I'm Not Next, They Are: Flowers POV

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It's been a few day since Felo arrived and a few days since James became an enderman. The odd thing is that, they haven't done any test on us. Singer and Jazzy have been telling me about all the painful tests they had to do, but none have happen. Yes, that's good for them, but me, I'm a bit scared. I know I shouldn't be, but what if that means I'm next?

"So, how does it feel to be an enderman?" Felo asked James. James shrugged. "Not that different. It's just that now my armor looks even more epic!" It was true. His arm our was now purple and black, but they took off his helmet. So that leaves him to show his half enderman face. "Another thing is that I can teleport!" "Why don't you try teleporting out of here?" I asked. "Okay brb." He then disappeared for a few seconds and then reappeared again. "What the heck?!" "Looks like we can't leave," Jazzy said, who was floating in the cell. "Cool! I didn't know you could do that!" Singer shouted. Jazzy winked and levitated herself down. "When is it going to be breakfast?" I asked, because I was really hungry. Just then a guard came and said, "It's shower time! Let's go!" I quickly grabbed my green sweater, Felo grabbed his tuxedo. They give prisoners showers? I thought, as the guard made us line up. We walked down to the floor above us and was led into two different restrooms. "Girls to the left and boys to the right." Me, Singer and Jazzy went into the girls room and James and Felo went into the boys. The restroom was a big white room with four showers, four sinks, and four changing rooms. "Finally! A nice warm bath!" Singer exclaimed happily. Me and Jazzy laughed and went into our showers. While we were taking a bath we all were singing in the showers. I sang A Thousand Years, Singer sang Glad You Came (that's my favorite song FYI), and Jazzy sang a bunch of different songs. Once we were done we all went into the changing rooms and for dressed. I put on my green sweater which reminded me of home. 25 years here.......I don't think died because of an ambush... I shook the thought out of my head. Why would they kill him? What you thinking about? I heard Jazzy say. (To let you guys know bold and slanted means Jazzy is in their heads, back to the story) why are you in my thoughts again? Just heard about a guy named Mick or something... First of all its Nick and that's my brother.... Then Jazzy was silent. I knew a guy named Nick....he was the nicest guy I met... Do you know how he died? He was morphed with a baby zombie, making him short.... That's hilarious... Yeah, but....they wanted to morph him into a grown zombie, I believe a lady named Mary did the operation....and during the operation she....... She didn't need to finish....I already knew what she meant. They killed him, and they will die. I walked out of the changing room to find Singer and Jazzy waiting for me. You okay? I shook my head and walked out of the showers.

"Is Flowers okay? She been quiet ever since we came back from the showers," Felo asked, who was now wearing the tuxedo. "It's a long story," Jazzy said. "Can you tell me in my head?" Felo asked. "No, it's personal!" I shouted to Felo. He jumped back in shocked and nodded. "Okay, okay. Calm down Flowers," Singer said, obviously trying to calm me down. But nothing could, the on,y thing that would make me feel better was ending the scientist that killed him. I ignored everyone and walked up to the bars. I opened the little window and shouted down the hallway, "YOU'RE NEXT STUPID SCIENTISTS! I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" Everyone looked at me shocked, except Jazzy. She shook her head and floated to the top bunk, even though it wasn't her bed. "Flowers just talk to us," James said in a calm voice. "I'm not saying anything until they take me." "What do you mean 'take me'?" Felo asked. "I want them to morph me I can kill them," I said plainly, cause right now I didn't care. "If you want revenge that's a bad idea," Jazzy said from the top bunk. Everyone looked at her confused, but I think I already understood why. "I knew a friend, his name was Nick. He was killed and I was upset about it. One day in testing, I tried to kill the scientist who did it, Doctor Mary. Before I could finish her off I was locked in the advanced cells." "What do you mean advanced cells?" Singer asked, getting on the bunk with her. "Somewhere in this building there is a prison with guards in the inside and outside, you are chained up, and get no food, only water." James groaned. "Why are these people jerks?!" Everyone shrugged. "Cause, they want us to fight?" Felo responded. "Do they? Or do they want test subjects?" Singer asked. "I say the second one," Jazzy said, laying on the top bunk. "Me three," James said, sitting on the floor. "Me four," Felo said, who was leaning on the bars. "What do you think Flowers?" Felo asked me. I shrugged and replied, "I think both." I heard Felo's footsteps behind me. He sat next to me and asked, "Are you okay?" "It's just personal issues." He sat silent for a few seconds, Jazzy was probably explaining to him what happened. "Oh, I see," Felo said. Yep, she told him.... Sorry, it was for the best... I sighed and stood up. "I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when it's time to eat." Felo nodded. I went to the top bunk and slept.

"Wake up!" I heard someone shouted. I didn't move so the person rolled me off the bed. I fell and landed on my back. "It's time to eat!" I looked up and saw that it was a guard, everyone else was outside their cells in a line. I groaned and got up. "Let's go!" I nodded and got into line.

One we were in the eating room we waited. None of us said a word to each other, maybe Jazzy was. "You are in hunger games. Do you want iron armor and diamond sword, or iron sword and diamond armor?" Singer asked us. Everyone thought about it for a minute. "I would have the diamond sword cause that is much stronger than iron," I said. I think diamond armor would be good, cause then you don't die that quickly," Jazzy replied. "I say the diamond sword," James said. Felo nodded in agreement and then looked around. "I'm hungry, what's taking them so long?" Felo asked. Everyone shrugged. "But, about what you said Flowers," Singer said. "What happened that made you so mad?" She asked. "Like I said, it's personal." "But it seems like Jazzy and Felo know," James said. After about three minutes of silence, I sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you." Everyone scooted in, you know, sort of like kindergartners ready for story time. "My brother was here, his name was Nick." "Oh, I've heard that he died from an ambush," Felo said. I shook my head at him and said, "No, they killed him. And I think you know who I'm talking about." Everyone nodded, meaning that they knew. "I don't really want to go into details about how he died, only that I am getting revenge." Everyone sat in silence until food came. Today, we had only bread and soup. 

"So, what's your plan?" Jazzy asked, sitting next to me. The guards moved us into different cells. Jazzy and Singer were in my cell while the boys were in the other one. "I'll wait for them to morph me. Then, if we ever do training, then I'm going to kill Mary." "First of all, I'm not sure." Then Singer finished for her saying, "Number two, the scientist hind behind unbreakable glass. So, good luck to you." Then, this time, four guards came and unlocked both of the cells. "Flowers, Felo. Come on," One of the guards said. It's time.... I walked out of the cell, so did Felo. But why are they doing both of us? At the same time too? Good luck.... Thanks, I'll be needing it.... The four guards led us down the hallway a little awhile, until we split apart. Two of the guards to Felo down another hallway, and then we continued walking. After passing around 10 doors, they walked up to two iron doors. "C.O.M.E," The guard said into a lock pad. C.O.M.E? What does that mean? The door opened and a scientist was waiting on the other side. "Hello Flowers," The scientist said, motioning for the guards to leave. "Do I know you?" He moved his goggles over his head and said, "It's me, Mark." I stood there silent and then walked in. "Oh, you excited?" I sat on the table and shrugged. "I'm sorry for doing a bad first impression." "But why?" He leaned in and whispered to me, "I'll explain tonight." I nodded and laid down, he didn't even have to tell me to. "Okay, I am going to put a sleeping shot, okay?" I nodded and he gave me the shot. He did it very gently, so it didn't hurt at all. Slowly, I began to fall asleep.

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