to the closet one. I really thought it was the stone heads but when I touched it, I felt something soft and smooth. It wasn't hard. It was when I slid my hand down the what I assumed was just some soft part of the stone, but and this part haunts me to this very day...someone intertwined their hand in mine.

I quickly pushed myself away from the hand. I fell to the ground. I quickly pulled out my phone, turning on the flashlight, I shone the light at the silhouette. There right in front of me were the body parts of men, woman, and even kids. They squiggled around like the tail of a lizard once it comes off. There were heads with their eyes open still attached to what was left of their neck and shoulder. Those who were alive were moaning and pleading for help. Every single hand and limb reaching out for me desperately begging for me to somehow save their lives. I noticed that they were all very grey.

I was about to run for my life but the head of Carl caught my attention. His eyes were closed. His head was only what was left of him. I knew he wasn't alive. It was impossible. That's what I thought...until I saw his eyes move in my direction. He slowly opened his mouth and told me the truth.

"Ja-James." He took a deep breath with every word. "The stones aren't stones. They're people. In the day time we turn to stone."

With Carl's last warning, I began to run for my life. My bags and the airport seemed so far away. And with each step I took I could feel the stones...body parts after me. I didn't dare to look behind me. I just ran.

I finally reached my things. I still didn't look behind me. Afraid to see I haven't gotten anywhere. When I grabbed my things, 3 people stood up from the bushes causing me to jump. Two of them were the guys at the hotel who wouldn't help me and the lady stood their. They reached for me but the lady told them something in a language I understood not. They stopped though. She walked toward me.

There was a serious look on her face. "Go. Go back to your people and tell them about what you saw."

I was fucking out of there. I left my bags and ran to the airport.


Okay. That was seven months ago. I never told anyone what happened until now. Listen, I realized the reason she wanted me to tell people what happened. She wanted people to go there. There are so many people in the world that love supernatural and paranormal places. Guys I don't care how interesting this story may sound. How much you may or may not believe me but please...please. Don't go there. Never visit Easter Island. The stone heads are not what they seem. I'm...letting you all know now because my left hand has been shaking for nearly an hour and my legs are starting to tingle and you know what else? There are blood footsteps in my living room and they weren't there three seconds ago.

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