Episode 1: A New Start

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I ran over to my dad, scared, watching how my mom acted so strangely.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked.
"I don't know, just stay away from her, give her a minute to clear her head," my dad whispered back. I was shaking not wanting to lose my mom. She had been there for me wherever I went and helped me with whatever happened. I might lose her today. My heart beat faster, beads of sweat going down my long, dirty blonde hair.
"Honey?" My dad called out. My mom responded with a moan. My dad took me by the arm, picked me up, and then started running. I did not know where we were going. All I knew we were running away from what used to be my mom.
Two hours earlier...
Mom!" I yelled from upstairs in my room.
"Yes Rachel?" she yelled back.
"Is breakfast ready?" I came running downstairs at them smell of pancakes and bacon.
"Yes it's ready," my mom laughed I laughed along with her.
"You know Rachel, 6th grade starts tomorrow." I nodded.
"I'm nervous though, 6th grade is going to be harder and we moved over the summer." My mom hugged me as she gave me a plate of pancakes and bacon.
"You're going to be fine, I remember I moved to five schools when I was a kid and I did just fine, or was it six, I can't remember."
My dad walked in.
"Who needs milk? I got it from Turkey Hill up the road!"
"Me, oh me!" I screeched and waved my arm around.
"Ok, ok here" smiled my dad as he gave me the milk. I poured a glass of milk then started eating some pancakes.
"S-so g...o-good!" I said between mouth fulls of pancakes.
"Don't talk with your mouth full sweetie." my mom said politely. I felt the house shake as a big boom went off.
"What was that?" I scream very scared.
"I don't know. Let me check" my dad says as he heads for the door.
"I'm coming with you!" My mom yelled across the room as a bunch of screams erupted from outside.
I got up and looked out the window I saw a bunch of what looked like humans jumping on cars as other people ran away.
"Mom, dad!" I went running towards the porch.
"Go back inside Rachel!" I heard my dad yell. I watch as my parents get inside and lock the door then start piling stuff in front of the door. I heard moans coming from outside the door. I curled up in a corner, scared. My mom walked over to me and put an arm around me.
"It's going to be okay," I heard her say as the moans outside got louder. I nodded still a bit scared I heard the windows break above us, and something touched my mom's shoulder. I screamed and she got pulled into the window. She got bit in the shoulder, and she yelled. I started screaming.
"Mom!" She fell to the ground and instantly started spasming. I got up and ran to my dad. He hugged me and whispered in my ear.
"It's going to be alright, she going to be alright," I looked at the motionless body of my mom.
I watched as my mom got up and limped over to me. She moaned, my dad stepped in front of me and kicked out her legs. I watched my eyes tearing up as my mom was sprawled out on the ground.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked.
"I don't know, just stay away from her, give her a minute to clear her head," my dad whispered back. I was shaking, not wanting to lose my mom, she had been there for me wherever I went and helped me with whatever happened. I might lose her today. My heart beat faster, beads of sweat going down my long, dirty blonde hair.
"Honey?" My dad called out. My mom responded with a moan. My dad took me by the arm, picked me up, and then started running. I did not know where we were going. All I knew we were running away from what used to be my mom.
He ran into the garage and started up the car. I got into the passenger's seat and buckled in.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Somewhere safe, somewhere we can find shelter and survive, those aren't real people, they are gone just like your mom, we need to stay away from them or become like your mom, ok?" I nodded I wasn't going to argue because he was usually right. He opened the garage and drove fast out of the garage running over two people that I couldn't see the faces of. He drove off down the street not caring about the speed limit, I held onto the side of the door, scared of what was going to happen. He slowed down when he saw how I looked, I eased up on my grip relaxing a bit.
We drove for a couple of hours until we stopped for gas. My dad got out and filled up the tank, I saw a lot of normal people, so I thought that the bad people haven't made it this far yet. I waited for him to hop in, but instead, when he was done, my dad went inside the gas station. He came back in a few minutes with two Honeybuns. Those were my favorite.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I screamed when he came.
"Tone it down you're about to blow my ear drum out." I snickered.
"I didn't know how long it was going to be till you had one again, so here," he gave me the Honeybun, and I immediately started eating it.
My dad started driving again, and we were down the highway again. As we were leaving I saw one of those demon things coming up from the hill behind us.
We drove for a couple more hours before my dad stopped on the side of the road.
"We can stay here for the night," I nodded and yawned. I reclined the chair back and I looked over to see my dad doing the same. He turned the lights off but let the engine run for warmth and air. I soon felt myself overtaken by tiredness and I let myself fall asleep.
I raised the pistol up aiming at the figure of my dad moaning as he limped over. I did not know how I would pull the trigger. He was my own father. I couldn't do that to him. Tears streamed down my cheeks, preparing for the worst. I pulled the trigger. My dad's body fell backwards as blood poured from his head.
I woke up panting. I looked over at my dad. He was still sleeping. I had short gasps for air, panicking at the dream I had. I could hear some moaning coming from down the street. I listened to it, looking at the ceiling of the car. I did not know what else to do except wait. I heard it coming closer, closer, closer, until it was so close, I could practically tell they were touching the car.
That is when the banging started. It was not hard at first but after moving the bangs on the car came faster, harder as the people outside wanted to get to us. I woke up my dad. He looked around.
"Huh, Rachel, what's the..." That is when he heard. He quickly put the seat back to normal and took the car out of park. I tensed up when I heard the ripping of bones and muscles. I looked back in the darkness. I could barely see the outline of five people with one on the ground with their legs ripped off.
"You okay?" My dad asked. I nodded and looked outside silent.
We drove off for a couple hours. My dad stopped, and I finally looked forward. I saw this big giant wall. I looked over and my dad got out.
"Who goes there?" I heard someone yell.
"My daughter and I are looking for shelter. With this big wall, do you have any shelter or safety from those demons?" I looked up and noticed a girl on a ledge carved into the wall.
"We have a society here. I will need names first! I heard her yell again.
"I'm Dan. This is Rachel!" My dad called back I got out of the car.
"Hi!" I yelled up and waved. The lady yelled back
"You're clear to go!" We hopped back inside the car as the doors to the wall opened.
To be continued...

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