Happy!: Felo's POV

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I knocked on the door to my friends house. I haven't seen him in so long, may as well say hi before going to see my parents. "Coming!" I heard the familiar voice shout. Levin opened the door and looked at me. "F-felo?" He asked. I nodded. He hugged me. "It's good to see you," He said, crying. "But, why are you here so early?" He asked. "It's a long story," I said, hugging him tighter. "I would love to hear it some time," He said. I laughed. "You going to see your parents?" He asked. I nodded, wiping a tear away. "Okay, good luck," He said, hugging me and then going back in his house. 

I walked to my house. I knocked on the door and waited. "I'll get it!" I heard my little sister say. "Yes?" She asked, looking at me. "Are you the sister of Felo?" I asked, bending down. She looked at the tuxedo I was wearing. "Brother?" She asked. I nodded and smiled. She hugged me, starting to cry. "Who is it swee-" My mom said, stopping once she saw me. "Felo!" She shouted, joining the hug. "Did I hear Felo?" My father asked, walking outside. He saw me and joined the hug as well. "Why are you here so early?" She asked. "Let me tell you inside," I said. They nodded and we all went inside.

I told them everything that was needed. About my new friends, the morphing, Mark, the corporation, and what their real plan was. "Well, I'm filing a complaint then," My mother said. I laughed. "I think Mark's on it," I said, putting my sister on my lap. "So, you have powers?" My sister asked. "Yeah, creeper powers," I said. "Cool, can you show me?" She asked. I summoned a minion creeper, but not to blow up. "It's so cute!" She shouted, running to it. "You can keep that one," I said, petting it. She gasped. "Yay!" She hugged it. "Don't make it mad though," I said. My parents laughed. 

A Few Days Later

It's been so long, I'm happy. 

The corporation is gone, I have my friends and family back, but...

why does it feel like something is missing?

I looked at the paper I was going to send. What should I write to her.... I sighed. Maybe I should tell her how I feel... I started writing.

Dear Flowers,

How have you been? I've been good if you're wondering. My sister's just been a little silly, like always. I really miss you guys, it's a bit quiet without you next to me. 

I actually want to confess something to you, Flowers. The first day I met you, I, saw an interest in you. I know it's a bit weird, but I think I like you, and I mean like like you. It's okay if you don't feel the same, and I'm sorry if I offended you or anything.


I looked at the paper and put it in the chest. Hope she gets it... It did the purple light, meaning it was delivered. I laid on my bed, looking at the ceiling. "Good night guys," I said, bringing memories back. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

This was a bit different, but I thought it was much better than the other two I did...

Again, this story is coming to an end soon, please let me know if I should do a book two because I already have ideas for it... 

Till next update, see ya'!

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