What's Goin' On?!: Flower's POV

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My name is Natty, but my friends and family would call me Flower. It's been about 25 years since my brother was taken by the corporation. His name was Nick. He was the nicest brother any sister could have. Then one day he had to leave for....25 years I think. He should be coming home tomorrow.....that's what I thought though.

I was on my porch, waiting for Nick. I saw the black truck that the guards put him in drive up to our house. I stood up and yelled through the doors, "Mom! Dad! Nick is home!" My mom and dad ran out of the house and stood next to me. Two guards came out of the truck and stood there talking for a bit. The first one shook his head and went back into the truck. Where is he? The second guard sighed and walked up to the porch. My mom had a worried look on her face, but tried to hide it. My dad put his hand on my shoulder and whispered into my ear," After this we need to talk...ok?" I nodded and looked at the guard, who was now standing in front of us. "Are you Nick's family?" My dad nodded and my mom covered her mouth. The guard sighed and said, "He...sadly...died when the base was ambushed...." My mom was now crying, so was I. My dad wasn't crying, he was only holding back the tears. "I'm really sorry." The guard said. He then walked away and got into the truck. The drove away leaving us on the porch, stunned about what they just said. We went inside the house. My mom went to her room, still crying. I wanted to go to my room as well, but my dad stopped me. "Can we please talk?" I nodded, and wiped away a tear. My dad went to the couch and motioned me to come and sit down. I did so and he started talking, "You loved Nick? Correct?" I nodded. "What if, you had a chance to do the same thing he did and......" I stopped him before he could finish, "If it's for Nick, I will do it. If I can get a chance to get revenge for what they did, I will do it." My dad smiled at me and took out a piece of paper from his pocket. He handed it to me and I read it out loud.

Dear Miss Flower,

We are truly sorry for Nick's death, but we need your help. You have been excepted to come and join us to stop the Nether and help many. You will leave in two days if you wish to come. But please note, that because your brother stayed for 25 years you will have to do so too. There, you will be trained to fight in combat and archery, maybe even magic if you are a well student. Two guards will arrive at your house in two days to pick you up, you must tell them your choice by then. Also, only bring little things including toys, photos, jewelry, and other family items. Do not bring any clothes, for we will have those ready for you.


Professor Mark

My dad sighed and got up from the couch. "You make your choice honey. Me nor your mother will stop you from making your choice." He went up to his room and closed the door. I sat there on the couch and looked at the letter. This could be a chance to improve my attack skills.....and to avenge my brother death. I got up from the couch and said to myself, "I will go."

Two Days Later

I had already packed a tiny bag of my favorite belongings. Inside the bag I put a picture of my whole family, my iron sword, and my favorite green jacket. I waited at the porch for at least two hours. After two hours they did come. The black truck parked in front of my house, and like it said in the note, two guards with diamond armor, enchanted, came out of the truck and walked up to me. "I see you are ready?" The second guard said. I nodded and heard my parents foot steps behind me. "Oh....I see you are here to take Flower?" The first guard nodded. "Goodbye sweetie." We all hugged and said goodbye. I grabbed my bag and the guards took me to the trunk of the truck and told me to go in. I went in and they started the truck.

After somewhat, three hours, we stopped. They opened the trunk and I got out. I looked at the building. It was huge! The only thing that bothered me was that there were iron bars instead of glass windows. "The bars are so that people don't try and get in." The first guard said. I nodded, for that did seem reasonable. Then a huge iron door opened up and a man stepped through them. He had brown skin, black hair, I think, and a black lab coat. He extended his arm to me and said, "Hello there miss Flower! Or do you like Natty better?" "I like to be called Flower." He chuckled. "You are lovely as a flower, so I understand." Is a scientist actually flirting with me? I laughed and nodded. "Come, let me escort you to your room." I took his arm and he led me into the huge building.

After we passed a few doors and stopped at two iron doors. "I forgot to ask, what's your name?" "Oh, my name is Professor Mark, but everyone calls me Pro Mark." I laughed, because that was a silly nickname. "So, you're a pro at being a professor?" He laughed and nodded. He then stopped laughing and frowned. "What's....." Before I finished he said something that actually scared me. "I'm....sorry for this....." Just then two guards came through the iron doors and grabbed me by the arms. One of the guards looked in my bag and took my iron sword. "Hey put that back!" The guard ignored me and said, "Come on!" I was then led, harshly, through the iron doors and thrown into a cell. "What's goin on?!" The two guards laughed, gave me back my bag, and walked away. I heard quiet breathing from behind me and from the cell in front of me. "H-hello....is someone there?" Then from the top bunk, a boy, in a green master chief armor, woke up and said, "Oh...hey there!" He got down and walked up to me. "My name is jjweb3323, but my friends call me James." He extended his hand and I shook it. "M-my name is Natty, but you can call me Flowers." He nodded and stood next to the bars. "Hey guys! We got a newbie!" Then, on both beds, someone got up. "What?! Really?! Already?!" The one on the top bunk said. She got down and stood next to the bars. From what I could make put, she had yellow and white clothes, same with headphones, yellow eyes, cat features, and green skin. She walked over to the girl on the bottom bunk and said, "Hey Jazzy! Wake up!" The girl on the bottom groaned and got up. She looked over at me and boy was her eyes weird! Somehow she must have read my thoughts because then the Aphmau answered, "I had Herobrinw DNA transferred into me." I nodded and said, "What's are your names?" The zombie girl said, "My name is DerpySinger01, but you can call me Singer or Amy." "I'm Aphmau_1245_MCD! But you can call me Jazzy!" "How long have you guys been here....and why are they so mean?" "I've been here for 8 years, Jazzy's been here for 12 years, and James' has been here for two days." Singer said. I looked over at James and said, "They haven't turned you into anything yet?" He nodded his head happily. "Yep, wonder what kind of mob I I'll turn into?" What about Mark? "What about Mark? He seems nice." James sighed, except Singer and Jazzy. "He is better than the other scientist." Singer said. Jazzy nodded in agreement and said, "He is not harsh and gives you some thing yummy afterwards." "And sometimes he comes to the cells and says hello." James then gasped and said, "Then why did he say your name so low when he said that you told him about me?" "Because, the corporation doesn't know he talks to us." Jazzy said. "Soooo....what's your name?" Jazzy said. I laughed and said, "Sorry, forgot to say. My name is Natty, but everyone calls me Flowers." Singer yawned and went up to her bed. "I'm headin' back to bed. Goodnight!" Jazzy nodded and went to her bed. "Goodnight James! Goodnight Flowers!" James went to the top bunk and pointed at the bottom one and said, "You can sleep on the bottom bunk." "Ok!" Before I went into my bed I put the picture of my family, next to another picture that was probably James, on the little desk and put on my jacket. I then crawled into the bed and thought to myself, 25 years here! I hope they don't do anything bad to me! I then heard someone in my head say, Don't count on it. Who is this? Oh....this is Jazzy. I looked over at Jazzy and wishes waved to me. Please go to sleep.... Fine Flowers, goodnight! She then smiled and closed her eyes. I did the same too, and began to sleep.

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