Felo...What did you do?!: Lily POV

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Everything was white, I couldn't move. I was scared. I started seeing moving figures running towards me. "Lily?!" I heard someone shout, but it sounded distant. I groaned and got up slowly. "What happened?" I asked the person. I looked up and saw it was James. "James?" He nodded and picked me up. "Where's Singer? Jazzy? Flowers? Felo?" James sighed and pointed at a body with no arms and legs, but had a creeper head....Felo's body! "F-felo?" I asked pointing at the body. James nodded. "Put me down please." He placed me down. I looked around and saw my, dad? "Daddy!" I ran over to him. He was laying down, not moving. "Come on, this is no funny." I started shaking him around, nothing. "Come one dad! Wake up!" I tickled him on the neck, but nothing. "Daddy..." I started crying...I already know that he's... I heard someone groan. I looked and saw Singer getting up slowly, holding her head. "Singer!" James shouted, running up to he and hugging her. Singer hugged him back, but then looked at Felo. "Is that...Felo?" James nodded. I ran up to Singer and hugged her, and started crying into her chest. "Why are you crying?" I pointed at my dad, who was till laying motionless on the floor. Singer gasped. "So, both Felo and Mark..." Singer bent down and hugged me. I cried even harder into her chest. She petted my hair. "Where's Flowers and Jazzy?" James shrugged. "Let's look for them." "Let's go Lily," Singer said. I nodded and started looking around, trying not to look at my dad. I found Jazzy and yelled to the others, "I found Jazzy!" Singer and James ran over next to me. "I'll get her," Singer said, picking up Jazzy. "When were you so strong?" James asked. "I don't know, it's just one of my powers I guess." They placed Jazzy near Mark. "Jazzy, wake up," Singer said, shaking Jazzy a bit. Jazzy opened her left eye, but not her right. "Are you okay?" James said, taking notice of what Jazzy was doing. She shook her head. "My right eye hurts, a lot!" Jazzy shouted, grabbing her right eye. "Let me see," I said, trying to move her hand. "What can a little kid like you do?" She asked me. "I'm the daughter of a scientist and the nephew of another scientist...do you think I can do something?!" I shouted back to her. They all looked at me for awhile. "Now, let me see." Jazzy nodded and moved her hand down, but kept her eye shut. I sighed. "Are you scared?" I asked. She nodded slowly. "Can you two look away please?" Singer and James nodded and walked away, looking for Flowers. "Open your eye." Jazzy sighed and opened it, and what I saw it something I didn't expect. "What in the." "Is it bad?" She asked in a worried tone. "It's..." "It's what?!" She was growing impatient. "It's normal."

I know it's Friday and I should be doing Fallout Friends, but, my friend updated something that I asked them to do, so in return, I did Test-a-Morph..

Sadly no one else wanted to be in it so somethings may change, but it will still be awesome! 

Love ya'll! <3!

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