The Beginning: Amy's POV

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Hello, my name is Singer, but my family would call me Amy. It's been 8 years since the cooperation took me away from my family. You may be confused on what I'm saying. Let me start from the beginning.

8 Years Ago

I was playing in the living room with my stuffed enderman and creeper. "I shall go now." I then acted like the enderman, or Endy, teleported away frome the creeper, or Creeps. I then heard three loud knocks on the door.

Knock, Knock, Knock!

My mom looked from the kitchen and asked, "Who can that be?" She walked over to the door and gasped. "Ahem, may we speak outside please?" I then heard a man from outside say, "That's alright then." My mom looked over her shoulder at me and said, "Wait right there." I nodded and continued playing, but then a wave of curiosity hit me. I peeked out the window and saw two men wearing enchanted diamond armor. One of them had an enchanted bow, probably flame? The other one had a diamond sword with enchantments. The guy with the bow looked over at the window. I quickly hid below the window, but he probably saw me because I then heard the door open. I went over to it and noticed that it only opened a little bit. So I went over to it and began to listen to their conversation.

"Why now? Her birthday is in two days!" That must have been my mother.

"Ma'am, you agreed that it would start in May!"

I then heard my mother sobbing. I would've went out to hug her, but I wanted to continue listening.

"Miss, I am truly sorry but we need her. To save us."

"B-bu she's so young...only five years old!" That was true! I though.

I then heard one of the guards sigh and the other chuckled.

"We will use force to take her!"

My mother sighed and slowly walked to the door. I ran over to where I was playing and continued, as if I had heard nothing. My mother walked towards me, crying. "Mommy? Why are bo cwying?" My mom sat next to me and hugged me the tightest she has ever hugged me. "S-sweetie, you promise you'll let me explain?" I nodded, well, somewhat nodded since she was still hugging me. "These men are going to take you somewhere mommy and daddy will probably never see you again. But, you will be helping everyone in the town. You'll save them." I began to cry, thinking about being in a world without my parents. "Is-is daddy going to know?" My mom nodded in a sad way. "Promise me you will be kind and help many people." "I-I pwomise." The guard with the sword then knelt next to my mom and said, "Ma'am we have to leave soon." "How long until we see her again?!" She was slowly starting to hug me tighter. The man with the bow sighed and started counting. " the next tests.......about...20 years ma'am.." My mom cried even harder and held me evern harder. "She would be 25 by the time she's back!" I couldn't help but cry with her, for it was the last time we would cry together. "We shall wait for your husband to come so you can say your goodbyes." My mom nodded and took me to the kitchen.

After about 30 minutes my dad came blasting through the door and quickly ran to me and hugged my tight. My mom joined in the hug and I took in the moment to remember that hug. "You will be strong for us, won't you my little ender girl?" I wiped away a tear and nodded. We said our final goodbyes and kisses. Before the guards took me out the door my mom and dad handed me some things. My mom gave me my two stuffed monsters and my dad gave me headphones that were yellow and black. "They have your favorite music in them..." My mom and dad hugged me once again and let the two guards take me away. I looked to my left and saw my friend, James, running towards me. The guards moved a little to let him hug me. "So, you weaving already." I nodded and buried my face into his shoulder. "Maybe I'll see you next year." I nodded. He then handed me a photo that had the two of us sitting on a hill facing the sunset. I looked at the photo and smiled. "See you there." The two guards then nudged me to continue moving forward. I looked back to see my parents waving, and James looking at me. Goodbye everyone, I thought. They then put me in the trunk of a black truck.

After what seemed like hours they opened the trunk and let me out. I jumped out, squeezing my toys and the photo. I looked at the massive building that had four floors made out of iron and had iron bars instead of windows. The place sort of looked like that cops and robbers map that people play a lot, except bigger. A giant iron door opened to reveal a scientist with brown skin, black hair, and lab coat? I couldn't see what color his eyes were because he had dark black shades on. He walked towards me and extended his arm. "Come with me Singer. Or would you prefer that I called you Amy?" I put the picture in my right hand and wrapped my hand around his arm. "You can call me either of them, but my friends normally call me Singer and my parents call me Amy." The scientist nodded and started walking. "I, um, am having trouble here." I really was, for he was much taller than me, making me have to stand on my tiptoes. He chuckled and picked me up. "Is this better Singer?" I nodded and smiled. He was nicer than I was expecting. "What you name?" "My name is Professor Mark. But you can call me Pro Mark." I couldn't help but giggle at the name. "Why is you name Pro Mark?" "That is what the others call me young one." I laughed and nodded. I really think I'm going to like it.... But before I could finish that thought, some guards took me harshly by the shoulder and started dragging me. I looked at Mark and extended my arms and did the 'up' motion babies do. Mark just looked at me sad and walked away.

The guards through me into a stone cell that had a bunk bed, a small iron barred winds that you couldn't even reach, a one by two desk, and a small chest. "What da heck?! I thought you were suppose to be nice!" The guards laughed. The first one said, "That was an act so your parents wouldn't think of us as bad people! Now shush and go to sleep!" I began to cry, making that guards mad. The second guard started to bag on the bars and shout, "Stop crying! Or else we'll take all your belongings." That shushed me up because I didn't want them to take the last things my parents gave me. The second guard smirked and the first one said, "That's what I thought." They then left me. I thought they were suppose to be nice. Mark was being super nice.....why? I then put the picture James gave me on the desk and put the two stuffed toys on the top bunk. I laid down on the bed and stayed still, thinking about what just happened. It was all happening so fast, and I didn't understand anymore. What are they really going to do to me? My parents did tell me about them coming. They said they would train me to help in the guard squad and defeat the Nether, our worst enemy. But after what they just did and said, they were probably going to do something else.

Present Time: 8 years later

Now you know why I'm here. You maybe wondering, "What have they done to you?" Yelp, they next day they took me into a testing chamber and gave me a shot. Yes, it did hurt! Everything was foggy after that. When I awoke the next day I took a look in the mirror they gave me, and boy was I scared. I had yellow and white clothes, my eyes were yellow, I still had my long dark hair, but my skin......was green. They had mixed me with some zombie DNA, or what I think it is. I then felt something touch my back. I looked behind me to see a yellow tail on me. They had also mixed me with an ocelot. That's nice! I also had yellow ears with a white center. I'm still the same right now. The only things they have been doing ever since is tests on my abilities and taking my blood. It's not as fun as it sounds. They would either release a bunch of mobs on me, or strap me into a chair and do tests on me their. Welcome to the world of torture!

If you're wondering if I'm all lonely, I don't know. Sometimes, at the end of the hallway, I would hear someone or something groan. It would either reply, when I shout, "Hello!" Then I would hear, in a voice, that sounded like mine say, "Hello..." In return. Other times, it would just continue groaning. I've learned to ignore, for it was probably just my mind playing tricks on me. But lately, I've been hearing the scientist talking about.moving experiment 114 or something like that into my cell. So, that probably means that the voice is someone else trapped here. Wonder what type of monster they were morphed with? Besides that question, I've been mostly telling myself , Only 12 more years and then you'll see mommy and daddy again. Though, whenever I brought that up to the guards they would just start laughing and walk away.  

As I was telling myself again about 12 more years and all that, I saw a guard walk all the way down the hallway and come back with a girl that had Aphmau hair and everything, probably her daughter, but instead of normal eyes, she had white eyes, like Herobrine. Probably Herobrine DNA I thought. The guard unlocked the cell an through her in. She fell face first on the hard cold stone floor. I hid in the corner, for I had not seen a person my age in sooo long. She did regain conscious and got up on her knees. She looked at me hiding in the corner, wrapping my tail around my legs. The Herobrine girl gave me a warm smile and said, "Y-you must be the person that would say hello to me?"

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