Feelings...: Flower's POV

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The picture is sort of like the room they are in. Just imagine four beds on each side, and a door at the front wall.

It was the best I found...

I watched as Singer lead James, by the hand, out of the room. "They're cute," Jazzy said, once they left. I nodded and looked over at Felo. "Just like you and Felo." I looked at her shocked. "Wha-what?!" She chuckled. "Don't deny it, you like him... don't you?" "Like a friend!"I shouted quickly. She waved her finger. "Like, like?" I blushed and shrugged. "He's a nice guy..." "And?" She asked. "Wh-why are you ask-asking me?" I asked her, blushing even more. "Just interested," She plainly said. I groaned. Sure he's nice... but I don't like him like that... do I? "I hear you in there," Jazzy said, tapping my forehead. "I, uh." She chuckled and booped my nose. "I'm going to look around here." "What if there are more guards?" I asked. "They would have heard the explosion and ran over there. And besides, I think they're all dead from that explosion." I shrugged. "You never know." "I have powers unlike anyone, I'll handle them," She said, walking through the door at the end of the hallway. I sighed. "I hope you guys are okay," I said, talking to the three on the bed, but nothing. "Still kind of silly you passed out Lily," I said to Lily, giggling a bit at the moment. I sighed once again. I looked at my bone hands and arms. I closed my eyes, and thought about everything that has happened. My brother, the cell, Mark, my new friends, me... I opened my eyes, and my hands were normal. "What the?" I rubbed my eyes and looked once again, same thing. I touched my head, my dog ears were still there. I touched my face, normal too. "Hey I-" I turned around and saw Jazzy. She looked at me in shock, but then turned into a smile. "I see your turning normal too?" I nodded and smiled. "What were you going to say?" I asked. "I didn't find anything. Did any of them wake up yet?" I shook my head. She nodded and sat on the empty bed next to me. "What now?" "We-" "Ugh, my head." I looked at where the voice came from, Felo! I got up and ran to him, hugging him. "What happened?" He asked, holding his head. "I don't know, I'm just happy you're okay," I said, hugging him tighter. "What happened to your, uh?" He said, pointing to my head. "Long story," I said, giggling. He shrugged and hugged me. "That's just cute," Jazzy said, crossing her arms. I blushed and let go. Felo blushed and sat up. "All I remember is Mary and then-" "Boom," Jazzy interrupted, waving her hands around. "Are you saying you blew up?" I asked Felo. "I am a creeper," He said. "Not for long," Jazzy mumbled. "What?!" He shouted. "Let me tell you," I said.

I told him about the water, Singer's new skin color, our prediction, and Mark. "So, I will be normal soon?" He asked, looking at his hands and tuxedo. "Maybe," I said, grabbing his hand. I locked eyes with him. I blushed even harder and stood up. "Singer and James went searching for anything useful," I said. "What about the guards?" Felo asked. "Probably all dead, from what I think," Jazzy said, shrugging. "So, do we just wait for them?" He asked. "Hmm, can you shush and stop asking questions?" She asked, doing a shush motion with her hands. "Alright, alright, sorry," He said, standing up. "Hey guys," A voice said from the door. I looked over and saw Singer and James. Singer was holding a file case, but they both looked a bit upset. "What's wrong?" Jazzy asked, walking up to them. "What, have you done here?" Singer asked, stepping away. Jazzy stood in silence. "Jazzy?" I asked, walking up behind her. Still, she stood silent. I put one hand on her shoulder, but she brushed it off. "A lot of things."

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