Friends, Family: Jazzy's POV

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My eyes didn't go back to normal, but it's alright, my family doesn't mind at all, after I explained of course.

"Mother, Father," I said, walking downstairs. "Yes sweetie," My mother said, walking up next to me. "Can I go see my friends?" I asked. "Okay, but first," She started. Father walked in with some purple shades. "What are those for?" I asked, grabbing them. "To wear of course," My father said, rubbing my head. I laughed and put them on. "It looks great on you," He said, smiling. I smiled. "Now, go see your friends," My mother said, opening the door. "I can teleport, remember?" I said. They both chuckled. "It's just, nevermind," My mother said, shrugging. I laughed and teleported. 

I landed in front of James' door. I knocked. "Oh hey," Singer said, opening the door. James walked up behind her and waved. "Hey James, Singer," I said, walking inside. "We were just watching the news," James said, sitting back on the couch. Singer sat on the couch, putting her head on his shoulder. "What's goin' on?" I asked, sitting next to Singer. "Well," Singer started putting an arm around James. "We, may or may not have confessed," James finished, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "No way," I said. They both nodded. "Shh, the news," James said, putting a finger on his mouth and pointing at the TV. "All guards have searched the damaged building and found no trace of Mary Green," The news reporter said, the camera looking around at the damage we did. It showed Mark and Lily, walking around. "Mark," The reporter said, walking up to him. "Oh, yes," Mark said, waving at the camera. We waved, even though he wouldn't probably see us. "Care to tell us anything?" The reporter asked, putting the microphone to him. "Well, I could have never gotten out, without the help of some very special children," Mark started, picking up Lily. Lily smiled and waved at the camera. "She's so cute," Singer whispered, snuggling into James. "Agreed," We both said. "Who would they be?" "Jazzy MCD, James Web, Singer Derpy, Felo 104, and Natty Flowers," Mark said. "Children, snack!" James' mother shouted from the kitchen. I turned off the TV and got off the couch, so did Singer and James. "Hey guys," I whispered, walking to the kitchen. They nodded and sat at the table. "Do you have a strange feeling?" I asked, sitting down. "About what?" James asked. "Something," I answered. They both nodded. "Is it, a sign or something?" Singer asked. James' mom placed some cookies and three cups of milk on the table. "Enjoy," She said, walking upstairs. "Should we tell the others?" James asked, taking a sip of milk. "Maybe," Singer said, grabbing a cookie. 

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