Test 104

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Test 72... 1. Why did the man settle on renting the full-size car?

A. It was roomy enough for him.

B. It was more economical than the minivan.

C. It had more features than the other vehicles.

2. What was one of his major concerns about renting the car?

A. He couldn't add an additional driver to the rental plan.

B. He was only limited to a certain number of miles per day.

C. The vehicle would probably consume a lot of gas.

3. How would you describe his rental car?

A. It was a little larger than he expected.

B. The car doesn't look very attractive.

C. The engine has problems and runs poorly.

4. In which situation would the car protection plan NOT help the customer?

A. The car is stolen from a store parking lot with all of your valuables.

B. The driver loses control of the car and crashes it into power pole.

C. The car's exterior and windows are damaged in a hail storm.

5. What can we infer from the closing statement about roadside assistance?

A. You should call the police in case your car has mechanical difficulties.

B. Getting assistance might require some time and patience.

C. The company will compensate you for delays in your travel.

Rental Car Agent: Hi. How can I help you?

Customer: Yeah. I'd like to rent a mid-size car for three days.

Rental Car Agent: Okay. Let me check to see if we have one available. Hmmm. It's doesn't look like we do. We have a couple of economy, compact, and full-size cars available, or a nice minivan.

Customer: Well, what is the main difference between these cars?

Agent: The main difference is size. The economy car is the smallest, and it seats fewer passengers and can hold less luggage. [Okay.] How many people are with you?

Customer: Just me and my son.

Rental Car Agent: Well, the economy car would work. We have one right out front.

Customer: Where? That one? It looks more like a shoebox to me. I'm really tall and trying squeeze into that thing . . . I don't think so.

Rental Car Agent: Well, if you need more room or comfort, I recommend the full-size car. It also has a nice stereo system, CD player, [Alright] safety rear door locks, and cruise control, and power locks and windows.

Customer: Well, I'm not so concerned about how it's equipped. I just want to make sure it is comfortable to drive. And what is the daily rate for that anyway?

Rental Car Agent: Well, let's see here. Oh, yeah. It'll come to fifty-seven ninety-five a day.

Customer: Wow, a little expensive. But what's the cost for mileage?

Rental Car Agent: Hey, all of our cars have unlimited miles, but of course, that doesn't include gas.

Customer: Yeah, right. I bet that car probably eats up gas, and now that were in the middle of the vacation season, gas stations are gouging consumers with astronomical prices.

Rental Car Agent: Well, as they say, it comes down to the law of supply an demand.

Customer: Well, anyway, can you install a car seat in one of those cars? I have a 3-year-old son with me.

Rental Car Agent: Sure, and that'll only be one dollar extra per day.

Customer: I'll go with the full-size car. Wait, uh . . . what does it look like?

Rental Car Agent: Uh, it's right out there in the parking lot. [Which one?] The one over there next to the sidewalk.

Customer: Do you mean that old lemon with the missing hubcap? Ahhh.

Rental Car Agent: Sir, excuse me. We take pride in our vehicles. It's just that it's one of the last cars on our lot, but it runs like a dream. Don't let the exterior fool you. Hey, I'll even give you an extra fifteen dollars off the daily rate to show you we are serious about pleasing our customers. Will there be any other drivers?

Customer: No, I'm the only driver.

Rental Car Agent: Okay. Would you like to purchase our daily car protection plan?

Customer: What's that exactly?

Rental Car Agent: Well, the car protection plan is a complete insurance package covering damage to the vehicle, [Okay] injury or loss of life to you or your passengers [Oh]. It even includes incidental road damage caused by, let's say, a huge boulder rolling down the mountain and crushing your car. [Oh, uh, well . . . ]. However, it won't cover loss of property due to theft. Too much crime in the area anyway. [What? Wh . . . What about this crime? What, what?]. Don't worry about it. And the car protection plan is only seventeen ninety-five per day. [But you were saying?] And the nicest thing about this coverage is that you can rent the car without the worry and hassle of making a complicated claim in case you do have a problem.

Customer: But wouldn't my own car insurance cover those problems?

Rental Car Agent: It might, but each insurance policy is different. With our car protection plan, however, you deal directly with us in case there is a problem [Well . . . ], and we handle everything quickly, and you don't have to contact your own insurance company.

Okay. Let me just confirm this. A full-size car with a car seat for three days [Yeah], plus the car protection package. Is that right? [That's right.] Okay, I'll have our mechanic, Louie, check the car over and pull it up to the door.

Customer: Push it up to the door? I hope this car really runs.

Rental Car Agent: Well, in case it does break down on some out-of-the-way, deserted road, just call the toll-free number for assistance. They'll come to assist you within . . . two business days. [Two business days!!!] Enjoy your trip.

Test 73... 1. Where is the man's room in the hotel?

A. the first floor

B. the second floor

C. the third floor

2. What time is breakfast served in the morning?

A. 6:00-10:30 a.m.

B. 6:30-10:30 a.m.

C. 6:30-10:00 a.m.

3. Where can the man get a free wireless Internet connection?

A. in his hotel room

B. in the restaurant and lobby

C. outside of the hotel

4. What is the cost for a refrigerator in the man's room?

A. $7.50

B. $10.00

C. It's free. Of course!

5. What does the man decide to do at the end of the conversation?

A. He accepts the unfortunate circumstances and stays at the hotel.

B. He is really upset and decides to stay at the hotel across the street.

C. He reschedules his hotel reservation for a different day.

Man: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight, and I just want to check in.

Hotel Clerk: Sure. What's your name?

Man: Uh. Mike Adams.

Hotel Clerk: Okay. Let me check here. Um. Here's your key to open your door. You're in room 360. Just walk down this hall [Okay.], and you'll see the elevators on your right.

Man: Oh, okay, and what time is the restaurant open for breakfast?

Hotel Clerk: It serves breakfast from 6:30-10 a.m.

Man: Oh, okay. And, uh, where's the exercise room? I'd like to, you know, run a couple of miles before going to bed tonight.

Hotel Clerk: It's on the second floor, and it's open til 10 tonight [Okay.], but the treadmill isn't working.

Man: Oh, oh well. And one final question. Do you have wireless Internet in the rooms?

Hotel Clerk: We DO [Ah!]. . . for $7.95 a night.

Man: Uhhh, I thought something like that would be free.

Hotel Clerk: No, sorry, sir but you can get free wireless access if you sit in the parking lot on the far north side. [Oh!] You see, the hotel next to us has wireless and . . . .

Man: Oh, great. Um, and uh . . . forget that. And every room has a refrigerator, right?

Hotel Clerk: Well, we can have one put in your room for an additional ten dollars a night.

Man: Ahhhh. I thought something like that would be included in the price of the room.

Hotel Clerk: Sorry, sir.

Man: Well, you know, it . . . it kind of irks me it when hotels nickel-and-dime their guests like this. I mean, I checked with sev(eral hotels) . . . I mean I checked with sev(eral hotels) . . .

Hotel Clerk: You really should have checked this one too, shouldn't you have, buddy.

Man: (Laughing) I . . . I guest that I . . . I'm all flustered now. I mean all the other hotels provide these amenities for free.

Hotel Clerk: Sorry, sir. It's just the way it is at this hotel.

Man: And the bed? Is that extra too?

Hotel Clerk: Of course . . . NOT.

Man: Oh. I've had it. I'll just try the hotel across the street. I'm sure they'll give me better service.

Hotel Clerk: Okay, but you'd be canceling your reservation here, so we'll have to charge you a cancellation fee of 50% of the cost of the room.

Man: Ahhhh, forget it. I can't win either way. What's my room again?

Hotel Clerk: Three sixty (360).

Man: Ughhhhhh!!!

Tesss 74.. 1. Why does the daughter complain about having a banana for breakfast?

A. The banana is still green.

B. Their pet ate part of it.

C. The daughter hates bananas.

2. Why does the daughter not want to eat cereal for breakfast.

A. She has to prepare the milk.

B. There's no cereal left.

C. She ate the same thing yesterday.

3. What other food did the father try to prepare for his family before, but it didn't turn out well?

A. rice and eggs

B. steak and bacon

C. pancakes

4. Why is the father preparing breakfast for his daughter?

A. Because she helped him in the kitchen.

B. Because it's the girl's birthday.

C. Because she can't cook well.

5. What is the big surprise at the end of the conversation?

A. The girl's friend drops by and brings breakfast.

B. The father decides to make his daughter fish.

C. The girl might be getting married.

Daughter: Dad, Dad. What's for breakfast?

Dad: [Dad mumbles something] Daughter: Dad? [What?]

Daughter: What's for breakfast?

Dad: Uh, there's a banana on the kitchen counter. Enjoy.

Daughter: Dad, that banana's all bruised, and it looks like the cat took a bite out of it last night . . . Dad. Wake up.

Dad: Okay. Uh, there's some cereal in the cupboard. Help yourself.

Daughter: But there's no milk.

Dad: Well, just mix up some powered milk.

Daughter: Ah, no way. That stuff is nasty and warm. Come on, Dad.

Dad: Uh, okay. I guess I could make some pancakes.

Daughter: Uh, no. The last time you made pancakes, they were as hard as a rock. Even the dog wouldn't touch them.

Dad: That bad? [Yeah.] Alrigh. Wait! Why in the world are we having this conversation anyway? You're 19 years old. Make your own breakfast. I'm going back to bed.

Daughter: Because you love me . . . plus you said that you'd make something for me if I cleaned the dishes last night.

Dad: Okay. How about some eggs and bacon? I can't go wrong there.

Daughter: Okay, but don't put any of that funny stuff in it . . . you know, those weird mushrooms like you did last time.

Dad: Okay, okay. So, you want me to keep things simple, right?

Daughter: Exactly. But, please hurry. My friend is picking me up in a few minutes.

Dad: On a Saturday morning?

Daughter: Yeah. He's taking me fishing.

Dad: Fishing? Since when did you start liking fishing?

Daughter: Since Dirk gave me this ring! What do you think?

Dad: What? Wait. I'm not going to ask. Let me get breakfast on the table . . . Then, we'll have a long chat.

Dad: Oh, he's here. I'll just take the $20 bill out of your wallet. I can buy breakfast on the way. Bye.

Dad: Oh, no!

Test 75... 1. Where did the chef learn to cook?

A. at a cooking school

B. at a family member's home

C. in a friend's kitchen

2. What is special about the chef's cookies?

A. He makes them by following a healthy recipe.

B. He prepares them by using inexpensive ingredients.

C. He sells them at many local stores.

3. Which ingredient does the chef NOT use to make his cookies?

A. baking powder

B. flour

C. sugar

4. At what temperature should you bake the cookies?

A. at 305 degrees

B. at 315 degrees

C. at 350 degrees

5. What is the topic of the next cooking program?

A. fun cookies for teenagers

B. inexpensive meals

C. tips for cleaning your kitchen

Chef Randall: Well, hello everyone, and welcome to our show today. Joining me today is my daughter, Ashley, who have had to endure my cooking experiments over the years.

Are we ready? [Ready to eat.] As you know, I starting cooking and baking more than 30 years ago when my grandmother taught me in her own kitchen. In fact, she taught almost everything I know, and I have never attended cooking classes [You should have, like the time when . . .] I know when my own kids helped recently when I forgot to take the chicken out ot the oven. burned the bird to a crisp, and ended up ordering pizza for dinner. That's another story.

Kids: We had to use the fire extinguisher.

Chef Randall: Anyway, today I'd like to share with you our favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. Now, before you switch the TV channel, I know what you are thinking. "Another fattening cookie recipe." Wait. What makes this recipe great is that it offers a wonderful low-fat, low-calories, low-cholesterol dessert for the entire family.

Kids: We still like the fat though.

First of all, you need the folllowing ingredients: After you have all of the ingredients, start by mixing the sugars, flour, the egg whites, low-fat butter (less needed than usual), vanilla, baking soda, and a pinch of salt in a large mixing bowl. Then, add the mini chocolate chips

Oh, don't forget to preheat the oven to 350 degrees (Fahrenheit).

Finally, when the cookies are done, take them out of the oven, remove them from the cookie sheet, and let them cool. Did I forget anything?

Kids: Yeah, if you have college-age children, be sure to make a few extra batches they can take back to school for their roommates. And don't forget the kids still at home.

Chef Randall: And by the time your kids get the cookies, you will be left with a single cookie (your instant diet plan made for you) and a dirty kitchen. On next week's show, we'll be showing you how to feed hungry teenagers on a budget without having to sell the family car. Until then.

Test 76... 1. Which item did the girl NOT mention about her needed supplies for school?

A. pencils

B. computer

C. calculator

2. Why doesn't the father want to buy his daughter some of these supplies?

A. The items are far beyond his financial means.

B. He feels his daughter really doesn't need them.

C. The family already owns some of these supplies.

3. For which specific class does the girl mention that she needs these supplies?

A. geometry

B. chemistry

C. physics

4. What specific argument does the girl give her father to pursuade him to buy these things?

A. They are on sale until the end of the week.

B. Her teachers require them as part of the curriculum.

C. She volunteers to use some of her own money.

5. Why does the father eventually give in to his daughter?

A. He discovers he had more money than he thought.

B. He concludes that she will provide for him when he is older.

C. The girl promises to help her mother in exchange for the supplies.

Girl: Dad, I need a few supplies for school, and I was wondering if . . . .

Dad: Yeah. There are a couple of pencils and an eraser in the kitchen drawer, I think.

Girl: Dad, I'm in eight grade now, and I need REAL supplies for my demanding classes.

Dad: Oh, so you need a ruler too?

Girl: Dad, I need some high-tech tech stuff like a calculator, a Palm Pilot, and a laptop computer.

Dad: Uh. I didn't have any of that when I was in middle school, and I did just fine.

Girl: Yeah, and they weren't any cars either, WERE there. [Hey] And things are just more progressive now.

Dad: Well, we can rule out the hand pilot [Palm Pilot, Dad]. Whatever, AND the computer . . . unless mom lets you sell the car. And as for the adding machine [Calculator]. Yeah, I think mine from college is kicking around here somewhere.

Girl: Dad, I need a calculator for geometry, and I have heard you can download free software from the Internet.

Dad: Great. My daughter will be playing video games in geometry class.

Girl: Dad.

Dad: Okay. How much is this thing going to cost me?

Girl: Well, I saw it at the store for only $99, WITH a $10 mail-in rebate, or you could buy it online.

Dad: Oh. Do they throw in a few aspirin so your father can recover from sticker shock?

Girl: Dad. Please!!!. Everyone has one [I've heard that before.] and you always say you want me to excel in school, and I'll chip in $10 of my own, and I'll even pick up my room [Hey!!].

Dad: Hmmm, 100 bucks.

Dad: Well, you'll be supporting me in my old age, so, I guess so. When do you need it?

Girl: Now, right now. [Now!] Mom's already waiting in the car for us. [Huh?] She said she would buy me an ice cream if I could talk you into to buying it for me today.

Test 77... 1. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO?

A. He was returning home from a party.

B. He just got off work when he saw the UFO.

C. He was driving home from a restaurant.

2. What time did the man report the incident to the police?

A. about 12:00 AM

B. about 3:00 AM

C. about 5:00 AM

3. What jumped out in front of the man's car?

A. a giant deer

B. a strange man

C. a hairy alien

4. What happened next to the man?

A. He walked to a flying saucer.

B. He followed the animal to a plane.

C. He was carried to a spaceship.

5. What does the police officer suggest at the end of the story?

A. They should call the fire department.

B. The man should seek counseling.

C. The man should contact the newspaper

Police Officer: Hello. 24th Precinct. Officer Jones speaking.

Man: Help. Yeah, uh, it was wild, I mean really bizarre.

Police Officer: Calm down sir! Now, what do you want to report?

Man: Well, I'd like to report a UFO sighting.

Police Officer: A what?

Man: What do you mean "what?" An unidentified flying object!

Police Officer: Wait, tell me exactly what you saw.

Man: Well, I was driving home from a party about three hours ago, so it was about 2:00 AM, when I saw this bright light overhead.

Police Officer: Okay. And then what happened?

Man: Oh, man. Well, it was out of this world. I stopped to watch the light when it disappeared behind a hill about a kilometer ahead of me.

Police Officer: Alright. Then what?

Man: Well, I got back in my car and I started driving toward where the UFO landed.

Police Officer: Now, how do you know it was a UFO? Perhaps you only saw the lights of an airplane [No], or the headlights of an approaching car [No]. Things like that happen, you know.

Man: Well if it was that, how do you explain "the BEAST"?

Police Officer: What do you mean, "the BEAST"?

Man: Okay. I kept driving for about five minutes when all of a sudden, this giant, hairy creature jumped out in front of my car.

Police Officer: Oh, yeah.Then what?

Man: Well, then, the beast picked up the front of my car and said, "Get out of the car. I'm taking you to my master!" Something like that.

Police Officer: Wow? A hairy alien who can speak English! Come on!

Man: I'm not making this up, if that's what you're suggesting. Then, when I didn't get out of the car, the beast opened the car door, carried me on his shoulders to this round-shaped flying saucer, and well, that's when I woke up along side the road. The beast must have knocked me out and left me there.

Police Officer: Well, that's the best story I've heard all night, sir. Now, have you been taking any medication, drugs, or alcohol in the last 24 hours? You mentioned you went to a party.

Man: What? Well, I did have a few beers, but I'm telling the truth.

Police Officer: Okay, okay. We have a great therapist that deals with THESE kinds of cases.

Man: I'm not crazy.

Police Officer: Well, we'll look into your story. Thank you.

Test 78... 1. Where did Randall probably grow up?

A. in Indiana

B. in Venezuela

C. in Utah

2. What was his undergraduate major?

A. English

B. Spanish

C. Japanese

3. How many children does he have?

A. two

B. three

C. four

4. What does Randall do on his hikes with his children?

A. He points out the wildlife and plants along the way.

B. He enjoys telling them stories about his life.

C. He teaches them how to survive in emergency situations.

5. What point does Randall make about raising children?

A. Enroll kids into schools early to help them learn better.

B. Be consistent in the way you administer discipline in the home.

C. Talk with your kids about problems so they learn how to solve them.

My name's Randall Davis, and I'm originally from the state of Indiana in the United States. When I was 19 years old, I moved to Venezuela in South America, and later returned to the United States, where I attended Brigham Young University in the 1980s. I majored in Spanish education and TESOL, or teaching English as a second language. After graduating from college, my wife and I moved to Japan where we lived for eight years. Now, I work back in the States in Utah.

However, my greatest interests are my family. Years ago, I wanted to make something of myself in my profession . . . you know . . . get ahead in life. However, I realized that the most important things in life lived within the walls of my own home, and today, I try to put them first. My kids wouldn't remember me for the work I did outside of the home; they would only recall the moments we spent together.

Therefore, I enjoy spending time with my family. I have four children, and we go hiking and camping together, usually in Utah. On our hikes, we often talk about life, and I tell stories or share personal experiences. When I do this, I can focus on the kids without the distractions of video games or the Internet. Telling stories sounds easy, but when you have to think of a new story on a hot, 12-kilometer hike through the desert, you have come up with ideas off the top of your head.

Now, this doesn't mean we don't have problems; all families face challenges in their lives, and our family is no exception. However, we try to talk openly about our problems, and we try solve our problems together. Building a strong family takes time, but it is worth the effort.

Test 79... 1. What does the man want to do?

A. play basketball with friends from work

B. try out for the company baseball team

C. get in shape and compete in a cycling race

2. What is the woman's main concern?

A. She is worried her husband will spend too much time away from home.

B. She is afraid her husband will become a fitness freak.

C. She is concerned about her husband's health.

3. What is the woman's first suggestion to her husband?

A. He should see a doctor.

B. Her husband should start with a light workout.

C. Her husband needs to visit a fitness trainer.

4. What does the woman advise about the man's diet?

A. He should consume less salt.

B. He should eat less fatty foods.

C. He should add more protein products to his diet.

5. Why does the man's wife recommend cycling?

A. It is good for improving muscle tone.

B. It helps strengthen the heart.

C. It helps develop mental toughness.

Man: Honey, the basketball game is about to start. And could you bring some chips and a bowl of ice cream? And . . . uh . . . a slice of pizza from the fridge.

Woman: Anything else?

Man:Nope, that's all for now. Hey, hon, you know, they're organizing a company basketball team, and I'm thinking about joining. What do you think?

Woman: Humph

Man: "Humph" What do you mean "Humph." I was the star player in high school.

Woman: Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just don't want you having a heart attack running up and down the court.

Man:So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? I'm not that out of shape.

Woman: Well . . . you ought to at least have a physical before you begin. I mean, it HAS been at least five years since you played at all.

Man:Well, okay, but . . .

Woman: And you need to watch your diet and cut back on the fatty foods, like ice cream. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Man: Yeah, you're probably right.

Woman: And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your muscles or perhaps try cycling to build up your cardiovascular system. Oh, and you need to go to bed early instead of watching TV half the night.

Man: Hey, you're starting to sound like my personal fitness instructor!

Woman: No, I just love you, and I want you to be around for a long, long time.

Test 80... 1. According to the conversation, which item did the woman NOT purchase with her credit card?

A. a digital camera

B. a TV

C. a stereo

2. What is one reason to explain why the woman obtained a student credit card?

A. She wants to buy things at a discount using the card.

B. She hopes to establish a good credit rating.

C. She doesn't want to borrow from her parents.

3. According to the man, what is one reason for NOT having a credit card?

A. People generally have a difficult time getting out of debt.

B. Students often apply for more credit cards than they need.

C. The interest rates on student cards are very high.

4. What does the woman imply about how she plans on resolving her credit card problems?

A. She hopes that someone will give her the money.

B. She plans on getting rid of her student credit cards.

C. She is going to return the items she purchased on the card.

5. What is the man going to do for the woman to help her manage her money?

A. help her find a better paying job to cover her expenses

B. teach her how to prepare a financial management plan

C. show her how she can apply for low-interest student credit cards

Man: Hi, Sis. I just came over to drop off the DVDs you wanted, and . . . Hey, wow!? Where did you get all of this stuff?

Woman: I bought it. So, what do you think of my new entertainment center? And the widescreen TV . . .

Man: Bought it?

Woman: . . . and my new DVD player. Here, let me show you my stereo. You can really rock the house with this one.

Man: But where did you get the dough to buy all this? You didn't borrow money from mom and dad again, did you?

Woman: Of course not. I got it with this!

Man: This? Let me see that . . . Have you been using Dad's credit card again?

Woman: No, silly. It's mine. It's student credit card.

Man: A student credit card? How in the world did you get one of these?

Woman: I got an application in the mail.

Man: Well, why did you get one in the first place?

Woman: Listen. Times are changing, and having a credit card helps you build a credit rating, control spending, and even buy things that you can't pay with cash . . . like the plane ticket I got recently.

Man: What plane ticket?

Woman: Oh yeah, my roommate and I are going to Hawaii over the school break, and course, I needed some new clothes for that so . . .

Man: I don't want to hear it. How does having a student credit card control spending? It sounds you've spent yourself in a hole. Anyway, student credit cards just lead to impulse spending . . . as I can see here. And the interest rates of student credit cards are usually sky-high, and if you miss a payment, the rates, well, just jump!

Woman: Ah. The credit card has a credit limit . . .

Man: . . . of $20,000?

Woman: No, no quite that high. Anyway, . . .

Man: I've heard enough.

Woman: Did I tell you we now get digital cable with over 100 channels? Oh, and here's your birthday present. A new MP3 player . . .

Man: Yeah. Oh, don't tell me. Charged on the credit card. Listen. Hey, I don't think having a student credit card is a bad idea, but this is ridiculous. And how in the world are you going to pay off your credit card bill?

Woman: Um, with my birthday money? It's coming up in a week.

Man: Hey, let's sit down and talk about how you're going to pay things back, and maybe we can come up with a budget that will help you get out of this mess. That's the least I can do.

Test 81... 1. What is the woman's name?

A. Julie

B. Jenny

C. Jane

2. Where is the woman from originally?

A. Argentina

B. the United States

C. Chile

3. About how old was the man when he returned to the United States?

A. 7 years old

B. 10 years old

C. 17 years old

4. What is the man studying?

A. physics

B. biology

C. psychology

5. What is the woman's job?

A. sales representative

B. computer programmer

C. receptionist

Tom: Hi. I don't think we've met. My name's Tom.

Jenny: Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you. My name is Juanita, but everybody calls me Jenny.

Tom: Nice to meet you, Jenny. So, where are you from?

Jenny: Well, originally I'm from Argentina, but we moved to the United States when I was about five years old. My parents now live in Chile. That's where they first met. How about you, Tom?

Tom: I was born in Fresno, California, and we lived there until I was seven. Then, since my father worked for the military, we moved all over the place.

Jenny: Oh yeah? Where are some of the places you've lived?

Tom: Mostly, we were overseas. We spent a total of ten years in Korea, Germany, and Okinawa, Japan. We were transferred back to the States three years ago, but I think my parents would have liked to live overseas for at least 20 more years.

Jenny: Wow. It sounds like you've had an interesting life. So, what do you do now?

Tom: I'm a student at Purdue University.

Jenny: Oh really? What are you studying?

Tom: I'm majoring in psychology. How about you? What do you do?

Jenny: Well, I'm working as a sales representative for Vega Computers downtown.

Tom: No kidding! My brother works there too.

Test 82...1. What does Susan have to do on Saturday morning?

A. walk the dog

B. clean the house

C. go to the doctor

2. Where does Susan have to go at 12:30?

A. to school

B. to the dentist

C. to the science museum

3. What time is Susan meeting with Julie?

A. 12:00 PM

B. 1:00 PM

C. 2:00 PM

4. What will Susan do after she cooks dinner?

A. clean the dishes

B. play soccer with her brother

C. call a friend

5. Why can't they watch a video at Susan's house?

A. They can't decide on a video.

B. Susan's mother is going to use it.

C. The machine isn't working.

Ted: So, Susan, do you have anything planned for this Saturday?

Susan: Uh, I'm kind of busy. Why do you ask?

Ted: Oh, I was wondering if you'd like to get together and do something, like catch a movie or take a walk down by the lake.

Susan: I'd love to, but I'm really going to be busy all day on Saturday.

Ted: What do you have going on that day?

Susan: First, my mom asked me to help clean the house in the morning, and then I have a dentist appointment at 12:30. I can't miss that 'cause I've canceled twice before.

Ted: Well, what about after that?

Susan: Well, I'm going to be running around all day. After the dentist appointment, I need to meet Julie at 2:00 to help her with her science project that's due on Monday morning at school.

Ted: Okay, but are you free after that?

Susan: Hardly. then I have to pick up my brother from soccer practice at 4:30, and my mom asked me to cook dinner for the family at 5:30. I feel like a slave sometimes. Then, I have to clean the dishes and finish reading my history assignment. Who knows how long THAT'll take.

Ted: Wow, sounds like you're going to have a full day. Hey listen, why don't I come over later in the evening, and we can make some popcorn and watch a movie.

Susan: Oh, that'd be great, but our video machine is broken.

Ted. Huh. Well, let's just play a game or something.

Susan: Sounds good, but give me a call before you come. My mom might try to come up with something else for me to do.

Test 83... 1. What is the number of this flight?

A. 80

B. 18

C. 81

2. How long is the flight??

A. 2 hours, 40 minutes

B. 2 hours, 14 minutes

C. 2 hours, 4 minutes

3. What is the local time in Seattle?

A. 11:45 PM

B. 12:15 PM

C. 10:12 AM

4. What is the current weather in Seattle?

A. partly cloudy

B. rainy

C. sunny

5. At what gate will the plane arrive?

A. 13

B. 3

C. 30

Captain: Hello everyone, this is the captain speaking, and I want to welcome you to Flight 18 bound for Seattle.

Our flight time today is 2 hours and 14 minutes, and we will be flying at an average altitude of 29,000 feet. The local time in Seattle is a quarter to twelve (11:45), and the current weather is sunny, but there is a chance of rain later in the day. We will be arriving at Gate 13, and we will be announcing connecting flights on our approach to the Seattle airport.

On behalf of Sky Airlines and the crew, I want to wish you an enjoyable stay in the Seattle area or at your final destination. Sit back and enjoy the flight.

Test 84... 1. What is the man's destination?

A. Salt Lake City, USA

B. New York City, USA

C. Helsinki, Finland

D. Stockholm, Sweden

2. When is the man's departure date?

A. the twenty-first

B. the twenty-second

C. the twenty-third

D. the twenty-fourth

3. What is the flight number for the second half of his journey?

A. 555

B. 90

C. 1070

D. 830

4. How long is the man's layover between flights?

A. less than an hour

B. less than two hours

C. less than three hours

D. more than three hours

5. What request did the man make regarding his flight?

A. He asked for a specially-prepared dinner.

B. He wanted an aisle seat.

C. He requested a bassinet for his baby.

D. He asked for a seat near the front of the plane

Travel Agent: Freedom Travel. How may I help you?

Caller: Yes, I'd like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month.

Travel Agent: Okay. What is your destination?

Caller: Well. I'm flying to Helsinki, Finland.

Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are available?. [Okay] And when will you be returning?

Caller: Uh, well, I'd like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth. Oh, and I'd like the cheapest flight available.

Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see. Um, hmm . . .

Caller: Yeah?

Travel Agent: Well, the price for the flight is almost double the price you would pay if you leave the day before.

Caller: Whoo. Let's go with the cheaper flight. By the way, how much is it?

Travel Agent: It's only $980.

Caller: Alright. Well, let's go with that.

Travel Agent: Okay. That's flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki.

Caller: And what are the departure and arrival times for each of those flights?

Travel Agent: It leaves Salt Lake City at 10:00 AM, arriving in New York at 4:35 PM, then transferring to flight 90 at 5:55 PM, and arriving in Helsinki at 8:30 AM the next day.

Caller: Alright. And, uh, I'd like to request a vegetarian meal.

Travel Agent: Sure, no problem. And could I have you name please?

Test 85... 1. Where does the man want to go?

A. to the science museum

B. to the art museum

C. to the natural history museum

2. How much is the train ride?

A. a dollar fifteen

B. a dollar forty

C. a dollar fifty

3. Where should the man get on the train?

A. platform number 3

B. platform number 4

C. platform number 5

4. How often do the trains come?

A. about every five minutes

B. about every six minutes

C. about every seven minutes

5. Where should the man get off the train?

A. at the State Street Station

B. at the Star Palace Station

C. at the Seventh Street Station

Man: Uh, where am I? Tsk, hum . . .

Woman: Excuse me. Do you need any help?

Man: Nah, I . . . I'm just looking . . . well . . . [Okay . . .] Uh, well, actually . . . yeah. Um . . . I want to go to the science museum, but I've been lost for the past few hours, and I can't make heads or tails of these ticket machines.

Woman: Ah, well, just press this button. [Oh, yeah] And from here, it's a dollar fifty.

Man: Okay.

Woman: Then, get on the train at platform number 4.

Man: Alright. Oh, and how often do the trains come around this time of day?

Woman: Usually, they come about every six minutes.

Man: Okay. And where do I get off the train?

Woman: Get off at State Street Station, three stops from here.

Man: Okay. I got it. Thanks for your help.

Woman: No problem. Good luck

Test 86... 1. How much does the father owe his son in allowance?

A. three dollars

B. thirteen dollars

C. thirty dollars

2. Why hasn't the father given his son allowance?

A. because he didn't remember to do it

B. because he doesn't have any money now

C. because his son already has money

3. When does the father usually give his son money?

A. on Friday

B. on Saturday

C. on Sunday

4. Where does the man get money to pay his son?

A. in his bedroom

B. at the bank

C. from the bookstand

5. Choose one thing the boy does NOT mention about how he will spend his money.

A. He will buy some toys.

B. He will save some of it.

C. He will give part to the needy

Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance?

Father: Oh. I forgot about that.

Joshua: You ALWAYS forget.

Father: I guess I do. How much do I owe you?

Joshua: Just $13.

Father: Thirteen dollars!? Why do I owe you that much? Just seems like I paid you the other day.

Joshua: No. You forget every Saturday, and it has been piling up.

Father: Well, I'm not sure if I have that much.

Joshua: Go to the bank. You have lots of money.

Father: Lots of money, uh? Uh, well, I think the bank is closed.

Joshua: Then, what about your secret money jar under your bed?

Father: Oh, I guess I could do that. So, what are you going to do with the money?

Joshua: I'm going to put some in savings, give some to the poor people, and use the rest to buy books.

Father: Well, that's sounds great, Joshua.

Test 87... 1. What's the matter with Steve?

A. He has a cold.

B. He has the flu.

C. He has a stomachache.

2. How long has Steve been sick?

A. since Friday

B. since Saturday

C. since Sunday

3. How often should Steve take the medicine the doctor prescribes?

A. three times a day with meals

B. four times a day before meals

C. three times a day after meals

4. What does Carla suggest he do?

A. take herbal medicine

B. see another doctor

C. eat chicken soup

5. What does Steve decide to do?

A. talk to another friend

B. listen to Carla's suggestion

C. see the same doctor again

Carla: So, how are things going, Steve?

Steve: Well, to be honest Carla, I was feeling great on Saturday, but I started to feel sick Sunday afternoon. I thought I'd get better, but I feel worse than before. And I'm really worried because I'm scheduled to give a presentation at work on Friday, so I have to be better by then.

Carla: Well, what seems to be the problem?

Steve: Well, I thought I had the flu, but the doctor said it was just a bad cold. He gave me some cold medicine to take care of my stuffy nose and fever. I'm supposed to take the medicine three times a day after eating, but it doesn't seem to help. He also told me to stay off my feet for a day or so, but I'm so busy these days.

Carla: Listen, forget about that medicine! I have just the thing to get rid of bad colds. You see, my mom is really into herbal medicine.

Steve: Oh, no thanks.

Carla: Ah, come on! Give it a try. You just take some of my mom's herbal tea and drink it four times a day. Believe me. You'll be up and dancing around in no time.

Steve: Dancing around in no time, right? Well, I guess. Nothing else seems to be doing the job.

Carla: Great. I'll come by your place at 7:30. See you then.

Test 88... 1. What time of day does this conversation take place?

A. in the morning

B. in the afternoon

C. in the evening

2. Why doesn't the father give his son something to eat?

A. There isn't any food to eat.

B. The boy just ate something.

C. They are going to eat soon.

3. What snack does the boy want at the beginning of the conversation?

A. potato chips

B. candy

C. donuts

4. Which one food does the father NOT offer to his son for a snack?

A. tomatoes

B. broccoli

C. carrots

5. What does the father ask the boy to do while he is preparing the snack?

A. watch TV

B. play with toys

C. look at books

Son: Dad!

Father: Yeah, Micky.

Son: Can I have a really good snack?

Father: Uh, I don't know. I thinks it's . . . uh . . . what time's it? I think it's going on dinner.

Son: Uh, it's three thirty.

Father: Three thirty. Uh . . . We'd better wait. [Why, Dad?] Well, what kind of snack do you want?

Son: Candy?

Father: No, candy is out. Oh, how about some broccoli? [No!] Uh, carrots? [No!] Well, what else can you suggest?

Son: Candy.

Father: Candy. No, I don't think . . . I think You'd better wait.

Son: A sandwich? A spinach sandwich?

Father: Spinach sandwich? Spinach sandwich! When did you start liking spinach?

Son: Uh, today.

Father: Well, what about a small sandwich? [Okay] Okay, I'll whip it up in a minute. Play with your toys while you're waiting for it.

Test 89... 1. Where are they planning to go in the morning?

A. to a park

B. to an art museum

C. to a shopping center

2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for lunch?

A. Italian

B. Indonesian

C. Indian

3. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?

A. The zoo will be closed the rest of the week.

B. The zoo is free to visitors that day only.

C. There are unusual animals on display.

4. Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?

A. She wants to buy mementos of their visit.

B. She saw some great prices at a shopping center.

C. She wants to buy a gift for her friend.

5. How do they plan to get to the seashore at the end of the conversation?

A. by taxi

B. by bus

C. by subway

Man: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?

Woman: Well, let's look at this city guide here. [Okay] Uh, here's something interesting. [Oh!]Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning?

Man: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

Woman: How about going to an Indian restaurant? [Humm] The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.

Man: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? [Oh . . umm . . well . . . ] Well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

Woman: Well, to tell the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. [Really?]. Yeah. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

Man: Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.

Woman: No problem. We can use YOUR credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

Man: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used MY credit card for YOUR purchases.

Woman: Oh well. Let's take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.

Man: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.

Test 90.... 1. What is the girl shopping for?

A. a present for her mother

B. a present for a friend

C. a present for her father

2. How much is the black wallet?

A. $49.95

B. $40.95

C. $44.95

3. Why doesn't the girl like the brown wallet?

A. There isn't a place to put pictures.

B. It's too big and heavy.

C. She doesn't like the color.

4. About how much does the girl have to spend?

A. $5.00

B. $10.00

C. $13.00

5. What does the girl decide to buy?

A. a black wallet

B. a brown belt

C. a tie

Man: Hi young lady. How may I help you?

Girl: Well, . . . yeah. I'm looking for a Father's Day's gift.

Man: Okay. How about getting your father a new wallet?

Girl: Hmm. How much is that wallet?

Man: Huh . . . which one?

Girl: The black one.

Man: Oh. It's only $40.95.

Girl: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one?

Man: Hmm. How about this brown leather one?

Girl: Umm. . . I don't think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn't have a place to put pictures. How much is it anyway?

Man: It's $25.99.

Girl: Humm. I don't have that much money.

Man: Okay. How much do you have to spend?

Girl: I'm not sure [money falling on the table]. Probably about ten dollars or so. I've been helping my mom around the house for the past week to earn some money. This is all I have.

Man: Hmm. How about this tie?

Girl: That's real pretty, but the price tag says $13.99, and I know I don't have that much money.

Man: Well, let's just say the tie just went on sale. How about $5.00. What do you say?

Girl: Oh, thanks. I'll take it.

Test 91... 1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?

A. at a movie theater

B. at a library

D. at a video rental shop

2. How much do new movies cost to rent?

A. $2.00

B. $3.50

C. $5.00

3. How much did the man spend on movies?

A. $3.50

B. $5.50

C. $7.50

4. When does the man need to return the movies?

A. Thursday

B. Friday

C. Saturday

5. What do you need to rent a video at this shop?

A. a driver's license

B. a school ID

C. a membership card

Store Employee: Hi. May I help you?

Customer: Yeah. I'd like to rent these movies.

Store Employee: Okay. Do you have your membership card?

Customer: No I don't. Do I need one to rent movies here?

Store Employee: Yes, but it's free. It's just a card we issue to help us keep track of rentals and customer billing.

Customer: Okay, and how much are movie rentals anyway?

Store Employee: Well, new releases are $3.50 (Okay), and all other movies are two dollars (Alright), and you can rent up to six movies at a time. (Hum) We also have a five buck deal where you can rent any five movies for $5.00 (Hum), but this doesn't include new releases.

Customer: Oh, well, I'll just take these tonight.

Store Employee: Okay, let's see . . . your total tonight comes to seven dollars and fifty cents.

Customer: And when do I need to return them?

Store Employee: They're due back the day after tomorrow by ten o'clock PM.

Customer: Thursday, okay.

Store Employee: And there is an overdue late fee equal to the rental fee of the movie, so be sure to return them on time.

Customer: Okay. Thanks.

Test 92... 1. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation?

A. a novel

B. a magazine

C. a newspaper

2. What kind of book does the girl want to read?

A. a book about animals

B. a book on dolls

C. a book about candy and cookies

3. What does the girl's teacher say about reading?

A. The girl can check out books from the library.

B. The girl should read books everyday.

C. The girl ought to read at least ten books a night.

4. What is one thing the girl want to eat while they are reading?

A. cookies

B. ice cream

C. bananas

5. About what time of day is it in the conversation?

A. the late morning

B. the early afternoon

C. in the evening

Girl: Dad, will you read to me?

Dad: Uh, let me finish the newspaper first?

Girl: You've been saying that forever!

Dad: Well, how about reading the business section of the newspaper together?

Girl: That's boring. Let's read this book. It's about a bear and cat that becomes friends. [Okay] And these books too.

Dad: Whoa. I thought you said one book. There must be ten here.

Girl: My teacher, Mrs. Green, says you have to read to me every night, and the newspaper doesn't count. And let's eat some popcorn and cookies while we're reading

Dad: Well, it's bedtime right now. So, okay, here we go. Once upon a time in a deep, dark forest, lived a brown bear . . .

Test 93... 1. What is the name of the caller?

A. Nick

B. Nate

C. Neil

2. According the girl, her father:

A. is not home.

B. is on another line.

C. can't come to the telephone.

3. What is the man's telephone number?

A. 598-7482

B. 587-4728

C. 589-7248

4. The man tells the girl:

A. that he will call again sometime after 7:00 PM.

B. to ask her father to call him later.

C. that he will drop by around 8:30 PM.

5. What does the girl refuse to tell the caller?

A. her age

B. her name

C. her address

Little Girl: Hello.

Caller: He, he.., hello? Uh, yeah. Is . . . uh . . . your dad home?

Little Girl: Just a minute please.

Older Sister: Hello.

Caller: Uh . . . yeah . . . uh hello? Yeah, um . . . is . . . uh . . . Nick home please?

Older Sister: Oh, he can't come to the phone right now.

Caller: Okay, well, um, yeah, I need to talk to your dad. Um, yeah, could you . . . um . . . take a message?

Older Sister: Yeah.

Caller: Yeah. This is . . . my name's Nick Johnson. And if . . .

Older Sister: The phone number?

Caller: Yeah if you could tell him. Yeah, the phone number is 589 [Uh-huh] 7248.

Older Sister: 589-7248?

Caller: Yeah, right and if you could tell him to call me tonight between 7:00 and 8:30?

Older Sister: Okay.

Caller: Alright, and uh. Now, I think . . . are you his daughter?

Older Sister: Yeah.

Caller: Yeah, now what's your name?

Older Sister: I . . . I'm not supposed to tell that.

Caller: Ah, that's really smart. Alright, well just tell him I called.

Older Sister: (O)kay.

Caller: Okay, bye.

Older Sister: Bye.

Test 94... 1. Who is visiting Jori for the weekend?

A. her best friend

B. her brother Bob

C. her sister

2. What is Carol wearing?

A. a sweater

B. a red sweat shirt

C. a black blouse

3. What is Carol like?

A. She's sociable.

B. She's timid

C. She's very reserved.

4. What is Bob wearing?

A. a flashy suit jacket

B. a green tie

C. blue jeans

5. Jori knows Bob because:

A. they work together in the same office.

B. she is taking karate lessons from him.

C. they met at a party two months ago.

Jori: Hi Dave. [Hi] Good to see you could make it. Come on in.

Dave: Wow. Looks like the party is in full swing.

Jori: Yeah. And they're eating me out of house and home. Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister, Carol. She's visiting for the weekend.

Dave: Oh. Which one is she?

Jori: She's sitting on the sofa over there.

Dave: You mean the woman wearing the red sweater with the long black hair?

Jori: Yeah. That's right. Let me introduce you to her. I just know you two will hit it off. You're both so outgoing and adventurous.

Dave: Uh, and who's the man sitting next to her? Uh, the man with the suit jacket and flashy green tie?

Jori: Oh, that's Bob, my karate teacher.

Dave: Karate teacher! I never knew you were into karate.

Jori: Yeah, I started about two months ago. Come on. I'd like you to meet them.

Test 95... 1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?

A. at a park

B. at a school

C. at a birthday party

D. at a music recital

2. What is the girl's name?

A. Kathy

B. Karen

C. Nancy

D. Nanny

3. Where does the girl probably live now?

A. in Scotland

B. in France

C. in England

D. in the United States

4. What does the girl's father do for a living?

A. He is a travel agent.

B. He is a professor.

C. He is computer programmer.

D. He is a French teacher.

5. What is one thing NOT mentioned about the girl's family?

A. why her parents lived in England for several years

B. where her mother works at the present time

C. where the girl grew up

D. how old the girl was when she moved to her present location

Teacher: Oh, hi. What was your name again. I can't keep straight all the students' names this being the second day of school.

Student: It's okay. I have a hard time remembering names myself.

Teacher: How, uh, Karen, right?

Student: No, it's Nancy. My mom's name is Karen.

Teacher: Nancy. Okay. I think I heard you were from England.

Student: Well, I was born there, but my parents are American. I grew up in France.

Teacher: Oh, a world traveller!

Student: But then we moved here when I was nine.

Teacher: So, what does your father do now?

Student: Well, he's a college professor, and he is in Scotland at the moment.

Teacher: How interesting. What does he teach?

Student: He teaches chemistry.

Teacher: Oh, chemistry, and uh, what about your mother?

Student: She works full time at home.

Teacher: Oh, and what, does she have her own business or something?

Student: Nah, she takes care of me.

Teacher: Well, being a homemaker can be a real hard, but rewarding job.

Student: I think so too.

Test 96... 1. Where does the announcement take place?

A. at a baseball stadium

B. at a department store

C. at an amusement park

2. What is the boy's name?

A. Marshall

B. Matthew

C. Michael

3. How old is the boy?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

4. What is the boy wearing?

A. a solid white baseball cap

B. black and white pants

C. a blue and white sweat shirt

5. Where is the boy now?

A. He is at the information desk waiting for his mom.

B. He is waiting in the sporting goods section.

C. He is at the cashier where you pay for goods.

Store Announcement:

"Hello Shoppers. We have a lost boy named Marshall who was found in the sporting goods section of our store, and he's looking for his mom. He's five years old, and he's wearing a blue and white sweat shirt, tan pants, and a black and white baseball cap. You can find him at the check-out counter at the main exit. Thank you."

Test 97... 1. What is the purpose of the woman's visit?

A. business

B. pleasure

C. business and pleasure

2. Where will the woman stay during her trip?

A. at a friend's home

B. at a hotel

C. at a university dormitory

3. About how long will the woman be in the country?

A. one or two days

B. three or four days

C. more than four days

4. What things are in the woman's luggage?

A. clothing, computer, and books

B. CD player, clothing, and books

C. books, gifts and computer

5. What other piece of information do we learn about the woman?

A. Her parents are on the same trip.

B. She enjoys traveling to different countries.

C. She was born in that country.

Customs Officer: Next. Uh, your passport please.

Woman: Okay.

Customs Officer: Uh, what is the purpose of your visit?

Woman: I'm here to attend a teaching convention for the first part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.

Customs Officer: And where will you be staying?

Woman: I'll be staying in a room at a hotel downtown for the entire week.

Customs Officer: And uh, what do you have in your luggage?

Woman: Uh, well, just, just my personal belongings um, . . . clothes, a few books, and a CD player.

Customs Officer: Okay. Uh, please open your bag.

Woman: Sure.

Customs Officer: Okay . . . Everything's fine. [Great]. Uh, by the way, is this your first visit to the country?

Woman: Well, yes and no. Actually, I was born here when my parents were working in the capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back since then.

Customs Officer: Well, enjoy your trip.

Woman: Thanks.

Test 98... 1. The man makes a reservation finally for which day?

A. March 20th

B. March 21st

C. March 22nd

2. What kind of room does the man prefer?

A. a non-smoking room

B. a smoking room

C. either one is okay

3. Why doesn't he want to reserve the suite?

A. It doesn't have a nice view.

B. It doesn't come with a sauna bath.

C. It's too expensive.

4. Including tax, how much is the man's room?

A. 80 dollars

B. 88 dollars

C. 96 dollars

5. How do you spell the man's name?

A. Maxner

B. Maexner

C. Mexner

Hotel Clerk: Hello. Sunnyside Inn. May I help you?

Man: Yes, I'd like to reserve a room for two on the 21st of March.

Hotel Clerk: Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. The 21st of May, right?

Man: No. March, not May.

Hotel Clerk: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmmm.

Man: Are you all booked that night?

Hotel Clerk: Well, we do have one suite available, complete with a kitchenette and a sauna bath. And the view of the city is great, too.

Man: How much is that?

Hotel Clerk: It's only $200 dollars, plus a 10% room tax.

Man: Oh, that's a little too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper room available either on the 20th or the 22nd?

Hotel Clerk: Well, would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room?

Man: Non-smoking, please.

Hotel Clerk: Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we're full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room.

Man: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?

Hotel Clerk: $80 dollars, plus the 10% room tax.

Man: Okay, that'll be fine.

Hotel Clerk: All right. Could I have your name, please?

Man: Yes. Bob Maexner.

Hotel Clerk: How do you spell your last name, Mr. Maexner?

Man: M-A-E-X-N-E-R.

Hotel Clerk: Okay, Mr. Maexner, we look forward to seeing you on March 20th.

Man: Okay. Goodbye.

Test 99... 1. What does the woman order?

A. T-bone steak

B. chicken fried steak

C. broiled chicken

2. What does she eat with her meal?

A. fries

B. bread

C. rice

3. What does she have to drink?

A. small sprite

B. medium sprite

C. large sprite

4. What kind of dressing does she ask for?

A. French

B. Italian

C. ranch

5. Why is the restaurant not serving pies today?

A. The baker was hurt at work and can't prepare them.

B. The oven is broken and hasn't been repaired.

C. The restaurant has decided to only sell ice cream

Waiter: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?

Woman: Uh . . . yes. I'd like the chicken fried steak.

Waiter: Okay. Would you like fries, bread, or rice with your meal?

Woman: Umm. I'll take the rice?

Waiter: Would you care for anything to drink?

Woman: Yeah. I'll take a medium Sprite.

Waiter: I'm sorry. We only have large or small.

Woman: Well, in that case, uh, I'll have a small Sprite.

Waiter: Okay. A small Sprite. And what kind of dressing would you like with your salad. It comes with the fried steak.

Woman: What dressings do you have?

Waiter: We have French, Italian, blue cheese, and ranch.

Woman: Oh! Ranch, please.

Waiter: Would you like anything else?

Woman: Well, I'd like to see you pie menu. That's the main reason why I like to dine here.

Waiter: Oh, I'm so sorry, but we aren't serving pies today.

Woman: Huh?

Waiter: Well, you see, Dave, our baker, slipped on a banana peel back in our kitchen two days ago, and injured his back. [Oh] He'll be out for at least two weeks. In the meantime, we're serving ice cream sundaes instead. Sorry.

Woman: Wow. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.

Test 100... 1. What is the boy's name?

A. Matthew

B. Michael

C. Mitchell

2. How old is the boy turning in the conversation?

A. seven

B. eight

C. nine

3. What does he want to do first?

A. play outdoor games

B. open presents

C. eat cake and ice cream

4. Which statement is true about the game at the party?

A. You have to catch a large ball without dropping it.

B. You need to chase children around and touch them.

C. You need to hide somewhere so no one can find you.

5. Who is coming to the party?

A. aunts, grandparents, and cousins

B. grandparents, cousins, and uncles

C. friends, cousins, and grandparents

Father: Hi Michael. Happy Birthday! How old are you today?

Son: Seven.

Father: Alright. Well, let's sing Happy Birthday:

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear Michael,

Happy Birthday to you.

Father: Alright. So what should we do first?

Son: How about cake and ice cream?

Father: Okay. Well, uh let . . . let's light the candles. Okay, and make a wish! Don't . . . don't tell me.

Son: Don't tell you?

Father: Yeah, don't tell me. Okay, and go ahead and blow out the candles. Okay, let's cut the cake, and then we can have cake and ice cream. And what do you want to do after the cake and ice cream?

Son: Play freeze tag.

Father: Now, how do you play tag?

Son: Um . . . one person is it, and the person who is it tries to tag everyone [Alright. And then . . . ] before I tag someone and then, another person tags me.

Father: Oh, wow. And whose coming over later today for your birthday?

Son: Well, everyone. Uh, my cousins, all my aunts and grandmas, grandpas.

Father: Alright. Well, Happy Birthday, Michael.

Test 101... 1. Why does the customer not buy the recommended sandwich at the beginning of the conversation?

A. It is too expensive.

B. He is not interested in ordering a burger.

C. He fears the food will make him sick.

2. What does the combo meal NOT come with?

A. an order of fries

B. a dessert

C. a sandwich

3. How does the specialty drink get its name?

A. It contains a wide range of ingredients.

B. It is prepared in the kitchen sink.

C. It comes in a very large cup.

4. Why was the man surprised by the price of his meal?

A. He thought the drink should have been included.

B. He felt the meal was way overpriced.

C. He was charged for two sandwiches instead of one.

5. What does the customer decide to do at the end of the conversation?

A. He orders something from the restaurant menu.

B. He decides to look for another place to eat.

C. He plans to come in a week when the prices are lower.

Server: Hi. Welcome to Joe's Hamburger Restaurant. [Hi] Home of the one-pound super deluxe hot and spicy cheeseburger. Will this be for here or to go?

Customer: Uh, to go.

Server: Okay. What would you like today? Would you like to try the one-pound super hot and spicy cheeseburger?

Customer: Uh. I don't think so. I'd probably have heartburn for a week after downing that monster.

Server: Well. It's our house special this week, and it comes with fries, and a large specialty drink called "Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink."

Customer: A what? "Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink"? What in the world is that?

Server: Well, it's a little mix of everything in a large cup: Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta Orange, and lemonade with crushed ice and a scoop of ice cream.

Customer: Ah, that sounds disgusting.

Server: Hey, it'll grow on you.

Customer: Nay, I think I'll just order a hamburger with some mustard and lettuce and a glass of water.

Server: Boring. Hey. Would you care for anything else like a side order of amazing cheesy onion rings?

Customer: No thank you. Onion rings usually don't agree with me.

Server: Hmm. Okay. Your total comes to ten ninety ($10.90).

Customer: Ten ninety? For just a hamburger?! You've got to be kidding

Server: Well, the one-pound super deluxe hamburger is nine dollars.

Customer: Hey, I didn't order a one-pound burger. I just wanted a simple burger. That's all.

Server: Well, sir. Joe's Hamburger Restaurant only serves one-pound burgers. [Man!] The one-pound super hot and spicy, the one-pound barbecue burger, the one-pound bacon cheese burger, the one-pound . . .

Customer: No, no. Those are all huge.

Server: Well, sir. If you really want something smaller [Yeah], you should order from the kids' menu: The half-pound super hot and spicy burger, the half-pound barbecue burger, the half-pound bacon cheese burger, the half-pound . . .

Customer: No. Those are still giant burgers.

Server: Well, in these parts, we are hearty eaters.

Customer: Okay, but you said my total was ten ninety, but the burger only comes to ten bucks. What about the other ninety cents?

Server: Well, sir. We only serve natural spring water from yonder hills, and . . .

Customer: Okay, okay. I'll take the giant burger and a bottle of your spring water. The sandwich should feed me for a week.

Test 102... 1. What kinds of music does this radio station play?

A. rhythm and blues

B. heavy metal

C. latin

2. What is the disk jockey's first name?

A. Harold

B. Harvey

C. Harry

3. Listeners can win ___________ by identifying the name of music numbers.

A. music CDs

B. concert tickets

C. money

4. How many times will listeners have a chance to win?

A. less than four times

B. four or five times

C. more than five times

5. To win, listeners must identify the name of the musical number and ________.

A. when it was recorded

B. where it was recorded

C. who recorded it

Disc Jockey:

"Ah, nothing like good old rhythm and blues to soothe the soul this late Wednesday night. This is Harry Williams, and I'll be with you throughout the night here on KQ1150. Oh, and don't forget that I'll be giving away tickets on the hour from now until sunup for those of you who can identify this tune:

[ jazz music ]

Call me at 693-3019 and be the seventh caller. And if you can tell me the name of the piece and the year it was recorded, you'll enjoy the tunes of one of the best bands ever a week from this Saturday night downtown at the Silver Palace.

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy listening to KQ1150."

Test 103... 1. Where does the man want to go?

A. Tokyo Subway Station

B. Tokyo Art Museum

C. Tokyo Tower

2. How much is the train fare?

A. 130 yen

B. 140 yen

C. 150 yen

3. Where should the man get on the train?

A. platform number 3

B. platform number 4

C. platform number 5

4. How often do the trains come?

A. about every five minutes

B. about every six minutes

C. about every seven minutes

5. Where should the man get off the train?

A. at Kamiyacho Station

B. at Kamigaya Station

C. at Kamiyama Station

Man: Let me see now. Which train do I need to get on?

Woman: Excuse me. Do you need any help?

Man: Yes, I want to go to Tokyo Tower, but I'm really lost. This is my first visit to Japan, so I have no idea on how to ride the trains.

Woman: First, you need to buy a ticket to your destination. [Um-HUH] From here, it's a hundred and thirty yen.

Man: A hundred thirty yen. Okay.

Woman: Then, get on the Hibiya Subway Line at platform number 4.

Man: Number 4, alright. Oh, and how often do the trains come around this time of day?

Woman: Usually, they come about every six minutes or so.

Man: Alright. And where do I get off the train.

Woman: Get off at Kamiyacho Station, three stops from here. The sign at the station is written in English, so you'll be able to read it.

Man: Three stops. Got it. Thanks for your help.

Woman: No problem. Good luck.

Test 104... 1. What kind of movie is the girl going to see on her date?

A. horror

B. romance

C. science fiction

2. At what theater is the movie playing?

A. Central Palace

B. Campus Plaza

C. Common Plex

3. How is the girl getting to the movie?

A. She is getting a ride with her brother.

B. Her date is coming to pick her up.

C. She is going by bus and will meet her date there.

4. What time does the movie begin?

A. 7:30 p.m.

B. 8:00 p.m.

C. 8:30 p.m.

5. What time does she have to be home?

A. 10:00 p.m.

B. 10:30 p.m.

C. 11:00 p.m.

Girl: He's here. Bye Dad.

Dad: Wait, wait, wait . . . Where are you going?

Girl: Dad. I've already told mom. I'm going out tonight.

Dad: Who with? You mean you're going on a date?

Girl: Yeah. Mom met Dirk yesterday. [Dirk!?] He's sooo cool. We're going on a double-date with Cindy and Evan.

Dad: Dirk.

Girl: I have to go.

Dad: Wait, wait. I want to meet this guy.

Girl: He's waiting for me.

Dad: Well, so what are you going to do tonight? Going to the library?

Girl: Dad! We're going out to eat, and then we're going to catch a movie.

Dad: What movie and what is it rated?

Girl: It's a science fiction thriller called . . . well, I don't know what it is called, but it's rated PG.

Dad: And where's the movie showing?

Girl: Down at the Campus Plaza Movie Theater.

Dad: Hey, I was thinking about seeing a movie down there tonight, too.

Girl: Ah, Dad.

Dad: Hey, Let me meet that guy.

[Father looks out the living room window . . .

Hey, that guy has a moustache!

Girl: Dad. That's not Dirk. That's his older brother. He's taking us there! Can I go now?

Dad: Well . . .

Girl: mom knows his parents.

Dad: Well . . .

Girl: Dad.

Dad: Okay, but be home by 8:00.

Girl: Eight!? The movie doesn't start until 7:30. Come on, Dad.

Dad: Okay. Be back by 11:00.

Girl: Love you, Dad.

Dad: Love you, too.

Girl: Bye.

Dad:ByeMom said I could, and mom knows his parents.

Dad: Well . . .

Girl: Dad.

Dad: Okay, but be home by 8:00.

Girl: Eight!? The movie doesn't start until 7:30. Come on, Dad.

Dad: Okay. Be back by 11:00.

Girl: Love you, Dad.

Dad: Love you, too.

Girl: Bye.


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